9 research outputs found

    Municipal Wastewater and Pig Slurry Treatment in a Batch Reactor

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    The degradation of organic compounds, and TKN elimination were studied in a batch reactor under different aerobic and anoxic/anaerobic conditions. The objective of this experimental procedure was to reduce to below 100 mg L-1 and to below 10 mg L-1. The experiments were carried out in such a way that the aeration and non-aeration phases were repeated, in sequences. The following systems were tested: 2+2 (2 h of aeration and 2 h without aeration), 3+2, and 4+1. Satisfactory results were obtained in all cases. The expected results were obtained after 10 h of retention time for systems 3+2 and 4+1 and, after 12 h for system 2+2. The best results were obtained for system 4+1 after 10 h. The wastewater treated in the batch reactor had the following characteristics: was 913 mg L-1, was 56.0 mg L-1, and was 33.0 mg L-1. The following results were obtained for treated wastewater (effluent): = 54 mg L-1, = 4.4 mg L-1, and < 1.2 mg L-1, respectively. The maximal values for specific substrate utilization and nitrification rate were obtained for system 4+1; was 0.406 h-1 and was 0.0182 h-1. Such batch tests are appropriate for fast determination of main treatment parameters in regard to existing wastewater treatment plants, where expansion is on programme

    The efficiency of nitrogen removal in synthetic laundry wastewater using a submerged membrane bioreactor at different total nitrogen volume loadings and MLSS concentrations

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    Svrha rada bila je odrediti učinak različitih volumenskih opterećenja ukupnim duÅ”ikom i različitih koncentracija aktivnog mulja (MLSS - mixed liquor suspended solids) u uronjenom membranskom bioreaktoru na nitrifikaciju i učinkovitost uklanjanja duÅ”ika iz meke sintetičke otpadne vode. U prvom dijelu istraživanja volumensko opterećenje ukupnim duÅ”ikom povećano je s 0,063 na 0,315 g L-1 d-1. Aktivni mulj nije uklonjen iz reaktora i zato se koncentracija povećala s početnih 4 g L-1 na maksimalnu vrijednost od 25,6 g L-1. Rezultati uklanjanja ukupnog duÅ”ika pokazali su da je učinak obrade bio najveći pri volumenskom opterećenja ukupnim duÅ”ikom od 19 g L-1 d-1 s učinkom uklanjanja od 84 %. U drugom dijelu istraživanja volumensko opterećenje ukupnim duÅ”ikom bilo je konstantno od 0,19 g L-1 d-1, a koncentracije aktivnog mulja mijenjale su se između 10 i 15 g L-1. Rezultati u tom dijelu istraživanja pokazuju da se nitrifikacija nije dogodila kada je koncentracija aktivnog mulja bila 10 g L-1 i da je nitrifikacija počela kada se povećala koncentracija aktiviranog mulja. Istraživanje pokazuje povezanost između koncentracije biomase i stupnja nitrifikacije u membranskom bioreaktoru (MBR).The aim of this study was to determine the effect of various total nitrogen volume loadings and various mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentrations in the submerged membrane bioreactor on the nitrification and the efficiency of nitrogen removal from soft synthetic wastewater. In the first part of the research the total nitrogen volume loading was increased from 0.063 to 0.315 g L-1 d-1. The activated sludge was not removed from the reactor and therefore the concentration increased from the initial 4 g L-1 to a maximum value of 25.6 g L-1. The results for removal of total nitrogen showed that the treatment effect was highest at the total nitrogen volume loading of 0.19 g L-1 d-1, with 84 % removal efficiency. In the second part of the research the total nitrogen volume loading was held constant at 0.19 g L-1 d-1 and the MLSS concentrations were varied between 10 and 15 g L-1. The results in this part of the research showed that nitrification did not occur when the activated sludge concentration was 10 g L-1 and that nitrification started when the activated sludge concentration increased. The research shows the connection between biomass concentration and nitrification degree in the MBR

    Microfibres and coliforms determination and removal from wastewater treatment effluent

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    The research aim was to remove as many microfibres, microplastics and harmful bacteria as possible from the polluted water to produce suitable water for reuse. The test water was the effluent from the municipal wastewater treatment plant in Shalek Valley. A pilot plant with a ceramic SiC filter for membrane filtration and ozonation of filtered water was set up to remove suspended solids, micro-fibres, microplastics, and harmful microorganisms. The Microfibers Detection System was developed to identify microfibers on-site. The results showed that the microfiltration system combined with ozone treatment effectively removed total suspended solids, microfibres, microplastics and microorganisms. A detection system method for identifying microfibres and microplastic particles was used to determine how many microfibres and microorganisms were identified by membrane filtration and ozonation. The study showed that membrane filtration successfully removed all microfibres, 88% of total coliforms and 93% of E. coli. After additional ozonation, we achieved a 100% removal rate of total coliforms and a 100% removal rate of E. coli. The treated water (effluent from the municipal wastewater treatment plant) can be used for specific purposes, such as agricultural irrigation or enhancing bathing waters near the plantā€™s water effluent

    Biogaserzeugung aus Brauereihefe in einem EGSB-Reaktor

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag soll die fĆ¼nfjƤhrige Erfahrung mit der Co-VergƤrung von Brauereihefe fĆ¼r die Erzeugung von Biogas im industriellen MaƟstab vorgestellt werden. Der Betrieb mit den gesamten, in der Brauerei anfallenden HeferĆ¼ckstƤnden (0,7 Vol.-%) brachte eine Steigerung der CSB-Fracht von 26,2 Prozent und der Biogaserzeugung von 38,5 Prozent. Infolgedessen erhƶhte sich die substitutionsquote Biomethan/Erdgas in der Brauerei von 10 auf 16 Prozent

    Biogas production from brewery yeast in an EGSB reactor

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    Experience over a five-year period of full throughput using anaerobic co-digestion of brewery yeast for biogas production is described in this contribution. The brewery, with a total amount of available yeast (0.7 v/v %), had a 26.2 % increase in COD load and a 38.5 % increase in biogas production resulting in an increase in the biomethane/natural gas substitution ratio in the brewery from 10 % to 16 %