29 research outputs found

    Интегрисани приступ истраживању потенцијално токсичних елемената и магнетних честица у систему земљиште, биљка,ваздух: биодоступност и биомониторинг

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    Праћење садржаја потенцијално токсичних елемената (ПТЕ) и магнетних честица у пољопривредном земљишту представља прву меру у постизању безбедности хране, док је истраживање мобилности и биодоступности елемената веома значајно у разумевању њиховог транспорта и дистрибуције...Monitoring of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and magnetic particles in agricultural soil represents the first measure of caution regarding food safety while an investigation of element mobility and bioavailability should be a step forward in understanding the element transportation chain..

    Convergence Chromatography as an Emerging Technique for Determination of PAHs in Biomonitors

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are gaseous or particle-associated compounds formed in almost every process of incomplete combustion from anthropogenic and natural sources. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has classified 16 PAHs as priority pollutants due to their mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. For the assessment of particlebound PAHs, biomonitoring using a “moss bag technique” represents a complementary method to the convenient instrumental measurements. The common analysis of PAHs in moss and air samples involves extractionand evaporation of the solvent, and cleaning steps before determination by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or gas chromatography (GC) . Thanks to novel upgrades, ultra-performance convergence chromatography (UPC2) outperforms HPLC and GC in the domain of PAH determination. In this study, the method for determination of PAHs in moss samples by UPC2 was developed.WeBIOPATR 2017 : Particulate Matter: Research And Management : 6th WeBIOPATR Workshop & Conference : September 6-8, 2017, Belgrade

    In Silico Screening of Natural Compounds for Candidates 5HT6 Receptor Antagonists against Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a devastating neurodegenerative disease, is the focus of pharmacological research. One of the targets that attract the most attention for the potential therapy of AD is the serotonin 5HT6 receptor, which is the receptor situated exclusively in CNS on glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons. The neurochemical impact of this receptor supports the hypothesis about its role in cognitive, learning, and memory systems, which are of critical importance for AD. Natural products are a promising source of novel bioactive compounds with potential therapeutic potential as a 5HT6 receptor antagonist in the treatment of AD dementia. The ZINC—natural product database was in silico screened in order to find the candidate antagonists of 5-HT6 receptor against AD. A virtual screening protocol that includes both short-and long-range interactions between interacting molecules was employed. First, the EIIP/AQVN filter was applied for in silico screening of the ZINC database followed by 3D QSAR and molecular docking. Ten best candidate compounds were selected from the ZINC Natural Product database as potential 5HT6 Receptor antagonists and were proposed for further evaluation. The best candidate was evaluated by molecular dynamics simulations and free energy calculations