23 research outputs found

    Introduction to the digital government and Business Process Management (BPM) minitrack HICSS'54

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    Digital Government (traditionally known as e- Government) focuses on value delivery to citizens through information and communication technology (ICT) support for processes, activities and resources. Digital government’s collaborative processes involve organizations (employees, technologies), partners (providers, consumers), and users (citizens, foreigners), leading to complex interactions within different e- Government models and available technologies. Business Process Management (BPM) constitutes a real asset for enhancing the services of an organization and their coordination, as well as the products that each actor of a virtual network delivers to meet clients’ expectations (citizens, patients, etc.). Successful interorganizational process management within e- Government collaborative organizations will lead to better conceptual and technological integration, not only with each other but also with citizens and users in general. To this end, it is necessary to devise new ways to deal with the complexity of e-Government collaborative process definition, modeling, analysis, enactment and monitoring from various dimensions and points of view including theory, engineering, interoperability, agility, social aspects, etc

    A Conceptual Framework and a Suite of Tools to Support Crisis Management

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    This article aims at describing an approach to support crisis management. The main idea is to use an original vision of Big-Data to manage the question of collaboration issues in crisis response. On the one hand, this article introduces a general framework that structures the methodology applied in our approach. This framework includes several technical and business dimensions and embeds scientific results that are presented in this article or have been described in previous articles. On the other hand, the resulting implemented suite of tools is also presented with regards to the conceptual framework. Finally, in order to emphasize all the main features described in this article, both the framework and the suite of tools are illustrated and put into action through a scenario extracted from a real exercise

    Déduction de processus métier collaboratifs inter-organisationnels au sein d'un réseau social d'entreprises

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    Especially in the context of collaborative supply chains and virtual enterprises, the step of designing the collaborative workflows remains laborious because either it is still carried out humanly or the methods lack of flexibility. Based on an enterprise social network, this thesis aims at facilitating this step by proposing a service for the deduction of collaborative processes. It raises three main issues: (i) finding the activities to execute that answer the objectives of the collaboration (What?), (ii) selecting the corresponding partners (Who?) and (iii) ordering the activities into a collaborative business process (When?). Moreover, it is expected that many companies could be able to provide the same activities, on the enterprise social network. In this competitive context, a global optimization should be set up in order to find the quasi-optimal collaborative process that answer these three questions simultaneously. A three-dimensional solution is proposed here. First, a non-functional framework has been set up in order to determine the criteria that make a « good » partner in a specific collaborative context. Then, collaborative ontologies have been implemented and enable the representation and the acquisition of collaborative knowledge, so that the IT system can understand (a) the user's needs when they model their objectives of collaboration and (b) the user's capabilities when they model their profiles on the enterprise social network. And finally, a tool for decision support has been implemented thanks to an ant colony optimization algorithm that exploits the collaborative ontologies in order to provide a quasi-optimal process that fits the context of the collaboration and answers its objective. The results are in line with the FUI French project OpenPaaS which aims at offering an enterprise social network to facilitate their collaborations.ParticuliĂšrement lors de collaborations dans le cadre de chaĂźnes logistiques ou d'entreprises virtuelles, Ă©tablir les workflows collaboratifs est une Ă©tape laborieuse car souvent rĂ©alisĂ©e soit de façon humaine, soit avec des mĂ©thodes manquant de flexibilitĂ©. Sur la base d'un rĂ©seau social d'entreprises, cette thĂšse vise Ă  faciliter cette Ă©tape en proposant un service de dĂ©duction de processus collaboratifs inter-organisationnels. Cela soulĂšve trois problĂšmes: (i) trouver les activitĂ©s qui doivent ĂȘtre exĂ©cutĂ©es pour remplir les objectifs de la collaboration (Quoi?), (ii) sĂ©lectionner les partenaires pouvant rĂ©aliser ces activitĂ©s (Qui?) et (iii) ordonner ces activitĂ©s en un processus mĂ©tier collaboratif (Quand?). Dans le cadre d'un rĂ©seau social, il est attendu que plusieurs organisations soient capables de fournir les mĂȘmes activitĂ©s. Dans un tel contexte de concurrence entre les organisations, une optimisation globale permet de trouver un processus final quasi-optimal, en prenant en compte ces trois questions de maniĂšre simultanĂ©e : trouver l'ensemble des "meilleurs" partenaires et leurs activitĂ©s dans un contexte de collaboration spĂ©cifique. A cette fin, des ontologies de collaboration ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es et permettent de reprĂ©senter et collecter des connaissances sur les collaborations. Ainsi, quand les utilisateurs remplissent leurs profils sur le rĂ©seau social, le systĂšme peut comprendre (i) les attentes des utilisateurs lorsqu'ils fournissent leurs objectifs de collaboration et (ii) les capacitĂ©s qu'ils peuvent fournir. Un outil d'aide Ă  la dĂ©cision, basĂ© sur un algorithme d'optimisation par colonies de fourmis permet ensuite d'exploiter les ontologies de collaboration afin de trouver un processus quasi-optimal rĂ©pondant aux attentes et objectifs de la collaboration. Les rĂ©sultats de cette thĂšse s'inscrivent au sein du projet FUI OpenPaaS dont le but est d'Ă©tablir un nouveau rĂ©seau social d'entreprises visant Ă  faciliter leurs collaborations intra et inter-organisationnelles

    Introduction to the Digital Government and Business Process Management (BPM) minitrack HICSS’53

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    International audienceIn the last decades the conceptual and technological support for e-government initiatives have evolved from simple websiteswhere news and links to e-government organizations and documents were posted, to complex inter-organizational systems platforms providing dynamic support for collaborative business processes(CBPs) and interoperability within e-government organizations, users and partners.Business Process Management (BPM)deals with the process lifecycle and technologies in organizations willing to drive their business based on the underlying processes they perform, to provide services or products with value for end users.Although many advances have been made in both the foundations of BPM and the technological platformssupporting the enactment of processes, e-government collaborative process present several challenges to be yet addressed

    Ethical, legal and social considerations surrounding the use of Facebook groups during Hurricane Irma in Cuba

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    International audienceWhile Hurricane Irma struck the Cuban Southern coasts, thousands of tourists were evacuated from this area and relocated in the Varadero peninsula. In a couple of days, all means for families and friends to connect with the tourists were down, leaving them without any information about the on-site situation. This paper focuses on the volunteer citizens’ initiative to take advantage of social media, to enhance their own situational awareness in Varadero area, supporting fellow citizens to identify and localize their relatives. In particular, two Facebook groups that were created at the time are analyzed and their messages’ content and objectives categorized. We will show that once more, social media has constituted opportunities for citizens to engage a specific response to the crisis, but at the same time has raised specific ethical and social issues. On one hand, social media has constituted a virtual space of care supporting self-help and psychological help between citizens, fostering at the same time community resilience. On the other hand, its use has also put at stake governance, responsibility, equity and privacy principles

    Bad weather coming: linking social media and weather sensor data

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    International audienceIn this paper we leverage the power of citizen supplied data. We examined how both physical weather sensor data (obtained from the weather underground API) and social media data (obtained from Twitter) can serve to improve local community awareness during a severe weather event. A local tornado warning was selected due to its small scale and isolated geographic area, and only Twitter data found from within this geo-locational area was used. Our results indicate that during a severe weather event, an increase in weather activity obtained from the local weather sensors does correlate with an increase in local social media usage. The data found on social media also contains additional information from, and about the community of interest during the event. While this study focuses on a small scale event, it provides the groundwork for use during a much larger weather event

    SystĂšme de systĂšmes dans les architectures PHM

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    Le congrĂšs a pour titre "L'essor des systĂšmes connectĂ©s dans l'industrie et les services"International audienceLa complexitĂ© grandissante des systĂšmes industriels couplĂ©e Ă  des normes et exigences de fiabilitĂ© toujours plus Ă©levĂ©es posent un enjeu majeur pour de nombreuses industries comme les transports et l’énergie. Afin de rendre les systĂšmes plus sĂ»rs, de nombreux travaux ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s sur le thĂšme de la maintenance prĂ©dictive et sur le Prognostics and Health Management en particulier.Toutefois ces solutions souffrent encore d’une trop forte spĂ©cificitĂ© Ă  un Ă©lĂ©ment en particulier et il est nĂ©cessaire de se pencher sur l’application de ces technologies Ă  l’échelle du systĂšme entier. Cet article propose un mĂ©tamodĂšle PHM et pose les attentes auxquelles il doit afin de correspondre aux besoins d’adaptabilitĂ© et de performance industriels

    Review-based taxonomy of post-impact volunteerism types to improve citizen integration into crisis response

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    International audienceInformation and Communication Technologies (ICT), and particularly Social Media, drastically changed communication channels and organization during a crisis response. In this context, new forms of citizen initiatives appear, contributing to situational awareness, providing new profiles of stakeholders and broadening the scope of volunteerism in disaster situations. Thus, given the increasing need to understand and take citizen initiatives into account, this article provides a taxonomy of volunteerism types in crisis contexts, based on a literature review on the subject. Mapped on two main dimensions: the status (who they are) and the focus (what they are doing), multiple types of volunteers are presented on this taxonomy. Then, the article deals with possible use of this taxonomy towards integration of citizen initiatives into the crisis response