141 research outputs found

    Determination of a pre-heating sequence for the DONES Target Assembly

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    Within the activities promoted by the EUROfusion consortium in support of the design and construction of the DEMO Oriented NEutron Source (DONES), a mock-up of its Target Assembly (TA), based on the configuration with a “bayonet” Back-Plate (BP) and available at ENEA Brasimone labs, is being adopted for the execution of experimental activities aiming at the validation of specific aspects of the target design. Despite the “integral”-TA concept is the current reference, experimental tests concerning the TA pre-heating phase are not significantly affected by the TA concept and are still representative even though conducted on the bayonet-TA concept. Indeed, the main objective of the pre-heating phase is to raise the TA temperature up to a value close to that of the lithium flow in nominal condition (250 ◦C). In particular, one of the main concerns is to keep the BP at a temperature higher than 200 ◦C to avoid possible local lithium freezing. In order to support the afore-mentioned tests, a numerical research campaign has been launched by ENEA Brasimone in collaboration with the University of Palermo with the goal of determining an optimal design of the electrical heaters, both in terms of temperature set-points and geometrical layout. To this purpose, several configurations have been assessed following a theoretical-computational approach based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) and adopting the Abaqus FEM code. In a first phase, different electric heater layouts were assessed by means of steady state thermal analyses. Once the most promising scenario was selected, a detailed thermal transient analysis was carried out. An iterative procedure, based on the analysis of the maximum temperature achieved within the mock-up most critical components, was followed in order to determine the duty cycle of the electric heaters. The obtained numerical results are herewith reported and critically discussed

    Soliton Solutions with Real Poles in the Alekseev formulation of the Inverse-Scattering method

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    A new approach to the inverse-scattering technique of Alekseev is presented which permits real-pole soliton solutions of the Ernst equations to be considered. This is achieved by adopting distinct real poles in the scattering matrix and its inverse. For the case in which the electromagnetic field vanishes, some explicit solutions are given using a Minkowski seed metric. The relation with the corresponding soliton solutions that can be constructed using the Belinskii-Zakharov inverse-scattering technique is determined.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe

    I resti scheletrici della grotta di S. Teodoro presso il Museo Gemmellaro di Palermo: il nuovo restauro conservativo di ST2

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    The work describes the restoration of the cranium ST2 of the Epipalaeolithic site of S. Teodoro, Sicily. This restoration has been conducted in accordance to modern criteria of conservation limiting the integrative and reconstructive interpretation to the minimum. After the restauration ST2 has been morphologically described and measured. The fortuitous recovery of a left incus bone allowed its morphological and metrical description

    Role of Noise in a Market Model with Stochastic Volatility

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    We study a generalization of the Heston model, which consists of two coupled stochastic differential equations, one for the stock price and the other one for the volatility. We consider a cubic nonlinearity in the first equation and a correlation between the two Wiener processes, which model the two white noise sources. This model can be useful to describe the market dynamics characterized by different regimes corresponding to normal and extreme days. We analyze the effect of the noise on the statistical properties of the escape time with reference to the noise enhanced stability (NES) phenomenon, that is the noise induced enhancement of the lifetime of a metastable state. We observe NES effect in our model with stochastic volatility. We investigate the role of the correlation between the two noise sources on the NES effect.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Eur. Phys. J. B, in pres

    Community characterization of heterogeneous complex systems

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    We introduce an analytical statistical method to characterize the communities detected in heterogeneous complex systems. By posing a suitable null hypothesis, our method makes use of the hypergeometric distribution to assess the probability that a given property is over-expressed in the elements of a community with respect to all the elements of the investigated set. We apply our method to two specific complex networks, namely a network of world movies and a network of physics preprints. The characterization of the elements and of the communities is done in terms of languages and countries for the movie network and of journals and subject categories for papers. We find that our method is able to characterize clearly the identified communities. Moreover our method works well both for large and for small communities.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure and 2 table

    Modeling long-range memory with stationary Markovian processes

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    In this paper we give explicit examples of power-law correlated stationary Markovian processes y(t) where the stationary pdf shows tails which are gaussian or exponential. These processes are obtained by simply performing a coordinate transformation of a specific power-law correlated additive process x(t), already known in the literature, whose pdf shows power-law tails 1/x^a. We give analytical and numerical evidence that although the new processes (i) are Markovian and (ii) have gaussian or exponential tails their autocorrelation function still shows a power-law decay =1/T^b where b grows with a with a law which is compatible with b=a/2-c, where c is a numerical constant. When a<2(1+c) the process y(t), although Markovian, is long-range correlated. Our results help in clarifying that even in the context of Markovian processes long-range dependencies are not necessarily associated to the occurrence of extreme events. Moreover, our results can be relevant in the modeling of complex systems with long memory. In fact, we provide simple processes associated to Langevin equations thus showing that long-memory effects can be modeled in the context of continuous time stationary Markovian processes.Comment: 5 figure

    An Empirically grounded Agent Based simulator for Air Traffic Management in the SESAR scenario

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    In this paper we present a simulator allowing to perform policy experiments relative to the air traffic management. Different SESAR solutions can be implemented in the model to see the reaction of the different stakeholders as well as other relevant metrics (delay, safety, etc). The model describes both the strategic phase associated to the planning of the flight trajectories and the tactical modifications occurring in the en-route phase. An implementation of the model is available as an open-source software and is freely accessible by any user. More specifically, different procedures related to business trajectories and free-routing are tested and we illustrate the capabilities of the model on an airspace which implements these concepts. After performing numerical simulations with the model, we show that in a free-routing scenario the controllers perform less operations but the conflicts are dispersed over a larger portion of the airspace. This can potentially increase the complexity of conflict detection and resolution for controllers. In order to investigate this specific aspect, we consider some metrics used to measure traffic complexity. We first show that in non-free-routing situations our simulator deals with complexity in a way similar to what humans would do. This allows us to be confident that the results of our numerical simulations relative to the free-routing can reasonably forecast how human controllers would behave in this new situation. Specifically, our numerical simulations show that most of the complexity metrics decrease with free-routing, while the few metrics which increase are all linked to the flight level changes. This is a non-trivial result since intuitively the complexity should increase with free-routing because of problematic geometries and more dispersed conflicts over the airspace

    Comprehensive Analysis of Market Conditions in the Foreign Exchange Market: Fluctuation Scaling and Variance-Covariance Matrix

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    We investigate quotation and transaction activities in the foreign exchange market for every week during the period of June 2007 to December 2010. A scaling relationship between the mean values of number of quotations (or number of transactions) for various currency pairs and the corresponding standard deviations holds for a majority of the weeks. However, the scaling breaks in some time intervals, which is related to the emergence of market shocks. There is a monotonous relationship between values of scaling indices and global averages of currency pair cross-correlations when both quantities are observed for various window lengths Δt\Delta t.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Infra-Red Asymptotic Dynamics of Gauge Invariant Charged Fields: QED versus QCD

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    The freedom one has in constructing locally gauge invariant charged fields in gauge theories is analyzed in full detail and exploited to construct, in QED, an electron field whose two-point function W(p), up to the fourth order in the coupling constant, is normalized with on-shell normalization conditions and is, nonetheless, infra-red finite; as a consequence the radiative corrections vanish on the mass shell p2=μ2p^2=\mu^2 and the free field singularity is dominant, although, in contrast to quantum field theories with mass gap, the eigenvalue μ2\mu^2 of the mass operator is not isolated. The same construction, carried out for the quark in QCD, is not sufficient for cancellation of infra-red divergences to take place in the fourth order. The latter divergences, however, satisfy a simple factorization equation. We speculate on the scenario that could be drawn about infra-red asymptotic dynamics of QCD, should this factorization equation be true in any order of perturbation theory.Comment: 30 pages, RevTex, 8 figures included using graphic