5,250 research outputs found

    On Geometric Scaling of Light-Like Wilson Polygons: Higher Orders in αs\alpha_s

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    We address the scaling behaviour of contour-shape-dependent ultra-violet singularities of the light-like cusped Wilson loops in Yang-Mills and N=4{\cal N} = 4 super-Yang-Mills theories in the higher orders of the perturbative expansion. We give the simple arguments to support the idea that identifying of a special type of non-local infinitesimal shape variations of the light-like Wilson polygons with the Fr\'echet differentials results in the combined geometric and renormalization-group evolution equation, which is applicable beyond the leading order exponentiated Wilson loops.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Fr\'echet derivative for light-like Wilson Loops

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    We address the equations of motion for the light-like QCD Wilson exponentials defined in the generalized loop space. We attribute an important class of the infinitesimal shape variations of the rectangular light-like Wilson loops to the Fr\'echet derivative associated to a diffeomorphism in loop space what enables the derivation of the law of the classically conformal-invariant shape variations. We show explicitly that the Fr\'echet derivative coincides (at least in the leading perturbative or- der) with the area differential operator introduced in the previous works. We discuss interesting implications of this result which will allow one to relate the rapidity evolution and ultra-violet evolution of phenomenologically important quantum correlation functions (such as 3-dimensional parton distribution functions) and geometrical properties of the light-like cusped Wilson loops.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures (revised some typos and misprints

    Random Walks in Rindler Spacetime and String Theory at the Tip of the Cigar

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    In this paper, we discuss Rindler space string thermodynamics from a thermal scalar point of view as an explicit example of the results obtained in JHEP 1402 (2014) 127. We discuss the critical behavior of the string gas and interpret this as a random walk near the black hole horizon. Combining field theory arguments with the random walk path integral picture, we realize (at genus one) the picture put forward by Susskind of a long string surrounding black hole horizons. We find that thermodynamics is dominated by a long string living at string-scale distance from the horizon whose redshifted temperature is the Rindler or Hawking temperature. We provide further evidence of the recent proposal for string theory at the tip of the cigar by comparing with the flat space orbifold approach to Rindler thermodynamics. We discuss all types of closed strings (bosonic, type II and heterotic strings).Comment: 54 pages, v2: version accepted for publication in JHE

    String Theory in Polar Coordinates and the Vanishing of the One-Loop Rindler Entropy

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    We analyze the string spectrum of flat space in polar coordinates, following the small curvature limit of the SL(2,R)/U(1)SL(2,\mathbb{R})/U(1) cigar CFT. We first analyze the partition function of the cigar itself, making some clarifications of the structure of the spectrum that have escaped attention up to this point. The superstring spectrum (type 0 and type II) is shown to exhibit an involution symmetry, that survives the small curvature limit. We classify all marginal states in polar coordinates for type II superstrings, with emphasis on their links and their superconformal structure. This classification is confirmed by an explicit large Ď„2\tau_2 analysis of the partition function. Next we compare three approaches towards the type II genus one entropy in Rindler space: using a sum-over-fields strategy, using a Melvin model approach and finally using a saddle point method on the cigar partition function. In each case we highlight possible obstructions and motivate that the correct procedures yield a vanishing result: S=0S=0. We finally discuss how the QFT UV divergences of the fields in the spectrum disappear when computing the free energy and entropy using Euclidean techniques.Comment: 58 pages + appendices, v2: typos corrected, matches published versio

    Revisiting noninteracting string partition functions in Rindler space

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    We revisit non-interacting string partition functions in Rindler space by summing over fields in the spectrum. In field theory, the total partition function splits in a natural way in a piece that does not contain surface terms and a piece consisting of solely the so-called edge states. For open strings, we illustrate that surface contributions to the higher spin fields correspond to open strings piercing the Rindler origin, unifying the higher spin surface contributions in string language. For closed strings, we demonstrate that the string partition function is not quite the same as the sum over the partition functions of the fields in the spectrum: an infinite overcounting is present for the latter. Next we study the partition functions obtained by excluding the surface terms. Using recent results of JHEP 1505 (2015) 106, this construction, first done by Emparan, can be put on much firmer ground. We generalize to type II and heterotic superstrings and demonstrate modular invariance. All of these exhibit an IR divergence that can be interpreted as a maximal acceleration close to the black hole horizon. Ultimately, since these partition functions are only part of the full story, divergences here should not be viewed as a failure of string theory: maximal acceleration is a feature of a faulty treatment of the higher spin fields in the string spectrum. We comment on the relevance of this to Solodukhin's recent proposal. A possible link with the firewall paradox is apparent.Comment: 33 pages, v2: added several clarifications including a section on the difference between closed strings and the sum-of-fields approach, matches published versio

    Perturbative String Thermodynamics near Black Hole Horizons

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    We provide further computations and ideas to the problem of near-Hagedorn string thermodynamics near (uncharged) black hole horizons, building upon our earlier work JHEP 1403 (2014) 086. The relevance of long strings to one-loop black hole thermodynamics is emphasized. We then provide an argument in favor of the absence of α′\alpha'-corrections for the (quadratic) heterotic thermal scalar action in Rindler space. We also compute the large kk limit of the cigar orbifold partition functions (for both bosonic and type II superstrings) which allows a better comparison between the flat cones and the cigar cones. A discussion is made on the general McClain-Roth-O'Brien-Tan theorem and on the fact that different torus embeddings lead to different aspects of string thermodynamics. The black hole/string correspondence principle for the 2d black hole is discussed in terms of the thermal scalar. Finally, we present an argument to deal with arbitrary higher genus partition functions, suggesting the breakdown of string perturbation theory (in gsg_s) to compute thermodynamical quantities in black hole spacetimes.Comment: 51 pages, v2: matches published versio

    On the Relevance of the Thermal Scalar

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    We discuss near-Hagedorn string thermodynamics in general spacetimes using the formalism of the thermal scalar. Building upon earlier work by Horowitz and Polchinski, we relate several properties of the thermal scalar field theory (i.e. the stress tensor and U(1) charge) to properties of the highly excited or near-Hagedorn string gas. We apply the formulas on several examples. We find the pressureless near-Hagedorn string gas in flat space and a non-vanishing (angular) string charge in AdS3AdS_3. We also find the thermal stress tensor for the highly excited string gas in Rindler space.Comment: 36 pages, v2: section on correlators rewritten and clarifications added, matches published versio

    The Thermal Scalar and Random Walks in AdS3 and BTZ

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    We analyze near-Hagedorn thermodynamics of strings in the WZW AdS3AdS_3 model. We compute the thermal spectrum of all primaries and find the thermal scalar explicitly in the string spectrum using CFT twist techniques. Then we use the link to the Euclidean WZW BTZ black hole and write down the Euclidean BTZ spectrum. We give a Hamiltonian interpretation of the thermal partition function of angular orbifolds where we find a reappearance of discrete states that dominate the partition function. Using these results, we discuss the nature of the thermal scalar in the WZW BTZ model. As a slight generalization of the angular orbifolds, we discuss the AdS3AdS_3 string gas with a non-zero chemical potential corresponding to angular momentum around the spatial cigar. For this model as well, we determine the thermal spectrum and the Hagedorn temperature as a function of chemical potential. Finally the nature of α′\alpha' corrections to the AdS3AdS_3 thermal scalar action is analyzed and we find the random walk behavior of highly excited strings in this particular AdS3AdS_3 background.Comment: 74 pages, v2: version accepted for publication in JHE

    The long string at the stretched horizon and the entropy of large non-extremal black holes

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    We discuss how long strings can arise at the stretched horizon and how they can account for the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. We use the thermal scalar field theory to derive the asymptotic density of states and corresponding stress tensor of a microcanonical long string gas in Rindler space. We show that the equality of the Hagedorn and Hawking temperatures gives rise to the tree-level entropy of large black holes in accordance with the Bekenstein-Hawking-Wald formula.Comment: 19 pages, v2: added discussion on rotating black holes, matches published versio
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