11 research outputs found

    Hak Pemeliharaan Ekonomi Anak dalam Keluarga Perspektif Peraturan Perundang-Undangan di Indonesia

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    Abstrak, Too many laws and regulations in Indonesia that regulate the right to care for the child's economy which sometimes lead to legal disharmony between one regulation and another. This research is a doctrinal research with a synchronization pattern of law that is normative approach and qualitative descriptive analysis. The research aims to reveal whether or not the rule of law is synchronized in Indonesia relating to the economic rights of the child in the family, especially with The Convention on The Rights of The Child. The results of this study reveals that the material contained in several laws in Indonesia is in line, both between the The Convention on The Rights of The Child and other regulations such as the magnitude of the material for the economic right of child care, and some are not vertically and horizontally in line between legislation such as the boundaries of economic maintenance children and parents are allowed to take the child's property. Keyword, Regulations, Convention on The Rights of The Child, Children and Parent

    Studi Islam Di Barat; Antara Kolonialisasi Ilmu Pengetahuan Dan Academic Oriented

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    Abstract, the golden ink incision of Islamic civilization which has long dominated theworld certainly makes Islam a phenomenon that deserves to be studied throughout theages, especially by people outside of Islam. Westerners in particular. Theyresearched, conducted studies, and made Islam as an object of study in their world ofeducation. Moreover, supported by the methodological advantages they have. As aresult, up to now, hundreds or even thousands of Islamic Studies experts have beenborn from several universities both in America and in Europe. With this background,the author wants to examine in depth related to Islamic studies in the Western world,especially in the academic world. Hopefully it can provide overall benefits. From thebackground mentioned, several problems can be formulated to be examined in thispaper, including: What is the nature of Islamic studies? What is the history of Islamicstudies in the Western world? What is the current condition of Islamic studies in theWestern academic world? From the presentation of Islamic studies in the Westernacademic world mentioned in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that: (1)Islamic Studies is an attempt to know and understand and discuss in depth about theins and outs of things related to Islam from various aspects. With the holding ofIslamic studies, it is expected to be able to improve the understanding andappreciation of the Islamic community wherever they are; (2) Islamic studies whenviewed from the perspective of the study, can be grouped into two, insider andoutsider. The study of Islam by Muslims themselves in classical times tended to usesustainable patterns from generation to generation. The pattern is experiencing a shiftin the present, which tends to be a critical pattern. While the outsider's perspective,Islamic studies are critical in various aspects because they are based on the attitude ofdefending themselves against the beliefs they have believed so far; (3) The history ofIslamic studies in the Western academic world has been around for a long time. Thelong history is decoded into three according to the purpose and content of Islamicstudies. The three stages include: theological stage, political stage and scientificstage; (4) The condition of Islamic studies in the Western academic world can be seenfrom the rise of centers of Islamic studies in various countries both in America andEurope. Many centers of Islamic studies have sprung up in the United States, Chicago,the Netherlands, Germany, London and so on. Keywords, Islamic, Western, Eastern, and Orientalist Studie

    SEM-EDX Analysis of Laser Surface Alloying on Aluminum

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    Microstructure and chemical composition changes on the alloyed aluminum surface were investigated using SEM-EDX analysis. A Q-switched Nd:YAg laser was focused to induce breakdown and plasma formation. The high plasma temperature and the shock wave pressure were responsible for speeding up the laser surface alloying process. The rapid heat and cooling process introduced a non-equilibrium condition causing changes in the microstructure as well as the chemical composition of the alloyed aluminum surface. The remelted layer and molten pools were realized after the aluminum received a power density greater than 5 x 108 Wcm-2. The chemical composition change confirms that the convection process had taken place during the alloying process


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    Munculnya virus corona sejak desember 2019 yang begitu cepat menyebar dari berbagai negara termasuk indonesia. Untuk itu pemerintah mengambil tindakan hukum dengan penerbitan peraturan. Tulisan ini menggunakan normatif dan metodologi empiris dalam penelitiannya. Berbagai langkah telah diambil oleh pemerintah dan akhirnya menerbitkan UU No.28 tahun 2020 tentang pedoman penerapan normal baru di masa pandemi covid-19 .Begitulah muncul berbagai tanggapan warga untuk mematuhi peraturan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah, warga menanggapi ada kelompok yang berespon baik dan ada yang tida

    Dinamika madrasah aliyah almaarif : singosari-1966-2016

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    Buku ini membahas tentang sejarah keberadaan pendidikan islam dan madrasah diIndonesia, khususnya madrasah aliyah AlMaarif diSingosari dari tahun 1966 sampai tahun 2016.xvi, 149 hlm.: ilus.; 21c

    Difa'an anil wal hadatsah

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    Buku ini membahas tentang sejarah keberadaan pendidikan islam dan madrasah diIndonesia, khususnya madrasah aliyah AlMaarif diSingosari dari tahun 1966 sampai tahun 2016.xvi, 149 hlm.: ilus.; 21c

    Dinamika madrasah aliyah almaarif : singosari-1966-2016

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    Buku ini membahas tentang sejarah keberadaan pendidikan islam dan madrasah diIndonesia, khususnya madrasah aliyah AlMaarif diSingosari dari tahun 1966 sampai tahun 2016.xvi, 149 hlm.: ilus.; 21c

    Fiber optic radial displacement sensor-based a beam-through technique

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    A fiber optics displacement sensor based on a beam-through technique has wide application due its simplicity, high accuracy, and immune to electromagnetic interference. The fingerprint for such a sensor system is established through the longitudinal displacement. However, it is known that the highest intensity modulation is normally fall at zero distance for the beam-through technique. Thus, it is valuable to take advantage at such optimization position. A novel method is introduced by conducting a fiber optic sensor-based radial displacement. Three types of fiber optic, including 1000, 500, and 265 μm core diameters, were employed to optimize the probe. A Gaussian profile is identified to be the fingerprint for the radial displacement sensor, which entirely different with a linear one for longitudinal displacement. The radial displacement fiber optic sensor is a core diameter-dependent. The bandwidth at full width half maximum tends to be broader with the core diameter of a fiber optic. Higher response of the sensor is achieved at the negative side of the Gaussian curve comparable with positive part. It is realized that the sensitivity of the radial sensor is 7 times higher correspond to core diameter and 3 times better performance than the conventional displacement sensor

    SEM-EDX Analysis of Laser Surface Alloying on Aluminum

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    Microstructure and chemical composition changes on the alloyed aluminum surface were investigated using SEM-EDX analysis. A Q-switched Nd:YAg laser was focused to induce breakdown and plasma formation. The high plasma temperature and the shock wave pressure were responsible for speeding up the laser surface alloying process. The rapid heat and cooling process introduced a non-equilibrium condition causing changes in the microstructure as well as the chemical composition of the alloyed aluminum surface. The remelted layer and molten pools were realized after the aluminum received a power density greater than 5 x 108 Wcm-2. The chemical composition change confirms that the convection process had taken place during the alloying process

    Sugar detection in adulterated honey via fiber optic displacement sensor for food industrial applications

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    A fiber optic displacement sensor (FODS) using a transmission technique was developed to detect sugar contents in honey. This was achieved by measuring the output signal of non- and adulterated honey with different addition percentage volumes of sugar (fructose and glucose). Five types of honey samples were adulterated with different percentages of fructose and glucose ranging from 0% to 10%. Blue diode laser at 435 nm was used as a light source in this FODS. The performance of sensor showed that the voltage signal linearly increased with the concentration of adulteration of sugar. In contrast, the refractive index of the adulterated honey is found decreasing with the concentration of sugar. This means the higher sugar contents in adulterated honey the lower is the refractive index leading to high transmission in FODS. Thus, FODS based on a transmission technique has a potential to detect the sugar content in adulterated honey. The simplicity, faster, and cost effective made FODS as a promising technique for food industry