19 research outputs found

    Determination of antibody levels to hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAb) in Shahrekord Hajar hospital staffs, 2007-8

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    زمینه و هدف: ویروس هپاتیتB یکی از عوامل ایجاد کننده هپاتیت های ویروسی بوده و سیروز کبدی یکی از عوارض مهم آن می باشد. کارکنان بیمارستان یکی از گروه های پر خطر ابتلا به این بیماری می باشد که لزوم واکسیناسیون در آنها توصیه شده است. این مطالعه با هدف اندازه گیری سطح سرمی هپاتیت B در کارکنان بیمارستان هاجر(س)، انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی - تحلیلی، سطح آنتی بادی ویروس هپاتیت B در سرم 257 نفر از کارکنان بیمارستان هاجر(س) شهرکرد در سال 87-1386 که همگی واکسینه شده بودند با استفاده از تکنیک الایزا تعیین گردید. داده های بدست آمده به کمک آزمون های آماری کای دو تجزیه و تحلیل شد. یافته ها: از 257 نفر مورد بررسی، 21 نفر (2/8) فاقد ایمنی، 85 نفر (33) ایمنی نسبی و 151 نفر (8/58) ایمنی کامل داشتند. در افراد واکسینه شده بین سطح ایمنی و مدت زمان سپری شدن از آخرین نوبت واکسیناسیون ارتباط معنی داری بدست آمد (05/0

    A case report of multiple organ involvement to hydatid cyst in a pregnant woman

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    Background and aims: Hydatid cyst disease is not considered as a common disease in humans, but because of the dangerous nature and its deployment in sensitive organs and problems related to treatment is seen as a major problem in many countries. Hydatid cyst disease with multiple organ involvement is rarely in Iran. Most cysts were mainly localized and do not symptoms more than involved organ. Some cases are random diagnosed by diagnostic Sonography during pregnancy or trauma. Case report: A 33-year-old pregnant woman with a history of a family trauma referred to Marand general hospital in 2015. Tomographic scan in her abdominal showed a large, well-defined heterogeneous mass. In ultrasonic examination, a multi-cystic mass with a large diameter of 84×64×86 mm with a volume of approximately 230 ml on the right side of the abdomen and immediately above right ovary was seen that it was an indicator of hydatid cyst. In upper right lobe of liver cystic mass with 32×39 mm diameters multilocular shape with multiple small cystic images were visible inside. The patient was candidate for open-abdomen surgery. Eight cystic mass was found in segments 3 and 4 and between the second and fourth segments and segment 7. Conclusion: Four cysts in liver and 2 cysts in pelvic, one cyst in the left ovary and one cyst in mesentery were observed. One of the cysts with severe adhesions underwent for cholecystectomy surgery. The patient was discharged from the hospital in good condition

    The prevalence sarcocystis infection in slaughtered animals in slaughterhouse of Shahrekord using histhopathological method 2008.

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    زمینه و هدف: سارکوسیستوزیس یک عفونت تک یاخته ای مشترک بین انسان و دام است که توسط گونه های مختلف سارکوسیستیس ایجاد می شود. این انگل شیوع جهانی داشته و در بسیاری از حیوانات آلودگی ایجاد می نماید و از نظر بهداشتی و اقتصادی ضررهای زیادی را وارد می کند. هدف از این مطالعه تعیین میزان آلودگی سارکوسیستیس در دام های کشتارشده در کشتارگاه شهرکرد با استفاده از روش هیستوپاتولوژی می باشد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی –آزمایشگاهی قلب 70 رأس بز و 70 رأس گوسفند سالم، اندام های مری، ران، دیافراگم و قلب دام ها به صورت ماکروسکوپی از نظر وجود کیست سارکوسیستیس بازرسی شدند. در صورت مشکوک و یا سالم نبودن این اندام ها، قلب جهت تهیه مقطع پاتولوژی در فرمالین نگهداری و پس از تهیه مقطع مورد مطالعه میکروسکوپی قرار گرفت. اطلاعات جمع آوری شده به صورت توزیع فراوانی گزارش گردید. یافته ها: از تعداد 140 دام مورد بررسی در بازرسی ماکروسکپی وجود کیست در دیافراگم 7/15 در گوسفند و 8/2 در بز، مری 1/7 در گوسفند و 4/1 در بز یافت شد. در بررسی میکروسکوپی میزان آلودگی سارکوسیستیس در قلب های به ظاهر سالم در گوسفند 80 و بز 70 نشان داده شد. نتیجه گیری: با توجه به شیوع بالای آلودگی سارکوسیستیس در جهان و ایران، همچنین گزارشات مختلف تا 100 آلودگی، بنظر می رسد مطالعات بیشتری جهت تعیین حساسیت و ویژگی این روش در مقایسه با سایر روش ها ضروری می باشد. همچنین با توجه به میزان آلودگی بدست آمده در قلب های سالم نیاز به دقت در نگهداری صحیح گوشت و پخت کامل گوشت و همچنین تغییر نگرش در نحوه نگهداری دام ها از نوع سنتی به روش صنعتی دام ها توصیه می شود

    Serodiagnosis of fasciolosis by fast protein liquid chromatography-fractionated excretory/secretory antigens

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    In several studies, different antigenic preparations and diverse immunological tests were applied for serodiagnosis of Fasciola hepatica infections. Most of these preparations showed cross-reactivity with proteins of other parasites. Application of purified antigens might reduce these cross-reactivities. Here, we used fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC)-fractionated extracts of F. hepatica excretory/secretory antigens (E/S Ags) for serodiagnosis of human and sheep fasciolosis. To develop an improved diagnostic method, we fractionated F. hepatica E/S Ags by anion exchange chromatography on a Sepharose CL-6B column and then tested the serodiagnostic values of the fractions. We used sera from F. hepatica-infected human and sheep as positive controls. Sera from patients with hydatidosis and strongyloidiasis were used for cross-reactivity studies. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) of the second FPLC peak, containing 20, 25, and 70 kDa proteins, discriminated between F. hepatica-infected and uninfected human and sheep samples. Fractionation of F. hepatica E/S Ags by FPLC is a fast and reproducible way of obtaining antigens useful for serodiagnosis of human and sheep fasciolosis with acceptable sensitivity and specificity

    Dicrocoelium dendriticum found in a Bronze Age cemetery in western Iran in the pre-Persepolis period: The oldest Asian palaeofinding in the present human infection hottest spot region

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    Dicrocoeliasis of animals and humans is caused by trematode species of the genus Dicrocoelium, mainly Dicrocoelium dendriticum in ruminants of the Holarctic region. D. dendriticum may be considered an old parasite, probably related to the appearance and diversification of Eurasian ovicaprines, occurred 14.7-14.5 million years ago. The oldest palaeoparasitological findings of Dicrocoelium in domestic animals and humans date from more than 5000 years BC in Europe. Eggs of D. dendriticum have been found in a burial of a Bronze Age cemetery (2600-2200 BC) close to Yasuj city, southwestern Iran. This is the oldest finding of D. dendriticum in the Near East, where present human infection reports are more numerous than in other world regions where human dicrocoeliasis is rare and sporadic. This palaeofinding in the Zagros mountainous chain area is of interest by its location close to Persepolis, suggesting a narrow relationship between humans and herbivorous animals in these highlands. Domestic ruminant populations of these highlands were following a repeated contact with those of the western flat lowlands of the Fertile Crescent thanks to annual altitudinal transhumance migrations of the nomadic pastoral tribes with their herds living throughout Zagros Mountains in the several millennium period BC. It is concluded that D. dendriticum spread together with sheep and goats westward throughout Europe from the Fertile Crescent during the 8000-6000 year BC period and somewhat later southward into Africa, both spreads facilitated by the low specificity of that trematode species regarding the snail and ant intermediate hosts. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Morphological Description, Phylogenetic and Molecular Analysis of Dirofilaria immitis Isolated from Dogs in the Northwest of Iran

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    Background: Dirofilariasis is a globally distributed arthropod-borne parasitic disease of mainly canids and felids. We evaluated to extend the knowledge of morpho-molecular characteristics and outer ultrastructure of Dirofilaria immitis isolated from Northwest of Iran. Methods: Overall, 67 filarial worms including 41 females and 26 males parasites were collected from the cardiovascular system of the 43 stray dogs in Meshkinshar, Ardebil Province, Northwest of Iran in 2017, and subjected to light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) as well as carmine alum staining for morpho-molecular and identification. Molecular methods were used for confirmation of morphological findings by sequencing of Cyto-chrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) gene. Results: The partial DNA sequencing of cox1 gene of adult parasites showed considerable homology and close proximity to the previously isolated from Kerman and Meshkinshahr, Iran. The lowest genetic variation and the highest intra-species variability was found in D. immitis and Dirofilaria repens, respectively. No similarity was identified between D. immitis nucleotide sequence and Wolbachia species as its endosymbiont bacteria. Conclusion: The SEM technique is an excellent tool for differential recognition of the parasite surface morphology and molecular techniques could differentiate and identify Dirofilaria spp. keywords: Dirofilaria immitis, Homology, Iran, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM

    Molecular Evidence of Emerged Pulmonary Lophomoniasis due to Lophomonas blattarum among Hospitalized Patients in Southwestern Iran: A National Registry-Based Study

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    Objectives. Lophomonas protozoan is an emerging pathogen transmitted through arthropods such as cockroaches. Lophomoniasis is still a mysterious disease with many unknown epidemiological aspects. The current study aimed to determine the prevalence of lophomoniasis among patients who were hospitalized in Hajar Hospital, Shahrekord, southwestern Iran, using a conventional PCR technique. Methods. In this retrospective study, 132 frozen bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) specimens from patients with respiratory disorders hospitalized in Hajar Hospital, Shahrekord district, southwestern Iran, were analyzed during 2020-2021. Samples are referred to the Iranian National Registry Center for Lophomoniasis (INRCL), Mazandaran Province, Northern Iran, for detecting Lophomonas spp. infection by a conventionally small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) PCR test. Results. A total of 132 frozen BALF specimens were examined, 36 (27.3%) tested Lophomonas spp. positive using the conventional PCR technique. Also, based on sequencing data and blast analysis, the presence of L. blattarum species was confirmed. The average age of Lophomonas spp.- positive patients was 67.02 ± 15.14 years. Out of the 36 positive subjects, 63.9% were male and 36.1% female. Male and Lophomonas infection had a significant correlation (p=0.001). Our findings revealed that L. blattarum infected nonsmokers more than smokers (p=0.001). The most common underlying disease was also bronchitis Conclusion. Our results showed, for the first time, that pulmonary lophomoniasis caused by L. blattarum is a common and emerging disease in the study area, southwestern Iran. Furthermore, our findings support the use of the PCR test to detect Lophomonas infection in archived frozen clinical sample

    Fatty acid and retinol-binding protein: A novel antigen for immunodiagnosis of human strongyloidiasis

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    The tenacious human parasitic helminth Strongyloides stercoralis is a significant health problem worldwide. The current lack of a definitive diagnostic laboratory test to rule out this infection necessitates designing more specific diagnostic methods. Fatty acid and retinol-binding protein (FAR) plays a crucial role in the development and reproduction of nematodes. We generated a recombinant form of this protein and determined its applicability for immunodiagnosis of S. stercoralis. The L3 form of S. stercoralis was harvested and used for RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis. The coding sequence of S. stercoralis FAR (SsFAR) was cloned into pET28a(+) vector, expressed in E. coli BL21 and purified. ELISA and immunoblotting were employed to determine the specificity and sensitivity of rSsFAR using a set of defined sera. In addition, we analyzed the phylogenetic relationship of SsFAR with different FAR sequences from other nematodes. The cloned SsFAR had an open reading frame of 447 bp encoding 147 amino acids, with a deduced molecular mass of 19 kD. The SsFAR amino acid sequence was 93% identical to FAR of S. ratti. For differential immunodiagnosis of strongyloidiasis, rSsFAR exhibited 100% sensitivity and 97% specificity. However, cross-reactivity with FAR proteins of other parasites, namely Toxocara canis and Echinococcus granulosus, was noted. Our results provide a novel approach for immunodiagnosis of S. stercoralis infections using rSsFAR with reliable sensitivity and specificity

    Evaluation of gelatinolytic and collagenolytic activity of fasciola hepatica recombinant cathepsin-l1

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    Background: Cysteine proteases of the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, participate in catabolism of proteins, migration of the fluke through host tissues and combat host immune system. Objectives: In this study, we evaluated proteolytic activity of F. hepatica recombinant cathepsin L1 (rCL1) against gelatin and collagen as common substrates. Material and Methods: The coding sequences of F. hepatica CL1 were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli, in our previous study. The rCL1 was purified by nickel affinity chromatography with a HisTrap Column. The protein concentrations of the purified fractions were determined by Bradford assay. Rat collagen type-1 was treated with distinct amounts of rCL1 at 37 °C, overnight, and the byproduct was analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Furthermore, we used bovine skin gelatin as zymography substrate to evaluate the gelatinolytic activity of the purified rCL1. Results: Recombinant CL1 was capable to digest intact type-1 collagen within 24 h and the gelatinlytic activity of rCL1 was visible at approximately 37 kDa region, with optimal activity at acidified conditions (pH 4). Conclusion: Findings provide a possible mechanism by which a major secretory molecule of F. hepatica could be involved in parasite survival as well as its pathogenesis. keywords: Cathepsin L1, Collagen, Fasciola hepatica, Gelatin, Recombinant Enzym

    Comparative assessment of recombinant and native immunogenic forms of Fasciola hepatica proteins for serodiagnosis of sheep fasciolosis

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    Laboratory diagnosis of sheep fasciolosis is commonly performed by coprological examinations; however, this method may lead to false negative results during the acute phase of the infection. Furthermore, the poor sensitivity of coprological methods is considered to be a paradox in the chronic phase of the infection. In this study, we compared the immunoreactivity of native and recombinant forms of Fasciola hepatica excretory/secretory antigens and determined their capabilities for the development of F. hepatica-specific immunoassays. Immunoreactivity and specificity of recombinant and native forms of F. hepatica antigens, including fatty acid binding protein (FABP), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and cathepsin L-1 (CL1), in parallel with native forms of FABP and GST, were studied for serodiagnosis of the chronic form of sheep fasciolosis, individually or in combination with each other by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). The correlation of the findings was assessed by receiver-operator characteristic (ROC); furthermore, the specificity and sensitivity were assessed by Youden's J. Serologic cross-reactivity was evaluated using samples from healthy sheep (n = 40), Fasciola-infected sheep (n = 30), and sheep with other parasitic infections (n = 43). The FABPs were determined to be greater than 95% sensitive for F. hepatica serodiagnosis. The most desirable diagnostic recombinant antigen was rCL1, which showed 100% sensitivity and 97% specificity in ELISA and was capable of discriminating the positive and negative samples by maximum Youden's J results. We conclude that rCL1 can be used for routine serodiagnosis of chronic fasciolosis. Thus, it could be advantageous in development of immunoassays for screening of ovine herds in fasciolosis-endemic areas and as a reliable agent for detection of fasciolosis in non-endemic regions