3,296 research outputs found

    The origin of the diffuse galactic IR/submm emission: Revisited after IRAS

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    Balloon observations are compared with Infrared Astronomy Satellite observations. There was good agreement for the longitudinal profiles. However, the dust emission observed by IRAS, contrary to the balloon observations which show dust emission only within the absolute value of b is equal to or less than 3 degrees, extends all the way to the galactic pole. The model fits were repeated using more recent parameters for the distribution of interstellar matter in the galactic disk and central region. The IR luminosities are derived for the revised galactic distance scale of solar radius - 8.5 Kpc. A total IR luminosity of 1.2 E10 solar luminosity is obtained, which is about one third of the estimated stellar luminosity of the Galaxy. The dust emission spectrum lambdaI(sub lambda) attains it maximum at 100 microns. A secondary maximum in the dust emission spectrum occurs at 10 microns, which contains 15% of the total IR luminosity of the Galaxy. The galactic dust emission spectrum was compared with the dust emission spectra of external IRAS galaxies. The warm dust luminosity relates to the present OB star formation rate, while flux densities observed at longer submm wavelengths are dominated by cold dust emission and thus can be used to estimate gas masses

    Sgr A East and its surroundings observed in X-rays

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    We report the results of an XMM-Newton observation of Sgr A East and its surroundings. The X-ray spectrum of Sgr A East is well represented with a two-temperature plasma model with temperatures of ~1 and ~4 keV. Only the iron abundance shows clear spatial variation; it concentrates in the core of Sgr A East. The derived plasma parameters suggest that Sgr A East originated in a single supernova. Around Sgr A East, there is a broad distribution of hard X-ray emission with a superimposed soft excess component extending away from the location of Sgr A East both above and below the plane. We discuss the nature of these structures as well as the close vicinity of Sgr A*.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research, as a proceeding paper for the 34th COSPAR E1.4 "High Energy Studies of Supernova Remnants and Neutron stars" held at Houston, Texas, USA during 10-19 Oct 2002; also found in http://www.star.le.ac.uk/~mas/research/paper/#Sakano2003cos

    Alternative Religiosität und Spiritualität in der Palliative Care

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    Elemental ratios in stars vs planets

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    Context. The chemical composition of planets is an important constraint for planet formation and subsequent differentiation. While theoretical studies try to derive the compositions of planets from planet formation models in order to link the composition and formation process of planets, other studies assume that the elemental ratios in the formed planet and in the host star are the same. Aims. Using a chemical model combined with a planet formation model, we aim to link the composition of stars with solar mass and luminosity with the composition of the hosted planets. For this purpose, we study the three most important elemental ratios that control the internal structure of a planet: Fe/Si, Mg/Si, and C/O. Methods. A set of 18 different observed stellar compositions was used to cover a wide range of these elemental ratios. The Gibbs energy minimization assumption was used to derive the composition of planets, taking stellar abundances as proxies for nebular abundances, and to generate planets in a self-consistent planet formation model. We computed the elemental ratios Fe/Si, Mg/Si and C/O in three types of planets (rocky, icy, and giant planets) formed in different protoplanetary discs, and compared them to stellar abundances. Results. We show that the elemental ratios Mg/Si and Fe/Si in planets are essentially identical to those in the star. Some deviations are shown for planets that formed in specific regions of the disc, but the relationship remains valid within the ranges encompassed in our study. The C/O ratio shows only a very weak dependence on the stellar value.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Roman Catholic faith represented in Kezilahabi`s Mzingile

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    This study elaborates how Kezilahabi depicts elements of Roman Catholic faith in his book Mzingile. Throughout the book religious institutions and the image of God are deconstructed. Nevertheless, Kezilahabi uses images derived from the Bible and Roman Catholic rituals to describe the new world order. This leads to the conclusion that the recognition of the existence of these concepts as concepts opens the way for the creation of a new world. Kezilahabi seems not to be convinced of the Roman Catholic faith being useful in search of the meaning of life. He rather builds upon the creative space, the emptiness left after the deconstruction of religious concepts

    High resolution observations of compact H II regions at 230 GHz

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    Based on the idea that star formation goes on progressively in molecular clouds, a search was conducted for protostars by mapping compact H II regions at a frequency of 250 GHz. The IRAM 30 m radio telescope was used with a (3)He cooled bolometer. Twenty compact H II regions usually obtaining twice the expected free-free flux density, positionally coincident with the H II region, were observed. Even fine structure within the H II regions can be traced in the maps as in the case of G75.84+0.40 near ON-2. The high degree of coincidence between the 250 and 5 GHz map of Harris shows that the excess flux density observed must come from dust mixed with the ionized gas. Part of the dust must however be accumulated in the outer part of the H II region, since in some cases the contours are shifted outwards relative to the radio maps. This is consistent with the fact that in those cases where enough information is available to make a model fit, temperatures were derived of 80 + or - 30 K

    Die Täufer des Erguels im 18. Jahrhundert

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