4,387 research outputs found
Hybrid Neural Networks for Frequency Estimation of Unevenly Sampled Data
In this paper we present a hybrid system composed by a neural network based
estimator system and genetic algorithms. It uses an unsupervised Hebbian
nonlinear neural algorithm to extract the principal components which, in turn,
are used by the MUSIC frequency estimator algorithm to extract the frequencies.
We generalize this method to avoid an interpolation preprocessing step and to
improve the performance by using a new stop criterion to avoid overfitting.
Furthermore, genetic algorithms are used to optimize the neural net weight
initialization. The experimental results are obtained comparing our methodology
with the others known in literature on a Cepheid star light curve.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in the proceedings of IJCNN 99, IEEE Press, 199
A cellular automaton for the factor of safety field in landslides modeling
Landslide inventories show that the statistical distribution of the area of
recorded events is well described by a power law over a range of decades. To
understand these distributions, we consider a cellular automaton to model a
time and position dependent factor of safety. The model is able to reproduce
the complex structure of landslide distribution, as experimentally reported. In
particular, we investigate the role of the rate of change of the system
dynamical variables, induced by an external drive, on landslide modeling and
its implications on hazard assessment. As the rate is increased, the model has
a crossover from a critical regime with power-laws to non power-law behaviors.
We suggest that the detection of patterns of correlated domains in monitored
regions can be crucial to identify the response of the system to perturbations,
i.e., for hazard assessment.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Modeling Dynamical Dark Energy
Cosmological models with different types of Dark Energy are becoming viable
alternatives for standard models with the cosmological constant. Yet, such
models are more difficult to analyze and to simulate. We present analytical
approximations and discuss ways of making simulations for two families of
models, which cover a wide range of possibilities and include models with both
slow and fast changing ratio w=p\rho. More specifically, we give analytical
expressions for the evolution of the matter density parameter Omega_m(z) and
the virial density contrast Delta_c at any redshift z. The latter is used to
identify halos and to find their virial masses. We also provide an
approximation for the linear growth factor of linear fluctuations between
redshift z=40 and z=0. This is needed to set the normalization of the spectrum
of fluctuations. Finally, we discuss the expected behavior of the halo mass
function and its time evolution.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures ApJ submitte
IIR Adaptive Filters for Detection of Gravitational Waves from Coalescing Binaries
In this paper we propose a new strategy for gravitational waves detection
from coalescing binaries, using IIR Adaptive Line Enhancer (ALE) filters. This
strategy is a classical hierarchical strategy in which the ALE filters have the
role of triggers, used to select data chunks which may contain gravitational
events, to be further analyzed with more refined optimal techniques, like the
the classical Matched Filter Technique. After a direct comparison of the
performances of ALE filters with the Wiener-Komolgoroff optimum filters
(matched filters), necessary to discuss their performance and to evaluate the
statistical limitation in their use as triggers, we performed a series of
tests, demonstrating that these filters are quite promising both for the
relatively small computational power needed and for the robustness of the
algorithms used. The performed tests have shown a weak point of ALE filters,
that we fixed by introducing a further strategy, based on a dynamic bank of ALE
filters, running simultaneously, but started after fixed delay times. The
results of this global trigger strategy seems to be very promising, and can be
already used in the present interferometers, since it has the great advantage
of requiring a quite small computational power and can easily run in real-time,
in parallel with other data analysis algorithms.Comment: Accepted at SPIE: "Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation". 9
pages, 3 figure
Determination of Gd concentration profile in UO2-Gd2O3 fuel pellets
A transversal mapping of the Gd concentration was measured in UO2-Gd2O3
nuclear fuel pellets by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR). The
quantification was made from the comparison with a Gd2O3 reference sample. The
nominal concentration in the pellets is UO2: 7.5 % Gd2O3. A concentration
gradient was found, which indicates that the Gd2O3 amount diminishes towards
the edges of the pellets. The concentration varies from (9.3 +/- 0.5)% in the
center to (5.8 +/- 0.3)% in one of the edges. The method was found to be
particularly suitable for the precise mapping of the distribution of Gd3+ ions
in the UO2 matrix.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to Journal of Nuclear
Photon Self-Induced Spin to Orbital Conversion in TGG crystal at high laser power
In this paper, we present experimental evidence of a newly discovered
third-order nonlinear optical process Self-Induced Spin-to-Orbital Conversion
(SISTOC) of the photon angular momentum. This effect is the physical mechanism
at the origin of the depolarization of very intense laser beams propagating in
isotropic materials. The SISTOC process, like self-focusing, is triggered by
laser heating leading to a radial temperature gradient in the medium. In this
work we tested the occurrence of SISTOC in a terbium gallium garnet (TGG) rod
for an impinging laser power of about 100~W. To study the SISTOC process we
used different techniques: polarization analysis, interferometry and tomography
of the photon orbital angular momentum. Our results confirm, in particular,
that the apparent depolarization of the beam is due to the occurrence of
maximal entanglement between the spin and orbital angular momentum of the
photons undergoing the SISTOC process. This explanation of the true nature of
the depolarization mechanism could be of some help in finding novel methods to
reduce or to compensate for this usually unwanted depolarization effect in all
cases where very high laser power and good beam quality are required.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures, submitte
Investigation on the phytosanitary status of the main stone fruit nurseries and mother plots in Albania
To assess the virus and viroid infections of the most important stone fruits in Albania, surveys were carried out in nurseries, mother plots and commercial orchards in the main fruit tree-growing areas. The presence of viruses and viroids was assessed by visual inspections and laboratory tests. During field surveys, more than 5,000 trees were individually inspected for symptoms expression. A total of 749 trees were tested, and shown to be highly infected (27%) by one or more viruses at the same time; in particular, Sharka infection was detected in all the selected areas and in plants of different origin (nurseries: 29%, mother plants: 13%, and commercial orchards: 29%). Infections by Prunus necrotic leaf spot virus (PNRSV) and Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) were frequent in peach and plum, while Prunus dwarf virus (PDV) was more frequent in cherry. Regarding viroids, 740 samples were tested for Peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd); as for viruses, the infection rate was quite high (23%), particularly on peach (60% of tested samples). This study highlights the quite alarming existing situation, especially for the presence of PPV infection in nurseries. Urgent measures should be taken to avoid a serious crisis and deterioration of the fruit tree industry in Albania.Keywords: Albania, stone fruits, viruses, viroids, detection, nursery, mother bloc
Seismicity and stress field in the Sannio-Matese area
In this study we discuss the available data on seismicity and focal mechanisms in the Sannio-Matese area in order to obtain information on the stress field acting in the area. Background seismicity of the area is characterized by isolated events, with magnitude generally less than 2.5, on which is superimposed a swarm and seismic
sequence activity of low magnitude (max magnitude 4.1). The epicentral distribution of both isolated events and seismic sequences, disclose NE-SW striking active faults that fall in between the fault segments of the large historical earthquakes which occurred in the area. The available information on the stress field deducible from the focal mechanisms of the area agrees that a general extensional stress regime is acting. Locally both NE-SW and NNW-SSE extensions are observed. The large scale stress regime deduced from the focal mechanisms of strong instrumental earthquakes which occurred in the Apennines supports the local NE-SW extension but cannot explain
the normal movements related to a NW-SE extension. The local longitudinal extension observed, supported by GPS data, can be explained utilizing large scale geodynamic models
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