
The application of Virtual Reality (VR) is important on higher education level; it is also imperative to explore how this style of interaction could be used to help students in understanding and exploring more proper mental models of complex systems and processes, abstract models and other non-intuitive material. The hypothesis is that VR can successfully be used to support such complex understanding by stimulating and exploring all human senses whereas traditional notions of learning tend to focus on purely intellectual skills. The study will examine the constructive philosophy of learning and discuss how it may be supported by the use of VR to provide examples of different classes of VR applications that, for educational purposes, focus on learning. The research subject which is the impact of information of communication technology (ICT) on architectural form of higher educational spaces focus on the future of architectural Educational studio and the new generation of paperless design studio. The purpose of the paper is expecting the transformation in the form of architectural educational spaces with response to the wide range of ICT and use of VR applications especially in Architecture Design Studio (ADS). It is also identifying the new configurations and characteristics of (ADS) in Communication Era

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