85 research outputs found
A proposal for a shallow ontologization of WordNet
En este artículo se presenta el trabajo que se está realizando para la llamada ontologización superficial de WordNet, una estructura orientada a superar muchos de los problemas estructurales de la popular base de conocimiento léxico. El resultado esperado es un recurso multilingüe más apropiado que los ahora existentes para el procesamiento semántico a gran escala.This paper presents the work carried out towards the so-called shallow ontologization of WordNet, which is argued to be a way to overcome most of the many structural problems of the widely used lexical knowledge base. The result shall be a multilingual resource more suitable for large-scale semantic processing
WRF-ARW based systems for nowcasting and very-short range forecasts at the Meteorological Service of Catalonia
Póster presentado en: 3rd European Nowcasting Conference, celebrada en la sede central de AEMET en Madrid del 24 al 26 de abril de 2019
La meteorologia durant La Retirada: quin temps van patir els exiliats republicans per la Vall de Camprodon?
Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Multisource data verification of a weather radar surface precipitation type product
Póster presentado en: 10th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology celebrado en Wageningen, Países Bajos, del 1 al 6 de julio de 2018.This study was partly supported by projects CGL2015-65627-C3-2-R (MINECO/FEDER), CGL2016-81828-REDT (MINECO) and DI065/2017 (Industrial Doctorate Programme of the Regional Government of Catalonia
Anàlisi socio-ambiental dels usos tradicionals, actuals i futurs de les bordes : prova pilot a la zona del Bosc de Virós (Pallars Sobirà)
El present projecte ha estat desenvolupat entre l'octubre de 2006 i el febrer de 2007 per un equip de llicenciades en Ciències Ambientals per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. L'objecte d'estudi han estat les bordes, construccions agro-ramaderes utilitzades tradicionalment per a emmagatzemar l'herba i estabular-hi el bestiar. L'àmbit d'estudi seleccionat ha estat el Bosc de Virós, contingut dins el municipi d'Alins, a la comarca del Pallars Sobirà, Catalunya. Part de la superfície estudiada es troba sota la protecció del Parc Natural de l'Alt Pirineu. Per a dur a terme aquest estudi, s'ha desenvolupat una metodologia d'estudi de bordes amb dues vessants diferenciades que requereixen de tècniques metodològiques específiques. L
Textural classification of land cover using support vector machines : an empirical comparison with parametric, non parametric and hybrid classifiers in the Bolivian Amazon
Land cover classification is a key research field in remote sensing and land change science as thematic maps derived from remotely sensed data have become the basis for analyzing many socio-ecological issues. However, land cover classification remains a difficult task and it is especially challenging in heterogeneous tropical landscapes where nonetheless such maps are of great importance. The present study aims to establish an efficient classification approach to accurately map all broad land cover classes in a large, heterogeneous tropical area of Bolivia, as a basis for further studies (e.g., land cover-land use change). Specifically, we compare the performance of parametric (maximum likelihood), non-parametric (k-nearest neighbour and four different support vector machines - SVM), and hybrid classifiers, using both hard and soft (fuzzy) accuracy assessments. In addition, we test whether the inclusion of a textural index (homogeneity) in the classifications improves their performance. We classified Landsat imagery for two dates corresponding to dry and wet seasons and found that non-parametric, and particularly SVM classifiers, outperformed both parametric and hybrid classifiers. We also found that the use of the homogeneity index along with reflectance bands significantly increased the overall accuracy of all the classifications, but particularly of SVM algorithms. We observed that improvements in producer's and user's accuracies through the inclusion of the homogeneity index were different depending on land cover classes. Earlygrowth/degraded forests, pastures, grasslands and savanna were the classes most improved, especially with the SVM radial basis function and SVM sigmoid classifiers, though with both classifiers all land cover classes were mapped with producer's and user's accuracies of around 90%. Our approach seems very well suited to accurately map land cover in tropical regions, thus having the potential to contribute to conservation initiatives, climate change mitigation schemes such as REDD+, and rural development policies
Pla funcional programa d’intercanvi de xeringues a l'atenció primària
Programa d'intercanvi de xeringues; Centres d'atenció primària; Normes d'aplicacióPrograma de intercambio de jeringas; Centros de atención primaria; Normas de aplicaciónSyringe exchange program; Primary care centers; Rules of applicationL’objectiu d’aquest pla funcional és establir les bases per ajudar a la implementació del PIX en els CAP de Catalunya, a més d’homogeneïtzar-ne la metodologia. També pretén facilitar als professionals dels CAP eines i directrius que facilitin la relació amb les persones que s’injecten drogues (PQID) i potenciïn la qualitat d’aquesta interacció
Reassessing global change research priorities in mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems : how far have we come and where do we go from here?
Aim: Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems serve as reference laboratories for the investigation of global change because of their transitional climate, the high spatiotemporal variability of their environmental conditions, a rich and unique biodiversity and a wide range of socio-economic conditions. As scientific development and environmental pressures increase, it is increasingly necessary to evaluate recent progress and to challenge research priorities in the face of global change. - Location: Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems. - Methods: This article revisits the research priorities proposed in a 1998 assessment. - Results: A new set of research priorities is proposed: (1) to establish the role of the landscape mosaic on fire-spread; (2) to further research the combined effect of different drivers on pest expansion; (3) to address the interaction between drivers of global change and recent forest management practices; (4) to obtain more realistic information on the impacts of global change and ecosystem services; (5) to assess forest mortality events associated with climatic extremes; (6) to focus global change research on identifying and managing vulnerable areas; (7) to use the functional traits concept to study resilience after disturbance; (8) to study the relationship between genotypic and phenotypic diversity as a source of forest resilience; (9) to understand the balance between C storage and water resources; (10) to analyse the interplay between landscape-scale processes and biodiversity conservation; (11) to refine models by including interactions between drivers and socio-economic contexts; (12) to understand forest-atmosphere feedbacks; (13) to represent key mechanisms linking plant hydraulics with landscape hydrology. - Main conclusions:(1) The interactive nature of different global change drivers remains poorly understood. (2) There is a critical need for the rapid development of regional- and global-scale models that are more tightly connected with large-scale experiments, data networks and management practice. (3) More attention should be directed to drought-related forest decline and the current relevance of historical land use
A proposal for a shallow ontologization of WordNet
En este artículo se presenta el trabajo que se está realizando para la llamada
ontologización superficial de WordNet, una estructura orientada a superar muchos de los
problemas estructurales de la popular base de conocimiento léxico. El resultado esperado es un
recurso multilingüe más apropiado que los ahora existentes para el procesamiento semántico a
gran escala.This paper presents the work carried out towards the so-called shallow ontologization
of WordNet, which is argued to be a way to overcome most of the many structural problems of
the widely used lexical knowledge base. The result shall be a multilingual resource more
suitable for large-scale semantic processing
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