
Pricing and Inference with Mixtures of Conditionally Normal Processes.


We consider the problems of derivative pricing and inference when the stochastic discount factor has an exponential-affine form and the geometric return of the underlying asset has a dynamics characterized by a mixture of conditionally Normal processes. We consider both the static case in which the underlying process is a white noise distributed as a mixture of Gaussian distributions (including extreme risks and jump diffusions) and the dynamic case in which the underlying process is conditionally distributed as a mixture of Gaussian laws. Semi-parametric, non parametric and Switching Regime situations are also considered. In all cases, the risk-neutral processes and explicit pricing formulas are obtained.Derivative Pricing ; Stochastic Discount Factor ; Implied Volatility, Mixture of Normal Distributions ; Mixture of Conditionally Normal Processes ; Nonparametric Kernel Estimation ; Mixed-Normal GARCH Processes ; Switching Regime Models.

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