950 research outputs found

    Firma electrónica en El Salvador

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    El comercio electrónico está impulsando el desarrollo y revolucionando la economía mundial. Sin embargo, los medios tradicionales de identificación, firma autógrafa, pierden validez en el mundo electrónico y poco favorecen la privacidad y la seguridad que busca el comercio electrónico. Por tal motivo, desde hace varios años las legislaciones de varios países han implementado medios electrónicos de identificación, firma electrónica, que permite potenciar el desarrollo tecnológico del comercio y la administración

    Actividad disuasiva y biocida de Salvia officinalis con inducción de malformaciones en Aedes aegypti (Diptera : Culicidae).

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    Diferentes estudios han evaluado la actividad biocida de aceites esenciales (AEs) en larvas de mosquitos de importancia médica. Sin embargo, son limitadas las investigaciones que analizan los efectos de los AEs en todos los estadíos del ciclo de vida de Aedes aegypti. Este estudio evalúa la actividad biológica del AE de Salvia officinalis frente a Ae. aegypti. Se evaluó la actividad ovicida a concentraciones de 1, 5, 37 y 50 mg.L-1 en huevos de 0-12 h y huevos de 0-72 h. La actividad larvicida, pupicida y adulticida fue evaluada a concentraciones exploratorias (CE) y múltiples. Para la actividad repelente se empleó una CE de 1.000 mg.L-1 en intervalos de 0-2 min y de 2-15 min de exposición en antebrazos de voluntarios. La actividad disuasiva de oviposición se estimó a CE de 5, 50 y 200 mg.L-1. El AE causó malformaciones en embriones y alteración de las larvas. La mayor actividad larvicida fue a 63 y 76 mg.L-1 (27 ± 13,4 y 37 ± 18,6 %) a 24 h. La mayor mortalidad pupicida fue a 310 y 390 mg.L-1 (89 ± 1,53 and 100 ± 0 %) a las 48 h. La mortalidad adulticida a 300 mg.L-1 fue de 57,5 ± 0 % y el porcentaje de repelencia fue de 42 ± 4,7 %. La acción disuasiva a 200 mg.L-1 fue de 97 ± 4,81 %, con un índice de actividad de ovipostura de -0,94. S. officinalis mostró un efecto biocida en embriones y mortalidad de pupas y adultos, lo que revela que tiene un uso potencial en programas de control focalizados en estos estadios de desarrollo


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    This research investigates the causes of unreported demand associated with F/A-18 aircraft components during the execution of cannibalization and the issuance of repairable parts from the Stricken Aircraft Reclamation and Disposal Program (SARDIP). The current transition to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter across the entire Marine Corps F/A-18 Type Model Series (TMS) platform provides an opportunity to research and analyze various aspects of the divestiture process. During the divestiture period of the F/A-18 platform, missing demand signals lead to inaccuracies in demand forecasting. This inaccurate demand capture increases stress on the supply system and future funding requirements within the organization. This study analyzes five years of demand data gathered from the Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system in order to identify causes and sources of lost demand associated with cannibalization and SARDIP issues. In addition, this study presents an analysis of current Marine Corps aviation supply policies and cannibalization actions to identify shortfalls in demand reporting. The data gathered suggest that unreported demand leads to increases in demand variability and the ability to allocate funds for F/A-18 components. Although the impacts of unreported demand for the F/A-18 will disappear once the platform is no longer in service, unreported demand will continue to affect all aircraft remaining in service.Captain, United States Marine CorpsCaptain, United States Marine CorpsMajor, United States Marine CorpsApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Hijos de la Gran Guerra: The Creation of the Mexican American Identity in Texas, 1836-1929

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    Following the Texas Revolution, the Tejano community made a conscious decision to begin the long process towards accommodation within the American system. This included political alliances between the Tejano landholding elite and major Anglo Texan political figures, such as Sam Houston and John “Rip” Ford. During this era, the Tejano community made alliances of convenience with Anglo Texan politicians in support of the Southern Confederacy during the American Civil War. This alliance is best explained by parallels drawn by Tejano politicians between the ideals of Mexican Federalism and the local rule promised by the Southern Confederacy. By the turn of the twentieth century, Anglo-Tejano relations had resumed their antebellum status quo of racial violence and societal marginalization had returned. It is during the early twentieth century that the Tejano community made the decision to embrace a Mexican American Identity that emphasized political participation and loyalty to the United States. The Mexican American identity in the Tejano community was galvanized during these years by the upheaval caused by the Mexican Revolution, the Plan of San Diego and the First World War. The Mexican Revolution and the Plan of San Diego made many Tejanos reject their earlier Mexicanist identity. The United States military, the Spanish language print media and the Catholic Church played important roles in fascilitating the shift of Tejanos towards a Mexican American Identity. This dissertation concludes that the Tejano community embraced a Mexican American identity earlier that the prevailing scholarship believes. This is due in large part to the Tejano military participation in the First World War, the efforts of pro-American Spanish language newspapers and the Catholic Church

    The Tejano-Anglo alliance: Tejanos, ethnicity, and politics in Texas, 1832-1865

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    This thesis discusses the alliance between Tejanos and Anglos in Texas politics in the years before and during the Civil War. To examine this era, original documents and correspondence from prominent Tejano and Anglo politicians are used, as well as military correspondence between Confederate officers during the Civil War. A number of secondary sources dealing with Texas politics, the Civil War, ethnicity, and national identity were also consulted. This project begins with an examination of the antebellum conditions in Texas, and the political crisis which necessitated the convergence of Tejano and southern Democratic interests. Following this, the Civil War career of Colonel Santos Benavides, the most important Tejano to serve the Confederacy is discussed. Next, the Tejanos are placed in context with German and Irish immigrants during the antebellum and Civil War era. The major conclusion reached by this thesis is that the Tejanos fought for the Confederacy out of a sense of duty to their home, but also possibly because of patronage and pressure to assimilate into Anglo society

    Pescando información en el océano de datos de Twitter

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    Las redes sociales son portales que ofrecen plataformas donde las personas comparten libremente sus opiniones y sentimientos sobre los temas de interés que acontecen en una sociedad. En la presente investigación se presenta un procedimiento para pescar información del océano de datos de la red social Twitter. Para ello se analiza una muestra de 1,000 tuits generados por usuarios del municipio de San Salvador, El Salvador, acerca de un tema mediático

    Firma Electrónica en El Salvador

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    E-commerce is driving the development and revolutionizing the world economy. However, the traditional means of identification and handwritten signature, become invalid in the electronic world and do little for the privacy and security looked for e-commerce. For this reason, the laws in several countries have implemented for several years electronic identification and electronic signature media, allowing the enhance of the technological development of commerce and administration.Realidad y Reflexión Año 16, No 43 Enero-Junio 2016: 64-72El comercio electrónico está impulsando el desarrollo y revolucionando la economía mundial. Sin embargo, los medios tradicionales de identi.cación, .rma autógrafa, pierden validez en el mundo electrónico y poco favorecen la privacidad y la seguridad que busca el comercio electrónico. Por tal motivo, desde hace varios años las legislaciones de varios países han implementado medios electrónicos de identi.cación, .rma electrónica, que permite potenciar el desarrollo tecnológico del comercio y la administración.Realidad y Reflexión Año 16, No 43 Enero-Junio 2016: 64-7

    Buenas prácticas para el destino final de los residuos electrónicos

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    The rapid increase in consumption of electrical and electronic devices has led to an increase in the preparation of such products. Because the designs that reduce the lifespan of these articles has been quick generation of electronic waste. One of the main challenges of technological development is the proper management of toxic elements such waste, to prevent a negative impact on the environment and health of people.Reality and Reflection Year 17, No. 45, January-June 2017: 68-76El acelerado aumento en el consumo de dispositivos eléctricos y electrónicos ha generado un incremento en la elaboración de dichos productos. Debido a los diseños que reducen la vida útil de estos artículos, se ha apresurado la generación de los residuos electrónicos. Uno de los principales desafíos del desarrollo Tecnológico es el adecuado manejo de los elementos tóxicos de estos desechos, para prevenir un impacto negativo en el medio ambiente y en la salud de las personas.Realidad y Reflexión Año 17, No 45, Enero-Junio 2017: 68-7

    Civic Life in Britain

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