9 research outputs found


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    The objective of this paper is to test the stability of construct characteristics and the factorial structure of the achievement motive and the psychometrical characteristics of the instrument MOP 2002. The analyses are performed on the sample comprising 2846 examinees of different gender and of different educational profile. The sample has been collected during the period of 15 years in a transitional social context. The instrument MOP 2002 is applied, it contains 55 items and has a form of five-level scale. The results of factor analysis have shown that the instrument is multi-dimensional and consist of four factors: competing with others, persistence in realizing goals, realizing goals as source of satisfaction and orientation towards planning. All of these factors are, among others, important for successful participation in the competitive sport. By factor analysis of the second order it is established that the instrument has a unique object of measuring and satisfactory psychometrical characteristics proven stable during 15 years of application on heterogeneous samples of examinees

    Nationale und europäische Identität sowie Einstellungen zur Integration in europäische Strukturen bei Bürgern aus Zagreb und Novi Sad

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati je li moguće paralelno egzi-stiranje nacionalnih i europskog identiteta ili su oni međusobno isključivi. U istraživanju su sudjelovali građani Hrvatske i Srbije i Crne Gore. Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo po 400 sudionika iz Zagreba i Novog Sada, oba spola, u dobi od 15 do 46 godina. Primijenjeno je nekoliko instrumenata za ispitivanje istih konstrukata: Skala nacionalnog identiteta (Cinnirella, 1997.), Skala europskog identiteta (Cinnirella, 1997.), Skala nacionalnog identiteta - NAIT (Čorkalo i Kamenov, 1998.), Skala stavova prema europskim integracijama - STEIN (Franceško i sur., 2002.). Rezultati upućuju na ortogonalni odnos nacionalnog i europskog identiteta mjerenih Cinnirellinim skalama te umjereno negativnu povezanost kad su isti konstrukti mjereni NAIT-om i STEIN-om. Potonji rezultat potvrđuje hipotezu da europski identitet i stav prema europskim integracijama nisu isti konstrukt. Dodatno su analizirani rezultati po dimenzijama primijenjenih instrumenata i njihov međusobni odnos. Sudionici iz oba uzorka imaju izraženiji nacionalni nego europski identitet, što je u skladu s očekivanjima, jer je salijentnost nacionalnog identiteta poznata i često dokumentirana posljedica poratnoga razdoblja.The aim of this study was to find out if national and European identity exist simultaneously, or are they mutually exclusive. Citizens from two European countries, not yet members of the European Union, Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro, participated in this study. Participants from Zagreb and Novi Sad, 400 from each town, were selected according to their gender, age and educational level. The questionnaire consisted of various measures of the same psychological constructs: Cinnirella\u27s European Identity Scale and National Identity Scale (1997), NAIT (^orkalo and Kamenov, 1998) and STEIN (France{ko et al., 2002). Results suggest an orthogonal relation between national and European identity when measured with Cinnirella\u27s scales and a moderate negative correlation when measured with NAIT and STEIN scales. The latter result confirms our hypothesis that European identity and attitude toward European integrations are not the same construct. Results on extracted dimensions of the STEIN scale and their correlations with other applied instruments were examined. Participants from both countries express a higher level of national than European identity, which was expected because national identity salience is one of the well-documented consequences in the aftermath of war.Mit dieser Untersuchung wollte man herausfinden, ob die parallele Existenz nationaler Identitäten einerseits und der europäischen Identität andererseits möglich ist, oder ob diese beiden Identitäten einander ausschließen. An der Untersuchung nahmen Bürger aus Kroatien sowie Serbien und Montenegro teil, zwei europäischen Ländern, die noch keine EU-Mitglieder sind. Die insgesamt 400 befragten Männer und Frauen kommen aus Zagreb und Novi Sad und sind zwischen 15 und 46 Jahre alt. Es kamen mehrere verschiedene Instrumente zur Untersuchung der angeführten Konstrukte zum Einsatz: Skala zur nationalen Identität (Cinnirella, 1997), Skala zur europäischen Identität (Cinnirella, 1997), Skala zur nationalen Identität – NAIT (^orkalo und Kamenov, 1998), Skala der Einstellungen zu europäischen Strukturen – STEIN (France{ko et al., 2002). Ermittelt anhand der Skalen von Cinnirelli, verweisen die Ergebnisse auf das Bestehen eines orthogonalen Verhältnisses zwischen nationaler und europäischer Identität; gemäß NAIT und STEIN ist dieses Verhältnis gemäßigt negativ. Letzteres Resultat bestätigt die Hypothese, dass es sich bei der europäischen Identität und der Einstellung zu europäischen Strukturen nicht um dasselbe Konstrukt handelt. Zusätzlich analysierte man die Resultate gemäß den Dimensionen der angewandten Instrumente sowie ihr gegenseitiges Verhältnis. Bei den Umfrageteilnehmern beider Länder ist die nationale Identität ausgeprägter als die europäische. Dies entspricht den Erwartungen der Autoren, denn die Salienz der nationalen Identität ist in Nachkriegszeiten eine notorische und viel dokumentierte Erscheinung

    Predictors of social identity on the national-European dimension

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    This paper analyzes socio-demographic and psychological predictors of European identity in Serbia and Montenegro. The research conducted in 2003 was based on the sample of 2860 respondents from four regions of Serbia and Montenegro. The respondent of both sexes were included in the sample, aged 18 to 43 with different education. Battery of questions comprising psychological variables was mainly developed at University of Novi Sad (Department of Psychology). The following variables were taken as psychological predictors: motivations (of general achievement, tested with MOP2002 scale; and locus of control, tested with LOK2003 scale), value orientations (conservatism-radicalism, tested with KORA2002 scale; and individualism-collectivism, tested with KOIN2002 scale), and personal characteristic of rigidity tested with RG-s scale. The effects of other socio-demographic characteristics (age and education) also were tested. Employed multiple regression (stepwise forward) proved that: sexual conservatism, rigidity as a need for detailed planning, individualism-collectivism, some components of achievement motive (orientation towards planning and aim as a source of satisfaction), age and education, have relatively stable predictive value of social identity on national-European dimension. Predictive value of external locus of control and other dimensions of achievement motive is limited and depends on a rang of other personal characteristics

    Attitudes towards work, organizational values, and students’ sociodemographic characteristics as predictors of entrepreneurial orientation

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    The aim of this research was to examine predictive factors of entrepreneurial orientation of students in transitional, social, and economic contexts. Attitudes towards work, value orientations, gender, and the entrepreneurial experience of the father and the mother of the respondents were examined as predictor variables. The sample comprised 220 students from both genders with an average age of 21.57 years. The results indicate that, in all three measured components, young men have a more pronounced entrepreneurial orientation compared to young women. Attitudes towards work and organizational values were shown to correlate significantly with entrepreneurial orientation. Experiencing work as an opportunity for personal fulfilment (β = 0.420, sig <0.001), autocratic value orientations (β = 0.269, sig <0.05), and the entrepreneurship of the father were distinguished as significant predictors of entrepreneurial orientation on the total sample (β = 0.211, sig <0.001), as well as on the subsample of young women (β = 0.283, sig <0.05). The results of this research indicate the complexity of relationships between the examined factors and entrepreneurial orientation, the conversance of which provides the basis for conceptualizing the entrepreneurial socialization of young people in a particular social and economic context

    Social distance and stereotypes of Roma at the primary school age

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    The sample of the research presented in this paper consisted of 575 children age 10 and 11 from four of Novi Sad`s primary school. 58 of them were Roma and the rest were Serbs, Hungarians, Croats, etc. The paper deals with the social distance toward the six ethnic groups (Roma, Serbs, Croats Hungarians, Slovaks and Ruthenians), as well as stereotypes of Roma both in Roma and non-Roma children. Sample has also been divided in two by the criteria of Roma children attending the same classes as the children in the sample or not. The results show that social distance toward the Roma is higher than any other social distance in this sample. Also, we were not able to find any significant differences in this social distance between children who attend the school with the Roma children and those who do not. As could be expected, the auto stereotypes were more positive than the hetero stereotypes

    European identity in Serbia and Montenegro

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    The aims of this research are the establishment of the level and the structure of European and national identity of the citizens of Serbia and Montenegro, as well as the establishment of relations between socio-demographic characteristics of the subjects (regional belonging, age, level of education) and European identity. The sample consisted of 2853 subjects from four regions (Vojvodina, Šumadija with Belgrade, Southern Serbia, and Montenegro), divided into two age groups and two levels of education. To evaluate certain components of national and European identity, we applied EUROID2002 scale (Franceško et al., 2002). The application of the cluster analysis method defined three groups of subjects of various social identity profile: 1. multi-layered identity (European and national), 2. national exclusivity and 3. undifferentiated social identity. As factors of differentiation of subjects in the respect of European and national identity, there emerged regional belonging, age and educational level. Besides, the results show that the level of education is the most important factor in the creation of this form of social identity

    Operationalization of psychological model of the salesmen typology

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    The research aim is the model operationalization for the classification of salesmen given by Buzzotta. In theoretical model the accent is on the interpersonal relationships, established in buying and selling process. The criteria of classification is the way salesmen approach the participants in buying and selling communication. The scale PRO-1 is constructed in the aim of operationalization of this model. Factor structure and metric characteristics of this scale is checked on the sample of 301 salesmen in Vojvodina, who were included in different aspects of sales. The most of samples were female, (74.8%), average age of 33 years, whereas the average years spent in the sale were 7. The tested ones had the different education and the largest percent had the secondary school qualification, 79%. The scale has the satisfactory reliability (Cronbah alfa coeficient is 79). The processing data included the factor analysis with Promax rotation. Four factors, that explain 32,75% of the whole variance, were isolated, on the basis of scree criteria. According to subject analysis we defined four factors that describe relation of the seller towards some aspects of his tasks in process of selling and to participants in this process dominance-hostility, dominance-warmth, submission- warmth and submission-hostility. Obtained results are partly in accordance with tested model, they point out the need of modification of model, which would help us define appropriate profiles as a basis for diagnosis of the style of selling according to four previously mentioned factors

    Achievement motive and locus of control as motivation factors of European identity

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    The research presented in this paper is a part of the project "Condition, Factors and Development of European Identity in Serbia and Montenegro" which is financed by the Ministry for Science and Protection of Environment of the Republic of Serbia. The goal of this research is to determine the relation between the achievement motive and locus of control on the one hand, and European identity on the other. These motivational factors were selected as the indicators of the active orientation of persons, which is a psychological prerequisite for the development of consciousness of the people and the society as a whole. The research was carried out during 2003 with the sample of 2635 subjects from four regions of Serbia and Montenegro, of both sexes, different levels of education, 18 to 43 years old. The scale EUROID2002 was applied to measure the European and national identity. The achievement motive was measured with the MOP2002 scale, and locus of control with LOKKON2002. All these instruments were created at the Department of Psychology in Novi Sad. The canonical correlation analysis was used to process the data. The results point to the existence of two statistically significant regularities in the relation between the achievement motive and European identity. The achievement of the goal, which is experienced as a source of pleasure and followed by the need to compete with others, was related to two factors of social identity, namely with the need to preserve national identity and with the exclusive national attachment. Thus, the results indicate that the persons for whom competition with others is a significant goal also express a higher degree of nationalism. Furthermore, the results indicate that the degree of nationalism is higher with the higher degree of persistence in the competition with others. In the relation between the locus of control and European identity, three statistically significant regularities were obtained. If the faith in the power of destiny is more pronounced, the need to preserve national identity and exclusive national attachment is also more pronounced. Stronger internal locus of control is related to greater openness for technological progress. Furthermore, the results indicate that those who in achievement situations attach great importance to the activities of other people also have a more pronounced pro-European orientation

    Some socio-demographic and psychological correlates of the achievement motive

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    Research is dealing with the following: Do men and women differ in level or structure of the achievement motive? Are level of education and age significant factors in differentiation of young concerning the level of achievement motive? Do such values as collectivism/individualism and conservativism/radicalism correlate with the person's tendency to succeed? Sample was 382 men and women, average age of 21 and different levels of education. Scale MOP 2002 (Franceško, Mihić, Bala) has been applied for the achievement motive measurement; level of collectivism/individualism has been measured by KOIN2002 (Kodžopeljić, Šakotić, Janičić) and for the dimension conservativism/radicalism scale KORA2002 (Janičić, Majstorović, Genc) has been used. All scales mentioned have very good metric characteristics. Results show that men and women do not differ significantly concerning the score at the achievement motive scale, but they do differ in two factors that make this motive. Women show more persistency in achieving the aim and more often, compared to men, find pleasure in achieving those aims. Concerning the level of education, only one component (competition) showed relevant differences. Younger and less educated people showed higher tendency to compete. Total score at the MOP2002 scale correlates positively with the total score at the conservativism scale; also, correlation has been found between components of these two dispositions