966 research outputs found

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Recovery, whereas Omega-6 Fatty Acids Worsen Outcome, after Spinal Cord Injury in the Adult Rat

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a cause of major neurological disability, and no satisfactory treatment is currently available. Evidence suggests that polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) could target some of the pathological mechanisms that underlie damage after SCI. We examined the effects of treatment with PUFAs after lateral spinal cord hemisection in the rat. The ω-3 PUFAs α-linolenic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) injected 30 min after injury induced significantly improved locomotor performance and neuroprotection, including decreased lesion size and apoptosis and increased neuronal and oligodendrocyte survival. Evidence showing a decrease in RNA/DNA oxidation suggests that the neuroprotective effect of ω-3 PUFAs involved a significant antioxidant function. In contrast, animals treated with arachidonic acid, an ω-6 PUFA, had a significantly worse outcome than controls. We confirmed the neuroprotective effect of ω-3 PUFAs by examining the effects of DHA treatment after spinal cord compression injury. Results indicated that DHA administered 30 min after spinal cord compression not only greatly increased survival of neurons but also resulted in significantly better locomotor performance for up to 6 weeks after injury. This report shows a striking difference in efficacy between the effects of treatment with ω-3 and ω-6 PUFAs on the outcome of SCI, with ω-3 PUFAs being neuroprotective and ω-6 PUFAs having a damaging effect. Given the proven clinical safety of ω-3 PUFAs, our observations show that these PUFAs have significant therapeutic potential in SCI. In contrast, the use of preparations enriched in ω-6 PUFAs after injury could worsen outcome after SCI

    Utjecaj prinosa pašnjaka i pašnog obroka na kvalitetu travnjaka, unos paše i proizvodnju mlijeka.

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    Sixty-four Holstein-Friesian cows were randomly assigned to one of four treatments (M15, M20, H15 and H20) in a 2x2 factorial design, by considering: two pre-grazing pasture mass levels (PM, kg DM/ha): medium (M-1,600) vs. high (H-2,400); and two pasture allowance levels (PA, kg DM/cow/day): low (15) vs. high (20). Two periods (PI vs. PII) were studied. Sward density and pre-grazing sward height were higher in high compared to medium pre-grazing PM swards in PI (P<0.001, 255 vs. 235 kg DM/cm/ha and P<0.001, 14.8 vs. 10.9 cm, respectively) and PII (P<0.001, 216 vs. 196 kg DM/cm/ha and P<0.001, 14.3 vs. 13.0 cm, respectively). Lower post-grazing sward height and higher pasture utilization were obtained in low compared to high PA swards in PI (P<0.001, 4.1 vs. 4.9 cm and P<0.001, 98.8 vs. 89.9 %, respectively) and PII (P<0.001, 4.3 vs. 5.0 cm and P<0.001, 97.1 vs. 89.9 %, respectively). Pasture crude protein content and pasture organic matter digestibility were higher in medium compared to high pre-grazing PM swards in PI (P<0.001, 210 vs. 176 g/kg DM and P<0.05, 846 vs. 836 g/kg DM, respectively) and PII (P<0.05, 212 vs. 192 g/kg DM and P<0.05, 828 vs. 821 g/kg DM, respectively). This was due to higher leaf and lower dead proportions in medium than in high pre-grazing PM swards. Pasture dry matter intake (PDMI) (P<0.001, 16.5 vs. 14.7 kg DM/cow/day), milk yield (MY) (P<0.01, 23.8 vs. 22.7 kg/day) and milk solids yield (MSY) (P<0.05, 1.69 vs. 1.61 kg/cow) were higher in high compared to low PA swards in PI. Higher PDMI (P<0.001, 15.7 vs. 14.1 kg DM/cow/day), MY (P<0.001, 15.4 vs. 13.6 kg/day) and MSY (P<0.01, 1.19 vs. 1.08 kg/cow) were also found in high than in low PA swards in PII. The highest (P<0.001) milk output per ha (16,983 kg/ha) and milk solids per ha (1,268 kg/ha) were found in the group of dairy cows grazing in the M20 swards.Šezdeset četiri holštaj-frizijske krave nasumično su razvrstane u četiri skupine (M15, M20, H15 i H20), uzevši u obzir 2x2 faktorijalni dizajn s obzirom na: dvije razine prinosa pašnjaka prije napasivanja (PM, kg DM/ha) - srednja (M-1600) naprema visoka (H-2400), te dvije razine pašnog obroka (PA, kg DM / krava /dan) - niski (15) naprema visoki (20). Istražena su dva razdoblja (PI naprema PII). Između travnjaka s visokim i srednjim prinosom prije napasivanja (PM), u prvom razdoblju utvrđene su razlike s obzirom na gustoću travnjaka (P<0,001; H = 255 naprema M = 235 kg DM/cm/ha) i visinu trave (P<0,001; H = 14,8 naprema M = 10,9 cm). U drugom razdoblju, statistička značajnost i razlike između navedenih skupina iznosili su P<0,001; H = 216 naprema M = 196 kg DM/cm/ha i P<0,001; H = 14,3 naprema M = 13,0 cm. Najniža visina trave i najviša iskoristivost pašnjaka nakon napasivanja utvrđene su usporedbom niskog i visokog pašnog obroka tijekom prvog razdoblja (P<0,001; niski = 4,1 naprema visoki = 4,9 cm te P<0,001; niski = 98,8 naprema visoki = 89,9%) kao i tijekom drugog razdoblja (P<0,001; niski = 4,3 naprema visoki = 5,0 cm te P<0,001; niski = 97,1 naprema visoki = 89,9%). Sadržaj sirovih proteina i probavljivost organske tvari tijekom prvog razdoblja bili su viši kod pašnjaka sa srednjim prinosom pašnjaka prije napasivanja u odnosu na pašnjake s visokom razinom prinosa prije napasivanja (P<0,001; M = 210 naprema H = 176 g/kg DM i P<0,05; M = 846 naprema H = 836 g/kg DM. Tijekom drugog razdoblja, statistička značajnost i vrijednosti navedenih pokazatelja iznosili su (P<0,05; M = 212 naprema H = 192 g/kg DM i P<0,05; M = 828 naprema H = 821 g/kg DM). Navedeno se može pripisati većem udjelu lišća i manjem udjelu uvenule mase na pašnjacima sa srednjim prinosom prije napasivanja u odnosu na pašnjake s visokim prinosom prije napasivanja. Usporedba niskog i visokog pašnog obroka tijekom prvog razdoblja, pokazala je statistički značajne razlike za unos suhe tvari pašom (P<0,001; niski = 16,5 naprema visoki = 14,7 kg DM/krava/dnevno), proizvodnju mlijeka (P<0,01; niski = 23,8 naprema. visoki = 22,7 kg/day) te proizvodnju krute tvari mlijeka (P<0,05; niski = 1,69 naprema. visoki = 1,61 kg/krava). Tijekom drugog razdoblja, viši unos suhe tvari pašom utvrđen kod visokoga pašnog obroka u odnosu na niski pašni obrok (P<0,001; visoki = 15,7 naprema niski = 14,1 kg DM/krava/dnevno), viša je bila i proizvodnja mlijeka (P<0,001; visoki = 15,4 naprema niski = 13,6 kg/day) te proizvodnja krute tvari mlijeka (P<0,01; visoki = 1,19 naprema niski = 1,08 kg/krava). Najviša proizvodnja mlijeka po hektaru (P<0,001; 16,983 kg/ha) i krute tvari mlijeka po hektaru (1,268 kg/ha) utvrđena je kod krava koje su napasivane u skupini M20 travnjaka

    Utjecaj prinosa pašnjaka i pašnog obroka na kvalitetu travnjaka, unos paše i proizvodnju mlijeka.

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    Sixty-four Holstein-Friesian cows were randomly assigned to one of four treatments (M15, M20, H15 and H20) in a 2x2 factorial design, by considering: two pre-grazing pasture mass levels (PM, kg DM/ha): medium (M-1,600) vs. high (H-2,400); and two pasture allowance levels (PA, kg DM/cow/day): low (15) vs. high (20). Two periods (PI vs. PII) were studied. Sward density and pre-grazing sward height were higher in high compared to medium pre-grazing PM swards in PI (P<0.001, 255 vs. 235 kg DM/cm/ha and P<0.001, 14.8 vs. 10.9 cm, respectively) and PII (P<0.001, 216 vs. 196 kg DM/cm/ha and P<0.001, 14.3 vs. 13.0 cm, respectively). Lower post-grazing sward height and higher pasture utilization were obtained in low compared to high PA swards in PI (P<0.001, 4.1 vs. 4.9 cm and P<0.001, 98.8 vs. 89.9 %, respectively) and PII (P<0.001, 4.3 vs. 5.0 cm and P<0.001, 97.1 vs. 89.9 %, respectively). Pasture crude protein content and pasture organic matter digestibility were higher in medium compared to high pre-grazing PM swards in PI (P<0.001, 210 vs. 176 g/kg DM and P<0.05, 846 vs. 836 g/kg DM, respectively) and PII (P<0.05, 212 vs. 192 g/kg DM and P<0.05, 828 vs. 821 g/kg DM, respectively). This was due to higher leaf and lower dead proportions in medium than in high pre-grazing PM swards. Pasture dry matter intake (PDMI) (P<0.001, 16.5 vs. 14.7 kg DM/cow/day), milk yield (MY) (P<0.01, 23.8 vs. 22.7 kg/day) and milk solids yield (MSY) (P<0.05, 1.69 vs. 1.61 kg/cow) were higher in high compared to low PA swards in PI. Higher PDMI (P<0.001, 15.7 vs. 14.1 kg DM/cow/day), MY (P<0.001, 15.4 vs. 13.6 kg/day) and MSY (P<0.01, 1.19 vs. 1.08 kg/cow) were also found in high than in low PA swards in PII. The highest (P<0.001) milk output per ha (16,983 kg/ha) and milk solids per ha (1,268 kg/ha) were found in the group of dairy cows grazing in the M20 swards.Šezdeset četiri holštaj-frizijske krave nasumično su razvrstane u četiri skupine (M15, M20, H15 i H20), uzevši u obzir 2x2 faktorijalni dizajn s obzirom na: dvije razine prinosa pašnjaka prije napasivanja (PM, kg DM/ha) - srednja (M-1600) naprema visoka (H-2400), te dvije razine pašnog obroka (PA, kg DM / krava /dan) - niski (15) naprema visoki (20). Istražena su dva razdoblja (PI naprema PII). Između travnjaka s visokim i srednjim prinosom prije napasivanja (PM), u prvom razdoblju utvrđene su razlike s obzirom na gustoću travnjaka (P<0,001; H = 255 naprema M = 235 kg DM/cm/ha) i visinu trave (P<0,001; H = 14,8 naprema M = 10,9 cm). U drugom razdoblju, statistička značajnost i razlike između navedenih skupina iznosili su P<0,001; H = 216 naprema M = 196 kg DM/cm/ha i P<0,001; H = 14,3 naprema M = 13,0 cm. Najniža visina trave i najviša iskoristivost pašnjaka nakon napasivanja utvrđene su usporedbom niskog i visokog pašnog obroka tijekom prvog razdoblja (P<0,001; niski = 4,1 naprema visoki = 4,9 cm te P<0,001; niski = 98,8 naprema visoki = 89,9%) kao i tijekom drugog razdoblja (P<0,001; niski = 4,3 naprema visoki = 5,0 cm te P<0,001; niski = 97,1 naprema visoki = 89,9%). Sadržaj sirovih proteina i probavljivost organske tvari tijekom prvog razdoblja bili su viši kod pašnjaka sa srednjim prinosom pašnjaka prije napasivanja u odnosu na pašnjake s visokom razinom prinosa prije napasivanja (P<0,001; M = 210 naprema H = 176 g/kg DM i P<0,05; M = 846 naprema H = 836 g/kg DM. Tijekom drugog razdoblja, statistička značajnost i vrijednosti navedenih pokazatelja iznosili su (P<0,05; M = 212 naprema H = 192 g/kg DM i P<0,05; M = 828 naprema H = 821 g/kg DM). Navedeno se može pripisati većem udjelu lišća i manjem udjelu uvenule mase na pašnjacima sa srednjim prinosom prije napasivanja u odnosu na pašnjake s visokim prinosom prije napasivanja. Usporedba niskog i visokog pašnog obroka tijekom prvog razdoblja, pokazala je statistički značajne razlike za unos suhe tvari pašom (P<0,001; niski = 16,5 naprema visoki = 14,7 kg DM/krava/dnevno), proizvodnju mlijeka (P<0,01; niski = 23,8 naprema. visoki = 22,7 kg/day) te proizvodnju krute tvari mlijeka (P<0,05; niski = 1,69 naprema. visoki = 1,61 kg/krava). Tijekom drugog razdoblja, viši unos suhe tvari pašom utvrđen kod visokoga pašnog obroka u odnosu na niski pašni obrok (P<0,001; visoki = 15,7 naprema niski = 14,1 kg DM/krava/dnevno), viša je bila i proizvodnja mlijeka (P<0,001; visoki = 15,4 naprema niski = 13,6 kg/day) te proizvodnja krute tvari mlijeka (P<0,01; visoki = 1,19 naprema niski = 1,08 kg/krava). Najviša proizvodnja mlijeka po hektaru (P<0,001; 16,983 kg/ha) i krute tvari mlijeka po hektaru (1,268 kg/ha) utvrđena je kod krava koje su napasivane u skupini M20 travnjaka

    Electrophysiological correlates of high-level perception during spatial navigation

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    We studied the electrophysiological basis of object recognition by recording scalp\ud electroencephalograms while participants played a virtual-reality taxi driver game.\ud Participants searched for passengers and stores during virtual navigation in simulated\ud towns. We compared oscillatory brain activity in response to store views that were targets or\ud nontargets (during store search) or neutral (during passenger search). Even though store\ud category was solely defined by task context (rather than by sensory cues), frontal ...\ud \u

    Media Systems and the Political Information Environment: A Cross-National Comparison

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    To express attitudes and act according to their self-interest, citizens need relevant, up-to-date information about current affairs. But has the increased commercialization in the media market increased or decreased the flow of political information? Hallin and Mancini stress that the existing empirical evidence is fragmented and that this question therefore has been difficult to answer. In this article the authors present new data that allow them to systematically examine how the flow of political information on TV occurs across six Western countries during a thirty-year period. The authors find that the flow of political information through TV varies according to the degree of commercialization. The flow of news and current affairs is lowest in the most commercially oriented television system and among the commercial TV channels. There is however important cross-national variation even within similar media systems. The authors’ data do not suggest a convergence toward the liberal system when it comes to the political information environment on TV. Rather, what strikes them is how strongly resistant some European countries have been to subordinating the needs of democracy to profit making

    Biogenic Macroporosity and lts Lattice Boltzmann Method Permeability in the Karst Biscayne Aquifer

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    We focus on two major problems in the study of paleokarst of the Biscayne aquifer in southeastem Florida: ( 1 ), current conceptual models of karst aquifers do not adequately characterize much of the eogenetic rnacropore system within the carbonate rocks of the Biscayne aquifer, and (2) standard laboratory core-analysis rnethods cannol be used lo accurately measure the permeability of highly macroporous carbonate core samples

    Circulating microRNAs miR-331 and miR-195 differentiate local luminal a from metastatic breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer related death in women, with metastasis the principle cause of mortality. New non-invasive prognostic markers are needed for the early detection of metastasis, facilitating treatment decision optimisation. MicroRNA (miRNA) are small, non-coding RNAs regulating gene expression and involved in many cellular processes, including metastasis. As biomarkers, circulating miRNAs (in blood) hold great promise for informing diagnosis or monitoring treatment responses. METHODS: Plasma extracted RNA from age matched local Luminal A (n = 4) or metastatic disease (n = 4) were profiled using Next Generation Sequencing. Selected differentially expressed miRNA were validated on a whole blood extracted miRNA cohort [distant metastatic disease (n = 22), local disease (n = 31), healthy controls (n = 21)]. Area Under the Curve (AUC) in Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analyses was performed. RESULTS: Of 4 miRNA targets tested (miR-181a, miR-329, miR-331, miR-195), mir-331 was significantly over-expressed in patients with metastatic disease, compared to patients with local disease (p \u3c 0.001) or healthy controls (p \u3c 0.001). miR-195 was significantly under-expressed in patients with metastatic disease, compared to patients with local disease (p \u3c 0.001) or healthy controls (p = 0.043). In combination, miR-331 and miR-195 produced an AUC of 0.902, distinguishing metastatic from local breast cancer. CONCLUSIONS: We identified and validated two circulating miRNAs differentiating local Luminal A breast cancers from metastatic breast cancers. Further investigation will reveal the molecular role of these miRNAs in metastasis, and determine if they are subtype specific. This work demonstrates the ability of circulating miRNA to identify metastatic disease, and potentially inform diagnosis or treatment effectiveness

    Epidemiology, genetics, and subtyping of preserved ratio impaired spirometry (PRISm) in COPDGene.

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    BackgroundPreserved Ratio Impaired Spirometry (PRISm), defined as a reduced FEV1 in the setting of a preserved FEV1/FVC ratio, is highly prevalent and is associated with increased respiratory symptoms, systemic inflammation, and mortality. Studies investigating quantitative chest tomographic features, genetic associations, and subtypes in PRISm subjects have not been reported.MethodsData from current and former smokers enrolled in COPDGene (n = 10,192), an observational, cross-sectional study which recruited subjects aged 45-80 with ≥10 pack years of smoking, were analyzed. To identify epidemiological and radiographic predictors of PRISm, we performed univariate and multivariate analyses comparing PRISm subjects both to control subjects with normal spirometry and to subjects with COPD. To investigate common genetic predictors of PRISm, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS). To explore potential subgroups within PRISm, we performed unsupervised k-means clustering.ResultsThe prevalence of PRISm in COPDGene is 12.3%. Increased dyspnea, reduced 6-minute walk distance, increased percent emphysema and decreased total lung capacity, as well as increased segmental bronchial wall area percentage were significant predictors (p-value &lt;0.05) of PRISm status when compared to control subjects in multivariate models. Although no common genetic variants were identified on GWAS testing, a significant association with Klinefelter's syndrome (47XXY) was observed (p-value &lt; 0.001). Subgroups identified through k-means clustering include a putative "COPD-subtype", "Restrictive-subtype", and a highly symptomatic "Metabolic-subtype".ConclusionsPRISm subjects are clinically and genetically heterogeneous. Future investigations into the pathophysiological mechanisms behind and potential treatment options for subgroups within PRISm are warranted.Trial registrationClinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT000608764

    Quantum Symmetries and Strong Haagerup Inequalities

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    In this paper, we consider families of operators {xr}rΛ\{x_r\}_{r \in \Lambda} in a tracial C^\ast-probability space (A,ϕ)(\mathcal A, \phi), whose joint \ast-distribution is invariant under free complexification and the action of the hyperoctahedral quantum groups {Hn+}nN\{H_n^+\}_{n \in \N}. We prove a strong form of Haagerup's inequality for the non-self-adjoint operator algebra B\mathcal B generated by {xr}rΛ\{x_r\}_{r \in \Lambda}, which generalizes the strong Haagerup inequalities for \ast-free R-diagonal families obtained by Kemp-Speicher \cite{KeSp}. As an application of our result, we show that B\mathcal B always has the metric approximation property (MAP). We also apply our techniques to study the reduced C^\ast-algebra of the free unitary quantum group Un+U_n^+. We show that the non-self-adjoint subalgebra Bn\mathcal B_n generated by the matrix elements of the fundamental corepresentation of Un+U_n^+ has the MAP. Additionally, we prove a strong Haagerup inequality for Bn\mathcal B_n, which improves on the estimates given by Vergnioux's property RD \cite{Ve}

    Large Effects from Small Exposures. I. Mechanisms for Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals with Estrogenic Activity

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    Reproduced with permission from Environmental Health Perspectives. doi:10.1289/ehp.5494Information concerning the fundamental mechanisms of action of both natural and environmental hormones, combined with information concerning endogenous hormone concentrations, reveals how endocrine-disrupting chemicals with estrogenic activity (EEDCs) can be active at concentrations far below those currently being tested in toxicological studies. Using only very high doses in toxicological studies of EEDCs thus can dramatically underestimate bioactivity. Specifically: a) The hormonal action mechanisms and the physiology of delivery of EEDCs predict with accuracy the low-dose ranges of biological activity, which have been missed by traditional toxicological testing. b) Toxicology assumes that it is valid to extrapolate linearly from high doses over a very wide dose range to predict responses at doses within the physiological range of receptor occupancy for an EEDC; however, because receptor-mediated responses saturate, this assumption is invalid. c) Furthermore, receptor-mediated responses can first increase and then decrease as dose increases, contradicting the assumption that dose-response relationships are monotonic. d) Exogenous estrogens modulate a system that is physiologically active and thus is already above threshold, contradicting the traditional toxicological assumption of thresholds for endocrine responses to EEDCs. These four fundamental issues are problematic for risk assessment methods used by regulatory agencies, because they challenge the traditional use of extrapolation from high-dose testing to predict responses at the much lower environmentally relevant doses.Support during the preparation of this manuscript was provided by the W. Alton Jones Foundation to K.A.T, as well as by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (CA50354) and the University of Missouri (VMFC0018) to W.V.W and NIH (ES08293 and ES11283), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U914991), and University of Missouri Research Board to F.v.S