210 research outputs found

    Merchandising et mise en place des collections en bibliothèques de lecture publique

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    L’application des techniques de marketing à la gestion des bibliothèques est très débattue. En revanche, l’application spécifique des techniques de merchandising est une pratique nettement moins évoquée. Le merchandising est une sous-discipline du marketing qui s’occupe de l’allocation des emplacements et de la présentation des produits sur le point de vente. En bibliothèque, il s’agit donc de développer une démarche marketing pour la mise en espace des documents. Dans ce travail, les principes du merchandising sont transposés pour une application en bibliothèque de lecture publique. Les bibliothèques génèrent une grande quantité de données de circulation et de description des documents : ce travail explore aussi comment ces données de grande qualité peuvent être exploitées et valorisées dans une démarche de merchandising.The application of marketing methods for libray management is a much debated question. On the other hand, the specific application of merchandising methods is less debated. Merchandising is a component of marketing whose concern is the in-store allocation of space for products and their presentation. Hence for public libraries, the idea is to apply a marketing approach specifically centered on space utilization for documents. In this paper, merchandising principles are adaptated for an application in public libraries. Libraries create a lot of circulation datas and document description datas : this paper explores as well how those high quality datas can be used and how they can create value in the perspective of a merchandising approach

    Le rôle du couvert ligneux sur le bilan hydrique d'une steppe (nord du Sénégal)

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    L'évapotranspiration de deux bosquets de ligneux (Acacia tortilis et Balanites aegyptiaca possédant leur strate herbacée) et d'une zone herbacée hors couvert de la steppe sahélienne (Ferlo sénégalais) a été étudiée de 1989 à 1992. L'évapotranspiration a été estimée à partir de l'équation du bilan (mesures à la sonde à neutrons). La steppe a évapotranspiré en moyenne 1,92 mm/j en saison des pluies (période n° 1), 1,62 mm/j en saison dite "différée" (période n° 2), 0,62 mm/j en saison sèche fraîche (période n° 3) et 0,09 mm/j en saison sèche chaude (période n° 4). L'ETR maximale journalière des deux bosquets de ligneux est supérieure à celle de la zone herbacée toute l'année, l'ETR du bosquet d'Acacia tortilis étant supérieure à celle du bosquet de Balanites aegyptiaca, soit respectivement pour Acacia tortilis, Balanites aegyptiaca et la zone herbacée : 5,04-4,15 et 3,98 mm/j (période n° 1), 4,28-3,76 et 2,89 mm/j (période n° 2), 1,73-1,79 et 1,34 mm/j (période n° 3), 0,93-0,46 et 0,36 mm/j (période n° 4). En fin de saison sèche, après un cycle de végétation, il subsiste dans le sol de la zone herbacée un stock d'eau de 20 mm : cette steppe aurait pu produire 13,7 à 20,8 kg MS/ha/année de bois en plus. (Résumé d'auteur

    Simulating the interaction between a society and a renewable resource

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    ... In this paper we present the simulator, and, in order to give a general outline of its use we present different experimentations. The architecture of simulators is based on Distributed Artificial Intelligence principle (multi-agents simulations, object oriented language). We simulate an aquatic ecosystem submitted to an increase of the fishing effort and compare the effect of different representation of fishing effort. As a result of the simulations, focus can be put on the relation between space sharing rules and the evolution of the ecological equilibrium. The simulator is considered as a discussion tool to lead to interdisciplinary meetings. (D'après résumé d'auteur

    Participatory diagnosis and adaptive management of small-scale fisheries in the Niger River Basin

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    In a broad sense, analysis of ‘resilience’ is about the capacity of systems to adapt to shocks, recognizing that disturbance and change are integral component of complex systems. More formally, resilience analysis proposes to focus on mechanisms and processes that help systems absorbing perturbations and shocks, and coping with uncertainty and risks. Defined in such a way, the concept of resilience thus appears particularly useful for the management of small-scale fisheries. However, while the resilience concept is appealing, particularly in the face of the failure of current management approaches, the danger is that it remains largely academic and theoretical, and not of a great help in effectively improving the way natural resources are managed on the ground. The challenge, therefore, lies in a pragmatic approach to operationalizing the concept of resilience and making its implementation on the ground practical and meaningful. In this project we propose a framework aimed at this objective and we test it in the specific context of small-scale fisheries in the Niger River Basin

    Prevalence of HIV-1 drug resistance in treated patients with viral load >50 copies/mL in 2009: a French nationwide study

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    Background Surveillance of HIV-1 drug resistance in treated patients with plasma viral load (VL) >50 copies/mL. Methods The protease and reverse transcriptase (RT) genes were systematically sequenced in samples from 756 patients with VL >50 copies/mL in 2009. The genotyping results were interpreted for each antiretroviral drug (ARV) by using the ANRS algorithm v21. Weighted analyses were used to derive representative estimates of percentages of patients. Prevalence rates were compared with those obtained in 2004 among patients with VL >1000 copies/mL. Results Sequences were obtained for 506 patients. Sequencing was successful in 45%, 80% and 96% of samples with VL of 51-500, 501-1000 and >1000 copies/mL, respectively. Resistance or possible resistance to at least one ARV was observed in 59% of samples. Overall, 0.9% of samples contained viruses resistant to all drugs belonging to at least three drug classes. All resistance prevalence rates were significantly lower in 2009 than in 2004. Conclusion In France, where 86% of patients were receiving combination antiretroviral therapy in 2009, only 15.0% of patients had a VL >50 copies/mL, suggesting that only 8.9% of treated patients could potentially transmit resistant viruses. Only 0.08% of patients harboured viruses fully resistant to at least three antiretroviral drug classes. Further studies are needed to determine whether resistance continues to decline over tim

    HIV-1-infected patients from the French National Observatory experiencing virological failure while receiving enfuvirtide

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    Objectives We studied gp41 mutations associated with failing enfuvirtide salvage therapy. Methods This multicentre study involved patients with HIV-1 plasma viral load (pVL) > 5000 copies/mL after at least 3 months of uninterrupted enfuvirtide therapy and with plasma samples available at inclusion (T0), at initial enfuvirtide failure (T1) and at last follow-up visit during continued failing enfuvirtide therapy (T2). The HR-1 and HR-2 domains of the gp41 gene were sequenced at T0, T1 and T2. Results Ninety-nine patients were enrolled. At baseline, the median pVL and CD4 cell count were 5.1 log copies/mL and 72 cells/mm3, respectively. Based on the ANRS Resistance Group algorithm, the proportion of patients harbouring viruses with enfuvirtide resistance mutations increased significantly between T0 and T1. In the HR-1 domain, the V38A/M, Q40H, N42T, N43D and L45M mutations wereselected (P < 0.02). In the HR-2 domain, no mutations were significantly selected during the follow-up. None of the mutations was associated with a CD4 cell count increment. Conclusions Mutations selected during failing enfuvirtide salvage therapy are mainly located in the HR-1 domain of the gp41 gene, between codons 38 and 45. No mutations were associated with an increase in the CD4 cell coun

    Persisting Mixed Cryoglobulinemia in Chikungunya Infection

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    Chikungunya virus is present in tropical Africa and Asia and is transmitted by mosquito bites. The disease is characterized by fever, headache, severe joint pain and transient skin rash for about a week. Most patients experience persisting joint pain and/or stiffness for months to years. In routine practice, diagnosis is based upon serology. Since 2004 there has been an ongoing giant outbreak of Chikungunya fever in East Africa, the Indian Ocean Islands, India and East Asia. In parallel, more than 1,000 travelers were diagnosed with imported Chikungunya infection in most developed countries. Considering the clinical features of our patients (joint pain), we hypothesized that cryoglobulins could be involved in the pathophysiology of the disease as observed in chronic hepatitis C infection. Cryoglobulins, which are immunoglobulins that precipitate when temperature is below 37°C, can induce rheumatic and vascular disorders. From April 2005 through May 2007, we screened all patients with possible imported Chikungunya infection for cryoglobulins. They were present in over 90% of patients, and possibly responsible for the unexpected false negativity of serological assays. Cryoglobulin frequency and levels decreased with time in recovering patients

    Herpes-Virus Infection in Patients with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: A Case-Controlled Sero-Epidemiological Study, and In Situ Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease that affects mainly young children, and which features granulomas containing Langerhans-type dendritic cells. The role of several human herpesviruses (HHV) in the pathogenesis of LCH was suggested by numerous reports but remains debated. Epstein-barr virus (EBV, HHV-4), & Cytomegalovirus (CMV, HHV-5) can infect Langerhans cells, and EBV, CMV and HHV-6 have been proposed to be associated with LCH based on the detection of these viruses in clinical samples. METHODOLOGY: We have investigated the prevalence of EBV, CMV and HHV-6 infection, the characters of antibody response and the plasma viral load in a cohort of 83 patients and 236 age-matched controls, and the presence and cellular localization of the viruses in LCH tissue samples from 19 patients. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The results show that prevalence, serological titers, and viral load for EBV, CMV and HHV-6 did not differ between patients and controls. EBV was found by PCR in tumoral sample from 3/19 patients, however, EBV small RNAs EBERs -when positive-, were detected by in situ double staining in bystander B CD20+ CD79a+ lymphocytes and not in CD1a+ LC. HHV-6 genome was detected in the biopsies of 5/19 patients with low copy number and viral Ag could not be detected in biopsies. CMV was not detected by PCR in this series. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Therefore, our findings do not support the hypothesis of a role of EBV, CMV, or HHV-6 in the pathogenesis of LCH, and indicate that the frequent detection of Epstein-barr virus (EBV) in Langerhans cell histiocytosis is accounted for by the infection of bystander B lymphocytes in LCH granuloma. The latter observation can be attributed to the immunosuppressive micro environment found in LCH granuloma
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