8 research outputs found


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    The article presents the results of the research into photosynthetic activity of soy plantations under the application of various types of fungicides and inoculant Rhizoactive. The object of the research is soy plants of cultivar Anushka and microbial preparation Rhizoactive. Concentration of chlorophyll a and b was investigated at the phase of blossom ending and formation of beans using spectrophotometer according to the methods developed by Z.M. Hrytsaienko and co-authors. Parameters of net productivity of plantings photosynthesis were calculated according to the methods of A.O. Nechyporenko. It has been found out thatweather and agronomic conditionsas well as biologically active substances (different types of fungicides and microbial preparation) influence the productivity of photosynthetic processes in soy plants. It has been established that under application of fungicides Akanto Plus 28 KC, 1.0 l/ha, Amistar Extra 280 SC, KC, 0.75 l/ha, Bamper Super 490, KE, 1.5 l/ha, Impact K. 0.8l/ha, Koronet 300 SC, KC 0.8 l/ha against the background of inoculant Rhizoactive (2.0 kg/per 1 ton of seeds) the concentration of green pigments (chlorophylls a and b) increases considerably, which promotes the increase in the parameters of net productivity of photosynthesis. This is due to the fact that combined application of fungicides and inoculant has an optimal effect on soy plants: application of fungicides decreases the incidence of plants diseases and use of inoculant improves the level of mineral nutritio

    Influence of Bacillus subtilis on soil microbiocenosis

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    The peculiarities of the formation and functioning of the microbial coenosis of podzolized chernozem soil and the intensity of soil-biological processes when using probiotic preparations in different concentrations containing Bacillus subtilis were studied. Probiotic preparations were applied to the soil in different concentrations and doses in separate areas, and the viability of the soil microbial coenosis of agricultural land was assessed in the spring and autumn periods on the 15th and 30th days after the application of the mixtures. The soil without any substances was considered a control option. The analysis of the coefficients of mineralization - immobilization, oligotrophicity and pedotrophicity determined that the use of probiotics helps to increase the content of nutrients in the soil for various ecological and trophic groups of microorganisms, showed that the best result for the functioning of the microbial coenosis of podzolic chernozem soil is observed when using a probiotic in a dilution of 1:10 in a dose of 100 l ha-1. Thus, the use of probiotics in a dilution of 1:10 at a dose of 100 l ha-1 can be used as an environmentally friendly fertilizer in organic farming, which will improve the biological parameters of the soi

    The effect of superabsorbent and different rates of the local fertilizer on garlic productivity in the forest-steppe of Ukraine

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    Saabunud: 25.02.2022 Aktsepteeritud: 06.06.2022 Avaldatud veebis: 06.06.2022 Vastutav autor: Viacheslav YatsenkoThis study aimed to determine the effect of different rates of topical fertilizers on the background of superabsorbent polymers (absorbents; SAP) on plant growth, pigments content in leaves and activity of antioxidant enzymes in leaves and soil, yield and nutritional value of products. For this purpose, an absorbent at the rate of 15 kg ha–1 and fertilizers were applied, spread on the soil surface 100% (control), and locally in the furrows when planting at the rate of 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the recommended rate were applied. The results showed that the use of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) and the local application of fertilizers with increasing their rate, a significant increase in chlorophyll b and the number of chlorophylls. However, the use of SAP reduced the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the leaf (superoxide dismutase by 9.5–23.2%; glutathione S-transferase by 7.4–13.4%; peroxidase by 8.4–19.0%). The bulb’s weight with the absorbent increased by 31.2–45.4% compared to similar options without the introduction of absorbent. The local fertilizer without absorbent increased garlic yield by 3.5–13.9% relative to control. With the introduction of the absorbent, the local application of fertilizers contributed to the increase of yield by 4.2–25.4%. The application of fertilizers at the rate of 50 and 75% separately and together with the absorbent contributed to the improvement of nutritional value (dry matter, ash, proteins and carbohydrates, fat and caloric content of products). In conclusion, the combination of SAP with local fertilization in crop production technology can be used in today's dynamic climate conditions, due to their beneficial effects on plant productivity and savings and efficient use of water and fertilizers. Further research consists of a more detailed study of the rate of application of absorbents, the duration of their effective action, and the rate and ratio of nutrients

    Combined application of microbial preparation, mineral fertilizer and bioadhesive in production of leek

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    The research deals with additional fertilizing of leek cultivars Goliath and Tango with bacterial preparation Organic-balance and mineral fertilizer DripFert N20P20K20 + Ме in combination with adhesive agent of a natural origin Liposam. Field research was performed on the experimental plots of the Department of Vegetable Growing of Uman National University of Horticulture. The research focused on microbiological processes and formation of productivity in the leek crops depending on the combination of preparations. It has been established that the number of bacteria Azotobacter in the rhizosphere of leek increased 2.8 times after a four-time fertilizing with bacterial preparation Organic-balance and bioadhesive Liposam during vegetation. The maximum number of bacteria, including Azotobacter, in the rhizosphere of leek, was recorded after a four-time fertilization with DripFert N20P20K20 + Ме in combination with Organic-balance and Liposam. The share of influence of additional fertilization on the microbiota of the rhizosphere made up 77–97%. Leek cultivar Tango produced a larger assimilative leaf surface. Depending on the fertilizing the maximum leaf surface and photosynthetic potential of leek cultivars Tango and Goliath were recorded under combination of Organic-balance + DripFert N20P20K20 + Ме + Liposam. The yielding capacity of variety Goliath was better than that one of the variety Tango regardless of fertilizing. To make the growing technology of leek more environmental friendly it is advisable to introduce in the growing technology bacterial preparation Organic-balance together with Liposam. Utilization of these preparations improves crop yield, which makes up 0.6–0.7 t ha-1 for variety Goliath and 1.1–2.7 t ha-1 for variety Tango correspondingly. The investigated leek varieties had the maximum yields under combined application of Organic-balance + Liposam with fertilizer DripFert N20P20K20 + Ме, which is by 18–24% higher than provided by plants grown without fertilization

    Удосконалення режимів опромінення електромагнітним полем під час виробництва крупи плющеної полб’яної

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    The modes to produce flattened spelt groats using an electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency have been scientifically substantiated. The influence of the duration of irradiation by the field of ultrahigh frequency and water heat treatment on the temperature, yield, and duration of flattened spelt groats cooking was investigated. When irradiated with a field of ultrahigh frequency from 20 to 180 s, the minimum temperature of the product is 27–128 °C, and the maximum temperature is 43–159 °C. Treatment with a field of ultrahigh frequency from 20 to 100 s does not significantly affect the total yield of groats from spelt. The total yield, in this case, is 94–97 %. At the irradiation with a field of ultrahigh frequency from 120 to 180 s, the total yield of groats is significantly reduced to 83–90 %. Treating with a field of ultrahigh frequency for 100–180 s significantly reduces the duration of flattened groats cooking. The duration of cooking groats, in this case, is 14.0–15.8 minutes. It should be noted that water-heat treatment reliably reduces the duration of cooking flattened groats compared to the option without moistening. The peculiarity of the technology to produce flattened groats from spelt wheat using the field of ultrahigh frequency is that whole groats must be irradiated for 60–80 s with moistening by 1.0–1.5 %. Under this mode, the total yield of groats is 94–97 %, and the duration of cooking groats is 14.3–15.9 minutes. Subject to the production of flattened groats of the highest grade, it is necessary to irradiate with a field of ultrahigh frequency for 80 s without water-heat treatment. Under such a mode, the yield of flattened groats of the highest grade is 80 %, and that of the first grade is 13 %. The duration of cooking such groats is 16.8 minutes. The recommendations from this study could be used by small-scale grain processing enterprises in order to produce flattened groats.Проведено наукове обгрунтування режимів виробництва крупи плющеної полб’яної з використанням електромагнітного поля надвисокої частоти. Досліджено вплив тривалості опромінення полем надвисокої частоти і водо теплового оброблення на температуру, вихід і тривалість варіння крупи плющеної полб’яної. За опромінення полем надвисокої частоти від 20 до 180 с мінімальна температура продукту становить 27–128 °С, а максимальна – 43–159 °С. Оброблення полем надвисокої частоти від 20 до 100 с достовірно не впливає на загальний вихід крупи з пшениці полби. Загальний вихід при цьому становить 94–97 %. За опромінення полем надвисокої частоти від 120 до 180 с загальний вихід крупи достовірно знижується до 83–90 %. Достовірно зменшує тривалість варіння крупи плющеної оброблення полем надвисокої частоти упродовж 100–180 с. Тривалість варіння крупи при цьому становить 14,0–15,8 хв. Слід відзначити, що водотеплове оброблення достовірно зменшує тривалість варіння крупи плющеної порівняно з варіантом без зволожування. Особливість технології виробництва плющеної крупи з пшениці полби з використанням поля надвисокої частоти полягає в тому, що цілу крупу необхідно опромінювати впродовж 60–80 с з проведенням зволожування на 1,0–1,5 %. За такого режиму загальний вихід крупи становить 94–97 %, тривалість варіння крупи – 14,3–15,9 хв. За умови виробництва крупи  плющеної вищого сорту необхідно проводити опромінення полем надвисокої частоти упродовж 80 с без водотеплового оброблення. За такого режиму вихід крупи плющеної вищого сорту становить 80 %, а першого – 13 %. Тривалість варіння такої крупи становить 16,8 хв. Розроблені рекомендації можуть бути використані зернопереробними підприємствами низької продуктивності за виробництва крупи плющено

    Phenology and Population of Strawberry Mites and Effectiveness of Using Strawberry Protection in the Conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

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    Growing strawberries is a promising and profitable field of agriculture. However, there are a number of limiting factors that determine the productivity of the crop, in particular pests-phytophages. The study aims to determine the features of the phenological phases of strawberry mite (Tarsonemus fragariae) and to examine the effect of protection on the population of phytophagous mites, the impact on physiological and biochemical processes in strawberry plants Murano and Vivara. The study is based on generally accepted methods in entomology and ecology. The degree of damage to strawberry plants was determined on a five-point scale, which on average for 2016-2020 was estimated at 0-1 point. A phenological map of strawberry mite development was created, the dependence of phytophage phenophases on weather conditions was established. In the Murano strawberry plantations, the average population of strawberry mite eggs in 2016-2020 was in the range of 105.3-165.0 pcs/100 leaves, larvae – 37.0-61.3 pcs/100 leaves, imago – 20.8-96.3 pcs/100 leaves. In the Vivara strawberry plantations, the population of mite eggs was in the range of 90.8-180.0 pcs/100 leaves, larvae – 37.0–57.0 pcs/100 leaves, imago – 17.3-95.3 pcs/100 leaves. The effectiveness of the chemical plant protection systems under study (Masai® (0.4 kg/ha) + Biskaiia® (0.8 L/ha); Apollo® (0.5 l/ha) + Tsezar™ (0.2 L/ha) + Mavrik™ (0.6 l/ha)) against phytophage mites was almost at the same level. The exception was a direct ovicidal effect of the Masai and a mixture of Apollo + Tsezar; on the 3rd day after their introduction, the larvae in the eggs were unviable and the eggshells were mummified. The application of strawberry protection systems ensured berry yields of 33.4 t/ha in the Murano variety and 25.4-25.6 t/ha in the Vivara variety and a yield increase of 16.6-16.7 t/ha and 12,4-12.5 t/ha, respectively. The positive effect of plant protection systems against pests on the indicators of physiological and biochemical processes in the leaves of strawberries of both varieties was established. An increase in the content of chlorophyll by 33-58%, phenolic compounds – by 7-15%, sugars – by 6-10%, vitamin C – by 2-6% compared to the control was recorded in strawberry leaves. Given the high environmental safety requirements for berry growing technologies, the search for alternative biological products in the control of Tarsonemus fragariae is promisin

    Yield and quality of winter durum wheat grain depending on the fertiliser system

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    At present, winter durum wheat is grown after its unpaired predecessors. Under such conditions, fertiliser is important. Therefore, the study of the yield formation and quality of winter durum wheat grain depending on the fertiliser system is relevant. The purpose of this study was to investigate the yield formation and quality of winter durum wheat grain under various fertiliser systems. The study was conducted in conditions of a stationary field experiment of the Uman National University of Horticulture, located in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine during 2020–2021. The experiment was founded in 2011. The following crops are grown in the four-course field crop rotation: winter wheat, corn, spring barley, soybeans. The experiment scheme includes 11 variants of combinations and separate application of mineral fertilisers, including the control option without fertiliser. Grain harvest was performed by direct combining, protein content and gluten content were determined by infrared spectroscopy using Infratek 1241. Statistical data processing was performed using the STATISTICA 10 software. Yield of winter durum wheat grain significantly increased from the fertiliser. However, the effectiveness of their use varied depending on the year of study. Thus, in 2020, it increased by 1.1–1.2 times (3.9-4.1 t hа-1) with long-term use of nitrogen fertilisers alone. Long-term use of complete mineral fertiliser (N150P60K80) significantly affected the grain yield (4.3 t hа-1) compared to variant N150. In 2021, grain yields increased 1.2–1.4 times, depending on the fertiliser system. Notably, the use of N150P60K40 and N150P30K80 in terms of impact on grain yield was at the level of the variant N150P60K80. Paired combinations of fertiliser application were effective at the level of long-term application of N150P30K40. Application of N75P30K40 provided the formation of only 4% lower grain yield compared to N150P30K40. The protein and gluten content was most affected by the nitrogen component of the complete mineral fertiliser. The conducted studies confirm the high reaction of durum wheat to the use of nitrogen fertilisers. The results obtained can be used to predict the productivity of durum winter wheat depending on soil fertilit

    The Effect of Fertilisation and Plant Care Practices on the Yield Structure of Black Currant

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    The article is focused on the influence of fertilisation and plant care on the productivity of the black currant variety 'Siuita Kyivska'. Black currant was planted on the Rodnikovka Experimental Farm of the Uman State Agrarian University. Better conditions for the development of such signs as the number of clusters per shrub and the length of a cluster were provided under the application of mineral fertilisation as a background and foliar application of fertiliser Riverm 5%, maintaining of interrow space as clean fallow and mulching plants in the row with straw. The best characteristics of clusters were obtained with N60P90K90 as background fertilisation. Foliar application of fertiliser Riverm 5% resulted in an increased (by 251.2−299.8) number of clusters per plant and longer (by 0.60−0.80 cm) clusters. A combination of clean fallow and application of Riverm 5% against the background of mineral fertilisation resulted in lower indicators of the fruit weight in a cluster compared to the control. This means that the yield structure of black currant under the effect of fertilisation and plant care changes towards an increase in the number of clusters, thereby reducing the number of fruits and the weight of fruits from one cluster. It was also found that foliar application of fertiliser Riverm 5% against the background of mineral fertilisation contributed to an increase in the yield of black currant. In the treatment with clean fallow between rows and mulching plants in rows, application of fertiliser Riverm 3% or 5% against the background of mineral fertilisation N60P90K90, the yield of fruits was 13.1 t/ha