6 research outputs found

    Czech Germans between regional and „Sudeten-German“ identity. History in Liberec, Frýdlant and Jablonec

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    Bei der Identitätsformung der aus den tschechischen Ländern stammenden Deutschen bzw. der tschechoslowakischen oder Sudetendeutschen spielten neben dem wetteifern mit dem tschechischen Emanzipationsprozess (dem bis jetzt die Forschungsaufmerksamkeit gewidmet wurde) auch die parallelen regionalen Identitäten eine wichtige Rolle, die in Folge der gemischten Besiedlung überdauerten. Eine starke Verbindung mit den Regionen beweist eine große Menge an landeskundlichen werken; reich war auch die landeskundliche Produktion in der Region der Oberneiße. Die Forschungsgebiete, die im Rahmen der Landeskunde der regionalen Geschichte gewidmet wurden, weisen deutlichen Einfluss der deutschen, an der Prager Universität gepflegten Geschichtsschreibung auf. Bedeutend war aber auch die Gegenrichtung der Übertragung, indem die Regionalgeschichte als Quelle der konkreten Fakten und Beispiele diente, die die von den Akademikern formulierten Entwicklungstendenzen bestätigen sollten. Beim Konstruieren der einheitlichen Identität der Deutschen aus den tschechischen Landesteilen, bzw. aus der Tschechoslowakei, deren wesentlicher Bestandteil die eigene Geschichtsauffassung war, ist das popularisierte geschichtliche Narrativ und die Identifikation mit den Vorfahren, mit den bedeutenden Kulturschaffenden wichtig. Regionenwiedie Oberneiße, dieoftdurchraue Klimabedingungen, geographisch ungünstige Situation oder auch durch die Position an der wirkungsperipherie der höheren Verwaltungsstrukturen gekennzeichnet sind, gewährten den nötigen Raum, wo sich Eigenschaften wie Unternehmer- und Erfindergeist und die Fähigkeit, in den ungünstigen Bedingungen zu bestehen, durchsetzen konnten. Das ist die Ausgangsfigur des Narrativs der regionalen Landeskunden. zu dieser am Anfang neutralen Grundlage kam schrittweise der nationale Inhalt hinzu. In den landeskundlichen werken aus dem Anfang der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts erschien diese charakteristik im engen zusammenhang mit der Formulierung des Geschichtssinnes der tschechischen Deutschen, bzw. mit ihrer geschichtlichen Kultivierungsaufgabe und projizierte sich in die Betonung des Besiedlungs- und Kolonisierungsthemas. Unter dem Einfluss des Patriotismus wurde dann vorausgesetzt, dass für diese Aufgabe gerade der deutsche Bevölkerungsteil die besondere angeborene Begabung hat.An important factor for examining the identity of Germans from the Czech lands during the „long 19th century“ is the fact that, due to the heterogeneous spreading of settlement, astrong regional co-existence persisted for along time. The regional geographical publications (so popular in the German-speaking environment) described characteristics of the individual regions quite comprehensively. The study explores the influence of regional geography on the formation of the common identity of Czech (Czechoslovak) Germans. It focuses on the formation of the historical narrative, which was created by interaction between the academic sphere and regional research. Attention is paid especially to the development of specific themes, historical stories and auto-stereotypes contained in the local geographical production of the Upper Nisa (horní Ponisí) region.Przy tworzeniu tożsamości Niemców na ziemiach czeskich, ewentualnie czechosłowackich lub Niemców sudeckich miało znaczenie nie tylko współzawodnictwo z konkurencyjnym emancypacyjnym procesem czeskim, który był dotąd w polu uwagi badawczej, ale także równoległej identyczności regionalnej, trwa- jącej w następstwie niekompaktowego zasiedlenia. Mocne relacje z regionami dokumentuje szereg produkcji o kraju ojczystym w do- rzeczu Nysy. części badań w ramach wiedzy o kraju ojczystym historii regionu, wykazuje przede wszystkim wpływ niemieckiej historiografii pie- lęgnowanej na uniwersytecie praskim. znaczenie miał i odwrotny kierunek przeniesienia, kiedy to historia regionalna służyła jako źródło konkretnych faktów, przykładów, które miały potwierdzać środowiskom akademicznym formułowane trendy rozwojowe. Pod- czas konstruowania jednolitej tożsamości Niemców z obszarów cze- skich, ewent. czechosłowackich, której wyraźną częścią była własna koncepcja historii, jest ważny popularyzowany narrator historyczny i identyfikacja przodków, wybitnych osobowości kulturotwórczych. Regiony, takie jak dorzecze Nysy, wyróżniające się często surowymi warunkami klimatycznymi, niekorzystną sytuacją geograficznie i pozycją na peryferiach oddziaływania wyższych struktur administra- cyjnych stwarzały przestrzeń, gdzie mogły mieć wpływ właściwości takie jak przedsiębiorczość i wynalazczość, zdolność wytrwania w niekorzystnych warunkach. To jest wyjściową figurą narracyjną regionalnej wiedzy o kraju ojczystym. Stopniowo do tej początkowo neutralnej podstawy była nabierana treść nacjonalna. w dziełach autorów o kraju ojczystym z początku drugiej połowy XIX wieku charakterystyka ta pojawiała się w ścisłym powiązaniu ze formuło- waniem sensu historii czeskich Niemców, ewent. ich historycznym zadaniem kultywacyjnym i wyświetlała się z podkreśleniem temat zasiedlania i kolonizacji. Pod wpływem nacjonalizacji oczekiwało się następnie, że właśnie niemiecka grupa etniczna ma szczególnie wro- dzony talent do tego zadania

    Possibilities to use the canistherapy for children with special educational needs in the rehabilitation centre for people with disabilities of ARPIDA, o.s.

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    This bachelor thesis is focused on possibilities to use the canistherapy in the centre of ARPIDA, o.s. An aim of the research was to find out an effectiveness of the canistherapy for children with special educational needs in the context of a comprehensive rehabilitation system. To collect data, I chose following methods: a direct participant observation, an uncontrolled interview and a content analysis of the data collection. I led interviews with physiotherapists, a psychologist, a head of the day care centre and with parents of the children from the research sample. The observed sample consisted of four children with special educational needs aged 11, 14, 15 a 21 years. All the children attended the day care centre of ARPIDA, o.s. Children´s case studies, an actual course of the canistherapy including a picture file, expressions of individual experts including an evaluation of the effectiveness of the canistherapy at each child with the special educational needs, are recorded in the practical part of my bachelor thesis. The most effective method at the children with the cerebral palsy is an AAT method in the form of a positioning. The effectiveness of the canisterapy was recorded here mainly in the motor area. The most significant indicator of the effectiveness of the canistherapy at those children was releasing of their spastic muscles. Results of the observation then confirmed positive emotional moods of children during the canistherapy. At a child with ADHD syndrome the AAA method was used, through which it came, during the canistherapy, to an improvement of the ability to concentrate an attention and to an overall pacification. The effectiveness of the canistherapy was evident even in the area of the fine motor and communication abilities of children. I suppose that findings of the thesis can become a guidance and an inspiration for more frequent visits of future canistherapeutic teams, which will decide to work with children in the centre of ARPIDA

    Identity of German Bohemians (Sudeten Germans) Through Local Culture and Heritage in the Upper Nisa Region

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    There was considerable focus on local culture and heritage in the last quarter of the 19th century in the regions with a predominantly German Bohemians population. Regional identity was shaped to a significant extent by publications on local culture and heritage ("Heimatkunde"), often designed for teaching in schools. With the German-speaking population spread out around the periphery of Bohemia, Moravia and Czech Silesia, there was no obvious centre for formation of German Bohemians identity and for a long time there was no uniform character to that identity. It was then manifested most strongly in the various regions. This dissertation is based on analysis and comparison of Heimatkunde publications. I have defined categories for examination of Heimatkunde: landscape (geography), heritage (history), progress (modernity) and people (ethnography), which correspond to the original breakdown of Heimatkunde and are also considered relevant by authors looking at the development of national movements. Definition of group identity is dominated by nationalism, especially as regards the second half of the 19th century and the first third of the 20th century. The focus of this dissertation is comparison of Heimatkunde publications from three neighbouring areas in the Upper Neisse region, differing primarily..

    Microcracks and mechanical behaviour of corio-epidermal junction of equine hoof

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    The corio-epidermal junction (CEJ) of equine hoof is highly vascularized, tough, but flexible suspensory apparatus between the wall of the hoof and the third distal phalanx. The connection created by leaf-like lamellae has a key role in the solidity and health of the hoof. In this study we focus on mechanical behaviour of CEJ under tensile loading and on the origin and spatial spreading of cracks of CEJ produced by stress exceeding the ultimate strength of the junction. The results show visible relation between mechanical results and structural parameters: the probability of rupture origin is higher in the case of small values of Young’s moduli of elasticity in region with small deformations and small values of 2D length density in dermal region

    Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics and Clonal Spread in COVID-19-Positive Patients on a Tertiary Hospital Intensive Care Unit, Czech Republic

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    This observational retrospective study aimed to analyze whether/how the spectrum of bacterial pathogens and their resistance to antibiotics changed during the worst part of the COVID-19 pandemic (1 November 2020 to 30 April 2021) among intensive care patients in University Hospital Olomouc, Czech Republic, as compared with the pre-pandemic period (1 November 2018 to 30 April 2019). A total of 789 clinically important bacterial isolates from 189 patients were cultured during the pre-COVID-19 period. The most frequent etiologic agents causing nosocomial infections were strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae (17%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (11%), Escherichia coli (10%), coagulase-negative staphylococci (9%), Burkholderia multivorans (8%), Enterococcus faecium (6%), Enterococcus faecalis (5%), Proteus mirabilis (5%) and Staphylococcus aureus (5%). Over the comparable COVID-19 period, a total of 1500 bacterial isolates from 372 SARS-CoV-2-positive patients were assessed. While the percentage of etiological agents causing nosocomial infections increased in Enterococcus faecium (from 6% to 19%, p Klebsiella variicola (from 1% to 6%, p = 0.0004) and Serratia marcescens (from 1% to 8%, p Escherichia coli (from 10% to 3%, p Proteus mirabilis (from 5% to 2%, p = 0.004) and Staphylococcus aureus (from 5% to 2%, p = 0.004). The study demonstrated that the changes in bacterial resistance to antibiotics are ambiguous. An increase in the frequency of ESBL-positive strains of some species (Serratia marcescens and Enterobacter cloacae) was confirmed; on the other hand, resistance decreased (Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter baumannii) or the proportion of resistant strains remained unchanged over both periods (Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecium). Changes in pathogen distribution and resistance were caused partly due to antibiotic selection pressure (cefotaxime consumption increased significantly in the COVID-19 period), but mainly due to clonal spread of identical bacterial isolates from patient to patient, which was confirmed by the pulse field gel electrophoresis methodology. In addition to the above shown results, the importance of infection prevention and control in healthcare facilities is discussed, not only for dealing with SARS-CoV-2 but also for limiting the spread of bacteria