39 research outputs found

    Variant clinical courses in children with immune thrombocytopenic purpura: Sixteen year experience of a single medical center

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    Objective: Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is the most common cause of acquired thrombocytopenia in children. The objective of this study was to evaluate the presenting features, variation in the clinical courses, initial response rate to therapy, and long-term outcome in patients with ITP. Materials and Methods: Three hundred and fifty out of 491 newly diagnosed patients with ITP between the initial diagnosis ages of 6 months to 16 years were included in this retrospective, descriptive study. Patients with acute vs chronic ITP, acute vs recurrent ITP and chronic vs recurrent ITP were compared in terms of age at diagnosis, gender, initial platelet count, response rate to initial therapy, long-term outcome, and total duration of follow-up. Results: The clinical courses of the patients were determined as acute, chronic and recurrent in 63.8%, 29.1%, and 7.1%, respectively. Platelet count >20x109/L and initial diagnosis age >10 years were found to increase the probability of chronic outcome by at least two-fold. Conclusion: It is concluded that ITP in childhood is a common disease with low morbidity and mortality. In addition to the acute and chronic form, a rare recurrent form, which accounts for about 4-7% of all ITP patients, should be considered

    An LCMSMS method to analyse phenolic profile in the liquid extract, with woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca l.) application

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    The most of the bioactive compounds are found in trace amounts so, an efficient extraction procedure from a given tissue is a big problem. An efficient quantitative detection coupled to the extraction procedure is necessary in order to cover the whole phenomena. The increasing dissolution volume of the lyophilized sample may result in dilution of the total content of the phenolics. In choosing the analytical measurement method, the lower sample-enjection volume, the seperate detection of the phenolics having same UV absorbance, short run time and the sensitivity are the important parameters to prefer LCMSMS compared to the classical HPLC. We designed an analytical measurement method via liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with both positive and negative electrospary ionization. MS grade methanol (B) and 5 mM ammonium formate (negative ionisation) with 0.5% formic acid (positive ionisation) (A) were used as mobile phase in gradient grade profile. 5 μL enjection volume was enough for the repetetive results. At least 25 different phenolic compounds could be quantified through 13 min run time in 0.01–25 ppm range. The method was applied for the woodland strawberry samples extracted in two different methods together with their upper ground parts. Since there was no a study informing the phenolic content of the woodland strawberry via LCMSMS, it was seen that the optimized method is a better alternative compared to HPLC. The method can be used for any liquid sample for the phenolic profile analyses

    Kinetic analysis of light induced proton dissociation and association of bacteriorhodopsin in purple membrane fragments under continuous illumination

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    In the present work the photo responses of bacteriorhodopsin in purple membrane fragments were studied under continuous high intensity light illumination in different ranges of pH, temperature and ionic strength. The activity of bacteriorhodopsin was measured as pH vs. time by using a combined pH electrode. The activity of the bacteriorhodopsin in purple membrane fragments at acidic pH was found to be more sensitive to temperature changes than it was at physiological or higher pH values. The activity of bacteriorhodopsin was also found to be the function of varing concentrations of different salts. The kinetic analyses of light reactions (proton dissociation) and dark reactions (proton association) were carried out at different pH, temperature and ionic strengths. The kinetic data revealed that the proton dissociation in the light and proton association in the dark followed the first order kinetics in the pH range of 6.7


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    MDS, displastik ve inefektif kan hücre üretimi ile giden akut lösemiye dönüşüm riski yüksek multipotent kök hücre bozukluğu ile karakterize bir hastalık grubudur

    Kinetics of biological hydrogen production by the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides O.U. 001

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    The kinetics and the effects of various parameters on hydrogen production by Rhodobacter sphaeroides O.U. 001 were investigated in a batch column photobioreactor. In particular, the effect of the inoculum age and the implementation of a light-dark cycle illumination scheme for emulating natural sunlight have been investigated in detail. The possibility of using yeast extract to replace the rather expensive vitamin mixture in the medium was also studied. The results show that hydrogen production is decreased when the initially inoculated bacteria have a high culture age. Exposure of the bacterial culture to light-dark cycles increased the amount of hydrogen compared to continuous illumination, all other parameters remaining the same. Similarly, the use of yeast extract to replace the vitamins increased the growth and hydrogen production rates, however, with a slight reduction in the total amount of gas produced and the hydrogen fraction in the evolved gas. (C) 2002 International Association for Hydrogen Energy

    Beneficial effects of agomelatine in experimental model of sepsis-related acute kidney injury.

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.Background: Sepsis-related acute kidney injury (AKI) is a serious complication of sepsis. Problems persist regarding early diagnosis and treatment of AKI. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of agomelatine, which is primarily known for its positive effects on depressive and anxiety disorders in sepsis-related AKI. Methods: Sepsis model was created with cecal ligation puncture (CLP). Rats were separated into 4 groups of 8 each: the control group, the sham-operated group, the CLP+saline group, and the CLP+agomelatine group. Agomelatine was administered intraperitoneally in doses of 20 mg/kg

    Etyolojisi İlginç bir Şilotoraks Olgusu

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    Chylothorax occurs when chylous fluid from the lymphatic system accumulates in the pleural space dueto damage to the ductus thoracicus. The milky fluidcontains a high concentration of triglycerides in theform of chylomicrons. The initial test for diagnosis isanalysis of the pleural fluid. It may be associated witha number of traumatic and nontraumatic conditions.Chylothorax was diagnosed in a patient who underwent an operation for a thoracic vertebra fracture 4years earlier who presented with bronchitis. Fixationpins in the lower thoracic vertebra inserted in theoperation were observed on thorax computerizedtomography. No other etiological cause for chylothorax was found based on the patient history, physicalexamination, or advanced examinations. It was decided that the collapse and fracture operation had alate complication. This case is presented as an interesting etiological cause of chylothorax as, to ourknowledge, there is no similar case in the literature.Şilotoraks, duktus torasikusun zarar görmesine bağlı şilöz sıvının lenfatik sistemden plevral boşluğa geçmesidir ve süt rengi sıvıda şilomikron formunda yüksek konsantrasyonda trigliserid içerir. Tanı için başlangıç testi plevra sıvı analizidir. Travmatik ve nontravmatik birçok nedene bağlı olabilir. Bir ay önceki geçirdiği bronşit neden ile öksürük şikâyeti olan ve şilotoraks saptanan olguda, dört yıl önce torakal vertebra kırığı nedeni ile ameliyat öyküsü de mevcuttu. Toraks bilgisayarlı tomografide, alt torakal vertebrada, operasyonda yerleştirilen fiksasyon çivisinin anteriora doğru kaydığı tespit edildi. Öykü, fizik muayene ve ileri tetkiklerle şilotoraksa neden olan diğer etiyolojik neden bulunamadı ve çökme kırığı ameliyatının geç komplikasyonu olduğuna karar verildi. Daha önce literatürde bu ilginç etiyolojik neden ile bildirilen benzer bir olgu bulunmaması nedeni ile sunulmuştur