419 research outputs found

    Activity patterns, time use, and travel of millennials: a generation in transition?

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    Millennials, defined in this study as those born between 1979 and 2000, became the largest population segment in the United States in 2015. Compared to recent previous generations, they have been found to travel less, own fewer cars, have lower driver’s licensure rates, and use alternative modes more. But to what extent will these differences in behaviour persist as millennials move through various phases of the lifecycle? To address this question, this paper presents the results of a longitudinal analysis of the 2003--2013 American Time Use Survey data series. In early adulthood, younger millennials (born 1988--1994) are found to spend significantly more time in-home than older millennials (born 1979--1985), which indicates that there are substantial differences in activity-time use patterns across generations in early adulthood. Older millennials are, however, showing activity-time use patterns similar to their prior generation counterparts as they age, although some differences -- particularly in time spent as a car driver -- persist. Millennials appear to exhibit a lag in adopting the activity patterns of predecessor generations due to delayed lifecycle milestones (e.g. completing their education, getting jobs, marrying, and having children) and lingering effects of the economic recession, suggesting that travel demand will resume growth in the future

    Look, the World is Watching How We Treat Migrants! The Making of the Anti-Trafficking Legislation during the Ma Administration

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    Employing the spiral model, this research analyses how anti-human trafficking legislation was promulgated during the Ma Ying-jeou (Ma Yingjiu) presidency. This research found that the government of Taiwan was just as accountable for the violation of migrants’ human rights as the exploitive placement agencies and abusive employers. This research argues that, given its reliance on the United States for political and security support, Taiwan has made great efforts to improve its human rights records and meet US standards for protecting human rights. The reform was a result of multilevel inputs, including US pressure and collaboration between transnational and domestic advocacy groups. A major contribution of this research is to challenge the belief that human rights protection is intrinsic to democracy. In the same light, this research also cautions against Tai-wan’s subscription to US norms since the reform was achieved at the cost of stereotyping trafficking victimhood, legitimising state surveillance, and further marginalising sex workers

    Teleworking practice in small and medium-sized firms: Management style and worker autonomy

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    In an empirical study of teleworking practices amongst small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in West London, organisational factors such as management attitudes, worker autonomy and employment flexibility were found to be more critical than technological provision in facilitating successful implementation. Consequently, we argue that telework in most SMEs appears as a marginal activity performed mainly by managers and specialist mobile workers

    Interplay between telecommunications and face-to-face interactions - a study using mobile phone data

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    In this study we analyze one year of anonymized telecommunications data for over one million customers from a large European cellphone operator, and we investigate the relationship between people's calls and their physical location. We discover that more than 90% of users who have called each other have also shared the same space (cell tower), even if they live far apart. Moreover, we find that close to 70% of users who call each other frequently (at least once per month on average) have shared the same space at the same time - an instance that we call co-location. Co-locations appear indicative of coordination calls, which occur just before face-to-face meetings. Their number is highly predictable based on the amount of calls between two users and the distance between their home locations - suggesting a new way to quantify the interplay between telecommunications and face-to-face interactions

    The emerging geography of e-commerce in British retailing

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    This paper explores the growth of e-commerce in British grocery retailing and examines the spatial variations in e-commerce usage. The main data source is a large commercial consumer survey (Acxiom’s Research Opinion Data) rarely used by academics to date. Using these data in combination with census data, the paper addresses a number of key questions. After outlining key trends in the dataset on e-commerce usage (by product and over time) the first research question is: How do e-commerce purchases vary by geodemographic group? To answer this question, we explore e-commerce usage by age, sex and social class. The second key question is: Does e-commerce usage vary by type of geographical region? Thus, we explore variations in usage for urban and rural areas. The dynamics of urban–rural diffusion are also addressed here – by examining, in addition, the spread of broadband use across Britain. The last question is: To what degree do e-commerce sales vary by access to physical stores? This is addressed by examining consumers’ home locations in relation to geographical accessibility. The results show that age and income are crucial demographic discriminators of e-commerce usage, as is rural location versus urban, and distance from physical stores

    Commute replacement and commute displacement the rise of part-day home working

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    Working by telecommunication has been the subject of research attention in transportation studies for many years. Particular consideration has been given to occasional working from home (home working) by (full-time, paid) employees who represent a tangible removal of commute trips on days that people work from home. However, little recognition or attention has been given to the fact that home working not only may be undertaken for part of a week but also may be undertaken for parts of given days. This paper focuses particularly on part-day home working. It defines and uses the term "varied spatiotemporal (VST) working" to describe working days in which at least 30 min of continuous working takes place at home accompanied by work taking place at the workplace. Notably, such home working does not remove the commute trips but can temporally displace one or both of them. The research reported in this paper builds on preceding survey work that had established that the number of people who practice VST working and the number of VST days worked appear to be about double those for full-day home working (which has typically been the focus of research attention). The results presented in this paper are based on 25 in-depth interviews with individuals who practice VST working. The aim of the research was to examine more closely and to understand the nature of VST working and the motivations and constraints for its practice and to consider its potential contribution as a transportation demand management measure

    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and International Business Travel: Mobility Allies?

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    Like forecasts about the paperless office, technological solutions to the problem of international business travel continue to be deferred. As with the increased use of office paper, international business travel is defying predictions of its decline. There is growing evidence to suggest that business sectors which seem ideally placed to substitute information and communication technology (ICT) for travel, are actually generating more physical travel than other sectors. This paper develops a case study of the Irish software industry to exemplify why international travel is not diminishing in importance how and the ICT and business travel relationship is changing in this sector. The paper presents research findings that suggest that a cycle of substitution, generation and modification relationships have occurred as mobility interdependencies have developed.Peer Reviewe

    Identification of determinants for rescheduling travel mode choice and transportation policies to reduce car use in urban areas

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    [EN] This paper presents a qualitative analysis about the determinants related to rescheduling travel mode decisions during the activity scheduling process. Notably, we were interested to study changes between intention and behavior. Data used came from an in-depth Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) follow up survey to habitual drivers carried out during the implementation of a panel survey. An interpretative qualitative method based on Analytic Induction was used to cope with the complex nature of rescheduling decisions and the characteristics of the data. The Theory of Planned Behavior has been used to gain a better understanding of the reasons associated with rescheduling travel mode decisions and to obtain a possible explanation of the phenomena studied. In our sample, 12 codes were identified as the main determinants of travel mode changing. Main reasons for rescheduling a travel mode are different considering gender, age, and the type of travel mode change. Main reasons for changing a nonprivate preplanned travel mode to a private travel mode are different considering the type of travel mode preplanned. New determinants of rescheduling decisions different from those associated with other activity scheduling decisions previously identified emerge when analyzing travel mode changes. A number of important sustainable transportation policies to reduce car use in urban areas are derived from the results of this study.This research is partially funded by MINERVA project founded by the ICDCi National Program of Society Challenges of the Spanish Ministerio de Econom ıa, Industria y Competitividad (TRA2015-71184-C2-1-R).Mars, L.; Ruiz Sánchez, T.; Arroyo-López, MR. (2018). Identification of determinants for rescheduling travel mode choice and transportation policies to reduce car use in urban areas. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1080/15568318.2017.1416432S11