316 research outputs found

    The Strategies of Ultranationalist Discourse: This Is England and Brexit

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    A speech given by the skinhead Combo in the film This is England (2006) provides the ground for an analysis of far-right nationalism. This article uses Critical Discourse Analysis and the idea of the nation as a discursive construct to explain Combo’s strategies to gain dominance over his gang by means of rhetoric, body language, building up an ethos based on Christian and epic mythologies with ethnic connotations, drawing boundaries, and discrediting and excluding his opponents. These strategies are then compared to those of the UKIP leader Nigel Farage in his “Brexit victory” speech delivered in June 2016, which was based on a mystification of territorial boundaries, symbolic allusions to a defensive war, and a verbal construction of an ideally independent nation and a promising future. Thus, the article argues that analysis of a scene from the film set in the Thatcherite Britain of 1983 can still illuminate the articulation of later nationalist discourses

    An Outline for a Manufacturing Planning and Control System for a Repair/ Overhaul/Rebuilding Environment

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    This study outlines a structure for a manufacturing planning and control (MPC) system for a repair/overhaul/rebuilding environment. Included an examination of the organizational components that must be incorporated into the system and the planning functions for which the system can be used. The study compares and contrasts the differences between an MPC system for a maintenance organization and a manufacturing organization and concludes that the MPC system for a maintenance organization must account for the greater degree of variability that occurs within the process. The proposed system is composed of an information system which collects data from throughout an organization and a planning support and decision testing system which makes use of computer simulation models to test management decisions prior to their actual implementation. The basic outline is applied to the C-141 maintenance operation at Warner-Robins Air Logistics Center at Robins AFB, GA. A description of the organization and the C-141 maintenance process is provided. A specific system for Warner-Robins is proposed and a simulation model is developed. The use of such a system is illustrated by using the simulation model to address specific questions and concerns of the senior leadership at Warner-Robins

    Notes sobre l'obra geogràfica i geobotànica d'Emili Huguet del Villar

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    Emili Huguet i Serrataco (Granollers, 1871-Rabat, 1951), who signed his works with the name Huguet del Villar, carried out a remarkable activity in several fields, specially geography, geobotany and edaphology. This paper presents a brief biographical summary and discusses some interesting aspects of the geographical and geobotanical contributions of Huguet del Villar. One of the most important geographical works of Huguet del Villar was the book, published in 1921, El valor geográfico de Espanya. Ensayo de Ecética («The geographical value of Spain. Essay on Ecetics»), in which he exposed interesting generalizations concerning the economical and political relationships between countries. In geobotany, Huguet del Villar introduced the modern view that the «steppic» areas of central Spain resulted generally from the degradation of the forest due to human intervention. In 1929 he published the treatise Geobotanica, in which he presented in a very concise and documented way the contemporaneous phytosociological theories and proposed many original ideas. Characteristics of the work of Huguet del Villar were his emphasis on logical structuration and generality. His writings reflected a strong personality and an extense cultural and scientific preparation. Another merit of Huguet del Villar, specially in the context of his epoch, was his interest on the consideration of phenomena from a dynamic point of view

    Distribucions de mesures en una diatomea fòssil

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    Cuban School Dictionaries for First-Language Learners: A Shared Experience*

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    One of the reasons why many publishing houses hesitate when allocating resources to the development of more advanced concepts of school dictionaries for first-language learners is the relatively poor sales and corresponding profits coming from this category of dictionaries. A major challenge is therefore how to change the situation, stimulate the use and sales of school dictionaries, and guarantee the necessary investment in product development. This contribution will take up this challenge. It will give no final answer, but it will discuss an experience with a Cuban school dictionary which has reached its target users in large numbers. The contribution will particularly look at the multi-faceted relation between lexicographers and users which characterises the Cuban dictionary project. The objective is not to copy this or any other experience but to inspire lexicographers looking for alternative solutions to a problem which is affecting both school children and lexicographers in many countries and language communities.Keywords: pedagogical lexicography, pedagogical dictionaries, school dictionaries, first language learners, mother-tongue learner

    Margalef i l'oceanografia

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    Alicia Miyares: "en una societat de creients els ciutadans no hi existeixen"

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    Alicia Miyares (Les Arriondes, 1963) és doctora en filosofia i professora de filosofia d'ensenyament secundari. Ha estat cap del Gabinet de la Conselleria d'Educació i Cultura del Govern d'Astúries, consellera tècnica de la Unitat d'Igualtat "Mujer y Ciencia" del Ministeri d'Educació i Ciència, integrant del Consell Rector de l'Instituto Asturiano de la Mujer i ha ocupat la secretaria de la Asociación Española de Filosofía María Zambrano. Els seus treballs d'investigació els ha dedicat principalment a la repercussió dels aspectes socials, polítics i morals del segle XIX en la història del feminisme i al feminisme com a filosofia política. És autora de les obres Nietzsche o la edad de la comparación i Democracia feminista, i ha participat en diverses obres col·lectives. Al blog La Caverna (aliciamiyares.com) podeu seguir la seua opinió i reflexió sobre diversos temes com ara el feminisme, l'educació o la religió. Miyares impartí el passat 29 de gener la conferència central de la XVIII Jornada d'Informació als Orientadors que organitzà el Servei d'Informació i Dinamització de la Universitat de València (Sedi), l'editor de FUTURA