13 research outputs found

    Self-Report Daily Life Activity as a Prognostic Marker of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

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    BACKGROUND Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive disease, leading to substantial physical impairment. The distance walked in 6 min (6MWD) is a measure of exercise tolerance and is of prognostic relevance in IPF. While 6MWD is a punctual measurement which may not be representative, self-reported daily life activity may represent the patients' functional capacity more globally even in less severe affected patients. OBJECTIVES We evaluated and characterized a simple classification system based on the patients' self-reported daily activity and analyzed if this would add significantly to the prognostic information of the 6MWD alone in IPF patients. METHODS Daily life activity was assessed in IPF (n = 156) patients with standardized questions and categorized in activity classes (AC I-IV), comprising the less severe impaired in AC I and II. The 6MWD was also assessed. RESULTS ACs were related to the lung functional impairment and inversely correlated to the 6MWD. Thirty-two patients were in AC I/II, 98 in AC III and 26 patients in AC IV. Thirty-seven (23.7%) patients died during a median follow-up of 14.9 months, comprising 1 patient in AC I/II. In addition, a 6MWD \textless470 m predicted mortality. Combining AC I/II and a 6MWD \textgreater470 m identified a subgroup of patients with favorable outcome. CONCLUSIONS AC is a novel scoring system which can easily be obtained and correlates with lung functional and physical impairments as well as mortality. Moreover, AC adds prognostic information to the 6MWD

    Exploring the cultural dimensions of environmental victimization

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    It has become increasingly clear in recent years that our understanding of ‘victimisation’ is informed by a whole range of societal and political factors which extend well beyond whatever particular form of words appears in any given directive, code or legislative instrument concerning crime, crime victims or criminal justice systems. In this paper, I will seek for the first time to apply recent developments in our understanding of so-called 'cultural victimology' to the issue of environmental harm and its impact on human and non-human animals. McCGarry and Waklate (2015) characterise cultural victimology as broadly comprising of two key aspects. These are the wider sharing and reflection of individual and collective victimisation experiences on the one hand and, on the other, the mapping of those experiences through the criminal justice process. In this discussion I will examine how environmental victimisation is viewed by and presented to society at large and will argue that such representations often fail, as a form of testimony, to adequately convey the traumas involved. Nor is this achieved through the application of present models of criminal, civil or administrative justice regimes in many jurisdictions. This lack of cultural acknowledgement of the harms vested on environmental victims, it is argued, afford us a clearer understand of the continued reticence amongst lawmakers, politicians and legal practitioners to adequately address the impacts of such victimisation through effective justice or regulatory mechanisms. This is unfortunate given that the often collective nature of environmental victimisation makes this particularly suited to a more cultural analysis and understanding. It is argued that various forms of environmental mediation processes might hold the key to this cultural reticence to accept environmental harm as a 'real' and pressing problem as compared to other criminal and civil justice concerns

    The role of vitamin D in pulmonary disease: COPD, asthma, infection, and cancer

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    The role of vitamin D (VitD) in calcium and bone homeostasis is well described. In the last years, it has been recognized that in addition to this classical function, VitD modulates a variety of processes and regulatory systems including host defense, inflammation, immunity, and repair. VitD deficiency appears to be frequent in industrialized countries. Especially patients with lung diseases have often low VitD serum levels. Epidemiological data indicate that low levels of serum VitD is associated with impaired pulmonary function, increased incidence of inflammatory, infectious or neoplastic diseases. Several lung diseases, all inflammatory in nature, may be related to activities of VitD including asthma, COPD and cancer. The exact mechanisms underlying these data are unknown, however, VitD appears to impact on the function of inflammatory and structural cells, including dendritic cells, lymphocytes, monocytes, and epithelial cells. This review summarizes the knowledge on the classical and newly discovered functions of VitD, the molecular and cellular mechanism of action and the available data on the relationship between lung disease and VitD status

    Cloning of a GH5 endoglucanase from genus Penicillium and its binding to different lignins

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    The cel5C gene, coding for an endoglucanase (Cel5C) of Penicillium brasilianum was cloned and heterologously expressed in Aspergillus oryzae. This is only the second GH5 EG from the genus Penicillium reported in the CAZy database. The promoter region of the gene has putative binding sites for both the carbon catabolite repressor CreA and the activator XlnR. The pH optimum of Cel5C was found to be 4.0 and the temperature optimum was 70\ub0C. At a typical temperature for lignocellulose hydrolysis Cel5C retained full residual activity after 20 h of incubation at pH 5.0 and 6.0. Adsorption to Avicel and steam pretreated spruce, was found to follow the Langmuir isotherm, and the maximum adsorption was similar for both substrates, 40 and 49 mg/g, respectively. The affinity for Avicel was 10 times higher than for steam pretreated spruce, 0.040 and 0.0035 L/mg, respectively. Non-productive binding of cellulolytic enzymes to lignin is an important obstacle to overcome for commercial biomass to ethanol production. Therefore, the adsorption on residual lignin produced from various biomass samples was investigated. Both substrate and pretreatment conditions resulted in different adsorptions of Cel5C to residual lignin