929 research outputs found

    Transfer of type specimens of fossil fishes to the Bavarian State Collection for Palaeontology and Geology with some notes on their history of research

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    Recent acquisitions to the Bavarian State Collection for Palaeontology and Geology comprise part of the palaeontological collections of the former Heimatmuseum Bad Windsheim and the former Institute of Palaeontology and Geology at the University of Würzburg. Among the specimens are the holotypes of three fishes, Aphelolepis delpi Heller, 1953, Crenilepis sandbergeri Dames, 1888 and Coelacanthus giganteus Winkler, 1880. The type specimen of Crenilepis sandbergeri erroneously has been reported as being lost, while Coelacanthus giganteus has been regarded even as a nomen nudum. Crenilepis Dames is shown to be nomenclaturally valid, while „Crenilepis Reis, 1887“ is not available, „Crenolepis Carus 1888“ is a misspelling, and „Crenilepoides Strand, 1929“ is an unjustified replacement name.Neuere Zuwächse der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie umfassen Teile der paläontologischen Sammlungen des früheren Heimatmuseums Bad Windsheim und des früheren Instituts für Paläontologie und Geologie der Universität Würzburg. Unter den bedeutenderen Stücken sind die Holotypen der Fische Aphelolepis delpi Heller, 1953, Crenilepis sandbergeri Dames, 1888 und Coelacanthus giganteus Winkler, 1880. Das Typusexemplar von Crenilepis sandbergeri wurde irrtümlich als verloren angesehen und Coelacanthus giganteus sogar als nomen nudum bezeichnet. Es wird gezeigt, dass Crenilepis Dames nomenklatorisch valide ist und dass „Crenilepis Reis, 1887“ nicht verfügbar, „Crenolepis Carus, 1888“ lediglich ein Schreibfehler und „Crenolepoides Strand, 1929“ ein überflüssiger Ersatzname ist

    An Analysis of Three Legal Citation Networks Derived from Austrian Supreme Court Decisions

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    In this paper, we present a case study on the structural properties of three citations networks derived from Austrian Supreme Court decisions. In particular, we analyzed 250.984 Supreme Court decisions ranging from 1922 to 2017. As part of our case study, we analyzed the degree distributions, the structural properties of prominent court decisions, as well as changes in the frequency of legal citations over time

    Survival of the thinnest: rediscovery of Bauer's (1898) ichthyosaur tooth sections from Upper Jurassic lithographic limestone quarries, south Germany

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    The re-discovery of nine petrographic slides from the late 19th century at the palaeontological collections of the University of Zurich, showing thin-sectioned ichthyosaur teeth, revealed these slides be the only preserved remains of the historical collection of Upper Jurassic ichthyosaurs from the Bavarian State Collection for Palaeontology and Geology; fossil material which, up to now, was thought to have been completely destroyed during World War II. Here the history of these slides, from their origin in Munich as part of the doctoral thesis of Franz Bauer (1898) to their rediscovery in Zurich in 2010 is presented. Furthermore, a complete overview of all slides is given to elucidate their scientific value with the background of up-to-date knowledge of ichthyosaur dentition and tooth histology, including aspects of tissue and growth mark identification. As such, the sectioned teeth show an exposed layer of acellular cementum at the tooth neck, and sets of short and long period growth lines in the orthodentine. The slides of one tooth are part of the original syntype material of Aegirosaurus leptospondylus (Wagner). They reveal an oval rather than a rectangular shape of the root, as well as the presence of peculiar vascular canals, interpreted as secondary osteodentine deposition, in the peri-pulpal orthodentin


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    Plateosaurus engelhardti MEYER, 1837 (Dinosauria: Sauropodomorpha) aus dem Feuerletten (Mittelkeuper; Obertrias) von Bayern

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    Zugleich Dissertation der Fakultät für Geowissenschaften der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Münche
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