14,026 research outputs found

    Stari i novi putovi proizvodnje topljenih sireva

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    Prije dvije godine mogli smo (proslaviti jedan naročiti jubilej na polju mljekarstva, s obzirom da je god. 1911., dakle prije 50 godina, tt. Gerber iz Thuna prvi puta stavila na tržište novi proizvod "sir u kutiji" koji se po našem današnjem shvaćanju ima smatrati topljenim sirom. Od skromnih početaka proizvodnja topljenih sireva usprkos teškim trzajima i neuspjesima dostigla je svoj današnji veliki ekonomski značaj

    Fixed point theorem for simple quantum strategies in quantum market games

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    A simple but nontrivial class of the quantum strategies in buying-selling games is presented. The player moves are a rational buying and an unconditional selling. The possibility of gaining extremal profits in such the games is considered. The entangled merchants hypothesis is proposed.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure; The International Econophysics Conference, Bali 200

    Die Tobin-Steuer: Mehr als eine gute Idee?

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    Die Besteuerung internationaler Devisentransaktionen zur Begrenzung spekulativer Kapitalströme wird gegenwärtig im Rahmen der Globalisierungsdebatte verstärkt diskutiert. Wie wird diese so genannte Tobin-Steuer begründet? Wie könnte eine solche Steuer ausgestaltet werden? Welche Probleme sind mit der Einführung einer Tobin-Steuer verbunden? --

    John Wyclif and his Doctrine of the Church

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    Among these precursors of Luther John Wiclif is preeminent. In point of time he is anterior to Huss of Prague, 1369-1415, of whom Luther learned many things. These two, Wiclif and Huss, no doubt are the two reformers whose influence on Luther is beyond calculation. And since Wiclif preceded even Huss, we may easily recognize the position of influence which the former occupied in relation to the Great Reformation

    The complexity of the word problems for commutative semigroups and polynomial ideals

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    AbstractAny decision procedure for the word problems for commutative semigroups and polynomial deals inherently requires computational storage space growing exponentially with the size of the problem instance to which the procedure is applied. This bound is achieved by a simple procedure for the semigroup problem

    What are the risks and benefits of elective induction for uncomplicated term pregnancies?

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    Elective induction of labor for term, singleton, uncomplicated pregnancies appears safe for both the mother and infant (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B). The benefit of elective induction for nonmedical reasons is unclear (SOR: B)

    How useful are autoantibodies in diagnosing thyroid disorders?

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    Thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TRAb) may be mildly elevated in a variety of thyroid disorders, but a TRAb level >10 U/L increases the probability of Graves' disease by a moderate to large degree (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B, cross-sectional study). A positive or negative thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb) test increases or decreases the probability of autoimmune thyroid disease by only a small to moderate degree (SOR: B, 3 cross-sectional studies)

    Offdiagonal Complexity: A computationally quick complexity measure for graphs and networks

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    A vast variety of biological, social, and economical networks shows topologies drastically differing from random graphs; yet the quantitative characterization remains unsatisfactory from a conceptual point of view. Motivated from the discussion of small scale-free networks, a biased link distribution entropy is defined, which takes an extremum for a power law distribution. This approach is extended to the node-node link cross-distribution, whose nondiagonal elements characterize the graph structure beyond link distribution, cluster coefficient and average path length. From here a simple (and computationally cheap) complexity measure can be defined. This Offdiagonal Complexity (OdC) is proposed as a novel measure to characterize the complexity of an undirected graph, or network. While both for regular lattices and fully connected networks OdC is zero, it takes a moderately low value for a random graph and shows high values for apparently complex structures as scale-free networks and hierarchical trees. The Offdiagonal Complexity apporach is applied to the Helicobacter pylori protein interaction network and randomly rewired surrogates.Comment: 12 pages, revised version, to appear in Physica

    Corticosteroids for presumed pneumocystis pneumonia in patients with HIV infection

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    Adjunctive corticosteroids decrease mortality in patients with HIV infection who have moderate to severe hypoxemia and suspected or confirmed pneumocystis pneumonia. Corticosteroids lead to a higher incidence of herpetic lesions, but not other opportunistic conditions. (Strength of recommendation: A, based on a systematic review of randomized controlled trials [RCTs].