16 research outputs found

    Financial Saving for Retirement: Ownership Behaviour Patterns and Amounts Invested

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    Saving for retirement increased slightly in France in the past decade. The 2004 Household Assets Survey gives a picture of the situation before the August 2003 pension reform: it covers instruments held by households in anticipation of retirement and the share of such assets in their total financial portfolios. This paper studies four long-term saving vehicles for which retirement planning is indicated as motivation in the questionnaire: the Plan d'Épargne Populaire (PEP), annuity plans, securities, and retirement saving instruments proper. The household's financial resources is chiefly a determinant of long-term saving products ownership. By contrast, the retirement saving decision and the ratio of sums invested to total financial assets tend to be positively influenced by the age of the household reference person. Occupational status is also a significant determinant of the ownership of long-term assets for retirement.Retirement, Saving, Discrete Choice Models

    Les contributions privées au financement de la dépendance dans le cadre de l'obligation alimentaire : pratiques judiciaires et implications macroéconomiques.

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    L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser les transferts économiques liés à la mise en œuvre contentieuse de l'obligation alimentaire ascendante dans le financement de la dépendance des personnes âgées. Dans un premier temps, la mise en œuvre concrète de ce dispositif est étudiée à partir d'un échantillon de décisions rendues entre 2000 et 2003. La règle de mise à contribution estimée s'avère anti-redistributive à l'échelle inter-familiale mais redistributive à l'échelle intra-familiale. Dans un second temps, l'utilisation d'un échantillon représentatif des personnes âgées de 75 ans et plus et de leurs obligés alimentaires, simulé à l'aide du model DESTINIE, permet d'étudier les effets distributifs de la règle de mise à contribution mise à jour.This paper seeks to analyze economic transfers relating to the financing of long-term care for the elderly, as they arise from court decisions on the legal duty to financially support ascendants. The first section reviews the computation of the support obligation based on a sample of courtdecisions between2000 and 2003. The financial contribution ruleestimated from the decisions is found to be anti-redistributive in interfamily distribution terms but redistributive in intrafamily distribution terms. The second section uses the DESTINIE model to simulate a representative sample of persons aged 75 or older and those legally responsible for their financial support, and uses the sample to examine the distributive effects of the financial contribution rule.Long-term care; Obligation alimentaire; Microsimulation; Inégalités;

    Les personnes dépendantes en France : Evolution et prise en charge

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    Using the microsimulation model Destinie, we project the number of elderly disabled people by 2040 in France. Transition probabilities between three different states of disability (non-dependent, moderately dependent, severely dependent) are estimated based on data from the HID survey, a two-wave panel. Results are very sensitive to our assumptions regarding the average duration of disability. In our central scenario, in which life expectancy with disability at age 60 remains stable, 1.2 million elderly people would suffer from disability in 2040, a 50% increase compared to 2000. The average age of the disabled elderly would increase markedly, from 78 to 82 years for men, and from 83 to 87.7 years for women. The share of severely dependent elderly people would remain stable, at 41% of the total number of disabled elderly. Microsimulation also allows for a longitudinal approach. We follow individuals from generations 1940 to 1954, from their 60th birthday to their death. Women are more affected by old-age disability than men: among the individuals living beyond age 60, 52% of women and 29% of men would experience at least one year in dependency. Because of the fall in fertility and the increasing number of divorces, the average number of potential caregivers (spouse and children) will tend to decrease over the next 40 years, from 2.8 to 2.3 for men and from 2.2 to 2.0 for women. The number of disabled people without spouse nor valid child would increase from 125,000 today to 165,000 in 2040. With unchanged legislation, the annual public expenditures related to Apa (Allocation personnalisée d’autonomie, the disability allowance targeted toward elderly people) would increase from 3.5 to 4 billion euros (in constant prices) in 2040. This moderate evolution is due to the assumption of a price-indexed schedule: the maximum value of the benefit would remain stable in constant prices, and the share of this maximum value actually paid to beneficiaries would decline over time. Indeed, this share depends on household resources; even though pensions are themselves price-indexed, their average level will increase significantly due to the renewal of cohorts of pensioners. Results are markedly different if we assume an indexation of Apa on wages. Such an assumption takes a better account of likely changes in costs of caregiving to disabled people: it would lead to an annual public cost of about 10.2 billion euros in 2040

    Les personnes dépendantes en France : Evolution et prise en charge

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    Using the microsimulation model Destinie, we project the number of elderly disabled people by 2040 in France. Transition probabilities between three different states of disability (non-dependent, moderately dependent, severely dependent) are estimated based on data from the HID survey, a two-wave panel. Results are very sensitive to our assumptions regarding the average duration of disability. In our central scenario, in which life expectancy with disability at age 60 remains stable, 1.2 million elderly people would suffer from disability in 2040, a 50% increase compared to 2000. The average age of the disabled elderly would increase markedly, from 78 to 82 years for men, and from 83 to 87.7 years for women. The share of severely dependent elderly people would remain stable, at 41% of the total number of disabled elderly. Microsimulation also allows for a longitudinal approach. We follow individuals from generations 1940 to 1954, from their 60th birthday to their death. Women are more affected by old-age disability than men: among the individuals living beyond age 60, 52% of women and 29% of men would experience at least one year in dependency. Because of the fall in fertility and the increasing number of divorces, the average number of potential caregivers (spouse and children) will tend to decrease over the next 40 years, from 2.8 to 2.3 for men and from 2.2 to 2.0 for women. The number of disabled people without spouse nor valid child would increase from 125,000 today to 165,000 in 2040. With unchanged legislation, the annual public expenditures related to Apa (Allocation personnalisée d’autonomie, the disability allowance targeted toward elderly people) would increase from 3.5 to 4 billion euros (in constant prices) in 2040. This moderate evolution is due to the assumption of a price-indexed schedule: the maximum value of the benefit would remain stable in constant prices, and the share of this maximum value actually paid to beneficiaries would decline over time. Indeed, this share depends on household resources; even though pensions are themselves price-indexed, their average level will increase significantly due to the renewal of cohorts of pensioners. Results are markedly different if we assume an indexation of Apa on wages. Such an assumption takes a better account of likely changes in costs of caregiving to disabled people: it would lead to an annual public cost of about 10.2 billion euros in 2040

    L'impact du chĂ´mage des parents sur le devenir scolaire des enfants

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    The impact of living conditions on the educational achievements of children in France has been under-studied by economists. In this paper, we use the French survey « Budget de Famille 2000/2001 » to show the causal impact of the unemployment of the parents. When the father has been unemployed for a long time the children see their chances of achieving « baccalauréat » reduced by 20-percentage point; half of this difference is explained by the specific effect of unemployment. To control for potential endogeneity, we instrument unemployment by the occupational status of the grandfather and show that the correlation between father? unemployment and the child? educational achievements corresponds to a causal relationship.

    La victimation : un sujet sensible qui nécessite des approches complémentaires

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    Jaluzot Laurence, Picard Sébastien, Duée Michel. La victimation : un sujet sensible qui nécessite des approches complémentaires. In: Economie et statistique, n°448-449, 2011. pp. 84-88

    L’épargne financière en prévision de la retraite : comportements de détention et montants investis

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    Die Spartätigkeit für die Altersversorgung hat in Frankreich im letzten Jahrzehnt leicht zugenommen - ein Trend, den die jüngsten Reformen des Rentensystems in den kommenden Jahren noch verstärken könnten. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass man die Determinanten der Verhaltensweisen der Haushalte im Hinblick auf ihre Spartätigkeit und ihre für die Altersversorgung investierten Summen besser versteht. Die Vermögenserhebung gibt Aufschluss über die Produkte, die die Haushalte vor der Rentenreform im August 2003 für ihre Altersversorgung besaßen, sowie über den Anteil dieser Ersparnisse an ihrem Finanzvermögen. Die vier untersuchten langfristigen Sparprodukte sind diejenigen, bei denen die Vermögensbildung zur Altersversorgung einer der in der Vermögenserhebung berücksichtigten Gründe für ihren Erwerb ist: Volkssparplan, Lebensversicherung, Wertpapiere sowie Produkte für das Rentensparen im eigentlichen Sinne. Die Bildung langfristiger Ersparnisse hängt im Wesentlichen von den fi nanziellen Mitteln ab, über die ein Haushalt verfügt. Dagegen ist für die Bereitschaft, ein Vermögen für die Altersversorgung zu bilden, und für den Anteil des investierten Betrags am gesamten Finanzvermögen eher das Alter der Bezugsperson des Haushalts ausschlaggebend. Ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle bei der langfristigen Vermögensbildung für den Ruhestand spielt der berufl iche Status.Saving for retirement increased slightly in France in the past decade, a trend to which recent pension-system reforms may give further momentum in the years ahead. It is therefore important to better understand the determinants of household behaviour in regard to saving and to the size of investments for retirement. The 2004 Household Assets Survey gives a picture of the situation before the August 2003 pension reform: it covers instruments held by households in anticipation of retirement and the share of such assets in their total financial portfolios. The four long-term saving vehicles studied are those for which 2004 Household Assets Survey respondents give retirement planning as one of the reasons for ownership: the Plan d’Épargne Populaire (PEP), annuity plans, securities, and retirement saving instruments proper. Ownership of long-term saving products is chiefly determined by the household’s fi nancial resources. By contrast, the decision to save for retirement and the ratio of sums invested to total fi nancial assets tend to be infl uenced by the age of the household reference person. Occupational status also plays an important role in the ownership of long-term assets for retirement.La détention d’épargne en prévision de la retraite a connu en France une légère progression au cours de la dernière décennie, tendance que les récentes réformes du système de retraite peuvent encore accentuer dans les années à venir. Il est donc important de mieux comprendre les déterminants des comportements des ménages en matière d’épargne et de montants investis en vue de la retraite. L’enquête Patrimoine permet de faire l’état des lieux, avant la réforme des retraites d’août 2003, des produits détenus par les ménages en vue de préparer leur retraite et de la part que représente cette épargne dans leur patrimoine financier. Les quatre produits d’épargne de long terme étudiés sont ceux pour lesquels l’accumulation en vue de la retraite est un des motifs de détention retenus dans l’enquête Patrimoine, à savoir: le Plan d’Épargne Populaire (PEP), l’assurance-vie en cas de vie, les valeurs mobilières et les produits d’épargne retraite proprement dits. La détention d’une épargne de long terme est essentiellement liée aux moyens fi nanciers dont dispose le ménage. En revanche, la volonté de se constituer cette épargne en vue de la retraite et la part que représente le montant investi dans le patrimoine fi nancier total sont plutôt influencées par l’âge de la personne de référence du ménage. Enfin, le statut professionnel joue également un rôle important dans la détention d’actifs de long terme en prévision de la retraite.La tenencia de ahorro en previsión de la jubilación ha conocido en Francia una ligera progresión en el transcurso de la última década, tendencia que las recientes reformas del sistema de jubilación pueden acentuar más en los años venideros. Por lo tanto, es importante entender mejor los determinantes de los comportamientos de los hogares en cuestión de ahorro y las cuantías invertidas con vistas a la jubilación. La encuesta Patrimonio permite comprobar la situación, antes de la reforma de las pensiones de agosto de 2003, de los productos de los que disponen los hogares con vistas a preparar su jubilación y la parte que representa este ahorro en su patrimonio financiero. Los cuatro productos de ahorro a largo plazo estudiados son los productos en los que la acumulación con vistas a la jubilación es uno de los motivos de tenencia considerados en el estudio Patrimonio, es decir: el Plan de Ahorro Popular (PEP), el seguro de supervivencia, los valores mobiliarios y los productos de ahorro para la jubilación propiamente dichos. La tenencia de ahorro a largo plazo está básicamente relacionada con los recursos fi nancieros de los que dispone el hogar. En cambio, la voluntad de crear este ahorro con vistas a la jubilación y la parte que representa la cuantía invertida en el patrimonio financiero total están más bien influidas por la edad de la persona de referencia del hogar. Por último, el estatus profesional también desempeña un papel importante en la tenencia de activos a largo plazo en la previsión de la jubilación.Brun-Schammé Amandine, Duée Michel. L’épargne financière en prévision de la retraite : comportements de détention et montants investis. In: Economie et statistique, n°417-418, 2008. pp. 93-118

    Les contributions privées au financement de la dépendance dans le cadre de l'obligation alimentaire : pratiques judiciaires et implications distributives

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    This paper seeks to analyze economic transfers relating to the financing of long-term care for the elderly, as they arise from court decisions on the legal duty to financially support ascendants. The first section reviews the computation of the support obligation based on a sample of court decisions between 2000 and 2003. The financial contribution rule estimated from the decisions is found to be anti-redistributive in interfamily distribution terms but redistributive in intrafamily distribution terms. The second section uses the DESTINE model to simulate a representative sample of persons aged 75 or older and those legally responsible for their financial support, and uses the sample to examine the distributive effects of the financial contribution rule.L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser les transferts économiques liés à la mise en œuvre contentieuse de l’obligation alimentaire ascendante dans le financement de la dépendance des personnes âgées. Dans un premier temps, la mise en œuvre concrète de ce dispositif est étudiée à partir d’un échantillon de décisions rendues entre 2000 et 2003. La règle de mise à contribution estimée s’avère anti-redistributive à l’échelle inter-familiale mais redistributive à l’échelle intra-familiale. Dans un second temps, l’utilisation d’un échantillon représentatif des personnes âgées de 75 ans et plus et de leurs obligés alimentaires, simulé à l’aide du model DESTINIE, permet d’étudier les effets distributifs de la règle de mise à contribution mise à jour.Duée Michel, Rebillard Cyril, Wittwer Jérôme, Gramain Agnès. Les contributions privées au financement de la dépendance dans le cadre de l'obligation alimentaire : pratiques judiciaires et implications distributives. In: Économie & prévision, n°177, 2007-1. pp. 35-54