5,978 research outputs found

    Teaching programming with computational and informational thinking

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    Computers are the dominant technology of the early 21st century: pretty well all aspects of economic, social and personal life are now unthinkable without them. In turn, computer hardware is controlled by software, that is, codes written in programming languages. Programming, the construction of software, is thus a fundamental activity, in which millions of people are engaged worldwide, and the teaching of programming is long established in international secondary and higher education. Yet, going on 70 years after the first computers were built, there is no well-established pedagogy for teaching programming. There has certainly been no shortage of approaches. However, these have often been driven by fashion, an enthusiastic amateurism or a wish to follow best industrial practice, which, while appropriate for mature professionals, is poorly suited to novice programmers. Much of the difficulty lies in the very close relationship between problem solving and programming. Once a problem is well characterised it is relatively straightforward to realise a solution in software. However, teaching problem solving is, if anything, less well understood than teaching programming. Problem solving seems to be a creative, holistic, dialectical, multi-dimensional, iterative process. While there are well established techniques for analysing problems, arbitrary problems cannot be solved by rote, by mechanically applying techniques in some prescribed linear order. Furthermore, historically, approaches to teaching programming have failed to account for this complexity in problem solving, focusing strongly on programming itself and, if at all, only partially and superficially exploring problem solving. Recently, an integrated approach to problem solving and programming called Computational Thinking (CT) (Wing, 2006) has gained considerable currency. CT has the enormous advantage over prior approaches of strongly emphasising problem solving and of making explicit core techniques. Nonetheless, there is still a tendency to view CT as prescriptive rather than creative, engendering scholastic arguments about the nature and status of CT techniques. Programming at heart is concerned with processing information but many accounts of CT emphasise processing over information rather than seeing then as intimately related. In this paper, while acknowledging and building on the strengths of CT, I argue that understanding the form and structure of information should be primary in any pedagogy of programming

    Daylight savings: what an answer to the perceptual variation problem cannot be

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    Significant variations in the way objects appear across different viewing conditions pose a challenge to the view that they have some true, determinate color. This view would seem to require that we break the symmetry between multiple appearances in favor of a single variant. A wide range of philosophical and non-philosophical writers have held that the symmetry can be broken by appealing to daylight viewing conditions—that the appearances of objects in daylight have a stronger, and perhaps unique, claim to reveal their true colors. In this note we argue that, whatever else its merits, this appeal to daylight is not a satisfactory answer to the problem posed by perceptual variation

    Circular 66

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    Phosphorus (P) along with nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) comprise the three macronutrients most frequently added as fertilizer for growing plants. In Alaska soils, P is often the second most limiting nutrient after N. A proper supply of plant-available P is important for root development and plant growth. To supply P to growing crops, the soil not only must contain enough P, but it must be in a form which is available for utilization by the plant. The status of P in the soil has an important influence on fertilization practices. Agricultural soils of Alaska vary considerably, not only in their total content of P and its distribution (form it occurs in), but also in the characteristics for sorption or fixation of P (Ping and Michaelson, 1986). Forms of P in the soil will affect its availability. The P-sorption character of soils will affect P fertilizer reactions in the soil and thus influence the amount of P fertilizer necessary and carry-over effects of applied P. It is essential that P soil tests and their interpretation be tailored for soils with similar P reactions. A useful P soil test must be based on both correlation of test values to plant growth and to field calibration of soil test values with yield

    Is economic planning hypercomputational? The argument from Cantor diagonalisation

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    Murphy [26] argues that the diagonal argument of the number theorist Cantor can be used to elucidate issues that arose in the socialist calculation debate of the 1930s. In particular he contends that the diagonal argument buttresses the claims of the Austrian economists regarding the impossibility of rational planning.We challenge Murphy’s argument, both at the number theoretic level and from the standpoint of economic realism

    Non-classical computing: feasible versus infeasible

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    Physics sets certain limits on what is and is not computable. These limits are very far from having been reached by current technologies. Whilst proposals for hypercomputation are almost certainly infeasible, there are a number of non classical approaches that do hold considerable promise. There are a range of possible architectures that could be implemented on silicon that are distinctly different from the von Neumann model. Beyond this, quantum simulators, which are the quantum equivalent of analogue computers, may be constructable in the near future

    Personnel techniques necessary to maximize bio-barrier integrity at a Martian receiving laboratory

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    The planning of biological isolation measures for the Mars Surface Sample Return Mission is discussed in terms of personnel and organizational management. Deficiencies in past operation of the Lunar Receiving Laborator are analyzed. It was found that the failure to clearly define relationship among the government agencies involved and to effectively integrate their objectives and responsibilities was a major cause of Laboratory deficiencies. Possible solutions to these problems are presented for application to future missions

    Advanced composites wing study program. Volume 1: Executive summary

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    The effort necessary to achieve a state of production readiness for the design and manufacturing of advanced composite wing structure is outlined. Technical assessment and program options are also reviewed for the wing study results

    Circular 81

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    Foreign Aid and Economic Growth: A Post-Soviet Analysis of Emerging Markets

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    This paper examines the relationship between economic growth and aid receipts per capita in a post-Soviet world. Utilizing economic growth models and assumptions developed by Burnside and Dollar (2000), I find that general sources of foreign aid are detrimental to a country\u27s economic growth. I find that net ODA per capita acts as a substitute for local government investment in pro-growth policies. As such, foreign aid should only be used in targeted and specific cases
