490 research outputs found

    Música-Persona: un binomio inseparable. La importancia de la música en el desarrollo infantil/humano

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Infantil. Codi: MI1040. Curs acadèmic: 2017/2018Persona y música constituyen un binomio inseparable, no se entiende la existencia de uno sin el otro. El propósito de este trabajo es conocer las posibilidades de la música y la musicoterapia en la persona y su desarrollo ya desde la etapa infantil. Se pretende contrastar la teoría con la experiencia profesional y personal del musicoterapeuta Patxi del Campo y, por otra parte, indagar acerca de la situación actual de la música en las aulas de infantil. Para lograr estos objetivos, se ha realizado la siguiente metodología: por un lado, una entrevista a del Campo y, por otro lado, una encuesta a maestras que ejercen en la etapa de Educación Infantil (3-6 años). Los resultados de la entrevista han concretado la diferencia entre la aplicación de la música y de la musicoterapia. También nos han mostrado que las principales funciones de la musicoterapia son facilitar la relación persona-mundo, así como hacer sentir viva a la persona. La última parte de esta, nos ha permitido conocer su punto de vista respecto a la situación de la música en las aulas. Todo ello, englobado dentro del hecho importante, para el entrevistado, de no separar música y persona. Los resultados de la encuesta han reflejado que, pese a que los encuestados son conscientes de los beneficios de la música, manifiestan ciertas dudas en cuanto a si la trabajaban correcta y suficientemente. Se puede concluir que, aunque la música es esencial e inseparable de la persona, esta no ocupa el lugar que debiera en las aulas de Educación Infantil, siendo una posible causa de ello la insuficiente formación del profesorado.Person and music constitute an inseparable binomial, the existence of one without the other is not understood. The objective of this work is to know the possibilities of music and musictherapy in the person and its development right from childhood stage. The aim is to contrast the theory with the professional and personal experience of music therapist Patxi del Campo and, on the other hand, to inquire about the current situation of music in children's classrooms. To achieve these objectives, the following methodology has been carried out: first of all, an interview with Del Campo and, moreover, a survey of teachers who practice in the early childhood education stage (3-6 years old). The results of the interview showed the difference between the use of music and musictherapy. They have also showed us that the main functions of music therapy are to facilitate the personworld relationship, as well as to make a person feel alive. The last part of this interview, has allowed us to know his point of view about the situation of music in the classroom. All this, encompassed within the important fact, for the interviewee, of no separating music and person. The results of the survey have shown the respondents are aware of the benefits of music, but they express doubts about they are working music correctly and sufficiently. It can be concluded that, although music is essential and inseparable from the person, it does not occupy the place it should in the classrooms of early childhood education, one possible cause of this, is the insufficient teacher trainin

    Sucesos vitales estresantes en mujeres en situación sin hogar

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    Las Personas Sin Hogar (PSH) forman parte de un colectivo especialmente vulnerable al padecimiento de Sucesos Vitales Estresantes (SVE) a lo largo de la vida. Además, los escasos datos indican que las Mujeres Sin Hogar (MSH) presentan una mayor vulnerabilidad a sufrir dichos sucesos. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la prevalencia de SVE en un grupo de 138 MSH de la ciudad de Madrid. Los resultados apuntan que las MSH experimentan un número muy elevado de SVE tanto en la infancia/adolescencia como a lo largo de la vida. Estos SVE estarían relacionados con diversos aspectos como su salud, relaciones familiares, problemas económicos, violencia, etc.Homeless people (HP) belong to particularly vulnerable group highly susceptible to experiencing Stressful Life Events (SLE) throughout their lives. Also, the limited available data indicates that Homeless Women (HW) show a greater vulnerability to suffer such events. The aim of this work is to analyze the prevalence SLE in a group of 138 HW of Madrid. The results indicate that HW experience a great number of SLE, both in childhood and adolescence as well as throughout her life. These SLE can be related to different aspects such as health, family relationships, economic problems, violence, etc

    Applying Model-Driven Web Engineering to the Testing Phase of the ADAGIO Project

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    The Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) has been used in recent years to promote better results in the development of Web Applications, in the field that has been called Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE). One of the advantages of applying MDWE is that it offers a solution to reduce the cost of the tests without affecting their quality execution. This paper presents the application of a MDWE methodology (Navigational Development Techniques, NDT) that provides support for all the phases of the lifecycle of a software project development proposing transformations between these phases, to manage the test phase of a real-world case study named ADAGIO. This project, among other goals, proposes the development of a web application whose main objective is to offer researchers the possibility of integrating and consolidating heterogeneous data sources, showing a unified vision of them, allowing to simplify the search task in different repositories as well as the relationship between the sources found.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016- 76956-C3-2-

    Generación de pruebas del sistema en el desarrollo del proyecto ADAGIO mediante la aplicación de NDT

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    La ingeniería guiada por modelos (MDE) se ha utilizado en los últimos años para promover mejores resultados en el desarrollo de aplicaciones web, en el campo que se ha denominado ingeniería web guiada por modelos (MDWE). Una de las ventajas de aplicar MDWE es que ofrece una solución para reducir el coste de las pruebas sin afectar a su ejecución ni la calidad de las mismas. Navigational Development Techniques (NDT), es una metodología que proporciona soporte para todas las fases del ciclo de vida del desarrollo de un proyecto de software, proponiendo transformaciones automáticas entre dichas fases, sin embargo, en este trabajo, aunque se describe brevemente cómo se ha hecho uso de NDT para la definición de las fases de requisitos y análisis, se hace hincapié en el uso de la metodología para la definición de la fase de pruebas de un proyecto real denominado ADAGIO. La aplicación de esta metodología proporciona un mayor índice de cobertura de pruebas del sistema y, consecuentemente, un incremento en la calidad del producto

    Circadian Genes as Therapeutic Targets in Pancreatic Cancer

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    JL was supported by the Nicolás Monardes Program from the Andalusian Health Service (C-0033-2015). This work was supported by a research grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER (PI18/01947).Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal cancers worldwide due to its symptoms, early metastasis, and chemoresistance. Thus, the mechanisms contributing to pancreatic cancer progression require further exploration. Circadian rhythms are the daily oscillations of multiple biological processes regulated by an endogenous clock. Several evidences suggest that the circadian clock may play an important role in the cell cycle, cell proliferation and apoptosis. In addition, timing of chemotherapy or radiation treatment can influence the efficacy and toxicity treatment. Here, we revisit the studies on circadian clock as an emerging target for therapy in pancreatic cancer. We highlight those potential circadian genes regulators that are commonly affected in pancreatic cancer according to most recent reports.Nicolás Monardes Program from the Andalusian Health Service (C-0033-2015)Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER (PI18/01947

    Effects of intracoronary antithrombotics on ventricular function: A comparison of tenecteplase versus abciximab during primary percutaneous intervention in myocardial infarction

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    Adjunctive medical therapy during primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) is based on anticoagulation and antiplatelet drugs. Additionally, the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor (GPI) abciximab has been shown to reduce infarct size in some clinical trials [1]. However, the role of intracoronary fibrinolysis has not been well established during PPCI. We sought to explore the hypothesis that a locally administered fibrinolytic could be more effective in dissolving coronary thrombus at the macro and microvasculature than adding a third antiplatelet drug in patients already receiving double antiplatelet therapy, and therefore improve myocardial perfusion and left ventricular function

    Distinct GSDMB protein isoforms and protease cleavage processes differentially control pyroptotic cell death and mitochondrial damage in cancer cells

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    Gasdermin (GSDM)-mediated pyroptosis is functionally involved in multiple diseases, but Gasdermin-B (GSDMB) exhibit cell death-dependent and independent activities in several pathologies including cancer. When the GSDMB pore-forming N-terminal domain is released by Granzyme-A cleavage, it provokes cancer cell death, but uncleaved GSDMB promotes multiple pro-tumoral effects (invasion, metastasis, and drug resistance). To uncover the mechanisms of GSDMB pyroptosis, here we determined the GSDMB regions essential for cell death and described for the first time a differential role of the four translated GSDMB isoforms (GSDMB1-4, that differ in the alternative usage of exons 6-7) in this process. Accordingly, we here prove that exon 6 translation is essential for GSDMB mediated pyroptosis, and therefore, GSDMB isoforms lacking this exon (GSDMB1-2) cannot provoke cancer cell death. Consistently, in breast carcinomas the expression of GSDMB2, and not exon 6-containing variants (GSDMB3-4), associates with unfavourable clinical-pathological parameters. Mechanistically, we show that GSDMB N-terminal constructs containing exon-6 provoke cell membrane lysis and a concomitant mitochondrial damage. Moreover, we have identified specific residues within exon 6 and other regions of the N-terminal domain that are important for GSDMB-triggered cell death as well as for mitochondrial impairment. Additionally, we demonstrated that GSDMB cleavage by specific proteases (Granzyme-A, Neutrophil Elastase and caspases) have different effects on pyroptosis regulation. Thus, immunocyte-derived Granzyme-A can cleave all GSDMB isoforms, but in only those containing exon 6, this processing results in pyroptosis induction. By contrast, the cleavage of GSDMB isoforms by Neutrophil Elastase or caspases produces short N-terminal fragments with no cytotoxic activity, thus suggesting that these proteases act as inhibitory mechanisms of pyroptosis. Summarizing, our results have important implications for understanding the complex roles of GSDMB isoforms in cancer or other pathologies and for the future design of GSDMB-targeted therapies.This study has been supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (MICINN-AEI, PID2019-104644RB-I00, PDC2022-133252-I00) -GMB-, (PID2021-126625OB-I00-MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 FEDER, EU.2022- and DTS20-00024 -ISCIII-) -PGP-, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERONC, CB16/12/00295 -GMB- and CB16/12/00241 -JA-, and AC21_2/00020 ERA PerMed ERA-NET, PMP22/00054 Immune4ALL Personalized Medicine -GMB-, cofunded by NextGenerationEU), I “Semilla” CIBERONC-GEICAM Grant -GMB- and the AECC Scientific Foundation (FCAECC PROYE19036MOR and GCTRA18014MATI -GMB-), the National Institutes of Health (NIH, USA) (R01-DK123475) -J-KK- and it has been also supported by a startup fund to -J-KK- from the Ohio State University, the College of Medicine, Department of Surgery. DS contract is funded by CIBERONC partly supported by FEDER funds. SO is funded by the FCAECC (POSTD20028OLTR), SC is funded by the MICINN-AEI PRE2020-095658

    Germline gain‐of‐function MMP11 variant results in an aggressive form of colorectal cancer

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    Abstract Matrix metalloproteinase-11 (MMP11) is an enzyme with proteolytic activity against matrix and nonmatrix proteins. Although most MMPs are secreted as inactive proenzymes and are later activated extracellularly, MMP11 is activated intracellularly by furin within the constitutive secretory pathway. It is a key factor in physiological tissue remodeling and its alteration may play an important role in the progression of epithelial malignancies and other diseases. TCGA colon and colorectal adenocarcinoma data showed that upregulation of MMP11 expression correlates with tumorigenesis and malignancy. Here, we provide evidence that a germline variant in the MMP11 gene (NM_005940: c.232C>T; p.(Pro78Ser)), identified by whole exome sequencing, can increase the tumorigenic properties of colorectal cancer (CRC) cells. P78S is located in the prodomain region, which is responsible for blocking MMP11's protease activity. This variant was detected in the proband and all the cancer-affected family members analyzed, while it was not detected in healthy relatives. In silico analyses predict that P78S could have an impact on the activation of the enzyme. Furthermore, our in vitro analyses show that the expression of P78S in HCT116 cells increases tumor cell invasion and proliferation. In summary, our results show that this variant could modify the structure of the MMP11 prodomain, producing a premature or uncontrolled activation of the enzyme that may contribute to an early CRC onset in these patients. The study of this gene in other CRC cases will provide further information about its role in CRC development, which might improve patient treatment in the future