64 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Kepimpinan organisasi pendidikan yang cemerlang adalah unsur yang paling penting dalam organisasi sekolah. Organisasi sekolah harus dipimpin oleh pemimpin yang berakhlak kerana orang-orang ini mempunyai kemampuan untuk menjalankan organisasi dengan semangat akuntabilitas untuk memenuhi harapan warganya. Islam mempunyai cara yang sempurna dalam memperkenalkan dan menghasilkan pemimpin yang cemerlang. Islam percaya bahawa amalan qudwah hasanah seorang pemimpin yang berakhlak mulia didapati mampu mencorakkan misi dan visi yang jelas serta matlamat yang terarah dalam menguruskan organisasi dengan jayanya. Falsafah kepimpinan dalam Islam bermakna seseorang itu bukan sahaja harus menjadi cemerlang dalam organisasi tetapi juga mesti mempamerkan qudwaah hasanah untuk cemerlang di 'akhirat' seterusnya menjaadi role model kepada seluruh warganya. Amalan qudwah hasanah dalam kepimpinan organisasi pendidikan berupaya menjadikan kecemerlangan organisasinya sebagai asas kepada dorongan motivasi kerja yang kompeten dalam kalangan seluruh warganya. Kata Kunci: Islam, Organisasi, Kepimpinan Pendidikan , Qudwah Hasanah, Motivasi kerja  ABSTRACT Excellent educational leadership is the most important element in a school organization. School organization should be led by moral leaders because these people have the ability to run the organization  with the spirit of accountability to meet the expectations of its citizens. Islam has the perfect way of introducing and producing excellent leaders. Islam believes that the practice of qudwah hasanah of a leader with noble morals is found to able to formulate a clear mission and vision as well as goals aimed at managing the organization successfully. The philosophy of leadership in Islam means that  one shlold not only excell in the organization but also must display the qudwah hasanah to excel in the ‘hereafter’ and then become a role model to all its citizens. The practice of qudwah hasanah in the leadership of educational organizationas is able to make the excellence of the organization as the basis for the motivation of competent work motivation among all its citizens. Keywords: Islam, Organization, educational leadership, Qudwah Hasanah, Work motovatio


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    AbstractDa'wah is the main task of the Apostles (a.s.). The most demanding target of da'wah are the community leaders. This article discusses the preaching of da’wah of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. through his missionary activities to the community leaders. The study of this preaching of da’wah is done through the analysis of the Qur'anic verses and related Hadiths, including history books to identify suitable preaching technique for this group. The findings show that the Prophet s.a.w. always used tailor-made approach depending on the target group. Letters were used by the Prophet s.a.w. because of the far distance between the Prophet s.a.w and the communicty leaders which does not allow the occurrence of oral communication between them. However, the Prophet s.a.w. also conveyed oral messages to the community leaders through representatives who came to meet him. Based on the da’wah practices of the Prophet s.a.w., it was found that the preaching of da'wah through oral and written language communication had a great impact on the success of da'wah.Keywords: da'wah; preaching of the da'wah; Communicty leaders; Oral and written languageAbstrakDakwah merupakan tugas utama para Rasul (a.s.). Sasaran dakwah mereka yang paling mencabar adalah golongan pembesar. Artikel ini membincangkan wasilah dakwah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. menerusi aktiviti dakwah baginda kepada pembesar. Penelitian mengenai wasilah dakwah ini dilakukan menerusi analisis terhadap ayat al-Quran dan Hadis yang berkaitan, termasuk kitab-kitab sirah bagi mengenal pasti bentuk wasilah yang sesuai bagi golongan ini. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan wasilah dakwah Nabi s.a.w. adalah berteraskan pendekatan menyesuaikan penggunaan wasilah dengan sasaran dakwah. Wasilah surat dipilih oleh Nabi s.a.w. kerana faktor jarak yang jauh antara baginda dengan pembesar yang tidak memungkinkan berlakunya komunikasi interpesonal antara mereka menerusi bahasa lisan. Namun demikian, baginda tetap menggunakan bahasa lisan dengan berpesan kepada wakil pembesar yang datang berjumpanya dengan pesanan-pesanan tertentu untuk disampaikan kepada pembesar mereka. Berdasarkan amalan dakwah Nabi s.a.w. didapati bahawa wasilah dakwah menerusi komunikasi bahasa lisan dan tulisan mempunyai kesan yang besar terhadap kejayaan dakwah.Kata kunci: dakwah; wasilah dakwah; pembesar; bahasa lisan dan tulisan

    Faculty's acceptance of computer based technology: cross-validation of an extended model

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    The first aim of the present study is to validate an extended technology acceptance model (TAME) on the data derived from the faculty members of a university in an ongoing, computer mediated work setting. The study extended the original TAM model by including an intrinsic motivation component — computer self efficacy. In so doing, the study assessed the direct and indirect effects of computer self efficacy on the use of the technology, via the perceived usefulness and intention to use the technology voluntarily. The second purpose of the study is to evaluate gender and age invariants of the causal structure of TAME. This cross-validation procedure determined whether gender and age group moderated the causal structure of the model, and thus the generality of TAME. The data were collected from a self reported questionnaire administered to 731 faculty members of a public university in Malaysia.The results of structural equation modeling supported the adequacy of TAME. Although the TAME’s causal structure was applicable to both male and female staff, age group appeared to moderate the structural relationships among the constructs of interest

    Penerapan akidah tauhid dalam kepimpinan pendidikan

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    This study aims to identify the principles of tauhid in the leadership practices of the principals of SMKA, (Malaysian National Religious School). This qualitative study uses interviews and observation as data collection instrument. Chosen by cluster sampling, respondents in this study were eight principals that represented the schools in western and northern zones of Peninsular Malaysia. The findings showed that these SMKA principals successfully inculcate the principles of tauhid in their leadership through various school activities involving the whole school community. It was also found that the school environment that was created through the teachings of Islam as a way of life has been able to improve the school pupils’ self-esteem and leadership

    Media Sosial dan Impak Terhadap Psikologi Menurut Islam

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    Media sosial merupakan salah satu peranti perhubungan yang memberi sumbangan besar dalam kehidupan masyarakat kini. Media sosial dari masa ke masa semakin dicintai oleh masyarakat global. Media sosial mempunyai pelbagai kelebihan dan kemampuan berbanding dengan media lainnya. Pengunaan media sosial banyak membantu manusia dalam mengeratkan hubungan sesama mereka. Namun, segelintir pengguna media sosial menjadi terlalu obses dalam penggunaan peranti perhubungan tersebut hingga mengakibatkan ketagihan. Ketagihan media sosial mendatangkan pelbagai kesan negatif mahupun positif terhadap kehidupan masyarakat masa kini. Bukan sahaja dari sudut fizikal, malah media sosial juga turut memberi impak yang besar terhadap sudut psikologi seseorang individu. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk mengupas dengan lebih mendalam terhadap impak media sosial kepada psikologi seseorang individu. Sudut psikologi yang dibincangkan adalah emosi, stress, depresi, anxiety, materialisme dan insomnia. Daripada konteks yg dibincangkan, dapat dirumuskan bahawa media sosial lebih memberi impak yang negatif terhadap psikologi sesorang individu berbanding positif

    Media Sosial dan Instagram Menurut Islam

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    Kemajuan yang dicapai oleh sesebuah negara membawa kepada kepesatan teknologi yang tinggi terutamanya dalam aspek komunikasi seharian. Terutamanya, umat Islam dan masyarakat berinteraksi melalui media sosial seperti instagram dan yang lain lain yang dipanggil “online interaction”. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk memberi kesedaran kepada pengguna media sosial dan instagram agar menggunakannya kearah kebaikan yang dapat menggambarkan akhlak yang mulia sebagai umat Islam. Berdasarkan analisis kajian, terdapat empat tajuk yang dikupas, iaitu peranan instagram dalam Islam, kesan positif dan negatif dalam kalangan masyarakat, penerimaan media sosial dan instagram dalam Islam dan terakhir sekali isu dan cabaran media sosial dan instagram di Malaysia

    Effective approaches of the education of children in forming a sustainable family according to Islamic references

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    Humans and education are two important issues in planning the growth, development and advancement of a country. The basic education for an individual starts with the teaching at home, school and the environment. Children’s education is important in Islam. The importance of emphasising the development of children is a practice pioneered by Islamic scholars since ancient times based on the teaching of Islam that used Qur’an and Sunnah as their references. Parents today face with challenges in educating their children. They are required to ensure that their children are raised and given the education that covers the development of intellect, physical, spiritual, morals and social. Education can nurture the current and future generations to grow and be responsible to God, themselves, other people and the country. The aim of the present research was to examine about the effective approaches of children’s education in shaping a sustainable family according to Islamic references. The research method is based on reading of articles, journals, newspapers, books and others as primary data. The learning process involves mental, physical, emotional and social aspects. This article in general discusses about teaching in the aspects of education, which is classified into four types namely Formal Teaching, Informal Teaching, Non-Formal Teaching and Rasulullah pbuh Teaching Method. Generally, the aspects of children’s education are divided into aspects of faith, morals, physical, mental, spiritual social, emotional and sexology. Therefore, there are three main things that need to be emphasised in shaping children and their souls in forming a sustainable family which include strengthening of spiritual and worship activities, knowledge and noble values

    Benchmarking of postgraduate programmes in education in Malaysia

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    Introduction: Of late education organisations have been held accountable to address quality-related questions. EveI)' institution of higher education is subjected to an increasing demand for quality assurance. the underlying concern being the degree to which the "totality of the features aad characteristics of the organisation's product or service bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs" (International Standard Organisation 1986 definition. emphasis added). This means that higher earning institutions are expected to deliver products and services at some acceptable level of utility or benefit, specifically with respect to their core business teaching and learning. To address this pressing concern, education organisations have been assessing themselves by asking questions such as, "(1) How well are we doing compared to others, (2) how good do we want to be, (3) who is doing it the best, (4) how do they do it, (5) how can we adapt what they do in our institution, and (6) how can we be better thaa the best?" (Alslele, 1995: 2)

    Behaviour and the role of family institutions in assisting the economy and sustainable society

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    Sustainability illustrates something with the tendency to maintain one's existing quality. To guarantee the sustainability of the world, nature, stays in a good condition, the attitude of the people of earth is very related. To achieve the sustainability of the earth and nation, positive and active engagement from the smallest community unit, which is family, is very important. Ideally, families are the first teachers for children. The family or parents are their role models. They give the greatest impact for the growth of personality, attitude, value, characteristic and skills for the young generation. The family unit are the main source in understanding and giving understandings one's meaning and philosophy. Then, this concept paper will highlight the concept of sustainability in general and the sustainability concept from the Islamic perspective as well as the relationship between the family unit behaviour in guaranteeing a life where a family with harmony and sustainability could give an impact to the universal well-being