4 research outputs found

    Reikalavimų automatizuotų ogranizacinių procesų valdymui analizė

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    The selection and implementation of an automated system into business processes for SME leads to the problem of decision, evaluation and reliability of the system. In order to solve such problems adequate applied research is required, along with software analysis. Reliable, integrated, flexible and open management system for different organizational processes is an indispensable condition for the growth for the enterprise’s competitiveness. The article presents the principles and aspects of requirements analysis, coming from organizational processes and leading to potencial decisions. Apart from dealing with the factors expressing the reliability of chosen decisions, it also estimates IT enterprises efforts of such system integration. It considers the information technology system requirements for four possible decision options considered: a) a universal system developed from scratch, b) an existing system which is improved by adding some minor add-ons, c) a system best suitable only for a specific company, d) a platform suitable for development and integration of flexible and adjustable components, covering all aspects of SME activities. The analysis of the organizational management systems‘ functionality of components requirements strongly favours to the decision of design of a platform suitable for the development and integration of flexible and adjustable components. This work is supported by the project “Integrated, flexible and open automated organizational processes management system for small and medium enterprises: applied research and development of software demo version” (project identification number BPD04-ERPF-3.1.7-03-05/0019), in realization of Lithuanian 2004-2006 single programming document 3 priority “Development of productive sector” 1 measure “Direct support for business” action group “Research and development activities (applied research and development of technologies)” for industry and business.Kiekvienai įmonei, atsižvelgiant į jos veiklą, svarbu valdyti procesus: pardavimo, pirkimo, projektų, paslaugų, personalo, kanceliarijos, sutarčių ir kt. Jie turi būti valdomi greitai, patogiai, logiškai, kad būtų patenkinti įmonės darbuotojai ir klientai, užtikrintas produktyvumas, pelno augimas ir darbuotojų tobulėjimas. Straipsnyje analizuojami automatizuotų organizacinių procesų valdymo sistemų reikalavimai vidutinėms ir mažoms verslo įmonėms. Analizė paremta informacinių technologijų sektoriaus plėtros tendencijomis Lietuvoje ir kitose šalyse, autorių patirtimi informacinių technologijų srityje bei atliktais rinkos tyrimais. Tyrimų metodai – klasifikacinė ir kategorinė analizė, apklausos metodai, o jų tikslas – pateikti konkrečias reikalavimų tenkinimo rekomendacijas. Gautus rezultatus tikslinga naudoti atliekant tolesnius taikomuosius mokslinius tyrimus ir kuriant programinės įrangos produktus – organizacines procesų valdymo sistemas. Šis straipsnis parengtas vykdant projektą „Integruota, lanksti bei atvira automatizuotų organizacinių procesų valdymo sistema mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms: moksliniai taikomieji tyrimai ir bandomojo programinės įrangos produkto kūrimas“ (identifikacijos projekto Nr. BPD04-ERPF-3.1.7-03-05/0019), įgyvendinant Lietuvos 2004–2006 m. bendrojo programavimo dokumento 3 prioriteto „Gamybos sektoriaus plėtra“ 1 priemonės „Tiesioginė parama verslui“ veiklų grupę „Mokslinių tyrimų ir plėtros veikla (taikomieji tyrimai ir technologinė plėtra)“, skirtą pramonei ir verslui

    Analysis of requirements to automatized management of organizational proceses

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    The selection and implementation of an automated system into business processes for SME leads to the problem of decision, evaluation and reliability of the system. In order to solve such problems adequate applied research is required, along with software analysis. Reliable, integrated, flexible and open management system for different organizational processes is an indispensable condition for the growth for the enterprise's competitiveness. The article presents the principles and aspects of requirements analysis, coming from organizational processes and leading to potential decisions. Apart from dealing with the factors expressing the reliability of chosen decisions, it also estimates IT enterprises efforts of such system integration. It considers the information technology system requirements for four possible decision options considered: a) a universal system developed from scratch, b) an existing system which is improved by adding some minor add-ons, c) a system best suitable only for a specific company, d) a platform suitable for development and integration of flexible and adjustable components, covering all aspects of SME activities. The analysis of the organizational management systems' functionality of components requirements strongly favours to the decision of design of a platform suitable for the development and integration of flexible and adjustable components.This work is supported by the project "Integrated, flexible and open automated organizational processes management system for small and medium enterprises: applied research and development of software demo version" (project identification number BPD04-ERPF-3.1.7-03-05/0019), in realization of Lithuanian 2004-2006 single programming document 3 priority "Development of productive sector" 1 measure "Direct support for business" action group "Research and development activities (applied research and development of technologies)" for industry and business

    Analysis of requirements to automatized management of organizational proceses

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    The selection and implementation of an automated system into business processes for SME leads to the problem of decision, evaluation and reliability of the system. In order to solve such problems adequate applied research is required, along with software analysis. Reliable, integrated, flexible and open management system for different organizational processes is an indispensable condition for the growth for the enterprise's competitiveness. The article presents the principles and aspects of requirements analysis, coming from organizational processes and leading to potential decisions. Apart from dealing with the factors expressing the reliability of chosen decisions, it also estimates IT enterprises efforts of such system integration. It considers the information technology system requirements for four possible decision options considered: a) a universal system developed from scratch, b) an existing system which is improved by adding some minor add-ons, c) a system best suitable only for a specific company, d) a platform suitable for development and integration of flexible and adjustable components, covering all aspects of SME activities. The analysis of the organizational management systems' functionality of components requirements strongly favours to the decision of design of a platform suitable for the development and integration of flexible and adjustable components.This work is supported by the project "Integrated, flexible and open automated organizational processes management system for small and medium enterprises: applied research and development of software demo version" (project identification number BPD04-ERPF-3.1.7-03-05/0019), in realization of Lithuanian 2004-2006 single programming document 3 priority "Development of productive sector" 1 measure "Direct support for business" action group "Research and development activities (applied research and development of technologies)" for industry and business

    Informacinių technologijų rinkos analizė automatizuotų organizacinių procesų valdymo požiūriu

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    Mažoms ir vidutinio dydžio įmonėms aktuali problema yra pasirinkti ir įdiegti integruotą, lanksčią ir atvirą automatizuotų organizacinių procesų valdymo sistemą. Siekiant tai padaryti efektyviai, reikalingi adekvatūs moksliniai taikomieji tyrimai ir programinės įrangos produkto parinkimo etapai. Bendras skirtingų organizacinių procesų valdymas yra būtina prielaida šių įmonių konkurencingumui didėti. Straipsnyje pateikiama informacinių technologijų rinkos analizė ne tik atskleidžia veiksnius, nusakančius poreikį įmonėms įdiegti veiklos procesus automatizuojančias sistemas, bet ir vertina informacinių technologijų įmonių bandymus integruoti šias sistemas. Kadangi analizė remiasi atlikto projekto darbais, ji pateikia sistemų lanksčios integracijos ir plėtros sprendimų rekomendacijas. Šis darbas parengtas pagal projektą „Integruota, lanksti bei atvira automatizuotų organizacinių procesų valdymo sistema mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms: moksliniai taikomieji tyrimai ir bandomojo programinės įrangos produkto kūrimas“ (identifikacijos projekto Nr. BPD04-ERPF-3.1.7-03-05/0019), įgyvendinant Lietuvos 2004–2006 m. bendrojo programavimo dokumento 3 prioriteto „Gamybos sektoriaus plėtra“ 1 priemonės „Tiesioginė parama verslui“ veiklų grupę „Mokslinių tyrimų ir plėtros veikla (taikomieji tyrimai ir technologinė plėtra)“, skirtą pramonei ir verslui. Reikšminiai žodžiai: informacinės sistemos, organizacinių procesų valdymas, informacinių technologijų rinka, integruoti sprendimai Information technologies market analysis in the aspect of automated management of organizational processesAlgimantas Juozapavičius, Kazimieras Mickus, Gediminas Mikaliūnas, Mindaugas Pelanis, Evaldas Urbonas SummayAn urgent issue of small and medium enterprises is to select and implement an integrate, flexible and open management system for automated organizational processes. To do this effectively, adequate applied research is required along with software selection stages. United management of different organizational processes is an indispensable condition for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises. The information technologies market analysis presented in the article not only deals with the factors expressing the necessity for enterprises to implement automated systems of business processes, but also estimates efforts of IT eterprises in such systems’ integration. Since this analysis is based on the performed project work, it presents recommendations for the integration and development of a flexible system. This work is supported by the project “Integrated, flexible and open system of automated organizational process management for small and medium enterprises: applied research and the development of software demo version” (project identification number BPD04-ERPF-3.1.7-03-05/0019), in the realization of the Lithuanian 2004–2006 single programming document 3 priority “Development of productive sector” meassure 1 “Direct support of business” action group “Research and development activities (applied research and development of technologies)” for industry and business. Key words: information systems, organizational process management, IT market, integrated solutions