184 research outputs found


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    A Formação Camarinha constitui uma unidade sedimentar do final do Neoproterozóico no centro-leste do Estado do Paraná, em contato por falha e discordância com unidades metamórficas do Cinturão Ribeira, este último representado pelas formações Água Clara, Votuverava e Capiru. Na região, ocorrem também o Complexo Atuba, Núcleo Betara (ambos paleoproterozóicos) e o Complexo Granítico Três Córregos, de idade Neoproterozóica. A oeste, a formação é recoberta discordantemente por rochas sedimentares devonianas da Bacia do Paraná (Formação Furnas). A Formação Camarinha é constituída por conglomerados, brechas, arenitos, siltitos, lamitos e ritmitos imaturos, medianamente a mal selecionados, distribuídos em três unidades denominadas A, B e C, com contatos transicionais entre si, sendo as unidades A e C de natureza predominantemente psamo-pelítica, e a unidade B de natureza conglomerática, depositadas em sistemas de leques progradantes e retrogradantes de ambientes costeiros (fandeltas). As áreas-fonte dos sedimentos são representadas pelas formações Água Clara, Votuverava e Capiru e pelos complexos Atuba e Três Córregos, sendo que a deposição processou-se em ambiente tardi a pós-orogênico com relação à Orogênese Brasiliana, antes das manifestações magmáticas pós-orogênicas representadas pelos granitos alcalinos e pelas rochas vulcano-sedimentares das bacias de Castro e Guaratubinha. As rochas da Formação Camarinha encontram-se deformadas por um evento que também gerou a Zona de Cisalhamento Transcorrente da Falha da Lancinha, com deslocamento lateral direito, e dobramentos abertos, sistemas de fraturas e estiramento de clastos. A formação encontra-se atualmente preservada em duas faixas com dobras na forma de sinclinais, um dos quais relacionado à Falha da Lancinha, constituindo remanescentes da bacia original, sem preservação dos limites originais da bacia em que foi depositada. EXPLANATORY NOTES OF THE GEOLOGICAL MAP OF CAMARINHA FORMATION - PR Abstract The Camarinha Formation (central-eastern part of the State of Paraná, southern Brazil) is a late Proterozoic unit which has a faulted and discordant contact with older Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks of the Ribeira Belt (Água Clara, Votuverava and Capiru formations), close to the Atuba, Betara and Três Córregos complexes. On its western side, it is unconformably covered by Devonian basal strata of the Paraná Basin (Furnas Formation). The Camarinha Formation consits of poorly sorted immature rocks, such as conglomerates, breccias, sandstones, siltstones, mudstones and rhytmites, grouped into three units (A, B, and C) with transitional contacts. A and C units are sandy and muddy, and B unit is conglomeratic. These units were deposited by processes that are common in prograding and retrograding fans in coastal environments (fandeltas). The source areas are represented by the Água Clara, Votuverava and Capiru formations, and Atuba and Três Córregos complexes. The basin was formed in a late-to-post orogenic environment related to the Brasiliano Orogeny, just before postorogenic alkaline magmatic intrusions and volcanic-sedimentary rocks of the Castro and Guaratubinha basins. The rocks of Camarinha Formation are deformed related to the Lancinha Shear Zone, whose right-lateral movement generated associated folds and fractures. The formation is preserved as remains of the original basin, in two folded zones forming synclines, one of which is related to the Lancinha Shear Zone. The original borders of the basin are not preserved

    Resonances in alpha-nuclei interaction

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    Tunnelling of α particles through the Coulomb barrier is considered. The main attention is given to the effect of sharp peaks arising in the case of coincidence of the α energy with that of a quasistaionary state within the barrier. The question of the α-nucleus potential is discussed in this light. The method is applied to the α decay of a compound nucleus of 135Pr. The appearance of the peaks in the spectrum of emitted particles is predicted. They can give rise to ‘anomalous’ properties of some neutron resonances. The peaks can also be observed in the incoming α-nucleus channel. Observation of the peaks would give unique information about the α-nucleus potential

    Research of educational structure in wood processing and furniture production sector

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    Sve se više sužava vremenski obzor u kojemu se pojedinac sa svojim obrazovanjem može osjećati „sigurnim“ na tržištu rada, a globalizacija, multikulturalno zajedništvo te brz ekonomski rast i tehnološki razvoj postaju veliki izazovi, pri čemu znanje i ljudska kreativnost postaju osnovni resursi razvoja i opstanka na svjetskom tržištu. Cilj rada je utvrditi obrazovnu strukturu zaposlenih na području prerade drva i proizvodnje namještaja, pri čemu je naglasak stavljen na zastupljenost visokoobrazovanih stručnjaka. Analiza obrazovne strukture obuhvatila je, prema Nacionalnoj klasifikaciji djelatnosti (NKD), područje DD 20 – Prerada drva i proizvodnja proizvoda od drva i pluta te područje DN 36 – Proizvodnja namještaja i ostala prerađivačka industrija. Istraživanje pokazuje da s 50% ispitanih poslovnih subjekata upravlja visokoobrazovani kadar, dok je među ukupno zaposlenima u preradi drva i proizvodnji namještaja samo 3,77% visokoobrazovanih.The labour market is becoming less and less safe for individuals with their education, while globalisation, multicultural unification, and fast economic growth/technological development present great challenges – with knowledge and creativity being basic resources of development and survival on the world market. The aim of this study is to establish the educational structure of the employed in the field of wood processing and furniture manufacture. The emphasis is upon the proportion of high professional qualification. The analysis of educational structure includes – according to the National classification of activities - the DD 20 area of Wood processing and production of wood and cork, and the DN36 area of Furniture manufacture and other processing industries. The research has revealed that 50% of the surveyed companies are managed by highly qualified staff, while only 3.77% of the employed in wood processing and furniture manufacture have high qualifications

    Analiza investicijskih ulaganja proizvodnih subjekata prerade drva i proizvodnje namještaja primjenom ključnih čimbenika konkurentnosti

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    Processing of wood and manufacture of wood and cork products, excluding furniture, manufacture of straw and plaiting goods (C16) and manufacture of furniture (C31) were the most competitive activities of the Republic of Croatia in the European market in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Those activities began losing their market share at the end of 1994, and no significant positive change in market competitiveness has been recorded since then. The question is how to achieve and maintain competitiveness, which is the condition of survival in an increasingly demanding environment. Preliminary and previous research on investments points to the assumption that the problem of competitiveness in the observed economic branch essentially boils down to a problem in the quality and efficiency of the investments of associated business entities. This paper tries to give answers to the following questions: What is the investment policy, is there an internal factor for lagging behind in competitiveness, what the other reasons are and how competitiveness can be achieved. By analyzing the investment in key factors of competitiveness in the period 2007 to 2010, consistently established by this paper, the existing data on investment of wood processing and furniture manufacturing entities will be identified, and an AHP investment model will be proposed that takes into account the simultaneous influence of all of the key factors of competitiveness and is the best indicator of the direction to be taken, with the final aim of achieving competitiveness.Prerada drva i proizvoda od drva i pluta, osim namještaja; proizvodnja proizvoda od slame i pletarskih materijala (C16) i proizvodnja namještaja (C31) Republike Hrvatske u kasnim 1980-ima i ranim 1990-im godinama bili su konkurentna aktivnost na europskom tržištu. Nakon 1994. godine te djelatnosti počinju gubiti svoje tržišne udjele i do danas nije zabilježena znatnija pozitivna promjena tržišne konkurentnosti. Postavlja se pitanje kako ostvariti i održati konkurentnost, što je uvjet opstanka u sve zahtjevnijem okruženju. Preliminarna i prethodna istraživanja investicijske aktivnosti upućuju na pretpostavku da se problem konkurentnosti promatranoga gospodarstva u osnovi svodi na problem kvalitete i učinkovitosti investicijskih ulaganja pripadajućih gospodarskih subjekata. Kakva je investicijska politika i je li ona unutarnji čimbenik zaostajanja u konkurentnosti, koji su drugi razlozi i kako postići konkurentnost, pitanja su na koja odgovor daje ovaj rad. Analizom ulaganja u ključne čimbenike konkurentnosti u razdoblju od 2007. do 2010. godine, konzistentno utvrđene ovim radom, identificirat će se postojeći model investicijskih ulaganja gospodarskih subjekata prerade drva i proizvodnje namještaja te predložiti AHP model investicijskih ulaganja koji uzima u obzir istodobni utjecaj svih ključnih čimbenika konkurentnosti i najbolji je pokazatelj u kojem smjeru treba krenuti radi postizanja konačnog cilja – osiguranja konkurentnosti

    Análise Estrutural e de Deformação de Clastos das Unidades Sedimentares da Formação Camarinha - PR

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    As unidades sedimentares constituintes da Formação Camarinha (PR) mostram-se afetadas pela Zona de Cisalhamento Transcorrente da Lancinha, sendo possível verificar a ocorrência de feições rúpteis e rúpteis-dúcteis como dobras escalonadas e fraturas, basculamentos de camadas, truncamentos de pacotes litológicos sedimentares, foliações cataclásticas e clivagens de fratura, estiramento e reorientação de clastos. A análise estrutural e da deformação dos clastos revela estruturas compatíveis com o modelo de Riedel e confirma o deslocamento lateral direito da Falha da Lancinha, com baixo caimento de eixos X característicos de zonas transcorrentesSedimentary units of Camarinha Formation (Paraná State, Southern Brazil) are affected by the Lancinha Transcurrent Shear Zone, and show brittle and brittle-ductile features such as folds, fractures, tilted and truncated layers, cataclastic foliation, fracture cleavage, and stretched clasts. Analysis of these features revealed their compatibility with the Riedel Model and confirms the right-lateral movement of the Lancinha Fault. Low values of the X-axis plunge are typical of transcurrent zone