19 research outputs found

    IL-1β Inflammatory Cytokine-Induced TP63 Isoform ∆NP63α Signaling Cascade Contributes to Cisplatin Resistance in Human Breast Cancer Cells

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    The mechanisms behind the induction of malignancy and chemoresistance in breast cancer cells are still not completely understood. Inflammation is associated with the induction of malignancy in different types of cancer and is highlighted as an important factor for chemoresistance. In previous work, we demonstrated that the inflammatory cytokine interleukin 1β (IL-1β)-induced upregulation of genes was associated with chemoresistance in breast cancer cells. Here, we evaluated the participation and the expression profile of TP63 in the induction of resistance to cisplatin. By loss-of-function assays, we identified that IL-1β particularly upregulates the expression of the tumor protein 63 (TP63) isoform ΔNP63α, through the activation of the IL-1β/IL-1RI/β-catenin signaling pathway. Upregulation of ΔNP63α leads to an increase in the expression of the cell survival factors epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and phosphatase 1D (Wip1), and a decrease in the DNA damage sensor, ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM). The participation of these processes in the increase of resistance to cisplatin was confirmed by silencing TP63 expression or by inhibition of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (AKT) activity in the IL-1β/IL-1RI/β-catenin signaling pathway. These data reinforced the importance of an inflammatory environment in the induction of drug resistance in cancer cells and uncovered a molecular mechanism where the IL-1β signaling pathway potentiates the acquisition of cisplatin resistance in breast cancer cells


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    Objetivo: Comparar la percolación apical producida por la técnica de condensación lateral y la técnica del cono único taperizado.Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio experimental in vitro donde se compararon dos técnicas de obturación; grupo 0: Condensación lateral, Grupo 1: Cono único taperizado. Se sometieron a un proceso en el laboratorio y posteriormente fueron observados al estéreomicroscopio. Se calcularon medidas de resumen según la naturaleza de la variable y finalmente se aplicó el test exacto de Fischer y el test de rangos de Wilcoxon para evaluar la existencia y la cantidad de filtración apical según técnica de obturación utilizada.Resultados: Al analizar la variable filtración como presencia o ausencia no se observaron asociaciones significativas en la percolación apical según técnica de obturación (p= 0,235). La evaluación cuantitativa, reveló diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la percolación apical medida en milímetros, con la técnica de condensación lateral frente a la técnica de cono único taperizado con p=0,0402.Conclusiones: Estos datos parecen sugerir que existe percolación apical independientemente de la técnica de obturación utilizada. Adicionalmente, con la técnica de condensación lateral se presentó mayor filtración.[Hernández MA, Meza MA, Vallejo MA, Pineda L. Evaluación in vitro de la percolación apical con la técnica de cono único taperizado y condensación lateral. Ustasalud Odontología 2006; 5: 26 - 31]Purpose: To compare the leakage apical produced by the technique of lateral condensation and the technique of the single taperized cone.Material and methods: An experimental vitro study was done and two obturation techniques were compared: group 0: Lateral condensation, Group 1: Single cone. They were someted to a process in the laboratory and later they were observed to the stereomicroscopy. An analysis was applied Fischer’s exact Test and the test of Wilcoxon’s ranges to evaluate the existence and the level of apical leakage.Results: Qualitatively there aren’t significant differences in the apical leakage, with the technique of lateral condensation and with the technique of the single cone with p = 0,235 and The quantitative evaluation, it revealed statistically significant differences in the apical leakage measured in millimetres, with the technique of lateral condensation opposite to the technique of the single cone with p=0,0402.Conclusions: This information demonstrated that it exist apical leakage independently of the technique. Additionally with the technique of lateral condensation you present bigger filtration

    Eficacia y eficiencia del Programa de Control de Tuberculosis en Rioja, San Martín-Perú; durante el período 1996 - 2000

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    Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia y eficiencia del Programa de Control de Tuberculosis (PCT) en la Red de Servicios de Salud Rioja (RSSR), San Martín - Perú, durante el período 1996-2000. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo longitudinal, que utiliza como fuente de información retrospectiva los libros de registro y seguimiento de pacientes con tuberculosis (TB) del PCT de la RSSR. La muestra incluyó a los pacientes diagnosticados de TB y registrado en el PCT, excluyéndose los pacientes que presentaron reacción adversa a medicamentos que motivó cambio del esquema de tratamiento o pacientes con tratamiento irregular. Se realizó el análisis según año, microrred (MR) y esquema de tratamiento. Resultados: Se incluyeron 355 pacientes. La eficacia a nivel de red fue 99,7% y la eficiencia 93,0%. El porcentaje de abandonos fue 2,0%, fracasos 0,3%, transferencias sin confirmar (TSC) 1,4%, y fallecidos 2,8%. No se determinó ninguna tendencia significativa a lo largo del periodo estudiado. A nivel de microrred, la menor eficiencia la presentaron la MR-5 y MR-3; ambas microrredes también tuvieron el mayor porcentaje de abandonos. El mayor porcentaje de fallecidos lo presentaron la MR-5 y MR-6. Se encontró un alto porcentaje de abandonos en pacientes que recibieron Esquema III y el porcentaje de fallecidos fue mayor en los que recibieron Esquema II. Conclusiones: La eficacia y eficiencia presentaron, en general, valores adecuados en la RSSR; sin embargo, pudimos identificar algunas microrredes y subpoblaciones de pacientes con altos porcentajes de fallecimientos, abandonos y TSC, situación que necesita ser corregida

    Estudio e investigación del comportamiento alimentario: Raíces, desarrollo y retos

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    The present work provides a review of the basis and development of the study and research on feeding behavior (FB). Initial contributions and those that gave identity to this field are highlighted. Among them, the behavior is approached as an essential mean to maintain the state of balance in the organisms, as well as the role of learning as a determinant of food preference, selection and consumption. Subsequently, are presented the arguments that establish FB as an element that integrate the knowledge related to feeding generated by other areas of science. Finally, are stated the main challenges for academics dedicated to the study and research of FB and the role of education on food and nutrition as an optimal solution for food problems.El presente trabajo expone una revisión de las raíces y el desarrollo del estudio e investigación sobre comportamiento alimentario (CA). Se destacan las aportaciones iniciales y algunas otras que le han venido dotando de identidad a esta área de estudio. Entre ellas, el señalamiento de la conducta como medio indispensable para mantener el estado de equilibrio en los organismos, y el papel del aprendizaje como determinante de la preferencia, la selección y el consumo de alimento. Posteriormente se presentan los argumentos que establecen al CA como elemento integrador del conocimiento que sobre alimentación han generado otras áreas de la ciencia. Finalmente se puntualizan los principales retos a enfrentar por parte de los académicos dedicados al estudio e investigación sobre CA, y se pondera el papel de la educación en alimentación y nutrición como la solución óptima a las problemáticas alimentarias.

    Mexican Colorectal Cancer Research Consortium (MEX-CCRC): Etiology, Diagnosis/Prognosis, and Innovative Therapies

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    In 2013, recognizing that Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of death by cancer worldwide and that it was a neglected disease increasing rapidly in Mexico, the community of researchers at the Biomedicine Research Unit of the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) established an intramural consortium that involves a multidisciplinary group of researchers, technicians, and postgraduate students to contribute to the understanding of this pathology in Mexico. This article is about the work developed by the Mexican Colorectal Cancer Research Consortium (MEX-CCRC): how the Consortium was created, its members, and its short- and long-term goals. Moreover, it is a narrative of the accomplishments of this project. Finally, we reflect on possible strategies against CRC in Mexico and contrast all the data presented with another international strategy to prevent and treat CRC. We believe that the Consortium’s characteristics must be maintained to initiate a national strategy, and the reported data could be useful to establish future collaborations with other countries in Latin America and the world

    Mexican Colorectal Cancer Research Consortium (MEX-CCRC): Etiology, Diagnosis/Prognosis, and Innovative Therapies

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    In 2013, recognizing that Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of death by cancer worldwide and that it was a neglected disease increasing rapidly in Mexico, the community of researchers at the Biomedicine Research Unit of the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) established an intramural consortium that involves a multidisciplinary group of researchers, technicians, and postgraduate students to contribute to the understanding of this pathology in Mexico. This article is about the work developed by the Mexican Colorectal Cancer Research Consortium (MEX-CCRC): how the Consortium was created, its members, and its short- and long-term goals. Moreover, it is a narrative of the accomplishments of this project. Finally, we reflect on possible strategies against CRC in Mexico and contrast all the data presented with another international strategy to prevent and treat CRC. We believe that the Consortium’s characteristics must be maintained to initiate a national strategy, and the reported data could be useful to establish future collaborations with other countries in Latin America and the world

    Sob o signo neoliberal: as relações internacionais da América Latina

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    As relações internacionais da América Latina são vistas sob o ângulo da transição da diplomacia do desenvolvimento para a diplomacia neoliberal. Os estudos de relações internacionais, particularmente no Brasil e na Argentina, fundamentam a interpretação do autor sobre benefícios e malogros do paradigma neoliberal, visto como uma opção ideológica. A noção de Estado logístico é sugerida como alternativa estratégica ao Estado normal.<br>In this article, international relations in Latin America are analysed through the viewpoint of the transition from a diplomacy of development to a neoliberal model. Studies in International Relations as a discipline, especially those carried out in Brazil and Argentina, are the basis for the author's interpretation about benefits and failures of the neoliberal paradigm, understood as an ideological option. The author forwards the notion of Logistic State as a strategic alternative to the Normal State