19 research outputs found

    Comparison of phenotypic and genotypic tropism determination in triple-class-experienced HIV patients eligible for maraviroc treatment

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    BACKGROUND: Determination of HIV-1 tropism is a pre-requisite to the use of CCR5 antagonists. This study evaluated the potential of population genotypic tropism tests (GTTs) in clinical practice, and the correlation with phenotypic tropism tests (PTTs) in patients accessing routine HIV care. METHODS: Forty-nine consecutive plasma samples for which an original Trofile(TM) assay was performed were obtained from triple-class-experienced patients in need of a therapy change. Viral tropism was defined as the consensus of three or more tropism calls obtained from the combination of two independent population PTT assays (Trofile Biosciences, San Francisco, CA, USA, and Virco, Beerse, Belgium), population GTTs and GTTs based on ultra-deep sequencing. If no consensus was reached, a clonal PTT was performed in order to finalize the tropism call. This two-step approach allowed the definition of a reference tropism call. RESULTS: According to the reference tropism result, 35/49 samples were CCR5 tropic (R5) (patients eligible for maraviroc treatment) and 14/49 were assigned as non-R5 tropic. The non-R5 samples [patients not eligible for maraviroc treatment according to the FDA/European Medicines Agency (EMEA) label] group included both the CXCR4 (X4) samples and the dual and mixed CCR5/CXCR4 (R5/X4) samples. Compared with Trofile(TM) population PTTs, population GTTs showed a higher sensitivity (97%) and a higher negative predictive value (91%), but almost equal specificity and an equal positive predictive value. CONCLUSIONS: In line with recent reports from clinical trial data, our data support the use of population genotypic tropism testing as a tool for tropism determination before the start of maraviroc

    Flemish network on rare connective tissue diseases (CTD): patient pathways in systemic sclerosis. First steps taken.

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    peer reviewedDespite the low prevalence of each rare disease, the total burden is high. Patients with rare diseases encounter numerous barriers, including delayed diagnosis and limited access to high-quality treatments. In order to tackle these challenges, the European Commission launched the European Reference Networks (ERNs), cross-border networks of healthcare providers and patients representatives. In parallel, the aims and structure of these ERNs were translated at the federal and regional levels, resulting in the creation of the Flemish Network of Rare Diseases. In line with the mission of the ERNs and to ensure equal access to care, we describe as first patient pathways for systemic sclerosis (SSc), as a pilot model for other rare connective and musculoskeletal diseases. Consensus was reached on following key messages: 1. Patients with SSc should have multidisciplinary clinical and investigational evaluations in a tertiary reference expert centre at baseline, and subsequently every three to 5 years. Intermediately, a yearly clinical evaluation should be provided in the reference centre, whilst SSc technical evaluations are permissionably executed in a centre that follows SSc-specific clinical practice guidelines. In between, monitoring can take place in secondary care units, under the condition that qualitative examinations and care including interactive multidisciplinary consultations can be provided. 2. Patients with early diffuse cutaneous SSc, (progressive) interstitial lung disease and/or pulmonary arterial hypertension should undergo regular evaluations in specialised tertiary care reference institutions. 3. Monitoring of patients with progressive interstitial lung disease and/or pulmonary (arterial) hypertension will be done in agreement with experts of ERN LUNG

    De digitalisering voor iedereen!

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    De 4e industriële revolutie of ‘Industrie 4.0’ berust op een nieuwe manier om de productie te organiseren. De onderling verbonden technologieën en het internet der dingen vormen de spil van deze revolutie. De technologie stelt zich met andere woorden meer dan ooit ten dienste van de bouw- sector. Ze verdient dus zeker onze aandacht, al moet de technologische vooruitgang steeds nauwkeurig opgevolgd worden. Dit is precies de rol van het Technische Comité BIM & ICT. BIM staat voor Building Information Model en maakt gebruik van een digi- taal model van het gebouw. Dit model bestaat niet meer uit lijnen, maar uit digitale objecten die een weergave zijn van de materialen en systemen die op de werf uitgevoerd zullen worden. Op die manier bekomt men een getrouw beeld van het werkelijke verloop van de uitvoeringsfase. ICT of Information and Communication Technologies slaat op zijn beurt op alle technologieën voor informatie-uitwisseling. Zowel BIM als ICT houden dus verband met datgene waar de 4e industriële revolutie om draait: het delen van informatie. Zodoende kunnen herhalingen, fouten en inefficiënties ver- meden worden en kan men beter anticiperen en plannen teneinde eventuele problemen op de werf te vermijden. Daarnaast zal men dankzij de digitali- sering binnenkort kunnen communiceren door middel van robots, drones of 3D-printers. ‘Industrie 4.0’ is immers ook een waaier van hulpmiddelen voor de ontwerpers, fabrikanten, beheerders, bouwers of verbouwers. De innovatie in de bouwsector gaat dus niet langer in stilte aan ons voorbij. De 4e industriële revolutie stelt het WTCB niet alleen voor een uitdaging, maar biedt ook kansen. Zo kunnen de in de Technische Voorlichtingen geformuleerde aanbevelingen in het model ter beschikking gesteld worden van de gebruikers. Denken we hierbij maar even aan programma’s die waarschuwen wanneer de samenstelling van een wand niet overeenstemt met de aanbevelingen of wanneer de vooropgestelde uitvoeringstermijn te kort is om de toereikende droging van een voor een parket bestemde dekvloer veilig te stellen. Het WTCB staat ten dienste van de hele bouwsector en streeft ernaar het concurrentievermogen van de bouwondernemingen en de kwaliteit van de bouwwerken te verbeteren. Dit is ook het oogmerk van ‘Industrie 4.0’. Wij wensen daarom een blijvende drijfveer te zijn in de ontwikkeling van deze technologieën, opdat alle partners hierbij gebaat zouden zijn. Zo bestaan er zowel voor de grote bedrijven als voor de ambachtsman een BIM en digitale hulpmiddelen op maat. Deze WTCB-Contact heeft tot doel om u hiervan te overtuigen en u aan te moedigen om de stap te zetten. Er zit immers toekomst in voor uw bedrijf.no ISBN/ISSNstatus: publishe

    The role of endothelial cells in the vasculopathy of systemic sclerosis: A systematic review: SSc vasculopathy: The role of endothelial cells

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    Introduction Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune connective tissue disorder characterized by fibroproliferative vasculopathy, immunological abnormalities and progressive fibrosis of multiple organs including the skin. In this study, all English speaking articles concerning the role of endothelial cells (ECs) in SSc vasculopathy and representing biomarkers are systematically reviewed and categorized according to endothelial cell (EC) (dys)function in SSc. Methods A sensitive search on behalf of the EULAR study group on microcirculation in Rheumatic Diseases was developed in Pubmed, The Cochrane Library and Web of Science to identify articles on SSc vasculopathy and the role of ECs using the following Mesh terms: (systemic sclerosis OR scleroderma) AND pathogenesis AND (endothelial cells OR marker). All selected papers were read and discussed by two independent reviewers. The selection process was based on title, abstract and full text level. Additionally, both reviewers further searched the reference lists of the articles selected for reading on full text level for supplementary papers. These additional articles went through the same selection process. Results In total 193 resulting articles were selected and the identified biomarkers were categorized according to description of EC (dys)function in SSc. The most representing and reliable biomarkers described by the selected articles were adhesion molecules for EC activation, anti-endothelial cell antibodies for EC apoptosis, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), its receptor VEGFR-2 and endostatin for disturbed angiogenesis, endothelial progenitors cells for defective vasculogenesis, endothelin-1 for disturbed vascular tone control, Von Willebrand factor for coagulopathy and interleukin (IL)-33 for EC-immune system communication. Emerging, relatively new discovered biomarkers described in the selected articles, are VEGF165b, IL-17A and the adipocytokines. Finally, myofibroblasts involved in tissue fibrosis in SSc can derive from ECs or epithelial cells through a process known as endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Conclusion This systematic review emphasizes the growing evidence that SSc is primarily a vascular disease where EC dysfunction is present and prominent in different aspects of cell survival (activation and apoptosis), angiogenesis and vasculogenesis and where disturbed interactions between ECs and various other cells contribute to SSc vasculopath

    Ancient papillomavirus-host co-speciation in Felidae.

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    BACKGROUND: Estimating evolutionary rates for slowly evolving viruses such as papillomaviruses (PVs) is not possible using fossil calibrations directly or sequences sampled over a time-scale of decades. An ability to correlate their divergence with a host species, however, can provide a means to estimate evolutionary rates for these viruses accurately. To determine whether such an approach is feasible, we sequenced complete feline PV genomes, previously available only for the domestic cat (Felis domesticus, FdPV1), from four additional, globally distributed feline species: Lynx rufus PV type 1, Puma concolor PV type 1, Panthera leo persica PV type 1, and Uncia uncia PV type 1. RESULTS: The feline PVs all belong to the Lambdapapillomavirus genus, and contain an unusual second noncoding region between the early and late protein region, which is only present in members of this genus. Our maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses demonstrate that the evolutionary relationships between feline PVs perfectly mirror those of their feline hosts, despite a complex and dynamic phylogeographic history. By applying host species divergence times, we provide the first precise estimates for the rate of evolution for each PV gene, with an overall evolutionary rate of 1.95 x 10(-8) (95% confidence interval 1.32 x 10(-8) to 2.47 x 10(-8)) nucleotide substitutions per site per year for the viral coding genome. CONCLUSION: Our work provides evidence for long-term virus-host co-speciation of feline PVs, indicating that viral diversity in slowly evolving viruses can be used to investigate host species evolution. These findings, however, should not be extrapolated to other viral lineages without prior confirmation of virus-host co-divergence

    The importance of skin manifestations, serology and nailfold (video)capillaroscopy in morphea and systemic sclerosis: current understanding and new insights

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    Since the field around morphea and systemic sclerosis (SSc) is evolving rapidly, this review approaches conventional as well as more recent clinical developments from a dermatological point of view. Skin manifestations are critical in sub-classifying these diseases ensuring a correct prognosis for these patients. They can be discretely present, and therefore, diagnosis can be challenging sometimes, implicating a thorough dermatological examination is mandatory. Furthermore, a growing amount of dermatologists perform nailfold videocapillaroscopy (NVC), a more recent reliable non-invasive imaging technique used for in vivo assessment of the microcirculation at the nailfold. After all, specific NVC-changes are present in a majority of patients with SSc. This way, dermatologists not only take part in the diagnosis process through clinical investigation but also through the use of a modern state of the art imaging technique that is becoming the golden standard in SSc multidisciplinary workup. In this review, current understandings for NVC in morphea and SSc are revised. So far, the role of NVC in the diagnosis/prognosis/classification of morphea patients has not been thoroughly investigated to make proper conclusions. As for SSc, it is well known that NVC contributes to the diagnosis and can make a fundamental difference especially when obvious clinical SSc signs are absent. This review emphasizes the (somewhat underestimated) role of dermatologists in the process of diagnosis and follow-up, and thus, the difference we can make for our patients and fellow colleagues in the multidisciplinary workup of SSc and morphea

    HIV-1 dual/mixed tropic isolates show different genetic and phenotypic characteristics and response to maraviroc in vitro

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    Dual/mixed-tropic HIV-1 strains are predominant in a significative proportion of patients, though few information is available regarding the genetic characteristics, quasispecies composition, and susceptibility against CCR5-antagonists of the primary-isolates. For this reason, we investigated in deep details, both phenotypically and genotypically, the characteristics of 54 HIV-1 primary-isolates obtained from HIV-infected patients. Tropism was assessed by multiple-cycles phenotypic-assay on U87MG-CD4(+)-CCR5(+)-/CXCR4(+)-expressing cells. In vitro selection in PBMCs of X4-tropic viral strains following maraviroc-treatment was also performed. Phenotypic-assay reported pure R5-tropic viruses in 31 (57.4%) isolates, dual/mixed-tropic viruses in 22 (40.7%), and pure X4-tropic virus in only 1 (1.8%). Among dual/mixed-tropic isolates, 12 showed a remarkably higher replication-efficacy in CCR5-expressing cells (R5(+)/X4), and 2 in CXCR4-expressing cells (R5/X4(+)). Genotypic-tropism testing showed a correlation between PSSM-scores, geno2pheno false-positive-rate, and V3-net-charge with both CCR5-usage and syncytium-inducing ability. Moreover, specific gp120- and gp41-mutations were significantly associated with tropism and/or syncytium-inducing ability. Ultra-deep V3-pyrosequencing showed the presence of a swarm of genetically distinct species with a preference for CCR5-coreceptor not only in all pure R5-isolates, but also in 6/7 R5(+)/X4-tropic isolates. In both pure-X4 and R5/X4(+)-isolates, we observed extensive prevalence of X4-using species. In vitro selection-experiments with CCR5-inhibitor maraviroc (up to 2 months) showed no-emergence of X4-tropic variants for all R5- and R5(+)/X4-isolates tested (while X4-virus remained fully-resistant). In conclusion, our study shows that dual/mixed-tropic viruses are constituted by different species, whereby those with characteristics R5(+)/X4 are genotypically and phenotypically similar to the pure-R5 isolates; thus the use of CCR5-antagonists in patients with R5(+)/X4-tropic viruses may be a therapeutic-option that deserves further investigations