56 research outputs found


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    In a four year experiment the effect of ameliorative phosphorus (P) fertilization (0, 750, 1250 and 1750 P2O5 kg ha-1 in the form of triple superphosphate containing 45 % P2O5) on maize grain yields and maize nutrient status (the ear-leaf at silking) was examined. P fertilization resulted mainly in considerable yield increase being 17%(4-year means 2005-2008: 4.30 and 5.02 t ha-1, for control and ameliorative P-fertilized treatments, respectively). Yield increases were achieved mainly by application of the first step of P in level of 750 kg P2O5 ha-1, while differences among P treatments were significant only in the second year of testing. P application had significantly influence on P, Mg, Mn and Zn status in maize leaves (0.36 and 0.56% P, 0.61 and 0.77% Mg, 53.3 and 69.2 mg Mn kg-1, 68.0 and 41.1 mg Zn kg-1, for control and 1750 kg P2O5 kg ha-1, respectively), while differences in leaf K, Ca, S Fe and Cu were non-significant (means 1.05% K, 0.83% Ca, 0.23% S, 148 mg Fe kg-1 and 11.1 mg Cu kg-1). Protein, starch and oil contents in maize grain (2-year means: 8.83%, 72.04% and 3.78%, respectively) were independent on P fertilization.Istraživan je utjecaj melioracijske gnojidbe fosforom (0, 750, 1250 i 1750 P2O5 kg ha-1 u obliku trostrukoga superfosfata 45% P2O5) na prinose i stanje ishrane kukuruza (list ispod klipa u svilanju). Gnojidba fosforom povećala je prinose kukuruza u prosjeku za 17% (4-g prosjek 2005.-2008.: 4.30 i 5.02 t ha-1, na kontroli i na tretmanima gnojidbe fosforom). Povećanje prinosa uslijedilo je već primjenom 750 kg P2O5 ha-1, a statistički značajne razlike između pojedinih stepenica dodanoga P bile su evidentne samo u 2006. godini. Melioracijska gnojidba fosforom značajno je utjecala na koncentracije P, Mg, Mn i Zn u listu (0,36 i 0,56% P; 0,61 i 0,77% Mg; 53,3 i 69,2 mg Mn kg-1; 68,0 i 41,1 mg Zn kg-1 za kontrolu, odnosno 1750 kg P2O5 kg ha-1), dok su koncentracije K, Ca, S, Fe i Cu bile slične (prosjeci 1,05% K, 0,83% Ca, 0,23% S, 148 mg Fe kg-1 i 11.1 mg Cu kg-1). Sadržaj bjelančevina, škroba i ulja u zrnu (2-god. prosjeci: 8,83%, 72,04%, odnosno 3,78%) bili su neovisni o gnojidbi fosforom

    Land suitability for the cultivation of corn (Zea mays) in the municipality of Bužim

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    Rational use of available land is of great importance for the economic development of every society, especially considering the fact that soil is the primary production resource, thereby placing an even greater importance on its protection and conservation, but also on the correct use of it. This paper focuses on the municipality of Bužim, located in the North/western part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the soil suitability for the purposes of corn cultivation were assessed and examined by using the FAO (1976) methodology of AEZ (agro-ecological zoning), which uses input data such as soil characteristics, climate change, relief patterns of the investigated area, and the requirements of the agricultural crops. Within the municipality of Bužim, 13,026.27 ha of the land is used for agricultural purposes. In regards with the corn, one distinguishes between two categories of soil suitability: the suitable classes (S1, S2, S3), which occupy more than 43.44% of the land surface, and the unsuitable class (the N class), which only occupies 0.94% of the land surface. Thus, it can be concluded that conditions necessary for corn do exist within the municipality of Bužim, in the form of land resources, and higher yields can be achieved by implementing landscaping measures and introducing new corn varieties in accordance with the latest scientific and expert achievements

    Soil suitability assesment for plum (Prunus domestica) production in the Municipality of Bužim

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    Amateurish and unprofessional handling of agricultural resources has lasting und unprecedented consequences for plant production, manifesting itself through the loss of soil quality, reduced crop yields, soil erosion, etc. The main focus of this research was to establish the characteristics of the agricultural soil within the municipality of Bužim, applying the FAO method AEZ (Agroecological Zoning), (FAO, 1978), and based on the achieved results, to assess the soil suitability for plum (Prunus domestica) cultivation. The assessment of the soil suitability has led to the conclusion that a significant part of land (classified S1 to N in quality), out of the total 13.026,27 ha of agricultural area belonging to the municipality of Bužim is well suited for fruit production. The following has been observed: areas with the best rated S1 class make up a total of 1.23% (159.52 ha), the S2 class takes up a total of 5.51% (717.24 ha), the S3 suitable class makes up a 2.29 % (298.24 ha) in total, and the largest area totaling 36.68 % (4.772.60 ha) is classified as N - meaning unsuitable soil. The main restraints imposed on intensive plum cultivation within the examined area are lack of nourishment, tilt, depth, rock-strewn soil and soil reaction

    The degrees of soil suitability in the Municipality of Bužim for the purpose of cultivating potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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    Rational use of available land is of great importance for the economic development of every society, especially when considering the fact, that the soil is a primary production resource, thereby placing an even greater importance on its protection and conservation, but also on the correct use of it. This paper focuses on the municipality of Bužim, located in the northwestern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where we assessed and examined the soil suitability for the purposes of potato cultivation by using the FAO methodology of AEZ (agro-ecological zoning), which uses input data such as soil characteristics, climate changes, relief patterns of the investigated area, and the requirements of the agricultural crops. Within the municipality of Bužim, 13,026.27 ha of land is used for agricultural purposes. In regards to the potato cultivation, one distinguishes between two categories of soil suitability: the suitable classes (S1, S2, S3) which occupy more than 45% of the land surface, and the unsuitable class (the N class) which only occupies 1.43% of the land surface. Thus, it can be concluded that conditions necessary for potato production do exist within the municipality of Bužim in the form of land resources, and higher yields can be achieved by implementing landscaping measures and introducing new potato varieties in accordance with the latest scientific and expert achievements

    Soil suitability for apple (Malus domestica) cultivation within the borders of the municipality of Bužim

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    The consequences of improper land management are long-term, inadequate for agricultural production, and reflected through the loss of land, reduced yields, soil erosion, etc. In order to determine the optimal role or suitability of the land for apple cultivation within the Bužim municipality, a survey was conducted according to the FAO method of AEZ (FAO, 1976), and based on the obtained results, an assessment of the suitability of the land for apple cultivation was carried out. It was found that a significant land portion of the total of 13,026.27 ha agricultural land within the Municipality of Bužim is suitable for fruit production marked from S1 to N suitability class. Thus, the areas with the best graded class S1 cover only 1.23% or 159.52 ha, the S2 class occupies 5.51% (717.24 ha), the S3 class occupies 2.29% (298.24 ha). However, the largest areas are marked as the unfavourable N-class with 36.68% (4,772.60 ha). It is evident that pre-existing conditions for apple production within the municipality do exist. With the implementation of the necessary measures of soil/ land regulation, education of agricultural producers, and mindfulness of constraint factors hindering intensive production such as terrain slope, depth, rockiness and soil response, progress in production can be made

    The influence of humus extract on the quality of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)

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    This paper analyzes the influence of foliar fertilizer based on humus extract on some of the elements central to the quality of the Polka raspberry variety in the area of the city of Bihać. The research was conducted in 2015 according to the control and treatment system. A foliar fertilizer based on humus extract was used for the treatment. A total of 12 quantitative and qualitative properties were analyzed: content of total sugars, reducing sugars, invert sugars, sucrose, water content, dry matter, total acidity, vitamin C, total phenols, total flavonoids, antioxidant capacity, and fruit mass. After the analyses were completed, it can be concluded that fruits of raspberry plants treated with humus extract have an almost identical value of total acidity (1.65%) as found in control. However, treatment with a humus extract slightly lowered the content of total phenols and vitamin C. Based on the results obtained, it was shown that the foliar fertilizer based on the humus extract did not have a positive effect on certain chemical and antioxidant properties of the raspberry fruit

    Possibility of Increasing Volume, Structure of Production and use of Domestic Wheat Seed in Agriculture of the Republic of Srpska

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    The objective of this research work was to explore the scope, structure and quality of production and use of domestic wheat in the RS. The subject of the research was to determine the production of wheat in the Republic of Srpska, the needs for seed wheat, determine the amount imported, and to identify measures to increase domestic production of seed wheat and to reduce imports. The analysis of commercial wheat production in the period 2006-2010 showed that the production took place in the average area of 44,017.6 ha, with an average yield of 3.28 t/ha and total production of 145,591 t. The highest level of wheat production was recorded in 2007 when it was 172,481 t, and a minimum production was in 2010 when it was 84,647 t. In the Republic of Srpska in 2010, the area under wheat amounted to 33,641 ha, which required about 8,410 tonnes of wheat seed, and only 4.27% of the quantities of seed wheat needed for the RS market were produced in the RS, the rest came from imports. According to the Indirect Taxation Administration data, the Republic of Srpska imported 125 t of wheat seed in 2009. The quantities of imported wheat vary considerably from year to year and are influenced by the weather in the sowing season and the prices on the market. Analysis of seed wheat in period 2006-2010 showed that the seed wheat occupied an average area of 128.8 ha, with the average yield of 4.06 t/ha and the total average production of 514.2 tonnes. The highest production was recorded in 2008 when it was 656.25 tonnes, and the lowest in 2010, 359.4 tonnes. Demand for wheat seed of the Republic of Srpska, based on five-year average, amounts to 13,205 tonnes, in which the domestic production share is 514 tonnes or 3.9%. The value of domestic wheat seed production in this period was BAM 393,616, and the value of missing quantities of seeds that are imported is BAM 9,824,152, based on the domestic price

    Assessing land condition as a first step to achieving land degradation neutrality: A case study of the Republic of Srpska

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    Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) is a key voluntary and aspirational target of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 which urges countries to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. A first and critical important step in the implementation of LDN is assessing the current land condition using not only active restoration of degraded land, but also targeting land degradation drivers behind the land degradation process. In a first step to achieve these goals, countries were provided a global dataset for three sub-indicators of land degradation: land cover (LC), land productivity dynamics (LPD) and soil organic carbon (SOC). Here, we report on trends in these sub-indicators for the Entity Republic of Srpska (RS) as a part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is a key analysis to inform the frame of reference or baseline conditions for the region to evaluate LDN across this region. Global data for LC for the RS indicates a 0.5% loss of forests (6400 ha) over the time period from 2000 to 2010. Of this area, 5000 ha were converted to cropland and an additional 1400 ha was converted to shrubs, grasslands and sparsely vegetated areas. LPD declined over 2.5% (63,500 ha) of the region. SOC declined on land use changed areas by 15.6% (74,609 Mg ha−1) over the same time period. Based on global data, we estimated that 3% of the country is in a degraded state. Based on interviews with local stakeholders in 31 local communities, the primary land degradation drivers were identified and validated by team experts. Depopulation and migration to urban centers were identified as the important underlying drivers of land degradation that most municipalities are facing. The most frequent direct drivers of land degradation across this region were land abandonment, floods, drought, erosion and urbanization. Land abandonment, more specifically, has resulted in conversion of agriculturally productive lands to lands dominated by a wide range of invasive species over the last 25 years. Continued land degradation is underpinned by the lack of understanding by stakeholders of the importance of land as a resource. In evaluating the status, trends and drivers of land degradation for this region, we have identified key areas or 'hot spots' that may be targeted for restoration options and may be used to achieve LDN targets by 2030

    Soil Suitability Assesment for Plum (Prunus domestica) Production in the Municipality of Bužim

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    Amateurish and unprofessional handling of agricultural resources has lasting und unprecedented consequences for plant production, manifesting itself through the loss of soil quality, reduced crop yields, soil erosion, etc. The main focus of this research was to establish the characteristics of the agricultural soil within the municipality of Bužim, applying the FAO method AEZ (Agro-ecological Zoning), (FAO, 1978), and based on the achieved results, to assess the soil suitability for plum (Prunus domestica) cultivation. The assessment of the soil suitability has led to the conclusion that a significant part of land (classified S1 to N in quality), out of the total 13.026,27 ha of agricultural area belonging to the municipality of Bužim is well suited for fruit production. The following has been observed: areas with the best rated S1 class make up a total of 1.23% (159.52 ha), the S2 class takes up a total of 5.51% (717.24 ha), the S3 suitable class makes up a 2.29 % (298.24 ha) in total, and the largest area totaling 36.68 % (4.772.60 ha) is classified as N - meaning unsuitable soil. The main restraints imposed on intensive plum cultivation within the examined area are lack of nourishment, tilt, depth, rock-strewn soil and soil reaction


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    Maize is the main field crop on arable land in Croatia, Serbia, Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). In the period 2006-2010 total of 2 854506 ha (5-y mean) of arable lands in this area was covered by maize. Annual maize yield variations were from 3.6 to 7.5 t ha-1 (Hungary), from 3.2 to 5.9 t ha-1 (Serbia), from 4.9 to 8.0 t ha-1 (Croatia) and from 3.2 to 5.1 t ha-1 (B&H). The aim of this study was testing the 2010 and 2012 growing seasons for maize in terms of weather characteristics. Maize yields in 2012 (4.34 t ha-1 in Croatia, 3.98 t ha-1 in Hungary 2.78 t ha-1 in Serbia and 2.74 t ha-1 and in B&H were lower than in especially favorable 2010 by 53%, 38%, 38% and 40% respectively.Kukuruz je glavna ratarska kultura na oranicama u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, Mađarskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH). U razdoblju 2006.-2010. ukupno 2,854.506 ha (5-god. prosjek) oranica toga područja bilo je pod kukuruzom. Variranja prinosa po godinama bila su od 3,6 do 7,5 t ha-1 (Mađarska), od 3,2 do 5,9 t ha-1 (Srbija), od 4,9 do 8,0 t ha-1 (Hrvatska) i od 3,2 do 5,1 t ha-1 (B&H). Cilj je ovoga rada analizirati vegetacije kukuruza 2010. i 2012. sa stajališta vremenskih prilika. Prinosi kukuruza u nepovoljnoj 2012. godini iznosili su 4,34 t ha-1 u Hrvatskoj, 3,98 t ha-1 u Mađarskoj, 2,78 t ha-1 u Srbiji i 2.74 t ha-1 u BiH, što je za 53%, 38%, 38%, odnosno za 40% manje nego u izrazito povoljnoj za kukuruz 2010. godini