2,072 research outputs found


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      From social anthropology, this article analyzes the representations of the social order show by the mandas and exvotos in St. Domingo cult in Chimá (Colombia). Participant observation was used as a methodology as well as the description of the texts book of mandas. These texts have seen as writings which reproduce and transmit culture and social organization. Concepts of Religion as a cultural system and Common religion are used. We conclude that the relationship between St. Domingo and the devotee response to some particular social conditions.En este artículo se analizan, desde la antropología social, representaciones del orden social manifestadas por el fenómeno de las mandas y exvotos en el culto a santo Domingo Vidal, santo popular patrono del municipio de Chimá (Colombia). La metodología incluyó la observación participante en el sitio del culto y la descripción del Libro de mandas en el que escriben los devotos; los escritos son vistos como textos que transmiten y reproducen formas de cultura y de organización social. Para el análisis se acude a los conceptos de Religión como sistema cultural y de Religión común para enfatizar su carácter adaptativo a las circunstancias locales. Las primeras conclusiones sugieren que la relación de los devotos con el santo responde a las condiciones sociales particulares de la comunidad en la que ocurre el culto y que esas prácticas las reproducen y mantienen

    Negative Cell Cycle Regulation and DNA Damage-inducible Phosphorylation of the BRCT Protein 53BP1

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    In a screen designed to discover suppressors of mitotic catastrophe, we identified the Xenopus ortholog of 53BP1 (X53BP1), a BRCT protein previously identified in humans through its ability to bind the p53 tumor suppressor. X53BP1 transcripts are highly expressed in ovaries, and the protein interacts with Xp53 throughout the cell cycle in embryonic extracts. However, no interaction between X53BP1 and Xp53 can be detected in somatic cells, suggesting that the association between the two proteins may be developmentally regulated. X53BP1 is modified via phosphorylation in a DNA damage-dependent manner that correlates with the dispersal of X53BP1 into multiple foci throughout the nucleus in somatic cells. Thus, X53BP1 can be classified as a novel participant in the DNA damage response pathway. We demonstrate that X53BP1 and its human ortholog can serve as good substrates in vitro as well as in vivo for the ATM kinase. Collectively, our results reveal that 53BP1 plays an important role in the checkpoint response to DNA damage, possibly in collaboration with ATM