23 research outputs found

    Manipulator for the Reparation of Underground

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    Èlánok vychádza z poznatkov, získaných rieením rezortnej výskumnej úlohy PO1-125-823 "Manipulátory pre hlbinné bane", ktorý je návrhom autorov. Pozornos sa sústreïuje na súèas-ný stav v zavádzaní manipulátorov pre hlbinné bane, uvádzajú sa kritériá a podmienky ich nasadzovania. Príspevok prezentuje manipulátor, urèený pre automatizáciu opráv banských vozíkov priamo v podzemí. Navrhnuté rieenie je autorsky chránené. Struène sú charakterizované problémy, ale aj monosti, ktoré robotizácia ponúka baníctvu

    Analyses of sound isolating attributes for recycling materials Analiza izolacyjności materiałów wtórnie przetworzonych /

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    Tyt. z nagł.References p. 118.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.STRESZCZENIE: Wszystkie materiały i struktury akustyczne charakteryzują się bardzo dobrymi właściwościami tylko dla pewnych częstotliwości. Z tego powodu niezbędna jest analiza częstotliwościowa hałasu generowanego przez maszyny lub otoczenie. Struktury wykonane z wtórnie przetworzonych opon i siedzeń samochodowych mogą pochłaniać hałas dzięki porowatej strukturze. Do odwzorowania potrzebnych wskaźników akustycznych zaprojektowano stanowisko do pomiaru współczynników chłonności akustycznej (αn), odbicia (Ro), przenikalności (Rp) i izolacyjności akustycznej (Dnf) dla dźwięku padającego prostopadle, który natychmiast pozwala określić właściwości akustyczne badanych materiałów. Zrealizowany prototyp stanowiska pomiarowego wykorzystuje rurę oporową i typowy przyrząd pomiaru natężenia dźwięku o oznaczeniu przemysłowym No 3679 wyprodukowany 9.10.2003 przez słowacką firmę Bureau. Artykuł prezentuje analizy częstotliwościowe podstawowych przemysłowych charakterystyk akustycznych struktur porowatych wykonanych z materiałów wtórnie przetworzonych. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: materiały akustyczne, metodologia pomiaru materiałów akustycznych, chłonność hałasu, współczynnik odbicia, izolacyjność akustyczna. ABSTRACT: All acoustical materials and structures perform better at some freguencies than others. For this reason, a frequency analysis of the noise to be controlled is almost always required for reduction occupational or environmental noise. Recycled rubber structures made from road tyre and car seat can absorb noise thanks porous structure. For mapping needed acoustical descriptors we designed apparatus for measuring the acoustical absorption (αn), acoustical reflection (Ro), acoustical transmitted (Rp) and acoustical isolation (Dnf) coefficients for normally incident sound which define acoustical materials at once. Realized prototype of apparatus based on the impedance tube and standard featuring of a sound level meter was registered as Industry Design No 3679 from 9.10.2003 by Bureau of Slovakia Industrial Property. This paper deal of frequencies analysis basic occupational acoustic characteristics of recycled porous rubber structures. KEYWORDS: acoustical materials, methodology of measuring acoustical materials, noise absorption, noise reflection, amount of noise isolation


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    Still deteriorating environment, requirements for reducing of production waste, requirements for the protection of the working environment, the formation of new technologies and materials, as well as the economic conditions are forcing manufacturers to use the environmentally friendly technology. The contribution deals with new progressive possibilities of cleaning products, raw materials and with the establishment of a minimum production waste. The research focuses on the possibilities of laser cleaning of materials, under defined technological conditions. In the contribution is presented the results of realized experiments in Technical University of Kosice, together created in cooperation with Trumpf Slovakia, s.r.


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    Advanced systems allow the user to program the handling operations without detailed description of the individual motion instructions. The development also tend to develop libraries for frequently used programs, which can be re-used when describing specific tasks. Developed software modules are integrated into the system components.Развитые системы позволяют пользователям программировать грузовые операции без детального описания отдельных движений. A также развитие повлияет на обновление библиотек для часто используемых программ, которые могут быть повторно использованы при описании конкретных задач. Разработаны программные модули, интегрированные в системные компоненты.Розвинуті системи дозволяють користувачам програмувати вантажні операції без детального опису окремих рухів. A також розвиток вплине на оновлення бібліотек для часто використовуваних програм, які можуть бути повторно використані при описі конкретних завдань. Розроблені програмні модулі, інтегровані в системні компоненти


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    Still deteriorating environment, requirements for reducing of production waste, requirements for the protection of the working environment, the formation of new technologies and materials, as well as the economic conditions are forcing manufacturers to use the environmentally friendly technology. The contribution deals with new progressive possibilities of cleaning products, raw materials and with the establishment of a minimum production waste. The research focuses on the possibilities of laser cleaning of materials, under defined technological conditions. In the contribution is presented the results of realized experiments in Technical University of Kosice, together created in cooperation with Trumpf Slovakia, s.r.

    Laser marking as environment technology

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    The contribution deals with the laser marking as one of the progressive and environment friendly technologies with utilisation in many branches of industry. Engraving and other types of laser marking of different types of materials are very actual technologies these days. Laser marking decreases the waste creation in comparison with the other classical marking technologies, which use paintings or created chips. In this experimental investigation the laser marking surface texturing of material AL99,7 according to STN 42 4003:1993-08 (STN EN 573) has been conducted. The laser marking machine TruMark 6020 and software TruTops Mark were used. Laser surface texturing after laser marking has been realised under different combinations of process parameters: pulse frequency, pulse energy and laser beam scanning speed. The morphological characterization of engraving or annealing surfaces has been performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique. The evaluation of roughness of engraved surfaces has been realized according to STN EN ISO 4287 by using Surftest SJ 301. The aim of the contribution was to show how different laser parameters affect the surface texture and colour change of metallic materials while creating minimal waste

    Cogenerational sources of energies and their allocating problem

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    Energy production in industrial communities consume a main part of primary raw materials and it is one of the sources of ecologicall impact. Electric power plants and warm produce plants are mostly important investment consuming establishments with a long time of return, what stress along with the economical, predictional, logistical and environmental decision making aspect of their allocating. Already input of the mentioned aspects along with the price movement after the energy depression motivate a formation of new conception of combinated so-called items, which are able to use the energetic potential of fuels with a higher concurrent efficiency and, on the other hand, can reduce ecologic impacts of fossil combustion

    Kvalita osvětlení a hodnocení zrakové pohody na pracovišti

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    The contribution deals with the evaluation of illumination of work in the manufacturing organization. The evaluation was performed by questionnaire survey and objectivised by measuring. The object of the investigation were all the staff who were willing to participate in an anonymous survey valuation visual comfort at your workplace. For the evaluation of the questionnaires were used basic statistical methods and evaluation methods of qualitative data

    Posudzovanie environmentálnych faktorov v priemysle

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    With the recent thrust in environmentally conscious manufacturing, there is a need for evaluating the environmental impact of waste streams at the process level. These waste streams occur in different states, have different transport mechanisms and different impacts on the health and safety of operators. This paper presents a hazard scoring system that evaluates the potential hazard to workers exposed to the waste streams in machining processes. The analysis is restricted to a control volume around the process and does not consider far-field ecological effects. The system is based on a number of factors. It incorporates uncertainty in the impact scoring.Pri súčasnom tlaku na environmentálne vhodnú výrobu existuje potreba posudzovania environmentálnych dopadov toku odpadov na úrovni obrábania. Tieto toky odpadov sa vyskytujú v rozdielnych skupenstvách, majú rôzne transportné mechanizmy a rôzne dopady na zdravie a bezpečnosť pracovníkov. Tento článok prezentuje hodnotiaci systém nebezpečnosti pre zdravie, ktorý posudzuje potenciálnu nebezpečnosť pre pracovníkov, ktorí sú vystavení toku odpadov pri strojárskych procesoch. Analýza je obmedzená na kontrolný objem na technologickom pracovisku a neuvažuje s ďalekosiahlymi environmentálnymi účinkami. Systém je založený na množstve faktorov. Zahŕňa neistotu v hodnotení dopadu