294 research outputs found

    Toric Border Bases

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    We extend the theory and the algorithms of Border Bases to systems of Laurent polynomial equations, defining "toric" roots. Instead of introducing new variables and new relations to saturate by the variable inverses, we propose a more efficient approach which works directly with the variables and their inverse. We show that the commutation relations and the inversion relations characterize toric border bases. We explicitly describe the first syzygy module associated to a toric border basis in terms of these relations. Finally, a new border basis algorithm for Laurent polynomials is described and a proof of its termination is given for zero-dimensional toric ideals

    A Sparse Flat Extension Theorem for Moment Matrices

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    In this note we prove a generalization of the flat extension theorem of Curto and Fialkow for truncated moment matrices. It applies to moment matrices indexed by an arbitrary set of monomials and its border, assuming that this set is connected to 1. When formulated in a basis-free setting, this gives an equivalent result for truncated Hankel operators

    Flat extensions in *-algebras

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    The main result of the paper is a flat extension theorem for positive linear functionals on *-algebras. The theorem is applied to truncated moment problems on cylinder sets, on matrices of polynomials and on enveloping algebras of Lie algebras

    Border Basis relaxation for polynomial optimization

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    A relaxation method based on border basis reduction which improves the efficiency of Lasserre's approach is proposed to compute the optimum of a polynomial function on a basic closed semi algebraic set. A new stopping criterion is given to detect when the relaxation sequence reaches the minimum, using a sparse flat extension criterion. We also provide a new algorithm to reconstruct a finite sum of weighted Dirac measures from a truncated sequence of moments, which can be applied to other sparse reconstruction problems. As an application, we obtain a new algorithm to compute zero-dimensional minimizer ideals and the minimizer points or zero-dimensional G-radical ideals. Experimentations show the impact of this new method on significant benchmarks.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Symbolic Computatio

    Exact relaxation for polynomial optimization on semi-algebraic sets

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    In this paper, we study the problem of computing by relaxation hierarchies the infimum of a real polynomial function f on a closed basic semialgebraic set and the points where this infimum is reached, if they exist. We show that when the infimum is reached, a relaxation hierarchy constructed from the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker ideal is always exact and that the vanishing ideal of the KKT minimizer points is generated by the kernel of the associated moment matrix in that degree, even if this ideal is not zero-dimensional. We also show that this relaxation allows to detect when there is no KKT minimizer. We prove that the exactness of the relaxation depends only on the real points which satisfy these constraints.This exploits representations of positive polynomials as elementsof the preordering modulo the KKT ideal, which only involves polynomials in the initial set of variables. Applications to global optimization, optimization on semialgebraic sets defined by regular sets of constraints, optimization on finite semialgebraic sets, real radical computation are given

    On the dimension of spline spaces on planar T-meshes

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    We analyze the space of bivariate functions that are piecewise polynomial of bi-degree \textless{}= (m, m') and of smoothness r along the interior edges of a planar T-mesh. We give new combinatorial lower and upper bounds for the dimension of this space by exploiting homological techniques. We relate this dimension to the weight of the maximal interior segments of the T-mesh, defined for an ordering of these maximal interior segments. We show that the lower and upper bounds coincide, for high enough degrees or for hierarchical T-meshes which are enough regular. We give a rule of subdivision to construct hierarchical T-meshes for which these lower and upper bounds coincide. Finally, we illustrate these results by analyzing spline spaces of small degrees and smoothness

    Isolated points, duality and residues

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    In this paper, we are interested in the use of duality in effective computations on polynomials. We represent the elements of the dual of the algebra R of polynomials over the field K as formal series in K[[d]] in differential operators. We use the correspondence between ideals of R and vector spaces of K[[d]], stable by derivation and closed for the (d)-adic topology, in order to construct the local inverse system of an isolated point. We propose an algorithm, which computes the orthogonal D of the primary component of this isolated point, by integration of polynomials in the dual space K[d], with good complexity bounds. Then we apply this algorithm to the computation of local residues, the analysis of real branches of a locally complete intersection curve, the computation of resultants of homogeneous polynomials

    The Hilbert scheme of points and its link with border basis

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    In this paper, we give new explicit representations of the Hilbert scheme of μ\mu points in \PP^{r} as a projective subvariety of a Grassmanniann variety. This new explicit description of the Hilbert scheme is simpler than the previous ones and global. It involves equations of degree 22. We show how these equations are deduced from the commutation relations characterizing border bases. Next, we consider infinitesimal perturbations of an input system of equations on this Hilbert scheme and describe its tangent space. We propose an effective criterion to test if it is a flat deformation, that is if the perturbed system remains on the Hilbert scheme of the initial equations. This criterion involves in particular formal reduction with respect to border bases