1,669 research outputs found

    Simple Phase Bias for Superconducting Circuits

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    A phase-bias tool, based on a trapped fluxoid in a ring, is proposed and demonstrated. It can provide arbitrary phase values and is simple to fabricate. The phase bias has been realized in two superconducting quantum interference devices, where the critical current versus magnetic flux is shown to be shifted by a \pi/2 and \pi.Comment: 5 pages, including 4 figures. Submitted to AP

    Tax Competition under Minimum Rates: The Case of European Diesel Excises

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    This paper estimates Nash-type fiscal reaction functions for European governments competing for revenue from diesel excises. It appears that European governments strategically set their excise levels by responding to their neighbors’ tax rates. This provides evidence for the presence of tax competition in diesel excises. In fact, a 10 percent higher rate in neighboring countries (in terms of the user price) induces a country to raise its own rate by between 2 and 3 percent. This impact is robust for alternative specifications. By imposing restrictions on excise levels, EU harmonization of excises in 1987 and the introduction of a minimum in 1992 exerted a positive impact on the excise level in a number of EU countries. It has not, however, significantly reduced the intensity of tax competition. Indeed, strategic tax responses have not significantly been reduced by these harmonization policies. We also find that high-tax countries appear to compete more aggressively than low-tax countries in the sense that they feature larger strategic tax responses. There is no significant difference between large and small countries.Diesel excise, strategic tax setting, minimum rates, European Union

    The merger of vertically offset quasi-geostrophic vortices

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    We examine the critical merging distance between two equal-volume, equal-potential-vorticity quasi-geostrophic vortices. We focus on how this distance depends on the vertical offset between the two vortices, each having a unit mean height-to-width aspect ratio. The vertical direction is special in the quasi-geostrophic model (used to capture the leading-order dynamical features of stably stratified and rapidly rotating geophysical flows) since vertical advection is absent. Nevertheless vortex merger may still occur by horizontal advection. In this paper, we first investigate the equilibrium states for the two vortices as a function of their vertical and horizontal separation. We examine their basic properties together with their linear stability. These findings are next compared to numerical simulations of the nonlinear evolution of two spheres of potential vorticity. Three different regimes of interaction are identified, depending on the vertical offset. For a small offset, the interaction differs little from the case when the two vortices are horizontally aligned. On the other hand, when the vertical offset is comparable to the mean vortex radius, strong interaction occurs for greater horizontal gaps than in the horizontally aligned case, and therefore at significantly greater full separation distances. This perhaps surprising result is consistent with the linear stability analysis and appears to be a consequence of the anisotropy of the quasi-geostrophic equations. Finally, for large vertical offsets, vortex merger results in the formation of a metastable tilted dumbbell vortex.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    QND measurement of a superconducting qubit in the weakly projective regime

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    Quantum state detectors based on switching of hysteretic Josephson junctions biased close to their critical current are simple to use but have strong back-action. We show that the back-action of a DC-switching detector can be considerably reduced by limiting the switching voltage and using a fast cryogenic amplifier, such that a single readout can be completed within 25 ns at a repetition rate of 1 MHz without loss of contrast. Based on a sequence of two successive readouts we show that the measurement has a clear quantum non-demolition character, with a QND fidelity of 75 %.Comment: submitted to PR

    The GROUSE project III: Ks-band observations of the thermal emission from WASP-33b

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    In recent years, day-side emission from about a dozen hot Jupiters has been detected through ground-based secondary eclipse observations in the near-infrared. These near-infrared observations are vital for determining the energy budgets of hot Jupiters, since they probe the planet's spectral energy distribution near its peak. The aim of this work is to measure the Ks-band secondary eclipse depth of WASP-33b, the first planet discovered to transit an A-type star. This planet receives the highest level of irradiation of all transiting planets discovered to date. Furthermore, its host-star shows pulsations and is classified as a low-amplitude delta-Scuti. As part of our GROUnd-based Secondary Eclipse (GROUSE) project we have obtained observations of two separate secondary eclipses of WASP-33b in the Ks-band using the LIRIS instrument on the William Herschel Telescope (WHT). The telescope was significantly defocused to avoid saturation of the detector for this bright star (K~7.5). To increase the stability and the cadence of the observations, they were performed in staring mode. We collected a total of 5100 and 6900 frames for the first and the second night respectively, both with an average cadence of 3.3 seconds. On the second night the eclipse is detected at the 12-sigma level, with a measured eclipse depth of 0.244+0.027-0.020 %. This eclipse depth corresponds to a brightness temperature of 3270+115-160 K. The measured brightness temperature on the second night is consistent with the expected equilibrium temperature for a planet with a very low albedo and a rapid re-radiation of the absorbed stellar light. For the other night the short out-of-eclipse baseline prevents good corrections for the stellar pulsations and systematic effects, which makes this dataset unreliable for eclipse depth measurements. This demonstrates the need of getting a sufficient out-of-eclipse baseline.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Nondestructive readout for a superconducting flux qubit

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    We present a new readout method for a superconducting flux qubit, based on the measurement of the Josephson inductance of a superconducting quantum interference device that is inductively coupled to the qubit. The intrinsic flux detection efficiency and back-action are suitable for a fast and nondestructive determination of the quantum state of the qubit, as needed for readout of multiple qubits in a quantum computer. We performed spectroscopy of a flux qubit and we measured relaxation times of the order of 80 μs\mu s.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; modified content, figures and references; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Correlated electron states and transport in triangular arrays

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    We study correlated electron states in frustrated geometry of a triangular lattice. The interplay of long range interactions and finite residual entropy of a classical system gives rise to unusual effects in equilibrium ordering as well as in transport. A novel correlated fluid phase is identified in a wide range of densities and temperatures above freezing into commensurate solid phases. The charge dynamics in the correlated phase is described in terms of a height field, its fluctuations, and topological defects. We demonstrate that the height field fluctuations give rise to a ``free'' charge flow and finite dc conductivity. We show that freezing into the solid phase, controlled by the long range interactions, manifests itself in singularities of transport properties.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Josephson squelch filter for quantum nanocircuits

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    We fabricated and tested a squelch circuit consisting of a copper powder filter with an embedded Josephson junction connected to ground. For small signals (squelch-ON), the small junction inductance attenuates strongly from DC to at least 1 GHz, while for higher frequencies dissipation in the copper powder increases the attenuation exponentially with frequency. For large signals (squelch-OFF) the circuit behaves as a regular metal powder filter. The measured ON/OFF ratio is larger than 50dB up to 50 MHz. This squelch can be applied in low temperature measurement and control circuitry for quantum nanostructures such as superconducting qubits and quantum dots.Comment: Corrected and completed references 6,7,8. Updated some minor details in figure
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