8 research outputs found

    Latitudinal Variations in Methane Abundance, Aerosol Opacity and Aerosol Scattering Efficiency in Neptune's Atmosphere Determined From VLT/MUSE

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    Spectral observations of Neptune made in 2019 with the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) instrument at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile have been analyzed to determine the spatial variation of aerosol scattering properties and methane abundance in Neptune's atmosphere. The darkening of the South Polar Wave at ∼60°S, and dark spots such as the Voyager 2 Great Dark Spot is concluded to be due to a spectrally dependent darkening (λ 650 nm. We find the properties of an overlying methane/haze aerosol layer at ∼2 bar are, to first-order, invariant with latitude, while variations in the opacity of an upper tropospheric haze layer reproduce the observed reflectivity at methane-absorbing wavelengths, with higher abundances found at the equator and also in a narrow “zone” at 80°S. Finally, we find the mean abundance of methane below its condensation level to be 6%–7% at the equator reducing to ∼3% south of ∼25°S, although the absolute abundances are model dependent.We are grateful to the United Kingdom Science and Technology Facilities Council for funding this research (Irwin: ST/S000461/1, Teanby: ST/R000980/1). Glenn Orton was supported by funding to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004). Leigh Fletcher and Mike Roman were supported by a European Research Council Consolidator Grant (under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, grant agreement no. 723890) at the University of Leicester. Santiago Pérez-Hoyos and Agustin Sánchez-Lavega are supported by the Spanish project PID2019-109467GB-I00 (MINECO/FEDER, UE), Elkartek21/87 KK-2021/00061 and Grupos Gobierno Vasco IT-1742-22

    Contribución del inventario de puntos de agua termales, sulfurosos y de contenido salino elevado al conocimiento de la tectónica de la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca.

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    El inventario de puntos de agua salinos, sulfurosos y termales de la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca, pone de manifiesto la relación existente entre estas aguas de características singulares con afloramientos triásicos de facies Keuper y con importantes accidentes corticales: Falla de Leiza, Falla de Bilbao y Falla de Henday

    Etimología en términos geológicos : su valor pedagógico

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    La Geología conlleva una importante componente descriptiva y, por tanto, el uso de un amplio vocabulario. Todo ello obliga a un considerable esfuerzo memorístico en su aprendizaje. Un método nemotécnico que puede facilitar su enseñanza es el propio empleo de los términos, es decir, la etimología de las palabras para recordar éstas y su significado. Además de ejemplos, se citan las principales fuentes de documentación bibliográfica.The geology is to a great extent a descriptive science. This is the reason for use an open vocabulary and requires an important memoristic effort. A mnemotecnic method that allows remind the words and their meaning is the use of their etimological sense

    Etimología en términos geológicos : su valor pedagógico

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    La Geología conlleva una importante componente descriptiva y, por tanto, el uso de un amplio vocabulario. Todo ello obliga a un considerable esfuerzo memorístico en su aprendizaje. Un método nemotécnico que puede facilitar su enseñanza es el propio empleo de los términos, es decir, la etimología de las palabras para recordar éstas y su significado. Además de ejemplos, se citan las principales fuentes de documentación bibliográfica.The geology is to a great extent a descriptive science. This is the reason for use an open vocabulary and requires an important memoristic effort. A mnemotecnic method that allows remind the words and their meaning is the use of their etimological sense

    Cuantificación hidrogeológica básica

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    Se explican las nociones básicas para obtener una visión global de la dinámica del ciclo del agua. Además, se exponen métodos sencillos y asequibles de cuantificación de la precipitación, evaporación y escorrentía, que permiten realizar balances hídricos elementales.It explained basic notions to obtain a global vision about the elemental hidrologic cycle. Horeover, it exposed easy and accesible methods to cuantifity the precipitation, evaporation and runoff, that permit obtain elemental water balances

    Cuantificación hidrogeológica básica

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    Se explican las nociones básicas para obtener una visión global de la dinámica del ciclo del agua. Además, se exponen métodos sencillos y asequibles de cuantificación de la precipitación, evaporación y escorrentía, que permiten realizar balances hídricos elementales.It explained basic notions to obtain a global vision about the elemental hidrologic cycle. Horeover, it exposed easy and accesible methods to cuantifity the precipitation, evaporation and runoff, that permit obtain elemental water balances

    Disruption of Saturn’s quasi-periodic equatorial oscillation by the great northern storm

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    The equatorial middle atmospheres of the Earth 1 , Jupiter 2 and Saturn 3,4 all exhibit a remarkably similar phenomenon-a vertical, cyclic pattern of alternating temperatures and zonal (east-west) wind regimes that propagate slowly downwards with a well-defined multi-year period. Earth's quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) (observed in the lower stratospheric winds with an average period of 28 months) is one of the most regular, repeatable cycles exhibited by our climate system 1,5,6 , and yet recent work has shown that this regularity can be disrupted by events occurring far away from the equatorial region, an example of a phenomenon known as atmospheric teleconnection 7,8 . Here, we reveal that Saturn's equatorial quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) (with an ~15-year period 3,9 ) can also be dramatically perturbed. An intense springtime storm erupted at Saturn's northern mid-latitudes in December 2010 10-12 , spawning a gigantic hot vortex in the stratosphere at 40° N that persisted for three years 13 . Far from the storm, the Cassini temperature measurements showed a dramatic ~10 K cooling in the 0.5-5 mbar range across the entire equatorial region, disrupting the regular QPO pattern and significantly altering the middle-atmospheric wind structure, suggesting an injection of westward momentum into the equatorial wind system from waves generated by the northern storm. Hence, as on Earth, meteorological activity at mid-latitudes can have a profound effect on the regular atmospheric cycles in Saturn's tropics, demonstrating that waves can provide horizontal teleconnections between the phenomena shaping the middle atmospheres of giant planets