109 research outputs found

    Posterior Mediastinal Chondrosarcoma- A rare entity

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    Introduction:Chondrosarcoma is a well defined tumor of soft tissue with calcification. Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma is an unusual sarcoma of soft tissue adding only 3% to all soft tissue tumors. Majority of mediastinal foci originates from variety of tissues, the reason being their diverse embryological and anatomical approximations. Chondrosarcomas are more common in males with 2:1 male to female ratio. The exact pathology of these tumors is unclear; however recent data ensures that these tumors have multidirectional delineation. Classical histopathological features of chondrosarcoma include S-100 positivity, EMA positivity. These features of Immunohistochemical favor extra skeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma.Case Report:Recent data signifies that the tumor is known for its rare occurrence, here we have reported a unique case of 40 years old male visited Abbasi Shaheed Hospital for pre employment checkup without any symptoms. All the tests were negative except Chest X-ray PA view which revealed dense mass on lower lobe of lung. For further evaluation, CT scan of chest with contrast was ordered and eventually the mass was resected surgically. On the basis of macro and microscopic findings, histopathological tests and immunohistochemical stains, the mass was found to be chondrosarcoma with myxoid origin. This tumor has to be distinguishing among the list of different diseases like hamartoma, hydatid cyst, and neuroendocrine tumors for the differential diagnosis of the case.Conclusion: Our paper reports an extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma originating in the posterior mediastinum with a rare presentation.Â

    AI in Bioinformatics

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    In bioinformatics science and computational molecular biology, artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly gained interest. With the availability of numerous types of AI algorithms, it has become prevalent for researchers to use off-shelf programmes to identify their datasets and mine them. At present, researchers are facing difficulties in selecting the right approach that could be extended to a given data collection, with numerous intelligent approaches available in the literature. Researchers need instruments that present the data in an intuitive manner, annotated with meaning, precision estimates, and description. In the fields of bioinformatics and computational molecular biology (DNA sequencing), this article seeks to review the use of AI. These fields have evolved from the needs of biologists to use the large volumes of data continuously obtained in genomic science and to better understand them. For several approaches to bioinformatics and DNA sequencing, the fundamental impetus is the evolution of species and the difficulty of dealing with incorrect results. The type of software programmes developed by the scientific community to search, identify and mine numerous usable biological databases are also mentioned in this article, simulating biological experiments with and without mistakes. The review of antibody-antigen interactions and their diversity, and the study of epidemiological evidence that can help forecast antibody-antigen interactions and the induction of broadly neutralising antibodies are important questions to be answered in the field of vaccinology

    Review of Parameters in Routing Protocols in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks

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    Vehicular Ad_hoc Network  (VANET) is a sophisticated elegance of devoted cellular network that permits automobiles to intelligently communicate for different   roadside infrastructure. VANETs bring with it some of demanding situations associated with Quality of Service (QoS) and performance. QoS relies upon on many parameters which includes packet transport ratio, bandwidth, postpone variance, records latency, etc. This paper, discuss numerous troubles associated with latency records, bandwidth usage, and transport of packet in VANETs. The demanding situations have been recognized in offering security, reliability and confidentiality of posted records. Finally, numerous packages of VANETs also are introduced in the modern computing scenario

    Experimental Investigation of The Steady Motion of Spherical- Cap Bubble

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    The aim of the present work is to study the hydrodynamics of sphericalcapbubble, rise bubble velocity, shape of bubble, and drag coefficient. Theexperimental work of two-phase ,air-water system was carried out using a Perspexcolumn of 14.5 cm diameter and 180 cm height. A known volume of air wassupplied to the cup from a syringe. The single gas bubble rose through theentrance region by turning the cup instantaneously. The rise bubble velocity wasmeasured by visual observation. In order to measure the terminal velocity anelectronic timer (Stop-Watch) was used. The drag coefficient of air spherica–l capbubble rising in water was measured and found to be a value between (2.8-3.8) forall Reynolds number. The experimental results are compared with the theoreticalresults of some investigators

    Variation of Peak Expiratory Flow Rate with Body Mass Index in Medical Students of Karachi, Pakistan

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    OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of our study was to assess the variation of PEFR with BMI in normal medical students of Karachi, PakistanDESIGN: Cross-sectional studySetting: Medical students of Karachi Medical and Dental CollegeParticipants: 138 non-smoker healthy medical students composed of 111 females and 27 males. VARIABLE PARAMETERS: They include mean age, body height and body weight and PEFR. They were marked separately for each genderRESULTS: The mean BMI in females was found out to be 18.54±2.10 corresponding with that of mean PEFR value 431.62±56.62 whereas in males the mean BMI was 25.07±2.96 corresponding with that of mean PEFR value 533.70±23.22. Also there is a statistically significant variation in PEFR with an increase in BMI.CONCLUSION: The study concludes that PEFR is affected positively by variation in BMI. Also young males have more BMI and PEFR values than their young female counterparts. A large sample size with accurate peak flow meter is required along with ethnic consideration of the study population for better and accurate result

    Antimicrobial Potential of Genes from Garlic (<em>Allium sativum</em> L.)

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    With the advancements in agriculture, farming community less or more started to rely on synthetic chemicals to increase the crop production and protection. But the negative impact of these chemicals on environment and cropping system urges the scientists to discover some new ways to combat with crop disease. By keeping in view, garlic is a well-known economically important vegetable throughout the world and recognized as reservoir for a number of bioactive compounds to treat various diseases; scientists have developed a strategy to identify and isolate antimicrobial genes from garlic. By using B. subtilis expression systems, a total of 48 antimicrobial genes, including AsR 416, were identified with the potential to significantly retard the growth of economically important fungal and bacterial pathogens. Furthermore, these antimicrobial genes exhibited the thermal stability along with nontoxic effects on mammalian blood cells, which indicate its potential use in the development of human medicines. These genes can revolutionize the way to treat with pathogens and also give a new wave of knowledge to explore the other organisms for the search of antimicrobial genes. This will also help to search the other cost-effective ways for the treatment of plant and human diseases

    Sharia Screening Process: A Comparison of Pakistan and Malaysia

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    This paper aims to examine the Sharia screening methodologies used by Securities Commission of Malaysia and KSE Meezan Index (KMI-30 of Pakistan). The two set of screens used by both Islamic indices are business screens and financial screens. The existence of certain similarities and differences in screening methodology is evident. The findings also implicate that there is a dire need for standardisation of said process which will be beneficial in many ways and will surely aid in the development of ICM worldwide.

    On process capability and system availability analysis of the inverse Rayleigh distribution

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    <p>In this article, process capability and system availability analysis is discussed for the inverse Rayleigh lifetime distribution. Bayesian approach with a conjugate gamma distribution is adopted for the analysis. Different types of loss functions are considered to find Bayes estimates of the process capability and system availability. A simulation study is conducted for the comparison of different loss functions.</p

    Time-Kill Kinetics of Lipid Fractions Isolated from Condiments against Foodborne Pathogens

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    Lipidne frakcije izolirane iz začinskog bilja imaju širok spektar bioloških aktivnosti i često se koriste u medicinske svrhe ili pri kuhanju. Ovo je ispitivanje provedeno radi određivanja antimikrobnog potencijala lipidnih frakcija, izoliranih pomoću dvaju različitih sustava otapala, za suzbijanje rasta pet sojeva patogenih mikroorganizama prisutnih u hrani. Antibakterijska učinkovitost ispitana je nakon 0, 1, 2, 3 i 24 h inkubacije s aktivnom tvari. Istjecanje staničnog sadržaja mikroorganizama procijenjeno je nakon 1 i 2 sata inkubacije. Pretražnim elektronskim mikroskopom dobivene su slike stanica nakon 18 sati izlaganja minimalnim inhibicijskim koncentracijama lipidnih frakcija. Iz rezultata studije kinetike inhibicije rasta i istjecanja staničnog sadržaja zaključeno je da su lipidne frakcije imale najjači učinak na suzbijanje Gram-negativne bakterije Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 tijekom 3 i 1 sata inkubacije. Međutim, produljenjem vremena izlaganja aktivnoj tvari inhibiran je rast Gram-pozitivne bakterije Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 13932. Mikroskopske slike tretiranih mikroorganizama potvrdile su inhibicijski učinak odabranih lipidnih frakcija na sve ispitane patogene. Morfologija stanica bakterija potpuno je izmijenjena nakon 18 h inkubacije s lipidnim frakcijama. Rezultati ispitivanja potvrđuju znatan inhibicijski učinak lipidnih frakcija i narušavanje integriteta stanične stijenke bakterija nakon produljenog izlaganja aktivnoj tvari, što potvrđuje mogućnost uporabe ispitanih lipidnih frakcija u hrani.Lipid fractions that are extracted from condiments have a wide array of biological potential and are commonly utilized for medicinal and culinary applications. This investigation aims at determining the antimicrobial potential of lipid fractions isolated using two different solvent systems against five foodborne pathogens. The antibacterial efficacy was tested after 0, 1, 2, 3 and 24 h of incubation with the active agent. The leakage of cellular content was assessed at 1 and 2 h of incubation. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images were obtained after 18 h of contact time with lipid fractions at their minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). From the results obtained from time-kill and cell constituents release tests, it could be concluded that during 3 and 1 h of incubation, the lipid fractions were more potent against Gram-negative isolates (Escherichia coli ATCC 8739). However, prolonged incubation with the active agent inhibited Gram-positive isolate, i.e. Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 13932. SEM images of treated microorganisms also confirmed the inhibitory action of selected lipid fractions against all the tested pathogens. The cellular morphology of the bacteria was completely altered after 18 h of incubation with the lipid fractions. The results of the present study corroborate significant inhibitory effects and disruption in bacterial cell integrity following prolonged incubation with these lipid fractions. The results also affirm the use of the tested lipid fractions in food systems

    The Role of Radiology (X-Ray versus Computed Tomography) in Medicolegal Cases Presented at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Pakistan

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    Objectives:&nbsp;&nbsp;A prospective observational study was aimed to assess the role of plain radiographs and computed tomography in detecting head injuries presented at the medicolegal office at the Forensics and Radiology Departments, Gambat Medical Hospital, Sindh. Material and Methods:&nbsp;&nbsp;All cases referred from the Medicolegal Office (MLO) with head injury were included. All victims underwent X-ray head and computed tomography skull was done with 1 or 1.5 cm thick axial sections without administration of intravenous contrast. The radiological reports of X-ray head and CT scans were documented and comparatively evaluated. Results:&nbsp;&nbsp;Mean age was 38.63 ± 3.91 years. In 51 (45.13%) cases, X-ray was able to detect skull fracture, while CT scan detected 64(56.64%) skull fractures. There were 54 (84.3%) true positives, 3 (2.6%) false positives, 10(8.8%) false negatives, and 40 (40.7%) true negatives. The accuracy of X-ray to detect skull fracture was 88.50%. Conclusion:&nbsp;&nbsp;X-ray had a sensitivity and specificity of 84.38% and 93.88%, respectively. It is a reliable tool to detect skull fractures in victims of assault in comparison with CT scans. X-ray is also associated with low dose radiation exposure as compared with CT scan which delivers 70 times more exposure than the former