15 research outputs found

    The Attributions

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    Među najznačajnijim modelima atribucije ističu se Kelleyjev model kovarijacije koji opisuje kako ljudi koriste informacije o dosljednosti, različitosti i suglasnosti pri stvaranju uzročnih atribucija nekog ponaÅ”anja ili događaja, kao i Weinerov model atribucije postignuća čija je svrha utvrđivanje specifičnih kognitivnih, emocionalnih i ponaÅ”ajnih posljedica procesa atribuiranja. Vremenom su stvoreni noviji modeli atribucija, a jedan od njih je i teorija relacijskih atribucija, iz koje je uz unutarnji i vanjski lokus uzročnosti proizaÅ”ao i treći: relacijske atribucije. Relacijske atribucije predstavljaju objaÅ”njenja koja akter formira tako da uzrok nekog događaja smjeÅ”ta unutar odnosa kojeg ima s nekim drugim pojedincem. Drugim riječima, one se ne mogu svesti na postupke samo jedne osobe zasebno, već zahvaćaju značajke odnosa koje mogu biti usmjerene ili na zadatak ili na osobu. Primjena sva tri navedena modela očituje se u Å”irokom rasponu osobnih i formalnih interpersonalnih i/ili međugrupnih odnosa. Važno područje atribucija predstavljaju i atribucijske pristranosti, tj. uzročna objaÅ”njenja promatrača koja sustavno odstupaju bilo od normativnog standarda koji bi trebao predstavljati racionalnu obradu informacija ili od objaÅ”njenja koja su stvorili drugi promatrači. Osnovni cilj rada je upoznati čitatelja s procesom atribuiranja, atribucijskim pristranostima, kao i najznačajnijim modelima u području atribucija, u svrhu dubljeg i Å”ireg razumijevanja te primjene tog područja psihologije u različitim životnim okruženjima.Kelleyā€™s covariation model which describes how people use the information about consistency, distinctiveness and consensus while forming causal attribution of certain behavior or situation stands out as one of the most significant models of attribution, as well as Weinerā€™s attribution theory of achievement motivation whose purpose is to determine specific cognitive, emotional and behavioral consequences of attributional process. Over the time newer models of attribution were made. One of them is the theory of relational attributions, which proposes that there is not only internal and external locus of causality, but also a third locus: relational attributions. Relational attributions refere to the made by a focal individual that locate the cause of an event within the relationship he has with another person. In other words, they can't be based on the actions of just one person, but on the characteristics of a relationship which can be directed either on the task or the person. The use of all three models can be seen in a wide range of personal and formal interpersonal and intergroup relations. Attribution biases are an important area of attributions. They are the observers causal explanations that systematically deviate from either the normative standard that should represent the rational processing of information, or the explanations made by other observers. The aim of this paper is to familiarize the reader with the process of attribution, attribution biases, as well as the most significant models in the field of attribution, with the purpose of deeper and wider understanding of the use of that field of psychology in diferent life surroundings

    The Attributions

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    Među najznačajnijim modelima atribucije ističu se Kelleyjev model kovarijacije koji opisuje kako ljudi koriste informacije o dosljednosti, različitosti i suglasnosti pri stvaranju uzročnih atribucija nekog ponaÅ”anja ili događaja, kao i Weinerov model atribucije postignuća čija je svrha utvrđivanje specifičnih kognitivnih, emocionalnih i ponaÅ”ajnih posljedica procesa atribuiranja. Vremenom su stvoreni noviji modeli atribucija, a jedan od njih je i teorija relacijskih atribucija, iz koje je uz unutarnji i vanjski lokus uzročnosti proizaÅ”ao i treći: relacijske atribucije. Relacijske atribucije predstavljaju objaÅ”njenja koja akter formira tako da uzrok nekog događaja smjeÅ”ta unutar odnosa kojeg ima s nekim drugim pojedincem. Drugim riječima, one se ne mogu svesti na postupke samo jedne osobe zasebno, već zahvaćaju značajke odnosa koje mogu biti usmjerene ili na zadatak ili na osobu. Primjena sva tri navedena modela očituje se u Å”irokom rasponu osobnih i formalnih interpersonalnih i/ili međugrupnih odnosa. Važno područje atribucija predstavljaju i atribucijske pristranosti, tj. uzročna objaÅ”njenja promatrača koja sustavno odstupaju bilo od normativnog standarda koji bi trebao predstavljati racionalnu obradu informacija ili od objaÅ”njenja koja su stvorili drugi promatrači. Osnovni cilj rada je upoznati čitatelja s procesom atribuiranja, atribucijskim pristranostima, kao i najznačajnijim modelima u području atribucija, u svrhu dubljeg i Å”ireg razumijevanja te primjene tog područja psihologije u različitim životnim okruženjima.Kelleyā€™s covariation model which describes how people use the information about consistency, distinctiveness and consensus while forming causal attribution of certain behavior or situation stands out as one of the most significant models of attribution, as well as Weinerā€™s attribution theory of achievement motivation whose purpose is to determine specific cognitive, emotional and behavioral consequences of attributional process. Over the time newer models of attribution were made. One of them is the theory of relational attributions, which proposes that there is not only internal and external locus of causality, but also a third locus: relational attributions. Relational attributions refere to the made by a focal individual that locate the cause of an event within the relationship he has with another person. In other words, they can't be based on the actions of just one person, but on the characteristics of a relationship which can be directed either on the task or the person. The use of all three models can be seen in a wide range of personal and formal interpersonal and intergroup relations. Attribution biases are an important area of attributions. They are the observers causal explanations that systematically deviate from either the normative standard that should represent the rational processing of information, or the explanations made by other observers. The aim of this paper is to familiarize the reader with the process of attribution, attribution biases, as well as the most significant models in the field of attribution, with the purpose of deeper and wider understanding of the use of that field of psychology in diferent life surroundings

    Religiosity, compassion and attitudes toward refugees

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos religioznosti, suosjećanja i stavova prema izbjeglicama kod studenata te ispitati razlikuju li se mladići i djevojke u navedenim varijablama. Mjerenje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 166 studenata Medicinskog fakulteta u Osijeku. Osim Sociodemografskog upitnika, za procjenu religioznosti koriÅ”ten je Upitnik religioznosti (Ljubotina, 2015), za mjerenje suosjećanja koristila se Skala suosjećanja (Pommier, 2010), a za ispitivanje stavova prema izbjeglicama koriÅ”teni su Upitnik stavova prema izbjeglicama (BoÅ”njak, Grgić, Lovaković, Marković, Mataja i Stojak, 2016) i Skala socijalne distance (Bogardus, 1933). Djevojke su pokazivale veći stupanj suosjećanja i religijskih vjerovanja od mladića. Spolne razlike nisu utvrđene na drugim dimenzijama i ukupnom rezultatu religioznosti, stavovima prema izbjeglicama i socijalnoj distanci. Utvrđena je pozitivna povezanost suosjećanja i religioznosti te pozitivnih stavova prema izbjeglicama. S druge strane, nije pronađena povezanost suosjećanja i socijalne distance, kao ni religioznosti i stavova prema izbjeglicama te socijalne distance. Provedenom hijerarhijskom regresijskom analizom dobiveno je kako je jedino suosjećanje značajan prediktor stavova prema izbjeglicama, Å”to znači da sudionici s većim stupnjem suosjećanja imaju pozitivnije stavove.The aim of this study was to examine relationship between religiosity, compassion and attitudes towards refugees and gender differences between them. The study was conducted on convenient sample of 166 students of Faculty of Medicine in Osijek. Beside the Sociodemographic Questionaire, The Religiosity Questionaire (Ljubotina, 2015) was used to measure the level of religiosity, The Compassion scale to measure level of compassion, The Attitudes Towards Refugees Questionaire (BoÅ”njak, Grgić, Lovaković, Marković, Mataja i Stojak, 2016) to measure attittudes towards refugees as well as Social Distance Scale (Bogardus, 1933). The results suggest that young women showed higher level of compassion and religious beliefes than men. No gender differences were found with respect to other dimensions of religiosity, attitudes towards refugees and social distance. Futher, compassion was statistically significant positively related to religiosity and positive attitudes towards refugees. On the other hand, there was no statistically significant relation between compassion and social distance, as well as religiosity and attitudes towards refugees and social distance. The results of hierarchical regression analysis showed that compassion was sole significant predictor of attitudes towards refugees, meaning that participants with higher level of compassion had more positive attitudes

    Religiosity, compassion and attitudes toward refugees

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos religioznosti, suosjećanja i stavova prema izbjeglicama kod studenata te ispitati razlikuju li se mladići i djevojke u navedenim varijablama. Mjerenje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 166 studenata Medicinskog fakulteta u Osijeku. Osim Sociodemografskog upitnika, za procjenu religioznosti koriÅ”ten je Upitnik religioznosti (Ljubotina, 2015), za mjerenje suosjećanja koristila se Skala suosjećanja (Pommier, 2010), a za ispitivanje stavova prema izbjeglicama koriÅ”teni su Upitnik stavova prema izbjeglicama (BoÅ”njak, Grgić, Lovaković, Marković, Mataja i Stojak, 2016) i Skala socijalne distance (Bogardus, 1933). Djevojke su pokazivale veći stupanj suosjećanja i religijskih vjerovanja od mladića. Spolne razlike nisu utvrđene na drugim dimenzijama i ukupnom rezultatu religioznosti, stavovima prema izbjeglicama i socijalnoj distanci. Utvrđena je pozitivna povezanost suosjećanja i religioznosti te pozitivnih stavova prema izbjeglicama. S druge strane, nije pronađena povezanost suosjećanja i socijalne distance, kao ni religioznosti i stavova prema izbjeglicama te socijalne distance. Provedenom hijerarhijskom regresijskom analizom dobiveno je kako je jedino suosjećanje značajan prediktor stavova prema izbjeglicama, Å”to znači da sudionici s većim stupnjem suosjećanja imaju pozitivnije stavove.The aim of this study was to examine relationship between religiosity, compassion and attitudes towards refugees and gender differences between them. The study was conducted on convenient sample of 166 students of Faculty of Medicine in Osijek. Beside the Sociodemographic Questionaire, The Religiosity Questionaire (Ljubotina, 2015) was used to measure the level of religiosity, The Compassion scale to measure level of compassion, The Attitudes Towards Refugees Questionaire (BoÅ”njak, Grgić, Lovaković, Marković, Mataja i Stojak, 2016) to measure attittudes towards refugees as well as Social Distance Scale (Bogardus, 1933). The results suggest that young women showed higher level of compassion and religious beliefes than men. No gender differences were found with respect to other dimensions of religiosity, attitudes towards refugees and social distance. Futher, compassion was statistically significant positively related to religiosity and positive attitudes towards refugees. On the other hand, there was no statistically significant relation between compassion and social distance, as well as religiosity and attitudes towards refugees and social distance. The results of hierarchical regression analysis showed that compassion was sole significant predictor of attitudes towards refugees, meaning that participants with higher level of compassion had more positive attitudes

    Situation and prospects of development of geese breeding in Croatia

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    Držanje gusaka Hrvatskoj ima dugu tradiciju, međutim u drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća broj gusaka se znatno smanjio. U proÅ”losti su se držale radi proizvodnje mesa i jetre, te jaja i perja kojima se punila posteljina. Danas guske čine tek 3 posto od ukupnog broja peradi u Republici Hrvatskoj, a mogućnost njihovog uzgoja su vrlo slabo iskoriÅ”tene. NajčeŔće se drže na poluintenzivan način za proizvodnju mesa, koje se koristi za vlastite potrebe ili prodaju na lokalnom tržiÅ”tu. Ipak, postoji nekoliko projekata koji su polučili dobre rezultate u intenzivnom uzgoju gusaka. Pritom je potrebno razraditi dobru organizaciju otkupa i plasmana na tržiÅ”te, kako bi se obzirom na prirodne uvjete držanja maksimalno iskoristile mogućnosti ove grane peradarstva u naÅ”oj zemlji.Geese breeding has a long tradition in Croatia, but in the second half of the 20th century, the number of geese has been significantly reduced. In the past, geese were bred for meat and goose liver, eggs and feathers, which were used in the production of bedclothes and warm winter clothes. Today, geese make only 3 % of the poultry in Croatia. The possibilities of their breeding are not used to its full potential. Geese are frequently bred in a semi-intensive way, and their meat is used for individual needs or it is sold on the local market. But already a couple of projects gave very good results in the intensive breeding of geese. Good organisation of the geese production and geese products market in Croatia is indispensable. In this way, we could maximally use the natural conveniences for geese breeding and advantages of this branch of poultry production

    Sustainable Tourism in the Open Innovation Realm: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    This study evaluates bibliometric analysis of sustainable tourism in the open innovation realm, depicts emerging themes, and offers critical discussion for theory development and further research. Through the use of bibliometrix, this paper investigates the amount of studies conducted in this area and verifies if such studies have represented a contribution to the evolving research in the field of sustainable tourism. Specifically, the paper identifies whether and to what extent scholars have explored these interconnections and maps to get to a conceptual structure of the field under investigation. The results identify the development status and the leading trends in terms of impact, main journals, papers, topics, authors, and countries. The analysis and the graphical presentations are crucial, as they can help both researchers and practitioners to better understand the state of the art of sustainable tourism in the experiential and digital era


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    Porođajno oÅ”tećenje pleksusa brahijalisa (POPB) je neuromotorna fl akcidna paraliza ruke uzrokovana ozljedom jednog ili viÅ”e korijenova pleksusa brahijalisa (PB) tijekom poroda. Uočava se obično ubrzo nakon poroda. Incidencija POBP je između 0,5 i 4,4 na 1000 poroda. U većini slučajeva, oÅ”tećenja brahijalnog pleksusa (OPB) su prolazna i dolazi do spontanog, potpunog oporavka funkcije u prvim tjednima života. Kod neke djece (20 do 30 %) slabost ruke zaostaje i dovodi do živčano-miÅ”ićne disfunkcije i trajnog invaliditeta. U literaturi postoje razlike u klasifi kaciji, dijagnozi i liječenju ovog poremećaja. Variraju od autora do autora i zasnivaju se na različitim studijama. Zajednički cilj habilitacije je vratiti senzornu i motoričku kontrolu, održati i povećati opseg pokreta, povećati miÅ”ićnu snagu, potaknuti bilateralnu funkcionalnu aktivnost i spriječiti sekundarne komplikacije. Razlike nastaju u načinu ostvarivanja tih zadataka. Dva su osnovna oblika liječenja OBP: konzervativno i kirurÅ”ko. Konzervativno liječenje uključuje: intenzivnu kineziterapiju, koriÅ”tenje komplementarnih tehnika poput elektrostimulacije, termoterapije, hidrogimnastike, udlaga, injekcija botulin toksina, radne terapije. Rano konzervativno liječenje je glavna opcija u liječenju OBP. Pregledom literature smo primijetili da nema znanstvenih dokaza o nekim habilitacijskom tehnikama koje se koriste u konzervativnom liječenju. Koriste se u brojnim centrima, iako njihova djelotvornost nije dokazana. KirurÅ”ko liječenje OBP-a može biti primarno (neurokirurÅ”ko) i sekundarno (ortopedsko). Postoje razmimoilaženja u literaturi u pogledu potrebe neurokirurÅ”kog liječenju OBP-a kao i o dobi kada ga provesti. Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je učiniti pregled literature o klasifi kaciji, dijagnostičkoj obradi i habilitaciji POPB-a te odgovoriti na pitanja s kojima se susrećemo u svakodnevnom radu. Zbog neujednačenih stavova u literaturi, na osnovi dostupnih znanstvenih dokaza te osobnih kliničkih iskustava, izradili smo vlastite smjernice za klasifi kaciju, dijagnostiku, obradu i habilitaciju novorođenčadi i djece s OPB-om. Članovi Sekcije dječjih fi zijatara pri Hrvatskom druÅ”tvu za fi zikalnu i rehabilitacijsku medicinu na Kongresu fi zikalne i rehabilitacijske medicine u travnju 2022. u Å ibeniku usvojilii su ove smjernice (postupnik) za habilitaciju djece s porođajnim oÅ”tećenjem pleksusa brahijalisa.Brachial plexus birth palsy (BPBP) is a neuromotor fl accid paralysis caused by injury to one or more roots of the brachial plexus (BP) during childbirth. It is usually observed shortly after birth. The incidence of BPBP is between 0.5 to 4.4 per 1000 childbirths. Most cases of BPBP are transient and there is a spontaneous, complete recovery of function in the fi rst weeks of life. In some children (20% to 30%), arm weakness persists and leads to neuromuscular dysfunction and permanent disability. In the literature, there are still variations in the classifi cation, diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. They vary from author to author and are based on different studies. The common guideline for habilitation is to restore sensory and motor control, maintain and increase the range of motion, increase muscle strength, encourage bilateral functional activity, and prevent secondary complications. Differences can be seen in the way these tasks are accomplished. There are two basic forms of BPBP treatment, conservative and surgical. Conservative treatment includes intensive kinesitherapy, use of complementary techniques such as electrostimulation, thermotherapy, hydrogymnastics, use of splints, botulinum toxin injections, occupational therapy, etc. Early conservative treatment is the main option in the treatment of BPBP. By reviewing the literature, we noticed that there is no scientifi c evidence for some habilitation techniques used in conservative treatment. They are used in many centers, although their effectiveness has not been proven. Surgical treatment can be primary (neurosurgical) and secondary (orthopedic). There are disagreements in the literature regarding the need for neurosurgical treatment of PBPB and, if decided upon, the age at which it should be performed. The purpose of this research was to review the literature with the aim of assessing the available information on the classifi cation, diagnosis and habilitation prognosis. Due to uneven attitudes in the literature, based on the available scientifi c evidence and personal clinical experiences, we have created our own guidelines for the classifi cation, diagnosis, treatment and habilitation of newborns and children with BPBP. Members of the Section of Pediatric Physiatrists at the Croatian Society for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine adopted these guidelines (procedure) for the habilitation of children with brachial plexus birth injury at the Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in April 2022 in Å ibenik