795 research outputs found

    Multi-Lag Term Structure Models with Stochastic Risk Premia.

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    The purpose of this paper is to propose discrete-time term structure models where the historical dynamics of the factor (xt) is given, in the univariate case, by a Gaussian AR(p) process, and, in the multivariate case, by a Gaussian n-dimensional VAR(p) process. The factor (xt) is considered as a latent or an observable variable and, in the second case, (xt) is given by the short rate (in the scalar setting) or by a vector of several yields (in the multivariate setting). We consider an exponential-affine stochastic discount factor (SDF) with a stochastic factor risk correction coefficient defined, at time t, as an affine function of Xt = (xt, . . . , xt?p+1)0 and, consequently, the yield-to-maturity formula at time t is an affine function of the p most recent lagged values of xt+1. We study the Gaussian AR(p) and the Gaussian VAR(p) Factor-Based Term Structure Models. We investigate, under the risk-neutral and the S-forward probability, the Moving Average (or discrete-time Heath, Jarrow and Morton) representation of the yield and short-term forward rate processes. This representation gives the possibility to exactly replicate the currently-observed yield curve. We also study the problem of matching the theoretical and currently-observed market term structure by means of the Extended AR(p) approach.Discrete-time Affine Term Structure Models ; Stochastic Discount Factor, Gaussian VAR(p) processes ; Stochastic risk premia ; Moving Average or discrete-time HJM representations ; Exact Fitting of the currently-observed yield curve.

    Switching VARMA Term Structure Models - Extended Version.

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    The purpose of the paper is to propose a global discrete-time modeling of the term structure of interest rates able to capture simultaneously the following important features : (i) an historical dynamics of the factor driving term structure shapes involving several lagged values, and switching regimes; (ii) a specification of the stochastic discount factor (SDF) with time-varying and regime dependent risk-premia; (iii) explicit or quasi explicit formulas for zero-coupon bond and interest rate derivative prices; (iv) the positivity of the yields at each maturity. The first family of models we develop is given by the Switching Autoregressive Normal (SARN) and the Switching Vector Autoregressive Normal (SVARN) Factor-Based Term Structure Models of order p. The second family of models we study is given by the Switching Autoregressive Gamma (SARG) and the Switching Vector Autoregressive Gamma (SVARG) Factor-Based Term Structure Models of order p. Regime shifts are described by a Markov chain with (historical) non-homogeneous transition probabilities.Affine Term Structure Models ; Stochastic Discount Factor ; Car processes ; Switching Regimes ; VARMA processes ; Lags ; Positivity ; Derivative Pricing.

    Pricing and Inference with Mixtures of Conditionally Normal Processes.

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    We consider the problems of derivative pricing and inference when the stochastic discount factor has an exponential-affine form and the geometric return of the underlying asset has a dynamics characterized by a mixture of conditionally Normal processes. We consider both the static case in which the underlying process is a white noise distributed as a mixture of Gaussian distributions (including extreme risks and jump diffusions) and the dynamic case in which the underlying process is conditionally distributed as a mixture of Gaussian laws. Semi-parametric, non parametric and Switching Regime situations are also considered. In all cases, the risk-neutral processes and explicit pricing formulas are obtained.Derivative Pricing ; Stochastic Discount Factor ; Implied Volatility, Mixture of Normal Distributions ; Mixture of Conditionally Normal Processes ; Nonparametric Kernel Estimation ; Mixed-Normal GARCH Processes ; Switching Regime Models.

    New Information Response Functions.

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    We propose a new methodology for the analysis of impulse response functions in VAR or VARMA models. More precisely, we build our results on the non ambiguous notion of innovation of a stochastic process and we consider the impact of any kind of new information at a given date tt on the future values of the process. This methodology allows to take into account qualitative or quantitative information, either on the innovation or on the future responses, as well as informations on filters. We show, among other results, that our approach encompasses several standard methodologies found in the literature, such as the orthogonalization of shocks (Sims (1980)), the "structural" identification of shocks (Blanchard and Quah (1989)), the "generalized" impulse responses (Pesaran and Shin (1998)) or the impulse vectors (Uhlig (2005)).Impulse response functions ; innovation ; new information.

    Taxonomic clarification in W-Mediterranean Androcymbium (Colchicaceae): A. wyssianum sunk in the synonymy of A.gramineum and A.europaeum restored

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    Capsule dehiscence has been used as a diagnostic character for W Mediterranean species of Androcymbium. Depending on the state of capsule maturity, the character, however, can be ambiguous in herbarium material. Based on morphological, phenological and cpDNA characters it is shown that misinterpretation of the capsule as indehiscent in the type material of A. gramineum has led to serious taxonomic confusion. The combined analyses produced evidence that A. gramineum of the population from the type locality at Essaouira, Morocco, is conspecific with A. wyssianum. A. gramineum is therefore the correct name for the species with dehiscent capsules, whereas the populations with indehiscent capsules at the Atlantic coast north of Essaouira and in SE Spain represent a second species, which is correctly named A. europaeu