196 research outputs found

    The possibility of integration between word recognition studies and text comprehension studies : A literal review

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    In many word recognition studies, the bottom-up process was examined. In alphabet writing system, they investigated the process of phonological information, orthographic information, and semantic information in word recognition. In addition, five word recognition models are introduced, and evaluated the applicability. The kanji studies also examined the word recognition process, and they are regarded as interesting stimuli to clarify the word recognition process. Also, there are priming studies that examined top-down process in word recognition. In all these studies, however, the word stimuli are presented solely. So, the influence from sentence information to word recognition in usual reading has not been clarified. In contrast, text comprehension studies regard word as too small unit to make proposition. The results of text comprehension studies about role of knowledge, garden-path sentences, and parafovea are introduced. At last, the discussion is about the studies of the influence from sentence information to word recognition when the word is presented in sentences. There are claims that sentence information affects to word perception process and claims that it affects to higher word recognition process. The proofreading studies are introduced as useful method to integrate word recognition studies and text comprehension studies

    Assumption of negative events and emotion during the procrastination process

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    This study collected negative events assumed when people procrastinate, classified these negative events, and examined the relationship between types of negative events and emotions. In the pilot study, we collected negative events that were assumed when people procrastinate. The 28 items included events related to stress and to the performance of the tasks. In Study 1, we intended to select and classify the negative event items. The participants were asked how strongly they had thought that these negative events actually happen. The exploratory factor analysis showed that the negative events did not fall into multiple categories. In Study 2, participants were asked how they were concerned by 28 negative events. As in Study 1, the exploratory factor analysis showed that the negative events did not fall into more than one category. The participants were also asked about emotions in the procrastination process. We examined the relationship between those emotions and the level of concern for negative events. A positive correlation was found between “negative emotions” and “optimism about the situation” and the degree of concern about negative events during the procrastination process. These results indicate that the degree of concern is more important than the type of negative event, and that the degree is related to the occurrence of negative emotions during the procrastination process

    Lysosomal and Some Other Hydrolytic Enzyme Activities in The Whole Liver and Isolated Hepatocyte Suspension.

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    Enzyme activities were studied with the liver tissue and isolated hepatocyte homogenates. The activities of alkaline phosphatase, 5'-nucleotidase, adenosine triphosphatase, glucose-6-phosphatase, and various lysosomal enzymes were different between the hepatocytes and non-hepatocyte components in rat liver. The significance of the isolation of hepatocytes from the liver tissue is discussed.departmental bulletin pape

    Semantic involvement in the lexical and sentence processing of Japanese Kanji

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    This study examined how skilled Japanese readers activate semantic information when reading kanji compound words at both the lexical and sentence levels. Experiment 1 used a lexical decision task for two-kanji compound words and nonwords. When nonwords were composed of kanji that were semantically similar to the kanji of real words, reaction times were longer and error rates were higher than when nonwords had kanji that were not semantically similar. Experiment 2 used a proofreading task (detection of kanji miscombinations) for the same two-kanji compound words and nonwords at the sentence level. In this task, semantically similar nonwords were detected faster than dissimilar nonwords, but error rates were much higher for the semantically similar nonwords. Experiment 3 used a semantic decision task for sentences with the same two-kanji compound words and nonwords. It took longer to detect semantically similar nonwords than dissimilar nonwords. This indicates that semantic involvement in the processing of Japanese kanji produces different effects, depending on whether this processing is done at the lexical or sentence level, which in turn is related to where the reader's attention lies

    Phonological Involvement in the processing of Japanese at the lexical and sentence levels

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    The present study examined whether Japanese readers activate phonological information when reading kanji compound words and sentences and if so, how they do it. Experiment 1 used two-kanji compound words in a lexical decision task to study phonological processing at the lexical level. When nonwords were pseudo-homophones (朗費 /roR hi/ in place of the real word 浪費 /roR hi/), reaction times were longer and more errors occurred than with nonwords in the control group (削費 /saku hi/). Experiment 2 required participants to detect misspellings (i.e., incorrect kanji combinations) of two-kanji compound stimuli embedded in sentences. In the detection task of misspelled kanji, no homophonic effect was apparent. Experiment 3 used a semantic decision task. Included in this task were semantically similar but incorrect kanji compound words used as fillers in sentences (e.g., ‘向こうに見える大きな建物は、私の知人が設備したものだ' meaning ‘The building you can see over there was facilitated by my friend' instead of designed) as well as the sentences used in Experiment 2. Results from Experiment 3 indicated that participants could reject a sentence as incorrect more quickly when pseudo-homophones were embedded in the sentences rather than nonwords. These results suggest that readers activate phonological information of two-kanji compound words when reading for comprehension but not for simple proofreading

    Study support for a junior high school student who has difficulty with solving graphic problems and word problems

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    This study is a case report of the cognitive counseling for a student who has difficulty with solving graphic and word problems. The student in this study was a boy of a junior high school first grader. He felt the difficulty in some arithmetic problems. He didn’t know how to solve graphic problems and word problems. He could solve computational problems fast, but he often made careless mistakes through the process of solving the problems. To reduce his troubles in arithmetic, we supported his learning based on three points. The first point, we explained to him formulas of figures to present figures made of paper. The second point, we supported his troubles in word problems by using charts to understand word problems. The third point, we tried to make his habits of review arithmetic problems after he finished them. This study, we could solve his troubles in graphic problems. However, we could not support enough having his strategy to solve word problems and making habits of review to reduce mistakes. He will master using charts with solving word problems and making habits of review when understanding the role of them in arithmetic problems

    Effect of reactance traits on buying behavior in a limited sales advertisement

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    This study examined the effects of the reactance traits on people's intention to purchase limited products aod on their reactance reactions. Advertising limited sales can cause two independent responses: increase in the intention to purchase and increase in resistance to persuasion. We manipulated the magnitude of the pressure of persuasion in the advertising of chocolates. Participants were asked about their intention to purchase the chocolate, and their reactance reactions to the advertisement. Intention to purchase was lower with high-pressure advertisement than with low-pressure advertisement, regardless of reactance traits. High-pressure advertisement of limited products could cause psychological reactance to persuasion. The high-reactance participants, however, responded more negatively to the advertisement, and felt more frustration with the restriction. Although the reactance characteristics of participants did not affect their intention to purchase, it affected their reactance reactions to a limited sales advertisement

    中学生の円滑なコミュニケーションを促す授業実践 : 自己理解と自己表現に着目して

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    Student tendencies in communication : self-efficacy in schoolwork

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    社会において様々な集団に属している私たちにとって,コミュニケーションは必要不可欠である。本研究では,生徒の学業における自己効力感と学校生活でのコミュニケーション傾向の関係を明らかにすることを目的とした。その結果,自己主張に消極的な生徒は,攻撃的な生徒よりも学業における自己効力感が低いなど,学業における自己効力感とコミュニケーション傾向との関連が示された。Communication skills are necessary because humans belong to many different social 'groups'. The focus of this study was students’ self-efficacy with respect to schoolwork. This study aimed to investigate differences in communication tendencies at school with respect to students’ self-efficacy in schoolwork. It was found that self-efficacy in schoolwork and communication are to some extent related. For example, non-assertive students (failing to express one’s honest feelings) had lower self-efficacy related to approval of their schoolwork than aggressive students (forceful type of argumentation)