52 research outputs found

    Critical dynamics and tree-like spatiotemporal patterns in exciton-polaritoncondensates

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    We study nonresonantly pumped exciton-polariton system in the vicinity of the dynamical instability threshold. We find that the system exhibits unique and rich dynamics, which leads to spatiotemporal pattern formation. The patterns have a tree-like structure and are reminiscent of structures that appear in a variety of soft matter systems. Within the approximation of slow and fast time scales, we show that the polariton model exhibits self-replication point in analogy to reaction-diffusion systems

    A highly variable methanol maser in G111.256-0.770

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    G111.256-0.770 is a high-mass young stellar object associated with a weak 6.7 GHz methanol maser showing strong variability. We present results of a multi-epoch monitoring program of the target, conducted with the Torun 32 m telescope for more than a decade. We found that the isotropic maser luminosity varied by a factor 16 on a time-scale of 5-6 yr and individual features showed small amplitude short-lived (∼0.2 yr) bursts superimposed on higher amplitude slow (>5 yr) variations. The maser integrated flux density appears to be correlated with the near-infrared flux observed with the (NEO)WISE, supporting radiative pumping of the maser line

    Implementing the Duty Trip Support Application

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    We are in the process of developing an agent and ontology-based Duty Trip Support application. The goal of this paper is to consider issues arising when implementing such a system. In addition to the description of our current implementation, which is also critically analyzed, other possible approaches are considered as well.software agents, agent systems, ontologies, transport objects, agent-non-agent integration.

    A search for the OH 6035 MHz line in high-mass star-forming regions

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    Context. The excited states of OH masers detected in the environment of high-mass young stellar objects (HMYSOs) are important for improving our understanding of the physical conditions of these objects and also provide information about their magnetic fields. Aims. We aim to search for excited-state OH 6035 MHz maser emission in HMYSOs which might have escaped detection in previous surveys or were never searched for. Methods. A sample of HMYSOs derived from untargeted surveys of the 6668 MHz methanol maser line was observed at 6035 MHz OH transition with the Torun 32 m radio telescope. The 6035 MHz detections were observed in the OH 6031 MHz line. Two-thirds of the detections were observed at least three times over a two-year period. Results. Out of 445 targets, 37 were detected at 6035 MHz, including seven new discoveries. The 6031 MHz line was detected towards ten 6035 MHz sources, one of which was not previously reported. All the newly detected sources are faint with the peak flux density lower than 4 Jy and show significant or high variability on timescales of 4 to 20 months. Zeeman pair candidates identified in three new sources imply a magnetic field intensity of 2-11 mG. Comparison of our spectra with those obtained ~10 yr ago indicates different degrees of variability but there is a general increase in the variability index on an ~25 yr timescale, usually accompanied by significant changes in the profile shape

    Uchyłkowatość jelita cienkiego u pacjenta z uwięźniętą przepukliną Richtera

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    Choroba uchyłkowa jelita cienkiego jest rzadką przyczyną objawów ostrego brzucha. U większości pacjentów przebiega nie dając żadnych objawów. W opisywanym przypadku uchyłki jelita cienkiego zostały odkryte przypadkowo podczas operacji uwięźniętej przepukliny typu Richtera.Jejunal diverticulosis is a rare condition which can be manifested in different ways. The majority of patients have no symptoms at all. In our case multiple diverticulosis of the jejunum was an incidental finding during an operation performed due to a strangulated Richters hernia

    Photoactivated gallium porphyrin reduces Staphylococcus aureus colonization on the skin and suppresses its ability to produce enterotoxin C and TSST-1

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a key pathogen in atopic dermatitis (AD) pathogenicity. Over half of AD patients are carriers of S. aureus. Clinical isolates derived from AD patients produce various staphylococcal enterotoxins, such as staphylococcal enterotoxin C or toxic shock syndrome toxin. The production of these virulence factors is correlated with more severe AD. In this study, we propose cationic heme-mimetic gallium porphyrin (Ga3+CHPGa^{3+}CHP), a novel gallium metalloporphyrin, as an anti-staphylococcal agent that functions through dual mechanisms: a light-dependent mechanism (antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation, aPDI) and a light-independent mechanism (suppressing iron metabolism). Ga3+CHPGa^{3+}CHP has two additive quaternary ammonium groups that increase its water solubility. Furthermore, Ga3+CHPGa^{3+}CHP is an efficient generator of singlet oxygen and can be recognized by heme-target systems such as Isd, which improves the intracellular accumulation of this compound. Ga3+CHPGa^{3+}CHP activated with green light effectively reduced the survival of clinical S. aureus isolates derived from AD patients (>5 log10log_{10} CFU/mL) and affected their enterotoxin gene expression. Additionally, there was a decrease in the biological functionality of studied toxins regarding their superantigenicity. In aPDI conditions, there was no pronounced toxicity in HaCaT keratinocytes with both normal and suppressed filaggrin gene expression, which occurs in ∼50% of AD patients. Additionally, no mutagenic activity was observed. Green light-activated gallium metalloporphyrins may be a promising chemotherapeutic to reduce S. aureus colonization on the skin of AD patients

    System SINUS – otwarte narzędzie do budowy bibliograficznych baz danych

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    The aim of this paper is to present new open tool for building bibliographic databases. SINUS system, developed by Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, was initially created to fulfill the needs related to management of scientific publications of Poznań University of Technology staff. In the paper we present basic functional assumptions of the system, its current functionality and future development directions

    Deep molecular response after 3rd-line dasatinib treatment in patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia in chronic phase

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    Niepowodzenie terapii imatynibem (IM) u chorych na przewlekłą białaczkę szpikową (CML) w fazie przewlekłej jest wskazaniem do rozpoczęcia terapii 2. linii inhibitorami kinazy tyrozynowej II generacji. Niestety, u części z nich ponownie obserwuje się objawy nietolerancji/nieskuteczności TKI II generacji. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek chorego na CML w fazie przewlekłej z opornością na IM, u którego w trakcie leczenia nilotynibem stwierdzono wystąpienie objawów toksyczności hematologicznej (małopłytkowość 3. stopnia wg CTCAE), a następnie oporności mutacyjnej (H396P KD BCR-ABL1). Na podstawie przewidywanego profilu skuteczności TKI II generacji in vitro zdecydowano o dalszym leczeniu dazatynibem w dawce 100 mg/raz/dobę doustnie. Całkowitą odpowiedź cytogenetyczną uzyskano po 6 miesiącach, a większą odpowiedź molekularną — po 9 miesiącach leczenia. W kolejnych miesiącach obserwowano stałą poprawę jakości odpowiedzi molekularnej. W ocenie przeprowadzonej w czerwcu 2014 roku potwierdzono uzyskanie głębokiej odpowiedzi molekularnej. Co więcej, potwierdzono jej utrzymywanie się w kolejnych ocenach.Imatinib (IM) therapy failure in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in the chronic phase is an indication for second-line treatment with second generation of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (2nd generation of TKI). Unfortunately, the symptoms of therapy intolerance/failure are observed in part of them. We present a case of CML patient in chronic phase with IM-resistance in whom hematologic toxicity was observed during nilotinib treatment (thrombocytopenia grade 3 acc. CTCAE), as well as the symptoms of mutational TKI-resistance (H396P KD BCR-ABL) thereafter. On the basis of 2nd generation of TKI efficacy in vitro profile, a decision about dasatinib therapy in a dose of 100 mg orally daily was undertaken. Complete cytogenetic response was obtained after 6 months, and major molecular response after 9 months of therapy. A follow-up revealed continuous improvement in quality of molecular response. In June 2014 deep molecular response was obtained. Moreover, their persistence during consecutive months was also confirmed