19 research outputs found

    Patient’s experiences of health personnel’s’ body art and working attire. - A general literature review

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    Background: The tradition of decorating the body has a long history. Reasons to perform body art, such as tattoos or body piercings, may be different and are found in all sorts of professions, including health care. In many professions there are rules of how one must look, which changes over time. Nowadays even working attire could be experienced differently based on patient's perspective. Patient’s encounters with health personnel’s with body art or non-traditional uniform has increased, which affect patient’s experiences. Aim: To describe patients’ perceptions and experiences of health personnel’s body art and uniform in health care. Method: A general literature study based on previous qualitative- and quantitative research, where two studies used a qualitative approach and eight studies used a quantitative approach. Result: Health personnel’s body art and uniform are perceived differently by different groups of patients, that is, children, adults and the elderly, as well as men and women. Four categories describe how health personnel’s body art and uniform affect patient perceptions and experiences of: relationship in care, knowledge and skills, good health care and professionalism. Conclusion: It has been shown that body art and uniform can influence patients' experiences of care.Bakgrund: Traditionen om att smycka ut kroppen har en lång historia. Anledningar till att utföra kroppsutsmyckningar, såsom tatueringar eller piercings, kan vara olika och återfinns i alla möjliga yrken och professioner, inklusive sjukvård. Det finns inom många professioner regler om hur man måste se ut, vilka med tiden ändras. Nuförtiden finns det även arbetsklädsel som upplevs olika utifrån patientperspektiv. Allt oftare möter patienter vårdpersonal med kroppsutsmyckningar eller icke traditionell uniform som påverkar patienternas upplevelser och erfarenheter av vården. Syfte: Att beskriva patienters upplevelser och erfarenheter av vårdpersonalens kroppsutsmyckningar och arbetsklädsel inom sjukvården. Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie baserad på tidigare kvalitativ- och kvantitativ forskning, där två studier var med kvalitativ ansats och åtta studier med kvantitativ ansats. Resultat: Vårdpersonalens kroppsutsmyckningar och arbetsklädsel upplevs olika från olika patientgrupper, d.v.s. barn, vuxna och äldre, samt män och kvinnor. De fyra kategorierna beskriver hur vårdpersonalens kroppsutsmyckningar och arbetsklädsel påverkar patientupplevelser och erfarenheter av: vårdrelation, kunskap och kompetens, god omvårdnad, samt professionalism. Slutsats: Det har visat sig att kroppsutsmyckningar och arbetsklädsel kan påverka patienternas upplevelse och erfarenhet av vården

    Assessment of genetic relatedness of the two Amaranthus retroflexus populations by protein and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers

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    Two populations of Amaranthus retroflexus with different morphology were collected from field of the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje, Serbia. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and seed protein analysis were performed to study the genetic differences in two grain Amaranthus populations. The studied populations have different protein and DNA profile. A total of 171 DNA fragments were generated by 31 RAPD primers, with an average of 5.5 fragments per primer. Of these, 61.4% fragments were polymorphic among the two populations. 18 protein fraction were obtained by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The populations differed in the four protein fractions of different molecular weight. The seed protein electrophoresis and RAPD markers are useful for genetic determination of A. retroflexus populations and identification of biotypes with atypical morphology.Keywords: Amaranthus retroflexus, biotypes, molecular markers, proteins.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 11(29), pp. 7331-7337, 10 April, 201


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    Sempervivum tectorum has a similar effect as aloe vera, which is known in the treatment of various skin diseases. This herb is considered one of the safest remedies for a wide range of skin diseases. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, it also serves as an excellent first aid for burns, stings and bites, because it provides quick relief and calming. Freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of the houseplant is used in the treatment of nervous disorders, epilepsy and restless dreams. The leaves are edible and can be used as an addition to salads or stews. They are not particularly tasty, but as they are rich in water, they can be put in a juicer together with other fruits or vegetables and become a refreshing drink. It is used in folk herbal medicine and as a medicine. The aim of this study was to determine the moisture content, total extracted substances, extract density, vitamin C, organic acids and proteins in house extracts.Publishe


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    Oregano is used in the production of specific aromatic cheeses, meat products and dough dishes, for the production of medicinal preparations, fragrant soaps, colognes and perfumes. Special interest in oregano in recent years is related to the results of a study of its biological activities, which indicate a wide range of antibacterial, fungicidal, antiviral and antioxidant properties. The subject of this paper is the examination of extracts of plant species of oregano (Origanum vulgare), with the aim of determining the method that is most popular for extracting this plant species and which gives the best yields of extracts. The content of extracted substances in each extract, the content of vitamin C as well as the content of organic acids were determined.Publishe


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    Objective: The aim of present study was to examine whether there is a difference in parenting motives between patients diagnosed with depression and control groups (non-depressed). Material and Method: The survey included 66 patients who were treated at the Psychiatric Hospital in Novi Pazar (average age= 44.64, SD=10.00) and 65 subjects who were not diagnosed with depression (average age=42, SD=13.05). Participants volunteered to participate in the research and received no compensation for their participation. Respondents were given a Parent Motivation Scale. Results: Results showed that participants in our study are motivated for parenthood mostly by instrumental motivation, altruistic and fatalistic motivations are equally present, and narcissistic motivation is the lowest. Instrumental, fatalistic and altruistic motives for parenting are significantly lower in group consisted of depressed patients. There was no difference in narcissistic motivation between two groups. Conclusion: This finding can be seen in the light of the general condition and the characteristic of people suffering from depression. In them, namely, all aspects of motivation are reduced and it is not surprising that this is so with the motives for parenting

    Involvement of proteasome activation

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia worldwide, characterized by a progressive decline in a variety of cognitive and non-cognitive functions. The amyloid beta protein cascade hypothesis places the formation of amyloid beta protein aggregates on the first position in the complex pathological cascade leading to neurodegeneration, and therefore AD might be considered to be a protein-misfolding disease. The Ubiquitin Proteasome System (UPS), being the primary protein degradation mechanism with a fundamental role in the maintenance of proteostasis, has been identified as a putative therapeutic target to delay and/or to decelerate the progression of neurodegenerative disorders that are characterized by accumulated/aggregated proteins. The purpose of this study was to test if the activation of proteasome in vivo can alleviate AD pathology. Specifically by using two compounds with complementary modes of proteasome activation and documented antioxidant and redox regulating properties in the 5xFAD transgenic mice model of AD, we ameliorated a number of AD related deficits. Shortly after proteasome activation we detected significantly reduced amyloid-beta load correlated with improved motor functions, reduced anxiety and frailty level. Essentially, to our knowledge this is the first report to demonstrate a dual activation of the proteasome and its downstream effects. In conclusion, these findings open up new directions for future therapeutic potential of proteasome-mediated proteolysis enhancement.publishersversionpublishe

    Theoretische Untersuchung der Inhibierung von Cysteinproteasen

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    Although known about and investigated since the late 1970’s, the picture of the basic principles governing inhibitor strengths and the structure-activity relationships of the cysteine protease inhibition mechanism is still very incomplete. Computational approaches can be a very useful tool for investigating such questions, as they allow the inspection of single, specific effects in isolation from all others, in a manner very difficult to achieve experimentally. The ab initio treatments of such large systems like proteins are still not feasible. However, there is a vast number of computational approaches capable of dealing with protein structures with reasonable accuracy. This work presents a summary of theoretical investigations into cysteine protease cathepsin B using a range of methods. We have concentrated on the investigation of cysteine protease inhibition by epoxide- and aziridine-based inhibitors in order to obtain better insight into these important topics. Various model systems are simulated by means of pure quantum mechanical methods and by hybrid (QM/MM) methods. Both approaches provide a static picture. Dynamical effects are then accounted for by additional molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, using both classical and QM/MM MD approaches. The quantum mechanical approach was used to study very small model systems consisting only of the electrophilic warhead of the inhibitor (both substitituted and not) and molecular moieties simulating a very simplified protein active site (methylthiolate instead of Cys29 and methylimidazolium instead of His199 residue) and solvent surroundings (two waters or two ammonium ions, in combination with a continuum solvent model). Although simple, such a system provides a good description of the most important interactions involved in the inhibition reaction. It also allows investigation of the influence of the properties of the electrophilic warhead on the reaction rate. Beside the properties of the electrophilic warhead, the protein and solvent environment is also an important factor in the irreversible deactivation of the enzyme active site by the inhibitor. The non-covalent interactions of the inhibitor with the oxyanion hole and other subsites of the enzyme, as well as its interaction with the solvent molecules, need to be explicitly taken into account in the calculations, because of their possible impact on the reaction profile. As molecular modeling methods allow the treatment of such large systems, but lack the possibility of describing covalent interactions, our method of choice was the combined quantum mechanics/molecular modeling approach. By splitting the system into a smaller part that undergoes the bond cleavage/formation process and must be treated quantum mechanically, and a larger part, comprised of the rest of the protein, which could be treated using force fields, we managed to simulate the system at the desired precision. Our investigations concentrated on the role of His199 in the inhibition mechanism as well as on the structure-reactivity relationships between cysteine protease and various inhibitors, yielding new insight into the kinetics, regio- and stereospecificity of the inhibition. In particular, our calculations provide the following insights: i.) an explanation for the regioselectivity of the reaction, and original insight into which interactions affect the stereoselectivity; ii.) a clear model which explains the known structure-activity relationships and connects these effects with the pH-dependency of the inhibition; iii.) our computations question the generally accepted two-step model by showing that substituent effects accelerate the irreversible step to such an extent that the achievement of an equilibrium in the first step is doubtful; iv.) by way of theoretical characterizations of aziridine models, the reasons for similarities and differences in the mode of action of epoxide- and aziridine-based inhibitors are elucidated; and finally, v.) combining our results with experimental knowledge will allow rational design of new inhibitors. To account for dynamical effects as well, molecular dynamics (MD) computations were also performed. In these calculations the potential energy was computed at the force field level. The results not only supported and clarified the QM/MM results, but comparison with previous X-ray structures helped correct existing errors in the available geometrical models and resolved inconsistencies in the weighting of various factors governing the inhibition. In the work the first QM/MM MD calculations on the active site of the cysteine proteases are presented. In contrast to the MD simulations, these calculations used potential energies computed at the QM/MM-level. With the help of these computations we sought to address strongly disputed questions about the reasons for the existence of the active site ion pair and its role in the high activity of the enzyme.Obwohl bereits seit den späten 70ern bekannt und untersucht, ist das Bild über die grundsätzlichen Prinzipien, welche die Wirksamkeit der Inhibition und die Struktur-Aktivitäts-Beziehungen (SAB) der Cysteinprotease-Hemmmechanismen beeinflussen, immer noch sehr unvollständig. In dieser Arbeit wurden quantenmechanische (QM), molekulardynamische (MD) und gemischte quantenmechanische/molekularmechanische (QM/MM) Berechnungen durchgeführt, um die irreversible Inaktivierung des Enzyms durch den Inhibitor, zu untersuchen. Die Stärke von computergestützten Verfahren liegt in der Möglichkeit, den Einfluss einzelner spezifischer Effekte durch das Ausblenden von Umgebungseffekten zu untersuchen. Diese Herangehensweise ist nur sehr schwer im Experiment zu erreichen. Die quantenmechanische Methode wurde benutzt, um sehr kleine Modellsysteme zu untersuchen, welche lediglich aus dem elektrophilen Kerngerüst des Inhibitors und einigen, das aktive Zentrum im Protein vereinfachend darstellenden, Molekülen bestanden. Die Solvensumgebung wurde durch zwei explizite Wassermoleküle und zwei Ammoniumionen in Kombination mit einem Kontinuum-Solvensmodell berücksichtigt. Ein solches vereinfachtes System liefert bereits eine gute Beschreibung der meisten wichtigen Wechselwirkungen während der Inhibierungsreaktion. Es erlaubt die Untersuchung des Einflusses der Eigenschaften des elektrophilen „Warheads“ auf den Reaktionsverlauf. Neben den Eigenschaften des elektrophilen „Warheads“ ist sowohl die Protein- als auch die Solvensumgebung von großer Bedeutung für die irreversible Deaktivierung des aktiven Zentrums des Enzyms durch den Inhibitor. Aufgrund eines möglichen Einflusses auf das Reaktionsprofil müssen Solvensmoleküle sowie die nicht-kovalenten Wechselwirkungen des Inhibitors mit dem Oxyanionloch und anderen Nebenbindungstellen des Enzyms explizit behandelt werden. Berücksichtigt man, dass nur molekularmechanische Methoden eine Behandlung von solch großen Systeme erlauben, im Gegenzug aber nicht in der Lage sind, kovalente Wechselwirkungen zu beschreiben, so wurde als Methode der Wahl ein kombinierter QM/MM Ansatz gewählt. Durch das Aufteilen des Gesamtsystems in einen kleinen Bereich, der die Bindungsspaltung- und Bindungsbildungsreaktionen beinhaltet (mit QM behandelt), und in einen großen Teil, welcher den Rest des Proteins umfasst (mit MM behandelt), waren wir in der Lage, das System mit gewünschter Genauigkeit zu simulieren. In den Kapiteln 3.2.2 bis 3.2.4 werden die Struktur-Reaktivitäts-Beziehungen (SRB) zwischen der Cysteinprotease und verschiedenen Inhibitoren vorgestellt. Es wird gezeigt, dass die SRB eine entscheidende Rolle in Kinetik, Regio- und Stereoselektivität der Inhibierung spielen. Um auch die dynamischen Effekte im Anspruch zu nehmen, wurden klassische molekulardynamische (MD) Simulationen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Berechnungen haben nicht nur unterstützt und die QM/MM Ergebnisse näher erklärt, sondern auch durch der Vergleich mit bereits bestehenden Röntgenstrukturen verschiedener Cysteineprotease-Inhibitor-Komplexen geholfen, Fehler in vorhandenen Proteinkristallstrukturen zu korrigieren. Somit wurden Widersprüche in der Bewertung verschiedener Funktionen, die die Inhibierungsreaktion bestimmen, aufgelöst (Kapitel 3.2.5). In der Arbeit werden auch die ersten QM/MM MD Berechnungen vom aktiven Zentrum der Cysteineprotease vorgestellt. Im Kontrast zu den klassischen MD Simulationen, wird in diesen Untersuchungen die potentielle Energie auf dem QM/MM Theorieniveau berechnet. Hier haben wir versucht die stark umstrittene Frage über die Gründe für das Vorhandensein des aktiven Zentrums als His199+/Cys29- Ion-paar und seine Rolle für die hohe Aktivität des Enzyms zu beantworten

    Sexual harassment of students - survey results

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    This paper aims to present results of the survey on sexual harassment of students of the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Belgrade. It starts with presenting and discussing different definitions of the term ‘sexual harassment’. Afterwards, a brief overview of available surveys on this subject is provided. Results of the surveys completed so far show that this kind of students’ victimization in educational institutions is frequent in all parts of the world, regardless of the economic, ethnic and religious grounds. The aim of the survey conducted at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation (FASPER) was to identify the prevalence and characteristics of sexual harassment among undergraduate students, as well as possible forms of assistance and support to students who experience sexual harassment. A survey was conducted by the students of FASPER during April and May 2014 on a sample of 147 students of all four years of undergraduate studies. For data collection a victimization survey was used. The survey results suggested that sexual harassment of students of FASPER is prevalent, while it only manifests itself in a form of verbal harassment with a sexual connotation. Female students are more exposed to harassment than male students, but we need to interpret this finding with a caution due to the fact that a sample was mostly consisted of female respondents. According to the students’ opinion, possible solutions for preventing and eliminating sexual harassment of students of FASPER are education of students and employees, adoption of rules for protection of students from this kind of victimization and establishment of support service for students who experience victimization by sexual harassment

    Closure to “Supercritical flow in circular conduit bends”

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    A complex flow pattern occurring in a circular conduit bend with supercritical flow has been studied. The main objective was to obtain reliable criteria for prediction of the onset of helical and choking flow, in order to facilitate the design of bottom outlets, tunnel spillways and drainage collectors with bends. A series of scale model experiments provided data for developing empirical relationships describing the effects of the bend curvature, bend deflection angle and approach flow conditions (relative flow depth and Froude number) on the inception of helical and choking flow. Expressions for the energy bend loss coefficient were also proposed. The bend curvature and approach flow conditions proved to have a major influence on the onset of helical flow, while the deflection angle becomes an important parameter for angles less than 45 degrees. Bend curvature and deflection angle have commensurable influence on the onset of choking flow


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    Tn the period from 1974 to 1994 the overall number of patients-farmerssuffering from the acute myocardial infarction (AIM) who were treated in thehospital was 163, meaning 8 per year. The average annual general rate of incidencewas 20,22 of the sick per 100,000 people older than 30 years of age. The general rateof incidence among men was 23,8 of the sick, while among women it was 16,3 of thesick per 100,000 people of the same sex. Unlike the urban population of Niš, the AIMof the farmers is typical for older age groups. There were 85 or 52,1 % of the older than 70, while there were 130 or 79,6% patients older than 60. There were no younger than39 suffering from the ATM. The difference among the sexes was caused by the onepertaining to the age (over 70 years of age). Out of 85 patients there were 52 or 61 %men, while there were 33 or 39% of the female patients, while the absolute ratio was1,6:1 for men. The average age of all 163 patients was 67,40 (SD=8,60), for men 67(SD=9,16) and for women 67,59 (SD=7,78). The average age of men and women isthe same. The average age of the farmers was considerably higher than the averageage of the urban population of Niš (p< 0,001)