1,585 research outputs found

    Thermal signatures of human pheromones in sexual and reproductive behaviour

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    Chemically mediated sexual communication in humans has been largely neglected due to its non-conscious and relatively concealed nature. However, menstrual cycle synchronisation, puberty onset in young pre-pubertal girls exposed to their stepfather, and consanguinity avoidance suggest a function in the physiological regulation of sexual and reproductive behaviour in humans. These phenomena are related to activation of the limbic system by pheromones. On the basis of sexually dimorphic activation of brain hypothalamic areas and the control of body temperature via the hypothalamus, our hypothesis is that human sexual pheromones can induce thermal effects that can be revealed by high-resolution thermal infrared imaging. Here we show that in women, male sexual pheromones induce thermal effects that are linked to the ovarian cycle. These findings suggest a dramatic influence of pheromones on human sexual and reproductive behaviour through neuroendocrine brain control, established on the plesiomorphic nature of chemical communication across species


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    Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk membantu siswa mengembangkan kemampuan bercakap (speaking) mereka dengan menggunakan metode Role-play (bermain peran).  Pengabdian Masyarakat ini dikemas dalam bentuk proses pengajaran selama lima pertemuan dengan melibatkan Siswa kelas 2 SMP SIT Ikhtiar. Pelaksanaan Program pengajaran ini juga untuk mengetahui apakah metode roleplay dalam pengajaran percakapan (Speaking) bahasa Inggris   memiliki pengaruh positif pada peningkatan kemampuan bercakap Siswa SMP IT Ikhtiar. Penggunaan Metode ini juga diharapkan dapat membantu membangun rasa percaya diri Siswa saat bercakap dengan berbagai situasi yang berbeda. Setelah pelaksanaan Program Mengajar selama lima pertemuan dan pelaksanaan Pre Test dan Post -Test, diperoleh hasil yang signifikan. Metode Ropel–Play dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam bercakap bahasa Inggris serta membangun memotivasi mereka,dan menjadi sebuah metode efektif dalam mengajarkan percakapan Bahasa Inggris,  khususnya mereka yang agak kurang. Metode ini juga mampu meningkatkan rasa percaya diri mahasiswa. Metode ini juga mampu membuat mahasiswa aktif berbicara karena tertarik pada peran – peran yang dikemas dalam bentuk percakapan singkat dan sederhana

    «No trabajo y me siento bien»: Cambios en la división sexual del trabajo y dinámicas identitarias de padres en casa en Bélgica

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    The fathers who dedicate themselves to childcare in Belgium are confronted to a lack of legitimacy and of valorisation of their practices and of their role of housefathers, that manifests itself through interpersonal relations and the spatial-temporal organization of public spaces. These remind them continuously that they deviate from the norms of the sexual division of labour, which in turns affects their capacity to build a positive self-image at a distance from professional work. In reaction, housefathers develop strategies to limit the impact of this lack of legitimacy and give sense to their practices.Los padres que se dedican al cuidado de los niños en Bélgica se enfrentan a una falta de legitimidad y de valorización de sus prácticas y de su rol como «padres en casa» que se manifiesta en las relaciones interpersonales y en la organización espacio-temporal de los espacios públicos. Las continuas referencias a su falta de ajuste con las normas tradicionales de la división sexual del trabajo hipotecan la posibilidad de construir una imagen positiva de sí mismos de cara a su distancia del trabajo asalariado. Como reacción, los padres en casa desarrollan estrategias para limitar el impacto de esta falta de legitimidad y dar sentido a sus prácticas

    A Handbook for Parents of Children with Specific Learning Disabilities in the Moses Lake Schools

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    A handbook was designed to be used by parents of Specific Learning Disability (SLD) children in the Moses Lake School District. Using material from the literature and questions from parents of SLD children as a guide, advice and recommended activities were developed for the handbook. Parents were enthusiastic about the activities and indicated a desire for more information. It was concluded that parents using the handbook could be more effective in helping their SLD child

    Strategies to Reduce Employee Turnover

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    Businesses that fail to retain knowledgeable employees risk remaining competitive in the marketplace. Approximately 25 million people quit their jobs in 2016, overall. This single case study explored strategies business managers use to reduce employee turnover. The population for this study was 5 business managers from a business and technical personnel support organization in the information and solutions industry in the state of New Jersey who had experience with strategies to improve employee retention. The conceptual framework used in this study was systems theory. Data were collected from company archival documents and semistructured face-to-face interviews with 5 business managers. Moustakas\u27 modified van Kaam method was used for data analysis. Member checking helped to ensure credibility and trustworthiness in the interpretation of interviewee responses. Three major themes emerged: workplace environment, safety, and training. Strategies ascertained in this study may be helpful for business managers who develop ways to reduce employee turnover. The implications for positive social change include retaining valuable employees in critical positions, reducing unemployment rates and unemployment compensation, and the potential to disencumber funds to support additional social services

    Dissonant Divas in Chicana Music: The Limits of La Onda by Deborah R. VargasWild Tongues: Transnational Mexican Popular Culture by Rita E. Urquijo-RuizPerforming the US Latina and Latino Borderlands edited by Arturo J. Aldama, Chela Sandoval, and Peter J. García

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    Despite the performative turn of the 1990s, a disjuncture has persisted between performance studies, though self-admittedly expansive and porous, and much of the scholarship produced around the diverse acts constituting Latina/o performance. The books reviewed here engage Latina/o performance on its own terms and terrains while reconceiving the limits of the archive as well as the subjects and substance of performance. Myriad works considered here further intervene in debates regarding critical regionalism and transnationalism within Chicana/o and Latina/o studies, as well as American studies, by embracing a hemispheric approach while also being attuned to the inflections of the local. Also contributing to feminist and queer theory, the two monographs and several essays included within the anthology explore the intersections among queerness, race, the body, and performance and underline how these intersections are never innocent formations, at times colluding with systems of power, at others enacting decolonial imaginaries, and sometimes doing both

    E3 Ubiquitin Ligase TRIM Proteins, Cell Cycle and Mitosis

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    The cell cycle is a series of events by which cellular components are accurately segregated into daughter cells, principally controlled by the oscillating activities of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and their co-activators. In eukaryotes, DNA replication is confined to a discrete synthesis phase while chromosome segregation occurs during mitosis. During mitosis, the chromosomes are pulled into each of the two daughter cells by the coordination of spindle microtubules, kinetochores, centromeres, and chromatin. These four functional units tie chromosomes to the microtubules, send signals to the cells when the attachment is completed and the division can proceed, and withstand the force generated by pulling the chromosomes to either daughter cell. Protein ubiquitination is a post-translational modification that plays a central role in cellular homeostasis. E3 ubiquitin ligases mediate the transfer of ubiquitin to substrate proteins determining their fate. One of the largest subfamilies of E3 ubiquitin ligases is the family of the tripartite motif (TRIM) proteins, whose dysregulation is associated with a variety of cellular processes and directly involved in human diseases and cancer. In this review we summarize the current knowledge and emerging concepts about TRIMs and their contribution to the correct regulation of cell cycle, describing how TRIMs control the cell cycle transition phases and their involvement in the different functional units of the mitotic process, along with implications in cancer progression

    Constructivismo y metodología colaborativa mediada por TIC en educación superior usando webquest

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    The present article presents an experience of educational innovation framed in the constructivist approach and the collaborative methodology conducted with students of the Degree in Primary Education, in the module “ICT Applied to Education”. The experience consisted of making the students competent in the design, creation and evaluation of WebQuests and Scavenger Hunts. To this end, globalising and competence-based strategies were used, with which the students learn, through a work project, to perform specific tasks designed by the teacher and carried out in collaborative groups based on constructivist models from an active learning. In this case, the students are taught what a WebQuest is by using a WebQuest designed by the teacher, who then gives them the task of creating a WebQuest or Scavenger Hunt designed for students in primary education. This experience is structured in three learning phases, as well as an initial evaluation (pretest) and a final evaluation (post-test) to verify the extent of learning of the students. During the process, instruments of self-evaluation, heteroevaluation and coevaluation were used to enhance learning. The results show that the learning of these students increased, both in their didactic competence and in the use of ICT, using an alternative methodology to the traditional one.En este artículo queremos dar a conocer una experiencia de innovación docente enmarcada en el enfoque constructivista y la metodología colaborativa, realizada con alumnos del Grado de Maestro de Educación Primaria en la Asignatura de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación aplicadas a la Educación. Se trata de hacer a los alumnos competentes en el diseño, elaboración y evaluación de Webquest y “caza del tesoro”. Para ello utilizamos, estrategias de aprendizaje globalizador y de tipo competencial, donde los alumnos aprenden, a través de un proyecto de trabajo, a realizar unas determinadas tareas diseñadas por el profesor y llevadas a cabo en grupos colaborativos basado en modelos constructivistas desde un aprendizaje activo. En el caso que nos ocupa se enseña a los estudiantes qué es una Webquest utilizando una Webquest diseñada por la profesora, y que exige en la tarea la realización de una Webquest o “caza del tesoro” dirigida a alumnos de Educación Primaria. Esta experiencia se estructura en 3 fases de aprendizaje, además de una evaluación inicial (pre-test) y otra final (post-test) para verificar el grado de aprendizaje de los alumnos. Durante el proceso también se utilizan instrumentos de autoevaluación, heteroevaluación y coevaluación que favorecen el aprendizaje. Los resultados demuestran el incremento superior del aprendizaje de los estudiantes tanto en su competencia didáctica, como en el uso de las TIC, utilizando una metodología alternativa a la tradicional