19 research outputs found

    Potensi keterdedahan risiko syariah syarikat pengendali takaful terpilih di Malaysia

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    Industri kewangan Islam mempunyai keunikan tersendiri berbanding industri kewangan konvensional. Keadaan ini berikutan industri kewangan Islam mempunyai keperluan terhadap pematuhan syariah, sekali gus mendedahkan industri kewangan Islam terhadap risiko yang dikenali sebagai risiko syariah. Industri pasaran modal Islam di peringkat global contohnya telah berhadapan dengan risiko syariah apabila pada penghujung tahun 2007, Sheikh Taqi Uthmani telah mengisytiharkan bahawa 85% sukuk yang berada di pasaran adalah tidak patuh syariah sekali gus menyebabkan penurunan terbitan sukuk pada tahun berikutnya. Dalam perbankan Islam di Malaysia pula terdapat pertikaian mengenai status patuh syariah kontrak Bay‘ Bithaman Ajil (BBA) sehingga terdapat kes-kes pertikaian yang dibawa ke mahkamah. Industri takaful di Malaysia turut terdedah kepada risiko syariah disebabkan keperluan pematuhan syariah dalam setiap operasi dan aktiviti Syarikat Pengendali Takaful (SPT). Justeru, kajian ini akan menjelaskan elemen-elemen utama yang menyebabkan risiko syariah dalam kewangan Islam. Kajian ini turut mengenal pasti potensi keterdedahan risiko syariah secara spesifik dalam SPT dengan menggunakan metodologi kualitatif berdasarkan data kajian daripada lima informan yang berpengalaman secara langsung dalam pematuhan syariah industri takaful. Kajian ini akan menganalisis data kualitatif menggunakan program berkomputer Altas.ti 7. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat pelbagai potensi risiko syariah dan insiden risiko syariah yang pelbagai dalam SPT

    Aplikasi program Atlas.Ti dalam penyelidikan kualitatif pengajian pascasiswazah bidang pengajian Islam: suatu cadangan awal

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    Penyelidikan dalam bidang pengajian Islam telah berkembang dengan jayanya termasuklah melalui penghasilan penyelidikan ilmiah oleh calon-calon pascasiswazah sama ada di peringkat sarjana mahupun di peringkat doKtor falsafah. Tambahan lagi, pengkhususan dalam pengajian Islam bukan hanya berkaitan pengajian Al-Quran, Hadith, Fiqh ataupun persoalan akidah semata-mata. Malah telah merangkumi penyelidikan aspek perundangan, ekonomi dan kewangan, pengurusan, sains politik, pemikiran Islam kontemporari, industri halal serta sains gunaan berkaitan pengajian Islam. Berdasarkan sampel kajian daripada jumlah tesis pasca siswazah Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya yang telah dimuat turun secara dalam talian. Jumlah keseluruhan tesis di bidang penyelidikan pengajian Islam sebanyak 154 kajian pascasiswazah pada 2016 dan 56 kajian pascasiswazah dalam bidang pengajian Islam pada 2017 yang menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan kedua-dua tahun 2016 dan 2017 sebanyak 210 buah penyelidikan dihasilkan. Berdasarkan anggaran, kebanyakan kajian berkaitan pengajian Islam menggunakan metodologi kualitatif manakala hanya sejumlah kecil sahaja yang menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Ini bererti pendekatan metodologi kualitatif merupakan metodologi yang paling banyak digunakan sehingga kini. Namun begitu, pengkaji dalam pengajian Islam hanya menggunakan kenyataan bertulis dan menganalisis secara manual dan tradisional serta tidak memanfaatkan program Computer Aided Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) seperti Altas.ti untuk membantu proses menganalisis data kajian kualitatif sama ada kitab-kitab turath atau transkrip temu bual sebagai sumber utama kajian. Jesteru, kajian ini akan membincangkan penggunaan Atlas.ti untuk penyelidikan dalam pengajian Islam khusus kepada kajian kualitatif. Selain itu, program Altas.ti turut sesuai dan praktikal untuk digunakan dalam membangunkan teoritikal dan sorotan literatur kajian sama ada kajian mengunakan metodologi kualitatif mahupun kuantitatif

    Tadbir urus syariah dalam industri takaful di Malaysia: implikasi pasca Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013

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    Industri takaful telah bertapak kira-kira 30 tahun dalam sistem kewangan di Malaysia. Pelbagai perubahan telah dilakukan oleh pengawal selia iaitu Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) bagi memastikan pengukuhan dan kestabilan industri takaful termasuklah berkaitan perundangan tadbir urus syariah. Makalah ini akan menghuraikan peruntukan perundangan Akta Bank Negara Malaysia 2009 (ABNM 2009) dan Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013 (APKI 2013) dalam aspek tadbir urus syariah industri takaful di Malaysia. Selain itu,kajian ini turut menemu bual tujuh informan kajian yang terdiri Pegawai Bahagian Syariah dan Jawatankuasa Syariah Syarikat Pengendali Takaful (SPT) yang merupakan pihak yang terlibat secara langsung dalam proses tadbir urus syariah dalam industri takaful. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa peruntukan perundangan APKI 2013 memberi implikasi positif terhadap tadbir urus syariah industri takaful dengan peruntukan perundangan yang jelas dan terperinci seperti bidang kuasa dan peranan Majlis Penasihat Syariah BNM dan Jawatankuasa Syariah di peringkat dalaman SPT

    Exploring the Application of Islamic Legal Maxims in Advertising: Practices of manufacturers

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    The previous study has argued that the focus of advertising has caused many socio-economic hazards in damaging moral and cultural values by causing exploitation and fraud. Engaging in a systematic content analysis procedure, this article aims to explore the applications of Islamic Legal Maxims in advertising with regards to the manufacturers' practices in supplementary food products industries. Next, explicit purposes are to determine the malpractices among manufacturers in their advertising as well as a shariah-compliant parameter as a guideline to manufacturers in advertising supplementary food products based on the integration of Islamic Legal Maxim and principles of Shariah. Keywords: Advertising, supplementary food, Islamic Legal maxim eISSN: 2398-4287© 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v6iSI5.294

    Retakaful – An Integrated Mechanism to Enhance Prudence, Cost Effectiveness and Efficiency

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    The objective of this study is to highlight the current practice of retakaful and to explore means to enhance prudence, cost effectiveness and efficiency in managing retakaful which represents a major cost to the Participant Risk Fund (PRF). This is a qualitative study which discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of retakaful through literature review from published sources; articulated from the practitioner’s perspective. This study explains the concept and importance of retakaful, outlines the methods of retakaful, discusses the theory of efficiency, and analyses the cost of retakaful and its impact on the takaful business. This study highlights the best practices for prudent management of retakaful and outlines the methodologies for measuring the efficiency of retakaful. This study contributes to the current dearth of literature and research on takaful and retakaful as a nascent industry, compared to the more matured insurance and reinsurance industry. Hence, the conventional insurance and reinsurance theory and practice are also referred to as a benchmark. The study would provide better insight for the takaful industry on the mechanism to improve the management of retakaful as a critical component of the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) of a takaful operation. Better management of retakaful will assist in bolstering the financial position of the PRF as a whole

    [Potential of Waqf Livestock Financing for Micro, Medium and Large Scale Businesses] Potensi Pendekatan Pembiayaan Wakaf Penternakan Berskala Mikro, Sederhana dan Makro

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    Malaysia is a Muslim majority country with an estimated Muslim population in Malaysia of 20, 192 700 out of the total population in Malaysia. This amount reflects the need for food security including the supply of halal food for the needs of the Muslim community. Malaysia is also the most popular Islamic tourism destination in the global Muslim tourism market due to access of halal food through halal-certified restaurants. However, Malaysia still depends on imports products in various food commodities including rice, milk and dairy products, beef and mutton. Total food imports reached about RM45.4 billion compared to Malaysia's exports just only about RM27 billion leaving a deficit of more than RM18 billion. These imports are expected to increase further but there is still a shortage of supply from local sources in Malaysia. To meet the demand of domestic market, Malaysia needs to formulate a plan to improve the sustainability of food security, including protein sources from cattle and goat farming. In addition, Malaysia has the potential for the development of wakaf land due to having an area of idle wakaf land covering 11,091.82 hectares. Thus, this study aims to examine the suitability of waqf financing approaches that have the potential to be practiced in waqf livestock projects. This study has the potential as an initial proposal to implement a livestock endowment project financing approach to increase the level of food security in Malaysia and reduce dependence on imports of beef and mutton. Malaysia merupakan negara majoriti Muslim dengan anggaran penduduk Muslim di Malaysia sebanyak 20, 192 700 daripada jumlah keseluruhan penduduk yang berada di Malaysia. Jumlah ini menggambarkan keperluan terhadap sekuriti makanan termasuklah bekalan makanan halal untuk keperluan masyarakat Muslim. Malaysia turut merupakan destinasi pelancongan Islam paling popular dalam pasaran pelancongan muslim global yang disebabkan akses kepada makanan halal melalui restoran yang diiktiraf halal. Walaubagaimanapun, Malaysia  bergantung kepada import luar dalam pelbagai komoditi makanan termasuklah beras, susu dan produk tenusu, daging lembu dan daging kambing. Jumlah keseluruhan import makanan  hampir menjangkau RM45.4 bilion berbanding eksport Malaysia ke luar negara hanya RM 27 bilion meninggalkan defisit melebihi RM18 bilion. Jumlah import ini dijangka akan terus meningkat sekiranya masih lagi kekurangan bekalan dari sumber lokal di Malaysia. Bagi memenuhi keperluan makanan domestik, Malaysia perlu merangka pelan untuk meningkatkan kelestarian sekuriti makanan termasuklah sumber protein daripada penternakan lembu dan kambing. Tambahan pula, Malaysia mempunyai potensi untuk pembangunan tanah wakaf berikutan mempunyai keluasan tanah wakaf terbiar merangkumi 11,091.82 hektar. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti kesesuaian pendekatan pembiayaan wakaf yang berpotensi dipraktikkan dalam projek wakaf penternakan. Kajian ini berpotensi sebagai cadangan awal untuk mengimplentasikan pendekatan pembiayaan projek wakaf penternakan untuk meningkatkan tahap sekuriti makanan di Malaysia dan mengurangkan pergantungan terhadap import daging lembu dan kambing dari luar negara.  &nbsp

    Стент на стенте: установка двойных мягких J-образных стентов в мочеточниковый стент Memokath-051TM при двусторонней стриктуре мочеточника после лучевой терапии распространенного рака предстательной железы

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    Narrowing of ureter can be due to malignant or benign causes. Temporary double-J (DJ) stents, various metallic stent designs, or definitive corrective surgery can be the options management for ureteric stricture. As an alternative from DJ stents, Memokath-051TM (MMK-051TM) can be inserted in strictured ureters post radiotherapy for advanced prostate cancer patients. We present a case of an advanced prostate cancer which bilateral DJ Stents placed within MMK-051TM. A 76-year-old man with underlying hormone sensitive advanced prostate cancer completed radiotherapy. Post radiotherapy he developed bilateral ureteric strictures  and bilateral DJ stents  inserted.  He had to underwent multiple change of stents due to blockage. Patient had MMK-051TM inserted, however complicated with blockage due to encrustation. Improvisation method done by putting the bilateral DJ stents within the MMK-051TM. Patient had no more blockage of MMK-051TM after the placement of DJ stents within it. However, patient succumbed to death a year after the last procedure. Our case report highlighted encrustation of metallic ureteric stents and a novel approach to overcome this problem. Introduction  of additional DJ stents  not only reduced the incidence of MMK-051TM blockage but also improved the quality of life of the patient.Причинами сужения мочеточника  могут быть как злокачественные новообразования, так и доброкачественные процессы. Для лечения стриктуры мочеточника применяют временные двойные J-образные стенты, металлические стенты различных дизайнов, реконструктивные операции. В качестве альтернативы двойным J-образным стентам после лучевой терапии у пациентов с распространенным раком предстательной железы при сужении мочеточника устанавливают стент Memokath-051TM (MMK-051TM). Мы представляем клинический случай распространенного рака предстательной железы, при котором двусторонние двойные J-образные стенты были установлены внутри стента MMK-051TM.Мужчине 76 лет с распространенным гормоночувствительным раком предстательной железы проведен курс лучевой терапии, после которого развились двусторонние стриктуры мочеточника. Пациенту были установлены двусторонние двойные J-образные стенты. Он перенес многочисленные замены стентов по причине блокады. Пациенту был установлен стент MMK-051TM, однако у него развилось осложнение в форме блокады в результате инкрустации. В стент  MMK-051TM были установлены двойные J-образные стенты, после чего пациент перестал испытывать блокаду. Однако пациент скончался от рака предстательной железы через год после операции. В данном описании  клинического случая мы подчеркиваем важность инкрустации металлических мочеточниковых стентов и предлагаем подход к решению этой проблемы. Установка дополнительных двойных J-образных стентов не только снизила частоту блокады стента MMK-051TM, но и улучшила качество жизни пациента

    Recruitment Pattern Graduates from Malaysian Technical University

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    Recruitment is a process of identifying individuals who have the potential to create a quality staff that will ensure the achievement of a company's goals and mission. Many employers are interested in recruiting capable graduates. However, there are still employers who do not offer a salary equivalent to the student's qualifications. Accordingly, this study aims to determine the recruitment pattern for Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) graduates from 2015 until 2020.  It identifies graduates of UTHM, a public technical university who receive salaries equivalent to their qualifications at the Diploma level. It also aims to identify employers who consistently hire UTHM graduates from the designated years. This empirical study analyzed raw data from the Graduate Tracer Study online system administered by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. The respondents consisted of 1302 diploma graduates at UTHM. The results of the study show that only 32% of graduates receive a salary commensurate with their diploma qualification. This shows a high mismatch between the job salaries and qualifications of graduates. Further results also found that there are 43 companies consistently recruiting UTHM Diploma Graduates from 2015 to 2020. Attentively, JST Connector (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd is the most consistent company in recruiting UTHM Diploma graduates with a total of 15 employees in that period

    Public understanding of rip current and beach safety at Teluk Cempedak Recreational Beach in Pahang, Malaysia

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    Rip currents are known to be a global public health issue and have been extensively contributed to the coastguard rescues and drowning cases at recreational beaches. Most studies in Malaysia have focused on the physical control of rip currents, with little emphasis on social factors. This study aims to assess the public knowledge of rip currents and beach safety at Teluk Cempedak Recreational Beach (TCRB) in Pahang, Malaysia. A convenience sampling technique was used to conduct a cross-sectional study among 300 beachgoers in TCRB. All data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Bivariable and multivariable logistic analyses were computed to identify factors associated with satisfactory knowledge of rip current and beach safety. More than half of the respondents were females (51%) and residents of Kuantan (62%). Out of 300 respondents, 160 (53.3%) had a satisfactory knowledge of rip currents, while a higher number of respondents (n = 221, 73.7%) had an unsatisfactory knowledge of beach safety. Those aged 35 and up, females, and those who had never had difficulty with water activities at the beach were more likely to have satisfactory knowledge of rip currents. The only factor found to be significantly related to satisfactory beach safety knowledge was age (35 years old). In conclusion, the respondents were concerned about rip currents, but they had inadequate knowledge of beach safety. Therefore, the development of effective beach safety education programmes is needed in Malaysia


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    Abstract. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) has certain unique properties such as selfassembly and self-complementary in hybridization, whic