761 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research was to develop an improvised furnace to enhance students’ performance in forging operations in technical colleges in Rivers State. The study adopted research and development design. Forging is the art of shaping metals by hammering. Man has known this art since ancient times. Today machines have largely replaced the sweat and muscle of the blacksmith, who nevertheless remains indispensable for carrying out the jobs done by hand, necessary in steel and engineering works. The furnace was found to be valid for forging at 4.00 and reliable using steel with molybdenum at hardness of 164 HRC. Any temperature and harder having melting points above 8500c and 164 HRC respectively may be inserted directly into the flaming charcoal. The improvised furnace is a teaching material that is made up of a steel vessel hardened with carbon – molybdenum in the ratio of 0.20:0.68 percent respectively. It was lined with bricks and fired with charcoal, using an electric blower connected to a low voltage generator. This furnace was used to carry out various forging operations. Based on the findings of this study, the researchers recommended the government; technical college principals and relevant agencies should provide funds to procure the materials and components for designing and constructing these furnaces by the teacher for teaching forging in Technical Colleges in Rivers State. Also, constant power supply, generators, accumulators, anvils, steel vessels, pipes and electric blowers should be provided and distributed by the ministry of education to the Technical Colleges for construction of furnaces for effective teaching of forging in Rivers State. The industries, government, non-governmental agencies and private enterprises and communities should provide components and consumable materials necessary for teaching. These materials should be supplied directly to the individual Technical Colleges in Rivers State. Vocational counselors should guide students to take up occupation in forging


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    The purpose of this research was to develop an improvised furnace to enhance students’ performance in forging operations in technical colleges in Rivers State. The study adopted research and development design. Forging is the art of shaping metals by hammering. Man has known this art since ancient times. Today machines have largely replaced the sweat and muscle of the blacksmith, who nevertheless remains indispensable for carrying out the jobs done by hand, necessary in steel and engineering works. The furnace was found to be valid for forging at 4.00 and reliable using steel with molybdenum at hardness of 164 HRC. Any temperature and harder having melting points above 8500c and 164 HRC respectively may be inserted directly into the flaming charcoal. The improvised furnace is a teaching material that is made up of a steel vessel hardened with carbon – molybdenum in the ratio of 0.20:0.68 percent respectively. It was lined with bricks and fired with charcoal, using an electric blower connected to a low voltage generator. This furnace was used to carry out various forging operations. Based on the findings of this study, the researchers recommended the government; technical college principals and relevant agencies should provide funds to procure the materials and components for designing and constructing these furnaces by the teacher for teaching forging in Technical Colleges in Rivers State. Also, constant power supply, generators, accumulators, anvils, steel vessels, pipes and electric blowers should be provided and distributed by the ministry of education to the Technical Colleges for construction of furnaces for effective teaching of forging in Rivers State. The industries, government, non-governmental agencies and private enterprises and communities should provide components and consumable materials necessary for teaching. These materials should be supplied directly to the individual Technical Colleges in Rivers State. Vocational counselors should guide students to take up occupation in forging

    How Expert Teachers in Community Colleges Describe the Process of Becoming Master Teachers

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    This research study is an examination of the process of how community college instructors describe the process of becoming master teachers. Master teachers are those recognized by the Chancellor’s Excellence in Teaching award of the State University of New York. The purpose of the proposed study was to identify the habits, attitudes, and behaviors of these professionals. Using a quantitative research design, a sample of 9 community college instructors were interviewed using a semi-structured format. Directed content analysis using the theoretical framework of reflective practice informed the audience The findings suggest that the instructors at community college welcome change in their teaching by seeking mentors, attending professional development events, engaging students, possessing passion, and self-regulating so that teaching excellence occurs for all students

    Potential therapeutic benefit of NAD+ supplementation for glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration

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    Glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration are leading causes of irreversible blindness worldwide with significant health and societal burdens. To date, no clinical cures are available and treatments target only the manageable symptoms and risk factors (but do not remediate the underlying pathology of the disease). Both diseases are neurodegenerative in their pathology of the retina and as such many of the events that trigger cell dysfunction, degeneration, and eventual loss are due to mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Here, we critically review how a decreased bioavailability of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD; a crucial metabolite in healthy and disease states) may underpin many of these aberrant mechanisms. We propose how exogenous sources of NAD may become a therapeutic standard for the treatment of these conditions. View Full-Text Keywords: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; glaucoma; age-related macular degeneration; mitochondria; retina; optic nerve; retinal pigment epitheliu

    Who’s Who in the Zoo: Defining Roles and Responsibilities of a Collaborative Health Care Team Abstract

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    In 2017, 10,748 patients in the acute care setting experienced a sentinel event (The Joint Commission, 2017). As reported by the Joint Commission, 70% of these events could be avoided with a clear understanding and proper communication of the roles and responsibilities of each member of the healthcare team. With clearly defined roles and responsibilities of each team member, nurses can better utilize each member to increase the quality of patient-centered care delivery. To facilitate rich interprofessional communication among students of various health care disciplines (nursing, social work, nutrition, pre-OT/PT, and child life), an Interprofessional Case Study Event was conducted. Participants worked through three phases of care from a case study scenario in which fostering effective communication among the students was vital. We hypothesize that participation in an Interprofessional Case Study Event at the undergraduate level will increase students’ knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of the various health care team members.  Design: A quantitative one-group, pre/post test case study event was conducted with various undergraduate health care students enrolled at Tennessee Technological University. Data were collected using the SPICE-R2 self-report questionnaire.  Results: Our analysis supports a statistically significant difference in students’ perceptions of the roles and responsibilities for collaborative practice pre/post Interprofessional Case Study Event. Conclusion: The implications of this study suggests that providing collaborative learning opportunities for students of health disciplines will increase the understanding of roles and responsibilities of each health professional, resulting in more effective interdisciplinary communication that will lead to improved patient care

    Evaluación de la exposición al polvo de carbón y de sílice en sitios de minería subterránea en tres departamentos de Colombia

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    Introduction: Coal workers’ pneumoconiosis is a chronic and irreversible disease representing a public health problem. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of pneumoconiosis and its associated factors among underground coal miners in the Colombian departments of Boyacá, Cundinamarca and Norte de Santander. Materials and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 476 miners to measure the prevalence of pneumoconiosis and its associated factors such as coal dust and silica levels, as well as the occupational conditions. The medical assessment and a chest x-ray were performed according to the International Labor Organization criteria, along with spirometry and the identification of glutathione S-transferase and repair enzyme polymorphisms.The associations were explored using Cox regression models. Results: We performed a total of 479 environmental monitoring sessions in 31 companies and we evaluated 476 workers with 10 to 57 years of mining work experience. The prevalence of pneumoconiosis was 33.8% (95% CI: 27.0 - 41.3%). In the Cox multivariate regression model with a constant risk time, pneumoconiosis was significantly associated with working in medium-sized companies (PR=2.00, 95% CI: 0.995 - 2.690; p=0.052), the level of severe exposure to coal dust (PR=2.055, 95% CI: 1.043 - 4.048; p=0.038), and working in underground mining for 25 years or more (for those with 25.0-29.9 years: PR=2.199, 95% CI: 1.449 - 3.338; p=0.001). Conclusions: The prevalence of pneumoconiosis was very high and was found to be associated with severe exposure to coal dust, work exposure for 25 years or more and working in medium-sized enterprisesIntroducción. La neumoconiosis de mineros del carbón es una enfermedad crónica e irreversible que se considera un problema de salud pública. Objetivo. Estimar la prevalencia de neumoconiosis y sus factores asociados en mineros de carbón de Boyacá, Cundinamarca y Norte de Santander. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio de corte transversal en 476 mineros. Se les hizo valoración médica, se tomaron radiografías de tórax siguiendo los criterios de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, así como espirometrías, y se identificaron los polimorfismos de la glutatión S-transferasa y de las enzimas de reparación. Las asociaciones entre las condiciones ocupacionales y de la empresa con la neumoconiosis, se estudiaron usando modelos de regresión de Cox. Resultados. En 31 empresas se hicieron 479 monitorizaciones ambientales y se evaluaron 476 trabajadores cuyo tiempo de trabajo fluctuaba entre 10 y 57 años. La prevalencia de la neumoconiosis fue de 33,8 % (IC95% 27,0-41,3). En el modelo de regresión multivariado de Cox, con tiempo de riesgo constante para la neumoconiosis, esta se asoció significativamente con el trabajo en empresas medianas (razón de prevalencias, RP=2,00; IC95% 0,995- 2,690; p=0,052), con un nivel alto de exposición al polvo de carbón según el índice de exposición (RP=2,055; IC95% 1,043-4,048; p=0,038), y una antigüedad de 25 años o más (para 25,0 a 29,9 años: RP=2,199; IC95% 1,449-3,338; p=0,001). Conclusiones. La prevalencia de la neumoconiosis fue muy alta y se asoció a la exposición a altos niveles de polvo de carbón, a una exposición laboral mayor o igual a 25 años y al trabajo en empresas medianas

    Improved DiOlistic labelling technique for neurons in situ: Detailed visualisation of dendritic spines and concurrent histochemical-detection in fixed tissue

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    DiOlistic labelling is a robust, unbiased ballistic method that utilises lipophilic dyes to morphologically label neurons. While its efficacy on freshly dissected tissue specimens is well-documented, applying DiOlistic labelling to stored, fixed brain tissue and its use in polychromatic multi-marker studies poses significant technical challenges. Here, we present an improved, step-by-step protocol for DiOlistic labelling of dendrites and dendritic spines in fixed mouse tissue. Our protocol encompasses the five key stages: Tissue Preparation, Dye Bullet Preparation, DiOlistic Labelling, Confocal Imaging, and Image Analysis. This method ensures reliable and consistent labelling of dendritic spines in fixed mouse tissue, combined with increased throughput of samples and multi-parameter staining and visualisation of tissue, thereby offering a valuable approach for neuroscientific research

    Caracterización de las condiciones de salud respiratoria de los trabajadores expuestos a polvo de carbón en minería subterránea en Boyacá, 2013.

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    Introducción: la neumoconiosis de los mineros de carbón es una enfermedad pulmonar ocupacional asociada a factores individuales y condiciones laborales específcas. Se manifesta progresiva e irreversiblemente, afectando la salud de los trabajadores y la productividad laboral. Objetivo: caracterizar las condiciones de salud respiratoria e identifcar los factores de riesgo asociados al desarrollo de neumoconiosis en trabajadores que han laborado expuestos a polvo de carbón en minas de socavón en Boyacá, 2013. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en trabajadores de minería de socavón expuestos a polvo de carbón en el departamento de Boyacá. Se llevó a cabo un registro completo de historia clínica ocupacional, examen físico completo, toma de radiografía de tórax, prueba de tuberculina y espirometría. Resultados: participaron 170 trabajadores masculinos. 75% de la población tenía antigüedad en el sector minero mayor a 12,5 años. Roncus, sibilancias y estertores predominaron en trabajadores con más de 20 años de antigüedad. Expectoración y tos se encontraron más frecuentemente en quienes realizaban la extracción mecanizada. El 15,9% de las radiografías de tórax fueron compatibles con neumoconiosis, 17,1% de las pruebas de tuberculina se encontraron positivas. 5,3% de las espirometrías mostraron alteraciones de vía aérea periférica y 2,4% mostraron patrón obstructivo. Discusión y conclusión: Los cambios radiológicos sugestivos de neumoconiosis fueron más frecuentes en trabajadores con antigüedad menor de 20 años. Los hallazgos espirométricos anormales predominaron en el grupo con antigüedad mayor a 20 años. Es necesario revisar protocolos de vigilancia epidemiológica y realizar seguimiento por medicina laboral.Palabra clave: Neumoconiosis, minería del carbón, tuberculosis, condiciones de trabajo, exposiciónocupacional, Colombia.Forma de citar: Garrote Wilches CF, Malagón Rojas JN, Morgan G, Combariza D, Varona, M. Caracterización de las condiciones de salud respiratoria de los trabajadores expuestos a polvo de carbón en minería subterránea en Boyacá, 2013. rev.univ.ind.santander.salud 2014; 46 (3): 237-247Characterization of respiratory health conditions of workers exposed to coal dust in underground mining in Boyacá, 2013. Introduction: coal miners´ pneumoconiosis is an occupational lung disease associated with individual factors and specifc working conditions. It is manifested progressively and irreversibly, affecting the health of workers and labor productivity. Objective: To characterize the respiratory health conditions and identify risk factors associated with the development of pneumoconiosis in workers that have been exposed to coal dust in the underground mines at Boyacá, 2013. Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among mining workers exposed to coal dust in the department of Boyacá. It was conducted a complete record of occupational medical history, physical exam, taking chest radiography, tuberculin test and spirometry. Results: 170 male workers participated. 75% of the population had worked in the mining sector for more than12.5 years old. Rhonchi, wheezing and rattling predominated in workers over 20 years old. Expectoration and cough were most frequently found in those who made mechanized extraction. 15.9% of chest X rays were compatible with pneumoconiosis, 17.1% of tuberculin tests were found positive. 5.3% of spirometries showed peripheral airway abnormalities and 2.4% showed obstructive pattern. Discussion and conclusion: Radiological changes suggestive of pneumoconiosis were more frequent in workers under 20 years old. Abnormal spirometric fndings predominated in the group with more than 20 years old. It is important to review surveillance protocols and perform monitoring through occupational medicine.Keywords: pneumoconiosis, coal mining, tuberculosis, working conditions, occupational exposure, Colombia

    Guia para Padres: Opciones al finalizar la escuela secundaria

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    This Parent’s Guide was produced in collaboration with a group of mothers and fathers of the Newcomer Program of the Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS) who participated in online meetings and activities between September 2020 and June 2021. During the meetings, the parents shared their hopes and dreams about their children's future and their questions and concerns about how to find resources and information to achieve those dreams. The guide was co-developed in response to the information needs raised by parents during the meetings