2,551 research outputs found

    Design and optimization of a laser-PIXE beamline for material science applications

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    Multi-MeV proton beams can be generated by irradiating thin solid foils with ultra-intense (>10^18 W/cm^2) short laser pulses. Several of their characteristics, such as high bunch charge and short pulse duration, make them a complementary alternative to conventional radio frequency-based accelerators. A potential material science application is the chemical analysis of cultural heritage (CH) artifacts. The complete chemistry of the bulk material (ceramics, metals) can be retrieved through sophisticated nuclear techniques such as particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE). Recently, the use of laser-generated proton beams was introduced as diagnostics in material science (laser-PIXE or laser-driven PIXE): Coupling laser-generated proton sources to conventional beam steering devices successfully enhances the capture and transport of the laser-accelerated beam. This leads to a reduction of the high divergence and broad energy spread at the source. The design of our hybrid beamline is composed of an energy selector, followed by permanent quadrupole magnets aiming for better control and manipulation of the final proton beam parameters. This allows tailoring both, mean proton energy and spot sizes, yet keeping the system compact. We performed a theoretical study optimizing a beamline for laser-PIXE applications. Our design enables monochromatizing the beam and shaping its final spot size. We obtain spot sizes ranging between a fraction of mm up to cm scale at a fraction of nC proton charge per shot. These results pave the way for a versatile and tunable laserPIXE at a multi-Hz repetition rate using modern commercially available laser systems

    The flight performance of the Galileo orbiter USO

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    Results are presented in this article from an analysis of radio metric data received by the DSN stations from the Galileo spacecraft using an Ultrastable Oscillator (USO) as a signal source. These results allow the health and performance of the Galileo USO to be evaluated, and are used to calibrate this Radio Science instrument and the data acquired for Radio Science experiments such as the Redshift Observation, Solar Conjunction, and Jovian occultations. Estimates for the USO-referenced, spacecraft-transmitted frequency and frequency stability were made for 82 data acquisition passes conducted between launch (Oct. 1989) and Nov. 1991. Analyses of the spacecraft-transmitted frequencies show that the USO is behaving as expected. The USO was powered off and then back on in Aug. 1991 with no adverse effect on its performance. The frequency stabilities measured by Allan deviation are consistent with expected values due to thermal wideband noise and the USO itself at the appropriate time intervals. The Galileo USO appears to be healthy and functioning normally in a reasonable manner

    Laser-Generated Proton Beams for High-Precision Ultra-Fast Crystal Synthesis

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    We present a method for the synthesis of micro-crystals and micro-structured surfaces using laseraccelerated protons. In this method, a solid surface material having a low melting temperature is irradiated with very-short laser-generated protons, provoking in the ablation process thermodynamic conditions that are between the boiling and the critical point. The intense and very quick proton energy deposition (in the ns range) induces an explosive boiling and produces microcrystals that nucleate in a plasma plume composed by ions and atoms detached from the laser-irradiated surface. The synthesized particles in the plasma plume are then deposited onto a cold neighboring, non-irradiated, solid secondary surface. We experimentally verify the synthesizing methods by depositing low-meltingmaterial microcrystals - such as gold - onto nearby silver surfaces and modeling the proton/matter interaction via a Monte Carlo code, confrming that we are in the above described thermodynamic conditions. Morphological and crystallinity measurements indicate the formation of gold octahedral crystals with dimensions around 1.2 μm, uniformly distributed onto a silver surface with dimensions in the tens of mm2. This laser-accelerated particle based synthesis method paves the way for the development of new material synthesis using ultrashort laser-accelerated particle beams

    Measurement of constant radius swept features in cultural heritage

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    none3The dimensional characterization of archaeological fragment is a very complex operation and could prove to be useful for identifying the presence of standard attributes in the ceramics found from a specific archaeological site, or for making comparisons and analysis of similarities or for studying ancient technologies used for manufacture of objects. The dimensional analysis of the fragments is now carried out manually with traditional measuring devices. Typically, the results obtained are inaccurate and non-repeatable measurements. This paper focuses on the dimensional characterization of a specific geometric class of features: the constant radius swept features (called here CRS features). Several archaeological features, such as rims, bases, decorative motifs, processing marks and grooves are referable from a geometric point of view to the class of CRS features. These are detail features, which may be very interesting for the investigation of some aspects related to the historical-archaeological classification of the find. CRS features are often found on worn, damaged (e.g. chipped) or fragmented objects; they are frequently characterized, from a geometric point of view, by free form surfaces and by a limited cross sectional extension. In some cases, CRS features can be of axially symmetrical geometry: this occurs quite frequently in the case of archaeological pottery. For all these reasons, it is often difficult to apply traditional manual methods for the quantitative dimensional characterization of CRS features. This paper describes an original methodology for the measurement of CRS features acquired by scanning technologies. The algorithmic implementation of this methodology, consisting of a suitable processing of the feature nodes, allows to carry out automatically the dimensional characterization of the feature.Di Angelo L., Di Stefano P., Morabito A.E.Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Morabito, A. E

    Recognition of intrinsic quality properties for automatic geometric inspection

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    none3In the last few years the need for methodologies capable of performing an automated geometric inspection has increased. These methodologies often use 3D high-resolution optical digitisers to acquire points from the surface of the object to be inspected. It is expected that, in the near future, geometric inspection will be requiring more and more the use of these instruments. At present geometric inspection is not profiting from all the opportunities attainable by 3D high-resolution optical scanners or from the numerous tools which can be used for processing the point cloud acquired from the inspected product. For some years now, these authors have been working on a new methodology for automatic tolerance inspection working from a 3D model acquired by optical digitisers. In this paper all the information recognisable in a scanned object is organised into a new data structure, called Recognised Geometric Model (RGM). The final aim is to define a representation of the inspected object for the automatic evaluation of the non-idealities pertaining to the form, orientation and location of the non-ideal features of the acquired object. The key concept of the proposed approach is the capability to recognise some intrinsic nominal properties of the acquired model. These properties are assumed as references to evaluate the non-idealities of the inspected object. With this approach the references of geometric inspection are searched for in the inspected object independently of a tolerance specification and of the availability of a 3D nominal representation. The high-level geometric information within RGM depends on the rules used for its identification. The capability to recognise specific categories of nominal references offers the possibility of introducing new tolerances to be specified. The proposed approach has been implemented in original software by means of which a specific test case has been analysed.openP. Di Stefano; L. Di Angelo; A.E. MorabitoP., Di Stefano; L., Di Angelo; Morabito, Ann

    Mobile radio interferometric geodetic systems

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    Operation of the Astronomical Radio Interferometric Earth Surveying (ARIES) in a proof of concept mode is discussed. Accuracy demonstrations over a short baseline, a 180 km baseline, and a 380 km baseline are documented. Use of ARIES in the Sea Slope Experiment of the National Geodetic Survey to study the apparent differences between oceanographic and geodetic leveling determinations of the sea surface along the Pacific Coast is described. Intergration of the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System and a concept called SERIES (Satellite Emission Radio Interferometric Earth Surveying) is briefly reviewed

    Public crowdsensing of heat waves by social media data

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    Abstract. Investigating on society-related heat wave hazards is a global issue concerning the people health. In the last two decades, Europe experienced several severe heat wave episodes with catastrophic effects in term of human mortality (2003, 2010 and 2015). Recent climate investigations confirm that this threat will represent a key issue for the resiliency of urban communities in next decades. Several important mitigation actions (Heat-Health Action Plans) against heat hazards have been already implemented in some WHO (World Health Organization) European region member states to encourage preparedness and response to extreme heat events. Nowadays, social media (SM) offer new opportunities to indirectly measure the impact of heat waves on society. Using the crowdsensing concept, a micro-blogging platform like Twitter may be used as a distributed network of mobile sensors that react to external events by exchanging messages (tweets). This work presents a preliminary analysis of tweets related to heat waves that occurred in Italy in summer 2015. Using TwitterVigilance dashboard, developed by the University of Florence, a sample of tweets related to heat conditions was retrieved, stored and analyzed for main features. Significant associations between the daily increase in tweets and extreme temperatures were presented. The daily volume of Twitter users and messages revealed to be a valuable indicator of heat wave impact at the local level, in urban areas. Furthermore, with the help of Generalized Additive Model (GAM), the volume of tweets in certain locations has been used to estimate thresholds of local discomfort conditions. These city-specific thresholds are the result of dissimilar climatic conditions and risk cultures

    Using hydropower waterway locks for energy storage and renewable energies integration

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    Waterway are one of the most efficient means for transportation. It can be applied for energy storage demonstrating the potential of using these structures with renewable energy systems, here, through an analysis of energy alternatives. This paper analyzes two different solutions for energy supply, using the Locks of the Tucuruí powerplant, in Brazil. A photovoltaic power station is compared to a hybrid system composed by photovoltaic and pumped storage. The alternatives are discussed technically and economically. The energy costs of the scenarios are calculated based on the evolution of the expenses and the related payback time are found. The water resource is exploited responsibly, keeping balanced the pumped and turbined volumes of water. The grid works as an intermediate storage and allows the operations with a single pump-turbine conversion. Its location lowers down the initial investment in favor of the hybrid system as the more viable alternative. It was found that the locks could be used to handle up to 263 kW and 387 kW of electricity in turbine and pump mode, respectively. This paper gathers crucial data on the use of hydropower in waterways locks that support the integration of renewable energies surrounding the locks. In addition, the use of pumped storage plants to store energy from intermittent sources, present themselves as an innovative opportunity to, using the own head available at facility, improve the financial return of meeting the energy demand through an economically and environmentally responsible energy system, may be useful in similar facilities around the world
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