190 research outputs found


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    The application of Virtual Reality (VR) is important on higher education level; it is also imperative to explore how this style of interaction could be used to help students in understanding and exploring more proper mental models of complex systems and processes, abstract models and other non-intuitive material. The hypothesis is that VR can successfully be used to support such complex understanding by stimulating and exploring all human senses whereas traditional notions of learning tend to focus on purely intellectual skills. The study will examine the constructive philosophy of learning and discuss how it may be supported by the use of VR to provide examples of different classes of VR applications that, for educational purposes, focus on learning. The research subject which is the impact of information of communication technology (ICT) on architectural form of higher educational spaces focus on the future of architectural Educational studio and the new generation of paperless design studio. The purpose of the paper is expecting the transformation in the form of architectural educational spaces with response to the wide range of ICT and use of VR applications especially in Architecture Design Studio (ADS). It is also identifying the new configurations and characteristics of (ADS) in Communication Era

    Model-based Automatic Segmentation of Ascending Aorta from Multimodality Medical Data

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    Automatic Ascending Aorta Segmentation is one of the important steps towards automatic segmentation of the whole cardiac tree. This paper presents a novel approach for the automatic segmentation of the ascending aorta from two imaging modalities: CTA (Computed Tomography Angiography) and PC-MRI (Phase-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Images). The novel approach is an algorithm that works without the need for setting manual seed points or applying preprocessing steps or setting a region of interest. Instead, the proposed algorithm automatically detects and segments the ascending aorta using an ascending aorta model built from its anatomical features. The proposed segmentation algorithm begins with aorta detection through features model fitting augmented with Hough transform, where the ascending aorta is identified from the descending aorta and any other circular structures based on the proposed model. After detection, the whole ascending aorta is segmented up from the aortic arch down to the ostia points using a novel automatic seeded region growing algorithm. The proposed algorithm is fully automatic, works in real-time and robust as parameters used are the same for all the tested datasets. The detection and segmentation of the ascending aorta succeeded in all test cases acquired from the two imaging modalities; proving the robustness of the proposed ascending aorta model and algorithm for the automatic segmentation process even on data from different modalities and different scanner types. The accuracy of the segmentation has a mean Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of 94.72% for CTA datasets and 97.13% for PC-MRI datasets

    The Influence of Different Light Wavelengths on Growth, Enzymes Activity and Photosynthesis of the Marine Microalga Dunaliella parva W.Lerche 1937

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    يعتبر الضوء عاملاً هامًا يؤثر على نمو الطحالب الدقيقة وكفاءة التمثيل الضوئي لها ؛ ومع ذلك ، لا يُعرف الكثير عن كيفية تأثير شدة الضوء مع الطول الموجي على قدرة التمثيل الضوئي ونمو الطحالب البحرية الدقيقة. في هذه الدراسة ، تمت دراسة نمو الطحالب البحرية الخضراء الدقيقة ديوناليلا بارفا  واقلمته تحت شدة الضوء المختلفة (25 ~ 70 μmol m-2 s-1) ونوعية الضوء (الأزرق والأخضر والأحمر) مقارنة بالضوء الأبيض عند 40 μmol m-2 s-1  كتجربة ضابطة (كنترول). تمت مراقبة النمو عن طريق حساب عدد الخلايا ومحتوى الصبغة وتراكيز Chl a و Chl b والكاروتينات. تم تسجيل النمو الأمثل وأعلى كفاءة التمثيل الضوئي (Fv / Fm) بكثافة ضوء 40 μmol m-2 s-1 ، ضوء أبيض ، و 1.25 مولار كلوريد الصوديوم (. 1.47 and 0.678×106 cell mL-1، على التوالي). أظهر نشاط إنزيمات مضادات الأكسدة ، بما في ذلك الكاتلاز والبيروكسيديز وكذلك محتوى الأسكوربات ، أعلى قيم بلغت 0.190 µM/min.mg Chl, 0.434 and 13.3 mg/g f.wt.  على التوالي ، تحت تأثير  الضوء الأخضر ، الذي أكد وجود ضغوط بيئية.Light is an important factor that influences the growth and photosynthetic efficiency of microalgae; however, little is known about how light intensity together with the wavelength affect the photosynthetic capacity and growth of marine microalgae. In the present study, the growth of the marine green microalga Dunaliella parva was studied and optimized under different light intensities (25 ~ 70 μmol m-2 s-1) and qualities (blue, green, and red) in comparison with white light at 40 μmol m-2 s-1 as a control. The growth was monitored by counting the cell number, pigment content, Chl a, Chl b, and carotenoids concentrations. The optimal growth and highest photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) were recorded at a light intensity of 40 μ mol m-2 s-1, white light, and 1.25 M NaCl (1.47 and 0.678×106 cell mL-1, respectively). The activity of antioxidant enzymes, including catalase and peroxidase, as well as ascorbate content, showed the highest values of 0.190 µM/min.mg Chl, 0.434 and 13.3 mg/g f.wt. respectively, under the green light, which confirmed the presence of environmental stresses

    Review of different strategies for coordinative planning of multi-agent systems

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    Agent-based systems have been widely examined in the literature for various type of tasks. Within this examination, various strategies and modeling have been employed. Several surveys and reviews have been depicted in the literature regarding agent-based systems. However, minimal efforts have been made in the context of feature extraction and feature selection. This paper aims to review the strategies used for feature extraction and selection agentbased systems. In terms of the nature of agent communications, this paper tackles two types, centralized and decentralized. In terms of the workflow, this paper tackles three types, including coordinative, collaborative and emergent-based systems. Finally, a discussion is presented comparing the strategies and the frequent use of the strategies in the literature. Based on this review, most of feature extraction agent-based systems rely on either coordinating or emergent-based strategies, while feature selection agent-based systems rely on collaborative strategies. However, there are several aspects that we can consider to be classify agent-based strategies. This review develops a classification scheme for systems used for specific tasks, including feature extraction and feature selection

    The role of the family and the school in shaping the personality of tge child an analytical study

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      The present study dealt with the formation of the personality of the child within the most important institutions of social upbringing, namely: the family and the school, which was exposed to the concepts of personality, family and school, and then examined the determinants of personality structure and theories. The study dealt with the characteristics of the family and its functions and the method of social upbringing practiced in the family and how this affects the growth of the child's personality properly. So that the existing relationships within the family and meet the child's psychological and cognitive needs contribute mainly to building the child's personality and development positively. Then the research dealt with the educational institution represented by the school and the functions it should undertake to meet the basic needs of the child and thus contribute to the development of personality. Where the school integrates the individual in the community and works to develop the child's talents and capacity building and give him the opportunity to express himself and enhance his self-confidence through his participation and roles as a member of a group. The school also plays an important role in developing children's creative spirit. The study also addressed the negative effects that authoritarian methods can have on the relationship with students, which are based on violence and confiscation. The student is placed in the negative recipient location by depriving him of opportunities for expression, participation and analysis, which impairs the growth of personality and normal and healthy development. The study concluded with some suggestions and recommendations that emphasized the need for the family and the school to perform their functions in educational and psychological ways that meet the needs of children and contribute to building their personalities in a proper manne

    Review of local binary pattern operators in image feature extraction

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    With the substantial expansion of image information, image processing and computer vision have significant roles in several applications, including image classification, image segmentation, pattern recognition, and image retrieval. An important feature that has been applied in many image applications is texture. Texture is the characteristic of a set of pixels that form an image. Therefore, analyzing texture has a significant impact on segmenting an image or detecting important portions of an image. This paper provides a review on LBP and its modifications. The aim of this review is to show the current trends for using, modifying and adapting LBP in the domain of image processing

    Sustainable release of propranolol hydrochloride laden with biconjugated-ufasomes chitosan hydrogel attenuates cisplatin-induced sciatic nerve damage in in vitro/in vivo evaluation

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    Peripheral nerve injuries significantly impact patients’ quality of life and poor functional recovery. Chitosan–ufasomes (CTS–UFAs) exhibit biomimetic features, making them a viable choice for developing novel transdermal delivery for neural repair. This study aimed to investigate the role of CTS–UFAs loaded with the propranolol HCl (PRO) as a model drug in enhancing sciatica in cisplatin-induced sciatic nerve damage in rats. Hence, PRO–UFAs were primed, embedding either span 20 or 60 together with oleic acid and cholesterol using a thin-film hydration process based on full factorial design (2(4)). The influence of formulation factors on UFAs’ physicochemical characteristics and the optimum formulation selection were investigated using Design-Expert(®) software. Based on the optimal UFA formulation, PRO–CTS–UFAs were constructed and characterized using transmission electron microscopy, stability studies, and ex vivo permeation. In vivo trials on rats with a sciatic nerve injury tested the efficacy of PRO–CTS–UFA and PRO–UFA transdermal hydrogels, PRO solution, compared to normal rats. Additionally, oxidative stress and specific apoptotic biomarkers were assessed, supported by a sciatic nerve histopathological study. PRO–UFAs and PRO–CTS–UFAs disclosed entrapment efficiency of 82.72 ± 2.33% and 85.32 ± 2.65%, a particle size of 317.22 ± 6.43 and 336.12 ± 4.9 nm, ζ potential of −62.06 ± 0.07 and 65.24 ± 0.10 mV, and accumulatively released 70.95 ± 8.14% and 64.03 ± 1.9% PRO within 6 h, respectively. Moreover, PRO–CTS–UFAs significantly restored sciatic nerve structure, inhibited the cisplatin-dependent increase in peripheral myelin 22 gene expression and MDA levels, and further re-established sciatic nerve GSH and CAT content. Furthermore, they elicited MBP re-expression, BCL-2 mild expression, and inhibited TNF-α expression. Briefly, our findings proposed that CTS–UFAs are promising to enhance PRO transdermal delivery to manage sciatic nerve damage

    The Turkish-Greek conflict over the island of Cyprus

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    The study aimed to propose an overview of the history and stages of the Greek-Turkish conflict over the island of Cyprus, to highlight the international powers position towards it. The study used a comprehensive in-depth methodology that consisted of the historical approach, the descriptive analytical approach, and the decision-making approach, in addition to apply a number of conflict analysis tools. The study revealed that the most important causes of the Greek-Turkish conflict over the island of Cyprus are sovereignty, security, accession to the European Union, and territories, and that one of the most important factors affecting the context of bargaining over the conflict is the factor of time, the interests of the third party, and the regional context