22 research outputs found

    The Analysis of the Stakeholder Model Implementation in Serbian Enterprises

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    The goal of this research is to discover whether and to what extent Serbian enterprises implement stakeholder oriented models, and on what grounds these concepts are implemented. Contemporary business models consider stakeholders to be business partners, so the profit gain becomes the process that needs to be realized and not taken for granted. The basis of contemporary business models and enterprise management techniques involves all of the interest groups in the process of business enterprise. This enables everyone involved to contribute to the business and feel satisfied as well. Both of these factors in contemporary business climate are most often the condition for the survival of the enterprise, and especially of its growth and development. The basic topic of this research is the analysis of elementary implementation aspects of stakeholder models with the goal of improving the overall business of contemporary Serbian enterprises, with special attention paid to process orientation. Taking theoretical stakeholder model implementation frequency in Serbia into consideration, the starting premise of my practical research has been that the data taken from economical practice will reflect similar condition. The empirical research focuses on showing whether or not a business climate suitable for sustaining contemporary stakeholder oriented business models exists in Serbia. Quantitative and qualitative analyses serve to show the managers readiness (in this case limited) to accept contemporary management models and techniques, especially ones based on process orientation. Successful stakeholder model implementation presupposes the use of contemporary techniques and performance measuring tools, so as to test its usefulness in practice

    Sustainability business development as a priority management organization

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    The purpose of this scientific paper is to point the fact that in the current economic conditions of earning, sustainability of the business a key priority of every organization. The essential challenge before them is more than a struggle for market, liquidity, lack of capital, increase profit, employee motivation, or any other problem we have faced in the recent past, challenge is the sustainability of the business, and how to manage well.. Forasmuch the previously listed cognitions, every organization should be aware of these facts, and organizations must overcome all the other demands and short- term goals they have.. This indicates that sustainability of the business should be major priority, and strive with full capacity to realise that goal. From the perspective of an innovative organization, the focus of the paper presents a model that integrates social responsibility and sustainable development strategy in the organization is. Such a strategy in proper balance model must be focused on a few key indicators of perspectives that contribute to growth and development, internal processes and relationships with customers, with obvious economic goals

    The perspectives of sustainable development of Serbia's agriculture in globalized environment

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    This paper has a goal to point out causes and consequences of wrong agricultural policy in transitional period which caused that agriculture of Serbia suffers a huge damage which manifested itself through falling apart of big agricultural combinats, enterprises from food industry, agricultural cooperatives and small family farms. Big changes at the end of XX and at the beginning of XXI century reflect of agriculture, too, and demand a new conceptual approach to new situation. Authors of paper point out necessity of revitalization of cooperative system and other was of joining and connecting of agricultural producers, as well as need of bigger support to small family farms, by model in developed EU countries. On that way, agriculture of Serbia would successfully respond to complex requirements of globalized environment and turn its comparative advantages into competitive ones


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    The paper points out the necessity for the company from one of the national economy if they want to examine their competitive capabilities in the international market, they must concentrate on factors influencing the competitiveness. Therefore, the focus of attention by considering the assumptions why some nations and their economies beyond the other, to companies that expand to international proportions produced a competitive strategy


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    In the conditions of growing competition on the market, organizations must ensure their sustainability, first of all, by implementing a systemic concept of business conduct in which the management is recognized as a powerful process of achieving high organizational performances. It is a concept that enables the meeting of the needs of consumers on a level different to their target value. In this sense, organizations must be structured in such a way as to fulfill certain conditions and criteria thanks to which sustainably high performance is created, which is, in fact, the goal of this research. Such performance is created as a result of the development of management within key areas of operation – the quality of products and services, production cost, speed to market, and innovating and developing such products and services. Success of such organizations greatly depends on the managers’ ability to develop and keep a talented workforce, which is a key factor in high performance development. By mastering change, outstandingly managing and controlling the future, assumptions for achieving business excellence and achieving high performance results are created. To confirm the starting hypothesis, the method of analysis, the method of synthesis and the method of multiple comparison and statistical test are used.U uslovima sve snažnije konkurencije na tržištu, organizacije svoju održivost mogu osigurati pre svega implementacijom sistemskog koncepta poslovanja u kome je menadžment prepoznat kao moćni proces za postizanje visokih organizacionih performansi. U pitanju je koncept koji omogućava zadovoljavanje potreba kupaca na nivou drugačijem nego što je njihova ciljna vrednost. U tom smislu organizacije moraju biti struktuirane na način da ispunjavaju određene uslove i kriterijume zahvaljujući kojima se kreiraju održivo visoke performanse, što je ujedno i cilj ovog istraživanja. Takve performanse nastaju kao rezultat unapređenja upravljanja u okviru ključnih oblasti poslovanja - kvaliteta proizvoda i usluga, troškova proizvodnje, brzine dostavljanja tržištu i inovacija i razvoja takvih proizvoda i usluga. Uspeh u takvim organizacijama u velikoj meri zavisi od sposobnosti menadžera da razviju i zadrže talentovanu radnu snagu, što je bitan faktor u razvoju visokih performansi. Ovladavanjem promenama, kvalitetnim upravljanjem i kontrolisanjem budućnosti, stvaraju se pretpostavke za postizanje poslovne izvrsnosti i ostvarivanje rezultata visokih performansi. U cilju potvrđivanja polazne hipoteze korišćeni su metod analize, metod sinteze i metod višestrukog upoređivanja i statističkog testa

    Profitabilno poslovanje organizacije kao ishod unapređenja konkurentnosti primenom kocepta CRM

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    U današnjem biznis okruženju uspostavljanje dugotrajno održivog odnosa s kupcima predstavlja jedan od bazičnih parametara uspešnosti poslovanja organizacija. Kao odgovor na zahteve kupaca koji se konstantno menjaju i povećavaju, razvija se strategija upravljanja odnosa s potrošačima, koja integriše procese i tehnologije tako da se obezbedi pouzdan, razumljiv i integrisan pristup bazi kupaca, s ciljem da se s njima izgrade interaktivni odnosi koji će doneti obostranu korist i potrošačima i organizacijama. Napredak ostvaren u domenu informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija uneo je promene u način ostvarivanja konkurentnosti i profitabilnog poslovanja organizacija. Koristeći savremene tehnologije, organizacije se sve više približavaju kupcima, ostvaruje se ušteda u troškovima poslovanja, skraćuje se vreme isporuke vrednosti, poboljšava se podrška korisnicima, što sve utiče na povećanje lojalnosti potrošača. Ishodište uspešnog tržišnog razvoja naše oprganizacije treba da traže u preciznijem kreiranju sopstvene strategije održivog poslovanja i uspešnoj implementaciji sistema i koncepata koji podržavaju konkurentnost

    Ocene ključnih faktora unapređenja poslovanja i marketinškog koncepta u domaćim organizacijama

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    Cilј istraživanja u ovom radu je evaluacija klјučnih faktora koji doprinose unapređenju poslovanja srpskih organizacija u globalnim uslovima privređivanja. Polazna pretpostavka je da faktori koji utiču na poslovanje različitih organizacija imaju različit uticaj na rezultate poslovnih aktivnosti i percepciju faktora od važnosti za unapređenje poslovanja. Uz brojne analizirane faktore, fokus u radu je dat na usvajanje logike integralnog koncepta marketinga od strane organizacija kao bitne komponente za postizanje tržišnog uspeha. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da su kao klјučni faktori za unapređenje poslovanja, bez obzira na veličinu organizacije, označeni kvalitet biznisa, povećanje produktivnosti, usavršavanje zaposlenih, pobolјšanje tehničko tehnološke osnove poslovanja i razvoj i primena novih informacionih tehnologija. Kao prepreka unapređenju poslovanja izdvaja se nedovolјno podsticajni poslovni ambijent, zastarelost opreme i tehnologije, nedostatak znanja i neadekvatna primena marketing koncepta. Pretpostavka je da bi naše organizacije postale uspešne u međunarodnim okvirima neophodno je da promene način razmišlјanja i implementiraju savremena dostignuća u oblasti organizacije, marketinga i menadžmenta

    Uloga i značaj marketinga u savremenom poslovanju

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    Marketing je disciplina koja se bavi pitanjima tržišta, potreba na tržištu i načina zadovoljenja tih potreba. Marketing kao poslovna filozofija intenzivne proizvodnje, u centar svoga interesovanja stavlja analiziranje i sagledavanje svih problema koji se odnose na promet i prodaju robe od proizvođača do potrošača. Ova oblast se stalno razvija i širi sa razvojem tržišta i ima za cilj da postavi teorijsku osnovu za strategije poslovanja na tržištu. U teoriji marketinga uspeh na tržištu najčešće se dovodi u vezu sa razumevanjem i zadovoljenjem tržišnih potreba, ali sve češće se javljaju i novi, napredniji koncepti. Izvorno posmatrano, marketing je koncept poslovanja orijentisan prema kupcima. U ovom konceptu projektovanje proizvoda i usluga počinje od potreba potrošača, a kao cilj delovanja postavlja se zadovoljstvo potrošača. U preduzećima gde je u potpunosti primenjen marketing koncept, o potrošačima ne brine samo odeljenje za marketing već svi zaposleni, radeći sa svešću da rade zbog potrošača

    Ocene ključnih faktora unapređenja poslovanja i marketinškog koncepta u domaćim organizacijama

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